Track 7

Special Bonus Radio

voice lover presents: sasayaki an: botan's night, part 3 koiki: today's guest on koiki radio is botan, but that. that's why, that. thank you, that's that. that. i slipped up. botan: the always bad at deceiving, botan. this time as well, thank you for listening to sasayaki an's botan-san. koiki: oto? chotto (a little), without thinking about that, could you do that, that introduction. botan: that's it. please do. koiki: yes, i'm koiki. yoroshiku onegaishimasu. i'm koiki. botan: i'm koiki. koiki: i'm koiki. botan: i lost it. koiki: because an impossible radio is impossible, ne? botan: a little like lindy jones right? koiki: i won't give you your present. botan: eh, i want it. koiki: i won't give it to you. botan: i want the gift. koiki: i won't give it to you. botan: so for this reason i'll take the gift from koiki, thank you very much. koiki: what kinda person is this. botan: yes yes, what is this? koiki: the story, it's something from this instalment of botan-san's story, in which she lets the sick customer-san have a food item. what item is that i wonder? ja-jan. botan: sushi? koiki: buu- botan: yubari melon. koiki: wrong. botan: eh, avocado. koiki eh, is that alright? botan: sorry.i was about to say durian. koiki: way out. definitely not a durian. botan: angry? angry? koiki: not a durian. not a durian. if we ate that in here the people in the room would flee. botan: i thought of that as well. koiki: eh? then, open it. ah, already open? botan: jya-n. this is 450 yen.pretty expensive. canned peach, right. koiki: yes, the usual 100 yen canned peaches, i thought, was it alright to use that? but because of botan-san, i got this. botan: how is it? comparatively. koiki: ah no, that was a pretty wreckless "aan" wasn't it? do you "aan" even when you're off (work)? and is it the "aan" when you go "aan" with the customer-san, or is it the (pet) feeding "aan" when you put it into my mouth? botan: no, it was a 450 yen kind of "aan". koiki: i see. a tribute then, a tribute. i've never bought one this expensive before at the supermarket. so for that "aan", thank you very much. botan: you're welcome. koiki: by the way, when i get a cold it's usually the futon sheet, and watching television. and when i hear someone is going to buy something, i go pocari! pocari is exceptionally sweet when you're having a cold. it's a shame that botan-san haven't had a cold before, but you've had memories of nursing your sisters back to health. botan: i also have memories of crab. koiki: (i'm irritated.) botan: i ate crab recently. koiki: you were thinking of that the whole time when i was relating my memories. botan: fufu. koiki: don't you fufu me. botan: i like crab. crabs are tasty, right? koiki: colds are also tasty. botan: a big one is coming. a really big one. like a big wave. koiki: that's going to be little tough, right? but when you're having a cold, pocari is really tasty. so possibly, when you're drinking tasty pocari, you're sure to be having a cold. botan: that's some bent reasoning. it's a little sudden but at a high point, ????????? [skipped some bits] let's finish this up. koiki: that's right. well then, voice lovers presents, botan-san's night part 3. thank you very much for sticking with us. botan: thank you for letting me do the personality rehearsal. doing botan's part, it's koiki. koiki: well then, sa-sa-sami, sasayaki an. wait a bit. we have from sasayaki an, botan-san, our guest of today. thank you very much. "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate