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こんにちは あれ、そのカッコ、もしかしてオナニーしようとしてたの? すっぽんぽんでペニスむき出しの恥ずかしいかっこ ねぇ、そういうの女の子に見せちゃいけないんだよ? 知ってた? 知っててやってるの? へぇ、兄様って変態なんだ 私よりも年上だから兄様 そう呼んでもいいよね? んひ、もう決めたから 兄様、兄様、兄様、んひひ それで、兄様はこれからオナニーするんだよね? 手でペニス、シコシコいじめ倒して白いの搾り出すひとりえっち 容赦なく敏感ペニスを射精まで追い込んで一人で勝手に気持ちよくなるつもりなんだ んひ、恥ずかしいんだ 私がそれ、手伝ってあげようか? オナニー 私に見られながら、シコシコを操られるの 兄様に自由なんか一切なくて全部私の思い通りになすがまま 完全に私に支配されるお人形さん状態 しごくスピードも射精のタイミングも私の気分次第 私の命令で兄様はペニスいじめが止まらない 泣きながら土下座して許しを請いたくてたまらない でも、そんな隙すら与えてあげないの きっとサイテーのオナニー、させられる でもそういうの、好きなんだよね? 変態な兄様は(ささやき声) 今、ぞくってしちゃったね? 顔、ずっと見てたからわかる どうやったら興奮するのか、試しながら観察してた マゾみつけちゃった じゃあ、変態な兄様は私のオナサポを受けることに決定 嬉しいんだよね? 変態でマゾな兄様は女の子にオナニーを強制されるのが大好き 違わないよね? じゃあ、早速だけどルール、説明するから ルール1 私の声に合わせてシコシコすること こういうの [シコシコ1] これはシコシコボイスっていうの これが流れてる間、兄様はそのリズムに合わせてペニスのお遊戯 シでペニスを下にしごいて、コで上に戻す 私が兄様を言葉でなじってる時にも流れるから 私の声に犯されながらシコシコを強制されてね この音声が流れていない間はペニスの根元を支えて次のシコシコボイスを心待ちにしてて うん、じゃあ、実際にやってみようね まだ勃起してなくても大丈夫だから いくね? [シコシコ1] 私の声に合わせてシコシコ上手に出来たね すごく恥ずかしいことさせられてるってわかってないのかな? 兄様、今すごく淫乱なところ、年下の女の子の前で晒したんだよ? 恥ずかしいんだ 上手に出来たねって言われて嬉しくなっちゃった? それ、もっと恥ずかしいから 年下の女の子の言うことに従ってオナニーの練習褒められて大喜び あーあ、恥ずかしい、兄様、ロリコン?んひひ これずっとさせるから 兄様がオナニーできるのはこの音声が流れてる時だけ、どれだけペニスが疼いてもシコシコは許さないから あ、シコシコは延々とさせるけど、当分射精させるつもりはないの 一生懸命精液を睾丸の中に押しとどめておいて ペニスの管を登ってくるなんて論外だから でも、その代わりどうしても射精が我慢できなくなっちゃったら、手の刺激を弱くしていいよ 最悪指二本でつまんでしごくだけでもいいの でも、絶対にリズムは狂わせない わかった? これするとね、きっと兄様、私にメロメロになる 射精させて欲しくて私の言うとおりになっちゃう どんな命令でも従う どんな命令でも、だよ 兄様にとってはオナニーだけど、私にとってはペニスいじめだから 射精を餌にして寸止めをしまくって脳みそぐちゃぐちゃになるまでペニスしごかせる 延々と射精の許可を先延ばしにして泣いちゃうくらいまで追い込んであげるの 兄様は私の命令に従って射精を我慢して、ペニスが疼いて、睾丸の中身がとろとろになって、バカになる んひひ、でもね、ペニスいじめはそれだけじゃ終わらないんだよ 寸止めも楽しいけど、ペニスを物理的にいたぶるのも大好きなの きっと兄様耐えられない だから考え中、兄様で遊ぶのが面白かったらやりすぎちゃうかも もしそうなったら、地獄が待ってるの 肉奴隷みたいに快楽に堕ちた兄様にすごく残酷で怖いことさせちゃうから そのためにペニス、私に差し出して快楽漬けの調教してもらおうね あと、この音声は最後まで絶対に中断しないこと 自分から頼んでおいて逃げるなんて許さないから 兄様はペニスをガチガチにして射精をおねだりしてればいいの それがお似合いだから ペニスいじめで兄様、もう戻れなくなっちゃうかも 戻れなくしてあげる、ロリ娘だと持ってたらひどい目に合わせるから(ささやき声) じゃあ、はじめようね


Hello Huh, what's with that get-up? Are you going to masturbate or what? Aren't you embarrassed of your bare-naked penis? Hey, you can't show yourself like that to a girl. Don't you get it? You do get it, and yet you're doing it? Hmm, I'd say niisama is a pervert. You're older than me after all. Is it fine if I can you that? Niisama? Nhi, it's settled then. Niisama, Niisama, Niisama, hihi So, niisama's going to masturbate now? Doing pervy stuff all alone, rubbing and teasing your penis with your hands, until something white squeezes out. You intend to mercilessly drive your sensitive penis to ejaculation, feeling good all by yourself, as you please? Nhi, how embarassing. You want me to give you a hand with that? To masturbate. Showing it all to me, while I pull your strings. Niisama's liberty is at my mercy until none is left, all for my complete satisfaction. Becoming a Doll, completely dominated by me. Your rubbing speed and ejaculation all goes according to my timing of my liking. Under my command, you won't stop tormenting your penis. Until you can't help but throw yourself to the ground weeping and begging. But you won't get that chance. I will make you masturbate in the truly worst form. However, you like that sort of thing, right? My hentai niisama. (Whisper) Did that make you twitch just now? I can see it all in your face. This was a test, to see whatever turns you on. And I've discovered a masochist. Well, I've decided to give niisama my masturbation support. Doesn't that make you happy? A hentai masochist like niisama truly loves to be forced to masturbation by a girl. Or am I wrong? Well, let's explain the rules at once. Rule 1. You will masturbate to the sound of my voice. Like this: "Shikoshiko 1" This is called the shikishiko voice. (Rubbing voice) While it's playing, oniisama will play with his penis to its rhythm. At "shi", you stroke up, at "ko" you stroke down. At the same time I'll also abuse niisama with my own words. While I rape you with my voice, you'll be forced to masturbate. When the voice does not play, just support your penis at the root and look forward to the next interval. Right, now let's try it out for real. It should be okay even if you're not hard yet. Let's go. "Shikoshiko 1" You seem pretty skillful at matching my shikoshiko voice. Don't you realize that I make you do something really embarrassing? Niisama, you're in an awfully lewd state, and just exposed yourself to a younger girl. It's so embarrassing. Did you feel happy when I said how skillful you are? That's even more embarrassing, You immensely enjoy someone praising your masturbation practice, especially when it's a little girl. Ho dear, so embarrassing. Niisama. Are you a lolicon? nhihi Because this will definitely make you one. Niisama can only masturbate when he hears this voice. But no matter how much his penis aches from stroking, I won't forgive you. Ah, but I'll make you stroke forever, I have no intention to let you cum for now. All the semen in your balls can do is to stay there with all its might. It is out of question that it can come out of your penis pipe. But if cumming is too still hard to endure, it's okay to loosen your grip. Pinching it hard and stroking with two fingers is alright too. But you must never derail from the rhythm. Understood? With this, niisama will become very much addicted to me. Your will to cum is all upon me. And you will follow any order. Any order whatsoever, you hear? You're only here to masturbate, I am only here to torment your penis however. While I bait you with orgasms and denials, you will stroke your penis for so long, until your brain becomes mushy. I'll drive you to tears, forever delaying your permission to ejaculate. Since you're under my command, you will endure ejaculation, until your penis gets sore, the contents of your balls begin to swell, and you become an idiot. Nhihi, but you know, tormenting your penis is only the beginning. Edging might be fun itself, but I also truly love physically tormenting your penis. Surely, niisama just can't resist it. That's why I thought of something interesting to play with niisama. I might even overdo it. Once this happens, Hell awaits you. Once niisama falls into pleasure like a meat servant, I'll make you do something something truly cruel and scary. Therefore, first present your penis to me, so I can train and make it addicted to pleasure. After this, you must never interrupt this voice to the very end. No matter how much you beg, there is no escape from me. Niisama can pester me all he wants to cum, even if his penis is trembling. I won't care. Because that would suit you well. Niisama might not even recover from this penis torment. I won't let you recover, because this loli-lady makes everything she gets her hands on go though a painful experience (whisper) And now, let us begin.

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