Track 2

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じゃあ、早速勃起させていこうね ペニス、私がいじめやすいように固くするの きちんとペニスで遊んでもらえるように準備 楽しいおもちゃに仕上げちゃおうね でも、兄様はペニスをしごいちゃだめなの 兄様はペニスの根元をきゅっと両手で支えるだけ ほら、やってみて? しっかりロックできたね なんだか、私にペニスを好きにしてくださいって捧げてるみたい うん、いいよ、それ、もらってあげる 二度と兄様には返さないけど、いい? 射精の権利も一緒に取り上げるけど、いい? ペニスいじめ、お兄様が考えてるよりえぐくてやばいんだよ? 泣いても許さないけど、いい? いいなら、そのままの姿勢、嫌になっちゃったら手を離して? 絶対ペニスから手を離すな(ぼそっと) 嫌だったら手を離すんだよ? 絶対ペニスから手を離すな(ぼそっと) 今ならまだ引き返せるかも、私にハマったらもう最後だよ?いいの? 絶対ペニスから手を離すな(ぼそっと) ・・・んひひ、結局、手はペニスを支えたまま 冷たく命令されると逆らえないんだ? 弱み、みつけた そこを徹底的に利用してあげるからね?ばーか んひひ、兄様って単純で楽チン じゃあ、私のためにペニス、勃起させようね? (ここからささやき声) んひ、兄様の頭の近くに急接近 こうやってささやくような声を耳元で聞かされると脳みそを快楽漬けにできるの ペニスを手で支えたまま、私に勃起させられるのを実感して 女の子に近づかれてペニスいじられてるわけじゃないのに、勃起 ふーーーー びくってなる? もっとなって ふーーーーーー 頭の中、いやらしいピンク色で染め上げて 私のおまんこみたいなうっすらとしたサーモンピンクに ふーーーーーーーーー 私のおまんこ想像した? ビラビラのないツルツルのかわいいおまんこ 締めつけがすごくてひと擦りごとに膣内のひだがペニスにまとわりついて刺激するの 魅惑のキツキツホール 犯してるつもりが、私のおまんこにいじめられてるの んひ、兄様にだったらいつか使わせてあげてもいいかも…本気にした?んひひ、ばーか ん、 (耳舐め) どうしたの? 不意打ちでお耳舐められて感じちゃった? やっぱり変態だ 変態さんにはおしおき、そうだよね? (耳舐め) 体ぴくぴくさせてる、この淫乱 淫乱、淫乱、淫乱 ちょっと耳舐められただけで女の子みたいに感じてるんだからそう思われても仕方ないよね? (耳舐め) 全裸で耳責めされてもじもじ、女の子の前だよ? ねぇ、兄様、そんなところ見られてもいいの? いいんだ? ばかじゃないの? 恥知らず (耳舐め) もうお耳、とろとろ 私の唾液でぬらぬら光っていやらしい こんなので勃起させられたら、普通のえっち、できなくなるよ? 女の人におまんこに入れられない そうなったら、いじめられないと勃起できません、だからいじめてくださいって頭下げないとね? それから男として惨めなえっちに移行 兄様、かわいそう 正常位でパコパコ犯すなんて無理、騎乗位でペニス差し出して犯してもらうのをただお願いするだけ おまんこも犯せない残念ペニス (耳舐め) ん?兄様、まだ勃起してないよね? まだ少し耳をいたぶっただけ この程度で勃起なんてするわけない もししてたら、それ、すごく恥ずかしい 女の子に簡単に勃起させられるちょろいペニスだってことだから 兄様も勃起してないみたいだから本気出すね 覚悟して (いやらしい耳舐め) んひ、何感じてるの? ちょっと本気出されてもう私に負けちゃうの? 私は淡々と責めてるだけ なのに、一人で勝手によがりまくってるの よわすぎ 兄様が弱くても手加減とかしてあげないから ふーーーーーー 体ビクビクみっともない もう片方の耳、いきなり息でいじめられた程度でこの有様 こっちもたっぷり犯してあげる もう勃起してるとか、関係ないから 左耳の次は右耳、私そのつもりだったから 兄様、私に逆らえる? 逆らえないよね? だったら、ペニスシコシコさせてもらえるのを期待して我慢する 待て、だよ? そのくらいできるよね? (耳舐め) やーい、変態 勃起ペニス、ぴくぴくしてるよ? んひ、ペニス、疼く? いっぱいシコシコしてミルク絞りたい? だめ まだ焦らす ペニスいじめだっていったよね? ほら、シコシコおあずけでいじめてあげてるんだよ? ありがとうございます、は? ほら、さっさと言って …うん、じゃあ、もっとおあずけしてあげるから カウパーでペニスベトベトにしてよ (耳舐め) 切なさそう ペニスいじくりまわしたくたまらないのが伝わってくる もう頭の中ペニスのことばっか オナニーさせて欲しいの? うん、それは後でね (耳舐め) もうシコシコしたい? そう、こらえ性のないペニスなんだ じゃあ、シコシコさせてくださいってお願いしなさい シコシコさせていくださいだよ? ほら よく言えたね じゃあ、耳舐め続けるね? 兄様に恥ずかしいこと言わせたかっただけだから 本当にシコシコさせてもらえるって思った? 兄様、単純 (耳舐め) もうペニスも頭ももう出来上がったね これ、誰のおかげかな? 私のおかげだよね 兄様は年下の女の子に勃起させられた 勃起したんじゃなくて勃起させられたの 無理矢理に、一方的に じゃあ、とどめの耳舐めでペニス仕上げる (いやらしい耳舐め) んひ、疼きまくりペニスの完成 (ささやきここまで) こんなにじゅくじゅくになっちゃって いいのかな? ここから地獄のペニスいじめ 睾丸の中、精液がぐるぐる、ぐるぐる ペニスがきゅんきゅん 頭はとろとろ 兄様、泣いても許さないからね? じゃあ、サイテーのオナニー、始める

Erection Part

Now, let's make it hard at once. Nice and stiff, so I can tease it more easily. Let's get it prepared to properly play with it. Until it turns into a fun toy. But, niisama can't rub it yet. Just support it tightly at the root with both hands. Allright, ready? It's firmly locked in? Somehow it looks like you're giving it to me, to do with it as I please. Okay, allright then. I'll take it. But I will never ever give it back to Niisama, is that okay? With it, I'll also take up your right to cum, okay? My penis bullying is even harsher and meaner than you might think. I won't forgive you, even if you cry. Okay? If this is alright, hold your position. If you hate it, remove your hands. Don't you dare let go of your penis. (Quiet) If you hate it, remove your hands. Don't you dare let go of your penis. (Quiet) I will only say it one more time. This is your last chance to go back. Alright? Don't you dare let go of your penis. (Quiet) ...nhihi, you're still holding it firmly after all. Then that means, you're not against my chilly orders? I've discovered your weakness. So I'm going to completely exploit it. Idiot. Nhihi, niisama is such a simpleton. Allright, let's make it hard, just for me. (Whispering from here) Nhi, all of a sudden I'm close to niisama's head. When I whisper like this, my voice reaches directly into your brain, prickling it with pleasure. With your hands at your penis, I can give you a true and honest erection. A girl is beside you, teasing your penis without even touching it. Making it hard. Fuuuu~ Did that startle you? Let's do it some more. Fuuuu~ The inside of your head is dyed in a lewd, pink color. A faint salmon pink, that looks a bit like my pussy. Fuuuu~ Can you imagine my pussy? A very cute little pussy, so smooth and slippery. It's incredibly tight, with hundreds of wonderful folds inside that entices any penis to be coiled around and scrubbed. Such a fascinating tight little hole. You plan to rape me, to tease and torment my pussy. Nhi, if its you, niisan, maybe I'll let you do me any day... yeah right. Nhihi, baka Hmm, (Ear licking) What is it? Did you feel the effect of my surprise ear licking attack? You really are a pervert. A pervert needs to be punished, right? (Ear licking) I'm making your body twitch, how lewd. Lewd, nasty, lecherous. I guess you're hopeless if you feel so aroused from just a girl licking your ears. (Ear licking) Squirming in the nude from teasing your ears, even in front of a girl. Say oniisan, do you want to be seen like this? Really? Are you such an idiot? Have you no shame? (Ear licking) Your ear is already soggy wet. My saliva is making it filthy slippery and shiny. If you get hard from this, then you can't just do regular pervy things, right? You can't put it inside a girl's pussy. If that's the case, you should lower your head and say "I can't get hard without teasing, so please torment me". And then you'll switch over to pervy stuff for male losers. Niisama, you're so pathetic. Pounding and raping someone in the missionary position is useless. You can only just present your penis and beg to be raped in the cowgirl position. But no pussy even wants to rape this poor penis. (Ear licking) Hmm? Oniisan, you're still not hard, right? Because I still haven't teased your ears enough yet. There's no way you're getting hard from just a bit of licking. And if you are, then you should be awfully ashamed of yourself. If a girl makes you hard so easily, then I'd say this is a simple penis. But it looks like niisama is not hard yet, so I'll get serious here. Get ready for this. (Lewd ear licking) Nhi, what are you feeling? I got a bit serious, and you're already admitting defeat? This was just a light teasing. And yet, you're giving in to the pleasure already? You're so weak. I just went easy on you niisama, and yet you're so weak. Fuuuu~ Your body is twitching so shamefully. We still have one more ear to go, so suddenly blowing and teasing your ear is how it must be. So let's ravish this side a plenty too. Even if you're already rock hard, I don't care. First the left ear, then the right ear. That's how I intended it. Niisama, are you disobeying me? You're not disobeying me, are you? In that case, endure the anticipation until I let your stroke your penis. So just wait. That's the least you can do, or not? (Ear licking) Yaay, hentai. Is your rock hard penis twitching? Nhi, is your penis aching? Do you want to stroke it and squeeze out lots of milk? You can't. Still teasing you. I said I'll tease your penis, right? Look, I'm teasing you by taking your masturbation into custody. Can you say thank you? Go on, say it right now. ... okay, then I'll do it even longer. To make your penis sticky with precum. (Ear licking) It's so sad. You want to spank your monkey so much, it's unbearable. Nothing but penis in your head. Do you want me to let you masturbate? Allright, in a minute. (Ear licking) You wanna stroke it already? Then I'd say, this penis has no endurance. So, go on and beg me with "please let me masturbate" "Please let me jerk off" Go on. Well said. Well, then let's keep licking your ear. After all, niisama said such a shameful thing to me. Did you really think I'd let you jerk off? Niisama, such a simpleton. (Ear licking) Your head and penis are long ready. I wonder whose thank it is. It's all thanks to me. A little girl made niisama rock hard. Instead of getting hard, you were made hard. Against your will, completely one-sided. Now let's finish this up with one last blow to your ears. (Lewd ear licking) Nhi, your penis is all ready now and nicely throbbing. (Whispering from here) And it's oozing so much. Isn't this nice? From here on, it's a hellish penis torment. Inside your balls, the semen is turning and convulsing. Your penis is tightening. Your head's getting drowsy. But niisama, even if you cry, I won't forgive you, okay? And now, let us commence the meanest masturbation.

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