Track 6

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兄様、ペニスは切ない?疼く?射精したい? へぇー、そうなんだ ロリ娘にオナニー命令されてるのに、射精したいんだ? 惨めにティッシュで包まれてゴミ箱行きの残念ザーメンなのに? 精液の無駄打ち、そんなにしたいんだ? んひひ、兄様、惨め これだけ射精おあずけにされるととにかく精液ひり出すことしか考えられない? 違うよね? もとから精液出すことしか頭になんだよね?変態な兄様は あーあ、かわいそう じゃあ、せめて妄想の中で私が射精させてあげる 妄想の中の兄様は私にたっぷりいじめられて射精するの でも、現実の兄様は惨めに寸止めオナニー、しかも射精できない んひひ、絶対楽しい やってあげる 私が楽しければそれでいいよね? まずは、私の足で犯してあげる 足指わきわきさせてペニスに狙いを定めるの 想像して、私の汗でじっとり蒸れた素足が左右から抱き込むように近づいてくる 熱気がペニスに伝わる 小さいあんよはもう近く 両方の足裏が兄様のペニスを挟み込むまで、3、2、1 ほぉら ほっかほかの足でサンドイッチ んひひ、このままシコシコ、開始だよ? [シコシコ1] まずは適度に上下運動 足裏サンドイッチ、最高だね? でもそうやって足に犯されてる兄様はサイテー だってそうだよね? 足だよ?汚いんだよ? そんなのでペニスしごかれてるの 小さなあんよがピタって張り付いたまま上下上下 ロリ娘に足蹴にされてガマン汁とぷとぷ溢れてきてる んひひ、こうやって足でわっか作って上下上下 これって何かに似てるね? そう、セックス(小声) 足まんこと交尾、してる でもただの交尾じゃないの ねぇ、知ってる?兄様 足裏は、はらめないんだよ? んひ、一方的に精液絞るだけのお遊び 私は全然感じない 気持ちいいのは兄様だけ 女の子一人気持ちよくできない情けない兄様 普通の女の子だったらきっと、捨てちゃう でも、私は兄様を大切に遊んであげるの こうやってね [シコシコ6] んひひ、こうやって大切に激しくいじめるの ペニス、大変だね 足のぎこちない力任せのピストンがぱん、ぱんって シコシコは足コキみたいに打ち付けるみたいに激しくしなさい、これ命令(小声) 足マンコの中でペニスひくつきっぱななし 兄様は犯してもらえたらなんでもいいんだ? 普通の男の人なら足なんて絶対嫌だよ ペニス萎えちゃう なのに、にひひ、兄様ったら勃起止まらない じゃあ、ここで一度ストップ 兄様の残念ペニスは私の足に負けちゃうに決まってるから少し待っててあげるの ほら、早く精液睾丸に戻して 足に負けちゃうなんてカッコ悪いよ? 足ホールに降参してびゅーびゅー臭いお汁おもらしなんて恥ずかしすぎ ほら、足まんこに負けないで [シコシコ6] かわいい足指もペニスにみっちりまとわりついて一生にシコシコ、シコシコ 足の全部をペニスにひっつけてるから私の足を全部一気に感じられていいよね? この足裏奴隷(囁くように) なれば?足裏奴隷 毎日私の足裏舐めさせてあげるよ? 汗で蒸れててもお構いなし 私が言うのは一言だけ 舐めなさい(冷たく) もし舐め方が上手くなかったらもう片方の足で顔、蹴ってあげる 下手くそ(冷たく) ってね それも執拗に顔だけ何度も最後には足裏で顔を踏みにじるの 下手くそだったら仕方ないよね? 私がせっかく足裏掃除の道具として使ってあげてるんだから んー?もうしかして足で射精しそう? ばーか、変態、くず 何本気で足コキでいこうとしてるの? 冗談で足コキしてたのに、本気の射精? ちょっとからかってした足コキで本気の黄ばんだザーメン出す気なんだ? いいよ? カウントダウンしててあげる 焦らしたりはしないから、タイミング合わせて射精、しなさい 0で足にあつあつ精液の射精 足裏、受精してくれるといいね? 10 でも、射精するのは妄想の中の兄様だけ、忘れないで 9 現実の兄様は射精厳禁 8 でも、ペニスは射精直前まで持っていく 7 最後の数字でシコシコボイスは終わるから 6 1で射精直前に仕上げなさい 5 足コキで射精したいって思ってるんだ? 4 ばーか 3 ほらほら、足マンコ、ぎゅーーーー、射精近い近い 2 このまま足に精液全部絞られてロリ娘に完全降伏 1 もうすぐ射精、最高に気持ちよく絞ってあげる、でも現実の兄様は… 射精はできない、可哀想(囁くように) 妄想の中で射精、どうぞ?0 ぴゅるるるるるー、どぷどぷどぷ、びゅびゅーーー 足裏に挟まれてペニスひくひくぴくぴく止まらない でも容赦なく、両足で圧迫 尿道が狭くなって勢いが強くなっちゃう びゅーーーーーーーーーー、ぴゅぴゅぴゅーーーーーーーー 抑え込むみたいに足裏プレス続行 んひひひ、兄様? ホントの兄様は射精してないよね? 0で手をペニスから離したんだよね? どうだった? できなかった射精をいやらしく説明されて 兄様、情けないね、残念だね、哀れだね 足に射精できたら絶対にマゾの快楽モグモグできたのに ヨダレ止まらないくらいの最高の快楽がペニスに襲いかかったのに、残念 兄様を惨めにして遊ぶの楽しい、んひひ

Imaginary Footjob

Niisama, is your penis hurting? Is it throbbing? So you wanna cum? Hee, is that so? Even tho a loli girl commands you to jerk off, you wanna cum? Even though your miserable cum is gonna end up as tissues in the trash can? Do you want to beat out your useless semen that much? Nhihi, niisama, so pathetic. You've kept your semen in for so long, now you can't think of anything else than letting it out? Or am I wrong? The only thing in your head is to let out your semen right? You hentai niisama. Haah, poor thing. Well, the least I can do is to give you the delusion of cumming. I'll tease you and let you cum lots and lots, in your head. But not for real, niisama will keep edging and stop before cumming. Nhihi, this will be tons of fun. Let's do it. Anything's fine as long as I have fun, right? First, I'll rape you with my feet. I'm aiming directly at your penis with my wriggling toes. Imagine as if I'm coming to hold it from both sides with my damp, moist bare feet. Your penis is becoming hot. My little feet are getting closer. Both my foot soles are going to sandwich your penis in 3, 2, 1 Heeere~ A warm, steamy foot sandwich. Nihihi, and now, start jerking off. "Shikoshiko 1" First I'm slightly moving them up and down. Isn't it great, my foot sandwich? But Niisama, you're the worst to be fucked by my feet. I told you, didn't I? Those're my feet. They're really dirty. Are you jerking off to them? Moving up and down as my little tootsies are clinging to it. A loli-lady is kicking the precum out of you. Nhihi, I'm making a ring with my feet, up and down up and down. Do you know what this looks like? Exactly... sex. You're copulating with a foot-pussy, y'know. But this isn't your regular intercourse. Hey, you know? niisama Feet can't get pregnant after all. It's a one sided semen milking game. I don't feel anything at all. Niisama is the only one to feel good. Deplorable niisama, all alone, with no girl to feel good. If I was an ordinary girl, I'd surely break up with you. And yet, I'm carefully playing with niisama. Like this. [Shikoshiko 6] Nhihi, like this, carefully and vehemently teasing you. Your penis, it's getting risky. A clumsy foot piston, whamming all over your penis with all their strength. Stroke it more, furiously, knock it all down like my footjob. That's an order. The penis is twitching between my foot pussy. Are you fine with how I'm raping you? A normal man would definitely hate these feet. The penis would become flaccid. Nevertheless, Nihihi, you're getting even harder. And now, let's stop. It's obvious that my feet will defeat this unfortunate penis, so let's wait a bit. Here, let's return the semen back to your balls. How uncool, to be defeated by feet. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to soil my foot hole with your stinking juice, spewing out like pew pew? Come on, don't lose to a foot pussy. [Shikoshiko 6] My cute little toes are clinging against your penis, while you go shikoshiko. My whole feet are clinging to your penis, don't my feet feel nice? My little foot slave. You like that? Foot slave Will you lick my feet every day? You won't mind if they're dirty and sweaty? I only have to say one word "Lick it" But if you don't lick them thoroughly, I'll kick you in the face with my other foot "You're worthless." I'd say. And then I'll trample your obstinate face until the end. How can I help it if you're so clumsy. I went to such great lengths to make you into a foot cleaning tool. Hmm? Are you maybe going to cum over my feet? Idiot, pervert, garbage. Are you seriously coming from a footjob? I only joked about giving you a footjob, are you're really gonna cum anyway? I only mocked you a bit, and yet you feel like spewing out your yellow semen? Alright. Then I'll count down No teasing around anymore, time your ejaculation to my counting. On 0, you'll ejaculate your piping hot semen over my feet. How nice, to impregnate my foot soles. 10 However, don't forget that you'll only imagine to cum. 9 Niisama is still under strict ejaculation ban. 8 But your penis will go as far before cumming. 7 Until the last number, I'll keep the shikoshiko voice going. 6 By 1, you'll end up right at the verge of cumming. 5 Did you think I'll let you cum with a footjob? 4 Iiidiot. 3 Come on come on, foot pussy, gyuuu, almost coming. 2 With this you'll completely surrender to this loli girl who wrings out semen with her feet. 1 Orgasm is almost there, I'll let you feel supremely good. But you know niisama, in reality... You won't really cum, you poor thing. (whisper) Go ahead, cum in your mind. 0 Pyuuurururu, spew spew, droool~ It's twitching and spewing out between my feet without end. But I'm mercilessly pressing down my soles Your uthera is getting so strongly tight. Puyuuuu, pyupyupyu Like a continuous foot compressor. Nhihihi, niisama? You didn't cum for real did you? At 0 you released your hands, right? How was it? Give me a lewd explanation how the non-orgasm felt. Niisama, you're so miserable, so pitiful, I feel sorry for you You couldn't cum in my feet, and yet you're drowning in maso pleasure. Supreme pleasure is assaulting your your penis, making you drool endlessly. But alas... It's so fun to play with miserable niisama, nhihi.

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