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ペニス虐め ビンタ

あーあ、兄様、ベリーハード以上選んだんだ ねぇ、わかってるよね? ひどい目に合わされる まさか、ここまでの責めでギブアップ、なんてしないよね? しても絶対認めないけど 逃がさないって言ったよね? 残念ペニスの分際で生意気にチャレンジした兄様に罰ゲーム んひ、ここからは私が射精煽ってあげるの マゾの兄様を追い込んで射精させようとするの でも絶対射精はだめ 私のいやらしい誘惑に耐えて射精はガマン んひ、楽しいゲームの始まり [シコシコ3] ねぇ、兄様、またシコシコ始まったね そのペニス、もうすごいことになってるよ? 睾丸の中身もとろとろぐつぐつ、早く外にでたいよーってなっちゃってるの 狭くて窮屈な睾丸の中に閉じ込めっぱなしは可哀想 ねぇ、出してあげたら?(ささやくように) きっと睾丸の中身、精液でぎゅーぎゅー 一気にペニスの先っぽからひねり出したら気持ちいい? 射精すれば? もう限界なんだよね? 白いお汁垂れ流すところ、私に見て欲しくないの? 溢れ出す精液も兄様の絶頂顔も痙攣するペニスも全部見ててあげる あーあ、変態が射精したって小馬鹿にしながら言葉で冷たくなじってあげる どれだけ出すの? こんな汚いの貯めてたんだ? 精液っておまんこの中で出すお汁だよ? またザーメン無駄遣い って 射精中も私の言葉がペニスに突き刺さる 変態にはご褒美、そうなんだよね? んー?兄様、いきそう? 射精きちゃう? 我慢しても手を止められないから、射精寸前地獄続くよ 頭爛れるような疼きがとまらない、とまらない… 射精くる、射精くる …ストップ 兄様、もしかして本気で射精しようとしてた? ばかじゃないの? 頭、悪いんだね 信じられない 射精は煽るけど、許可はしてないから 出すには射精しろって言われないとだめ 射精くるって言われてペニスが間に受けてた 今から、新しいボイスが聞こえるからその音に合わせてペニスビンタ ほら、行くよ [ぺちぺち] ほらほら、ペニスビンタして そうやって射精寸前ペニスをクールダウン もっと強くしないと射精直前ペニス、収まらないよ? これは兄様のため、よわよわペニスはこうでもしないといやらしく煽られたら絶対屈しちゃう だって、女の子に負けたいんだよね? 負けて全て奪われて、好き勝手にされたい 救いようのない負け犬(ささやくように) じゃあ、ここからはシコシコとぺしぺしの交互責め いくから [シコシコ4] またシコシコ ほらほら、またペニス強く握ってシコシコ ぐじゅって肉汁みたいにペニスからガマン汁が染み出してくる ねぇねぇ、その情けないペニス何? 何をどうしたらこんなペニスになるんだろうね? 絶対、我慢の限界 今出したら絶対気持ちいい 足ピーンってなって、背筋ぞぞぞぞーー 全身を電気が走るような快感が一気に襲いかかる そんな中ペニスだけは、精液吐き出すのに大忙し びゅく、びゅく、びゅく、びゅく 長時間続く淫乱なポンプ運動 ほら、したら?射精 この先も射精しばらく許されないよ? それに兄様はこの先耐えられない だって今にも射精しそう ここで私に負ければ? ほら負けろ 射精して使えないおもちゃですって宣言しろ [ぺちぺち] 本気にしないで ほら、ペニスを手で叩いてガマン 女の子にえっちなことで負けたらもう取り返しつかないよ? 二度とまっとうなセックスなんてできない そんなの嫌だよね? だから、どれだけ煽られてもガマン そのペニスおかしくってなってもいいからガマン だってもうそのペニス、私のだから おかしくなった方が面白いの んひ、そろそろまた地獄のシコシコに戻ろうね 今まで一番えぐく扱かせてあげるから おもらし厳禁、んひひ [シコシコ5] あー、あー、こんなの絶対ザーメン漏らしちゃうね 全力でしごいてるんだから漏らすのは当たり前 射精しないわけない ほら、射精しても仕方ないって私に言われちゃってるよ? これって取り方によっては射精してもいいってことじゃない? だったら、ねぇ? んひ、兄様、出すなら今だよ? これから先、こんなチャンス二度と来ない 今漏らしても許してもらえるかも どさくさにまぎれてトロ汁全部ぶちまけたら? 兄様、ほら、このシコシコ最高なんだよね? 最高なシコシコでサイテーなどぴゅどぴゅ もうすぐ、このシコシコやめちゃうよ? ほら、今出さないと ほらほら、射精頑張れ 頑張れ、兄様、ザーメン絞って? [ぺちぺち] はい、時間切れ 兄様のペニスにはビンタがお似合い もし射精してたらこんなのじゃ済まないんだよ? んひ、もうペニスパンパンに腫れてる 私、こういうのが見たかった 兄様をいじめるのは本当に楽しい もっといじめるから

Penis Bullying: Slapping

Oh dear, niisama. Looks like you choose very hard mode. Hey, don't you get it? I'll really mess you up. There's no way you come this far just to give up now, do you? Even though I definitely won't allow it. I told you there's no escape right? It's a punishment game for niisamas sad penis, saucily longing for a challenge. Nhi, from here on, I'll agitate your ejaculation. I'll try to force maso niisamas to orgasm. But cumming is completely forbidden. Try to withstand my lewd seductions Nhi, now let's start a fun game [Shikoshiko 3] Hey niisama, shikoshiko is going on again This penis has become so amazing Your semen filled balls are gushing and convusling, it wants to come out soo much It's trapped inside your tight and narrow testicles. How pathetic. Hey, should I let you cum? (As whisper) Surely your balls are so full, semen going gyuugyuu Once the first load comes out of the tip, it would feel soo good. You gonna cum? Are you at your limit? Don't you want to show me how you discharge your white youp? Show me all of niisamas climaxing face and cramping penis, as he discharges his fluid. Haah, to scold this pervert who yearns to cum to such cold words. How much will come out? Of this unclean stuff you saved up? Isn't semen some stuff you put in a pussy? You wasting semen again. What? My words will pierce you even as you cum. That's the prevert's reward, am I right? Hmm? Niisama, are you cumming? Gonna ejaculate? You're holding out, but your hands aren't stopping, the denial hell continues. Your head's on fire, the throbbing doesn't stop, doesn't stop... Going to come, going to come ...stop. Niisama, were you honestly about to cum? Are you an idiot? Something wrong with your head? Unbelievable. Sure, I'm stirriing up your orgasm, but I'm not allowing it. You can't come unless I say "do cum". If you're gonna cum, I'd say this penis needs a break. From now, you're going to hear a new voice, and to this, you'll slap your penis. Here we go. [Pechi pechi] Go on, slap it good This will give your denied penis a nice cool down. If you don't do it hard enough, it won't settle down from the edge. This is all for niisama's good. Or else this weak penis would definitely succumb to the lewd agitation. Still, you wanna lose to a girl right? You want to lose everything and let me do whatever I please. You irredemable loser. Now, we'll alternate between shikoshiko and pechipechi. Double abuse. Let's go. [Shikoshiko 4] Shikoshiko again Go on, tightly stroke your penis again. More precum is oozing out from it, like hot broth. Say, what is this miserable penis anyway? You know what's going to happen to it? This is definitely the limit to patience. If it came out right now it would feel so good. Your feet would tingle, your muscles would cramp. All while your whole body is attacked by a pleasant surge. In the meantime your penis would be super-busy vomiting out semen. Bi~yuku, Bi~yuku, Bi~yuku, Bi~yuku. A lewd pumping motion for quite a long time. Hey, wanna do it? Cum I mean? I won't let you cum for quite a while. But oniisama just can't resist any longer. You're about to cum any second. Will I defeat you? Go on, lose. Cum and declare yourself as a useless toy. [Pechi pechi] Don't do it for real. Go on, slap your penis and resist. If you lose to a girl by doing lewd stuff, there's no recovery anymore. You'll never again be able to have proper sex anymore. You don't want that, right? So there, endure it, no matter how much I stir you up. Even if your dick goes crazy, suck it up. Cause I told you, this penis is mine now. It's much more amusing when it goes crazy. Nhi, now let's turn back into shikoshiko hell From now on you'll give me your most severe strokes. Peeing strictly prohibited, nhihi. [Shikoshiko 5] Ohh deaar, like this the semen will definitely dribble out. If you stroke with full force, it's only natural. There's no way would it wouldn't cum. You know, you could tell me "I can't help but cum" If you ask me like that, maybe I'll say yes. In that case, hey? Nhi, niisama, how about cumming now? This is a chance in a lifetime. If you leak now, maybe I'll even forgive you. You could spew out all your stinking, confused muddy soup. Niisama, look, this shikoshiko is truly the best right? The best shikoshiko and the worst dopyu dopyu. Very soon, this shikoshiko will stop. Come on, if you don't let it out now, Come on now, the patient orgasm, Patient niisama, wringing out semen. [Pechi pechi] Allright, time out. Niisama, you're well suited to penis slapping. If you were just about to cum, I'm afraid it's not possible like this. Nhi, your penis is so swollen from getting beat up. That's exactly what I wanted to see Bullying niisama truly is fun. So let's torment you even more

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