Track 8

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ペニス虐め 亀頭責め

そういえば、ヘルモード選んだね? あーあ、兄様終わっちゃった 私知らないから 兄様、自分で死刑判決お願いしますっておねだりしたんだよ? [シコシコ5] また射精直前まで追い込まれる この声には絶対服従 ただでさえ快楽に弱いペニスが高速シコシコで止めさされる こんなの射精くる? んひひ、ばーか、させないって言ったよね? このペニス、やっぱり残念 セックスじゃ使い物にならないね? 兄様とセックスする女の人は可哀想 勝手に一人で気持ちよくなって勝手に射精 ぜんぜんおまんこ物足りない 女の人絶対思う、これならオナニーの方がましって やーい、サイテーペニス(ささやくように) 私、そのペニスにもっと過酷なことしようって考えてるの もし、ずりずりってボイスが流れたらペニスを握りこんだ状態で親指で亀頭を擦り回すの 敏感すぎる亀頭を容赦なく 泣いちゃう?ねぇそんなことされたら兄様泣いちゃう? んひひ、大丈夫、兄様が変なこと言って私を怒らせない限りそんなことしないから だから私を怒らせちゃダメ、わかった? ところで兄様 私って可愛いかな?自分では結構自信あるんだけど 不細工っ言え言っておしおきされろ不細工、ほら言え(冷たく特に淡々と) へぇー、不細工、私にそんなこというんだ 兄様、私を怒らせたらだめっていったばっかりだよね? 泣かせる…お仕置き確定(冷たく) (ここから怒気をこもらせて) 亀頭いじめ開始 [ずりずり] 泣くほど激しく亀頭を攻撃しろ 摩擦、ヤバイ?そんなの私に関係ない 兄様がいくら苦しくても私は苦しくない 悪口言った罰 しっかり調教してあげたのに、そんなこと言われるなんて思わなかった ほら、亀頭磨きでピカピカにしてみせろ どうせガマン汁でぬるぬるなんだよね? そのままペニス壊せ 女の子に壊されろ 役立たずペニスここで処理されろ やめてほしい? 敏感すぎてもうダメ? あのね、これお仕置きだから(ささやくように) [シコシコ5] ほらシコシコに戻った でも、まだ許してないから 気持ちいいペニスにイキナリの亀頭責め 快楽から一気に苦痛にこれが本当にやばいの うん、また亀頭磨きさせて兄様にお仕置きするから 覚悟しろ、生意気マゾ兄様 (ここまで) ねぇ、そろそろ謝ったら? そうしたら、許してあげる ほら、ごめんなさいは? 兄様が言うのは違う言葉(冷たく特に淡々と) ごめんなさいしないと亀頭おかしくなるよ? 絶対怒らせる最悪の言葉(冷たく特に淡々と) ごめんなさい、いう気ないのかな? うるさいチビ女、ほら叫んで (ここあからさまに怒気こもる) …あっそ、亀頭どうなってもいいんだ [ずりずり] 亀頭、壊すね? 従え ずりずりボイス、聞こえてるよね? 従え 私、本当に怒った 許さない こうなるってわかってたんだよね? わかって言ったんだから、覚悟できてたよね? 亀頭、もう潰れてもいいんだよね? 摩擦であつあつになった亀頭、もっと追いこめ ねぇ、変態 どうかな?このペニスいじめは? 地獄?それはよかった 変態が苦しめば苦しむほど、私はすっとする 憂さ晴らしができる だから、もっと苦しめ 泣け、泣いて惨めに許しをこえ 泣いて?泣いてよ?泣けって言ってるの 私が泣けって言ったら、変態マゾは泣かないとダメ 泣けよ (ここまで) んひひひ、あーあ、兄様完全に遊ばれてるね これで兄様もひとつ勉強できたね? 女の子様を怒らせちゃいけない 兄様ってば、ホントに泣きそう ん?ずりずりが続いてるから仕方ないんだよね? んひ、うん、やめない 腹がたったのはホントだから 倍にして返す 亀頭、もつといいね? だって、兄様が全部悪い、私は悪くない そうだよね?に・い・さ・ま? じゃあ、ここまで 素敵なペニスに仕上がったね シコシコだけじゃなくてぺしぺしとずりずりでペニスいじめされたからすごいことになってる これで誰に見せても恥ずかしい調教済みペニスの完成 私の名前、書いてあげようか? 誰にここまで仕上げてもらったから一目瞭然 んひひ、よかったね

Penis Bullying: Glans Teasing

Come to think of it, did you chose hell mode? Oh noo, niisama, this means the end for you Not that I care. Niisama, you just signed your own death sentence. [Shikoshiko 5] You'll be cornered right on orgasm verge again. You're under absolute obedience of this voice. Under normal circumstances, this penis would succumb to the pleasures of high-speed shikoshiko. Are you gonna cum? Nhihi, baka, as if I'd let you. What a darn shame for this penis. Can this even be used for sex? I pity any girl who has sex with you. Feeling good and cumming just for yourself. This would never satisfy a pussy. Any woman would think, "in that case, I'd rather masturbate by myself" Yaay, stupid penis. (whispering) As for me, I thought of even more harsh things to do with it. Like, a zurizuri voice, where you grab your glans and rub your thumb all over it. Mercilessly, all over your super-sensitive glans. Would you cry? Hey, would niisama cry if you were to do that? Nhihi, don't worry. I'd never make you do that, unless niisama said something weird to make me angry. So, don't you dare make me angry, you got that? By the way, niisama. I'm cute, aren't I? I'm pretty convinced of it myself. ("You ugly cow". say it. Scoff at me. Say "You ugly cow!") Hee, ugly cow? You'd say something like that to me? Niisama I just told you not to make me angry, didn't I? I'll make you cry. And punish you for good. (Filled with wrath) Start teasing your glans. [Zurizuri] Violently attack your glans until you cry! The friction's too harsh? As if I care about that. Only niisama can feel the pain, I don't feel anything. This is punishment for your foul mouth. Even though you received such thorough training, I never thought you'd say something like that to me. Go on, polish your glans until they're squeaky clean. There should be plenty of slippery precum to use. This will destroy your penis. Destroyed by a girl. This is how I dispose of a useless penis. You want to stop? No good, it's too sensitive? Excuse me, but this is your punishment after all. [Shikoshiko 5] There we go, back to shikoshiko. But I still haven't forgiven you. Going from pleasant penis to gland teasing without warning. Goin from pleasure to agony in one stroke is really risky, right? Okay, then let's punish you more and return to glans polishing. Prepare yourself, impertinent maso oniisan. (Until here) Say, shouldn't you apologize by now? If you did that, I'll forgive you. Come on, where's "I'm sorry"? (Say something wrong) If you're not sorry, your glans will go crazy. (Say something to really piss me off) Oh, so you don't feel like apologizing? ("Shut up you little bitch", go on and scream it) (Here she's honestly angry) that right? Then your glans can go to hell. [Zurizuri] Destroy your glans for good. Obey. Yeah, you can hear the zurizuri voice alright? Obey. I'm really fucking pissed now. Unforgivable. You knew this would happen! You knew, but you said it anyway. So you better prepared yourself. So you're fine with getting your glans crushed. Your glans became piping hot from friction, so do it even harder. Say, hentai How is it? This penile teasing? Pure hell? Then I'm glad. The longer perverts suffer, the more desperate I make them. That's how I kill time. So, suffer more. Cry, until I hear nothing but sobbing. Cry? Cry please? I told you to cry! When I tell maso henati to cry, it can't be that he doesn't cry. Fucking cry! (Until here) Nhihihi, haah, I completely played around with niisama. What do we learn from here, niisama? Never make a girl angry. Niisama, are you really gonna cry? Hmm? No wonder, with all that zurizuri voice. Nhi, okay, don't stop. But you really pissed me off there. So you I made you repay in double. I hope your glans're okay. Still, niisama's the bad guy here. It wasn't my fault. Isn't that right? Ni-ii-sa-ma? Right, here we are. Your lovely penis is completely done for. It's turned into something amazing from all this shikoshiko and pechipechi and zurirui. If anyone were to see this, they'd be so ashamed. This penis is completely broken and trained. Can I sign it with my name? Then anyone can see who was officially responsible for it. Nhihi, great.

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