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いよいよフィナーレ、射精禁止オナニーのラスト 兄様、一番過酷なオナニーになると思うけど、がんばって 私の合図で射精できたら最高に気持ちいいに決まってる だってさんざん兄様をなぶったのは私の声なんだから だから、私の声で射精を許可されるのは脳みそ溶けるみたいな快感 そのときは絶対だらしない顔になるから少しも漏らさず観察しててあげる じゃあ、容赦ない責め、いこうね 最後だから豪華に耳も責めてあげる 兄様はロリロリだけじゃなくて綺麗なお姉さんも好きだよね? 両耳、いたぶってもらえば?  あらあらこんなにいやらしいペニスなかなかないわ  たっぷりいじめられてお汁ダダ漏れでとってもいやらしい   射精することばっかり考えてるだー   変態さんだー、いやらしーんだー じゃあ、はじめようね? ほら  耳、たっぷり犯してあげるからね   ペニスとろとろにしちゃう耳舐めこーげきだぞー [各種シコシコ] 両耳、ぐちゃぐちゃ、くちゅくちゅ こんな状態でシコシコを強制される 天国? でも射精できないから地獄だね? 兄様は耳舐め大好きだよね? ちょっとしてあげるだけで勃起させられたんだから当たり前 でも、こんなのじゃすぐに射精きちゃう? ガマン まだ白いお汁、見たくない 出さないで ほらほら、ひとこすりひとこすりがペニスを追い詰めてく でも歯を食いしばってガマン ご主人様がダメって言ってるんだから兄様は従うだけ  ほら、おもらししないようにがんばって   射精は最後に気持ちよくしよーね、がんばれー  頑張る子はお姉さん好きよ   私も大好きー ん、言われて興奮した 兄様は私みたいな女の子より優しいお姉さんが好きなの? 違うよね? 意地悪なロリ娘の方が何倍も何十倍も好きだよね? 何メロメロになってるの? バカじゃないの? ばーか、ばーか、姉様たちは面白いからしてるだけ 本気で兄様のこと好きなわけないから 兄様は私にメロメロになればいい わかった?  じゃあ、ちょっと耳舐めいやらしくしちゃうね?  ペニスまだまだがまん、だよ?   ここで射精したら怒られるよー?   だからがまんでちゅよー? 左右からのじゅるじゅる激しくなったね? もう耐えられない? ペニス限界? 出すの? …うるさい、だめだって言ってる(冷たく) 最後の射精で思いっきり遊ぶんだから、ここで終わりなんて許さないし逃がさない 兄様はペニスどろどろにして射精必死に堪えればいい ほら、射精がまん、射精がまん、射精がまん …んひひ、そのかっこ最高 私が兄様をこんなにしてあげたの うんと年下の女の子に全部支配られちゃったね? もう完全に私のもの じゃあ、射精しようか 一度シコシコはストップ 兄様、そのペニスから精液吹き出して楽しませて いよいよそのペニス、射精できる 最後はカウントダウン、10から0まで 数字が小さくなるに連れて射精へ向かってく 1は射精寸前のヤバイ状態 あと少しでもこすったら中身でちゃう 0はお待ちかね、私に射精させられる じゃあ、いくね 姉様たちも本気で兄様を追い詰めてあげる  沢山、がんばれって言ってあげるからね  一番すごいシコシコ、お姉さんに見せて?   ここまで精液溜め込んでえらいぞー   全部私たちが絞ってあげるからがんばれー 10 9 8 どんどん射精へ追い込んで 姉様たちもがんばれって言ってくれてる 頑張らないと 7 6 5 やっと半分 あともう半分 4 3 2 あ、でちゃうね? ザーメンが睾丸からペニスに送り込む準備してる 1 もう射精できる ドロドロザーメン、一気に出して全身びくびくする その瞬間、無表情でずっと見ててあげる 兄様、いくよ? 2 んひ、んひひ 3 戻っちゃった じゃあもう一度 2 射精が迫ってくる、逃げられない、やばいね、きついね、えぐいね 1 また射精寸前 ギリギリのすごく危ない状態 こんな状態は長くもたない だから、助ける 2 んひひひ もうわかった? 射精寸前で兄様をいじめてるの 3 数字だけで男の人を狂わせるの楽しい 兄様、私のおもちゃだよね? 2 ならもっとその無様な姿晒して ほら、また射精寸前まで案内 1 あーあ、また1に来ちゃった? 次の数字ほしい? 仕方ないね キスで我慢して 私の舌使い姉様よりもずっと上手 兄様をメロメロにする ペニスは1のままだけど いくね (ねっとり激しいキス30秒) んひひ、私のほうが上手、そうだよね? ん?もうペニス限界寸前 じゃあ、5 名残惜しいけど、もう射精させる 私も待ちきれなくなった 早くザーメン吐き出しながらのたうち回るペニス見たい 4 その瞬間心まで兄様は私に屈服するの 女の子に負かされて、いけない快楽に溺れて 深くてはまったら抜けられない快楽 3 両耳犯されながら冷たいカウントでオナニー こんなことするの兄様くらい 相当な変態じゃないと絶対できない 2 がんばれがんばれって言われてる 何を頑張るんだろうね? 射精で私を楽しませることを頑張る、決まってるよね(ささやくように) 1 思い切り冷たく射精させる マゾの心、焼いてあげる (ここから思い切り冷たく) 射精しろ、ばーか、0 ほら、0、0、0 出せ、ロリコンマゾ 射精でペニスおかしくなれ ほらほら、私が見ててあげてるの 変態、聴いてる?変態 もっと出せよ変態 冷たく言葉責めされて睾丸きゅーきゅー締め上げろ 一滴も残すな そのペニスもザーメンも私のものなんだから、命令に従え …サイテーの変態、見るに堪えない (ここまで) んひ、射精、終わったね? でもね?兄様ヘルモード選んだんだよね? じゃあ、これで追い討ちかける [ずりずり] んひひ、ほらずりずり 射精直後の亀頭、ヤスリがけ 親指が激しく直後責めしちゃってる うまくいけば潮吹きもできるかも んひひ、射精だけで許してもらえるとか思った? ばーーーか そんなわけない 言ったよね?ペニスいじめだって(ささやくように) ペニス、いじめて欲しかったんだよね? 私みたいな女の子に よかったねー、いじめてもらえてるよー? ザーメン、オイルがわりに亀頭のマッサージ 地獄はどう?病みつきになる? まだかな? じゃあやみつきになるまで調教するね? 今の兄様、自虐オナニーしてるんだよ? マゾがするサイテーのオナニー しかも私に全て観察されながら んひ、ホントバカみたい、おもしろい じゃあ、仕上げ 頑張ったペニスにご褒美 [ぺちぺち] ビンタのデザート 大量射精したくたくたペニスにさらに追い討ち んひひひ、ばかだね、兄様 だから、こんなことまでさせられる はいやめ すごく素敵なペニスの出来上がり カウパーとザーメンまみれで少し腫れた使用済みペニス、んひひひ それにしても兄様のザーメン、すごい臭い こんなに溜め込んでたんだ 誰のおかげ? ご主人様のおかげですっていいなさい(ささやくように) うん、そうだね 全部私のおかげ、感謝しなさい それでね、兄様 私はいつでもオナニー手伝ってあげるから 兄様で遊ぶのすごく楽しい 兄様が離れられなくなるまで調教したいの 徹底的に 私の声を聞くだけで勃起して、オナニーを懇願するくらいに 兄様もそうなりたいよね? うん、じゃあしてあげるからまた私に会いに来て 約束 じゃあね

Main Dish

At last, the long awaited finale of this masturbation ban. Niisama, you thought this was the most cruel masturbation. but hang in there. When I give you the signal, you will experience the most amazing orgasm you've ever felt. Because the one who severely tormented niisama was my voice. So, when my voice gives you the permission to cum, it's going to be so pleasant it'll melt your brain. When that happens, I'll make sure to observe your slutty drooling face. Now let's go, to more relentless abuse. It's the end, so I'll give you an extravagant ear rape. But not just any loli-loli. Niisama loves pretty oneesamas, right? Let them torment both your ears.  Oh myy, this indecent penis sure is something, huh?  It's leaking so much precum, it must've been teased a plenty. So lewd.   You must have nothing on your mind but cumming.   Mr Pervert~, sooo lewwwd. Now, let's start. Here.  I'll rape your ear good   I'll attack your ear until your penis is mushy~! [Various shikoshiko] Both ears, sucking and drooling. And you're force to jerk off to this. Is it heaven? You can't cum, so it must be hell right? Niisama, you love ear licking a lot, don't you? Obviously, a little bit before was enough to make you hard. But this much would make you cum. Patience. I don't want to see your white stuff yet. Don't cum. Yeah yeah, chase your rubbed and scrubbed penis. But endure it and clench your teeth Even the ladies are telling you to, so obey them.  C'mon, hold it in and don't leak.   You want to feel the best until the very end, good luuck.  Oneesama likes boys who do their best.   I also love them a lot. Hm, did saying that turn you on? Niisama, do you like gentle oneesamas more than someone like me? That's not true right? You love a devilish loli-lady dozens and dozens times better, right? What's that lovey-dovey face? Are you stupid or what? Baka baka, the oneesamas just pretend to find you interesting. There's no way they'd really like you. So you better fall in love with me. Got it?  Now, let's make ear licking a bit more lewd.  But your dick can still take it, right?   If you came here, I'll get very angry.   So please hang in there~. They're really slurping your brains out from both sides. This is unbearable, right? It's your limit. Gonna cum? ...shut up, I said you you can't! I'll play with you until the bitter end, if you end it now I'll never forgive you or let you go. You will resist with your syrupy penis even if you die. Come on, patience, patience, don't cum. ...nihih, this is the absolute best. I turned niisama into this. A much younger girl is dominating you completely. You are completely mine. Well, shall I let you cum? Stop jerking off now. Niisama, you'll get to enjoy vomiting out your semen. At long lasst, this penis can cum. This is the last countdown, from 10 to 0. As I count down, you will get closer to cumming. 1 will be just on the most dangerous brink of ejaculation. Just one little brush will make you shoot out. Wait until 0, then I'll let you cum. Well, here goes. The oneesamas will also drive you on  We'll cheer you on plenty with "good lucks".  Please show oneesama your most amazing strokes.   You must've stored up a helluva lot of cum.   Good luck until we let you milk yourself dry. Ten. Nine. Eight. Your orgasm is approaching steadily. Even the oneesamas are cheering you on. But if you don't resist... Seven. Six. Five. Half already. Here's the next half. Four. Three. Two. Oh, is it coming? Are your balls preparing to send its semen up the penis? One. You can almost cum. Your simmering semen, coming all at once will make your body twitch. That exact moment, I'll be staring at you without a hint of emotion. Niisama, let's go? Two. Nhi, nhihi Three. We went back. Allright, one more time. Two. The semen's coming, don't let it get away. So close, so intense, so bitter. One. Again on the verge. So fucking dangerously close. You can't stay like this for very long. So, I'll help you Two. Nhihihi. Do you get it now? I'm bullying you with denials. Three. It's so much fun to drive a man insane with just a few numbers. Niisama, you're my toy right? Two. So, expose more of your uncouth shape. Here, I'm leading you to the brink again. One Ah-aah, we're at one again? You want the next number? If it must be... Endure with a kiss. I'm much more skilled with my tongue than the oneesamas. I'll make niisama drunk on me. Keep your penis at 1. Here we go (Soggy intense kiss 30 seconds) Nhihi, I'm much more skilled, right? Hmm? Is this the limit of the verge? Allright, 5. As much as I regret it, I must let you cum. I'm also getting tired of waiting. I want to see your penis writhing in agony as it discharges, right now. Four On that moment, oniisama will submit his very heart to me. Defeated by a girl, drowning in outrageous pleasure. Drowning in deepest, inescapable pleasure. Three. Raped on both ears, fapping to a cold-hearted countdown. Only oniisama could do such a thing. It'd be impossible if you weren't a suitable pervert. Two. "Good luck, hold on" they keep saying. Holding on for what exactly? Obviously, you're holding on your ejaculation for my amusement. One. Ice cold, I'll make you cum and despair. With your maso heart on flames. (Ice cold as humanly possible here) Cum, you idiot. 0! Here. 0, 0, 0. CUM, you lolicon mazo! The orgasm makes your dick stupid. Come on, this is what I wanted to see! Hentai, do you hear me? Hentai! Come even more hentai. Let my ice cold words wring your balls out. Don't leave any drop behind. The semen in this penis is mine, so obey my orders. semen pervert. So pitiful. (Until here) Nhi, finished cumming? But you know? Niisama chose hell mode, right? Okay, here's the final blow. [Zurizuri] Nhihi, here, zurizuri. Rasp your glans, just after cumming. Suddenly we went to intense thumb teasing. Maybe you'll even squirt? Nnhihi, you thought I'd let you off with just a simple orgasm? Baaaaka No way I'd do that. Didn't I tell you? This is penis torment (Whispering) The penis torment you wished for, right? From a girl like me. Aren't you glad to get your teasing? Give your glans a nice oil massage with your semen. How is my Hell? Is it addicting? I wonder? If not, I'll train you until you get addicted. This onisama is a masochist onanist now. The worst type of masochist masturbation. On top of that, it's all observed by me. Nhi, you really look like an itdiot, very interesting. Well, here's the finisher. The reward for the very patient penis. [Pechi pechi] A slappy desert. A final blow after such a big orgasm. Nhihihi, you're such an idiot, oniisama. That I make you do even this. Yes, stop now. This lovely penis is completely finished now. This thing is so smeared with precum and semen, it's no longer usable. Nhihih. Besides, oniisama. Your semen stinks. You saved it up for so long. Who's to thank? Please, give your gratitude to your mistress (whisper). Yeah, that's right. It is all thanks to me. Do thank me. And also, niisama. Because I'm always there to help you masturbate, it's really fun to play with you. So don't be gone to long, I want to train you again. Thoroughly. Until you can only get hard from the sound of my voice, and beg me to masturbate. You want this as well, right? Niisama. Okay, when you visit me again, I'll do that for you. That's a promise. See ya.

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