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Cure Face へようこそ!

いらっしゃいませ、Cure Faceへようこそ お客様は初めてでいらっしゃいますか? あ、そうなのですね いつもご利用有難う御座います はい、会員証もお預かりしますね 本日はどのようなサービスをご希望になりますか? あ、ベーシックコースにお顔のお手入れをオプションでご利用ですね かしこまりました それではいつものようにこちらのチェックシートに最近のお客様の状態をご記入頂けますか? お茶をどうぞ ふふ、急がないで大丈夫ですからね ゆっくりご記入ください もうよろしいですか? はい、確かにお預かりいたしました それではお部屋に案内しますので、私の後についてきてくださいね こちらのお部屋ですね 足下には気をつけて下さい はい、どうぞ… あはは、すいません こういうお店には似合わない私物が置いてあって…目に付きますよね? 実は私、最近勤め始めたばかりの新人なんです だから、緊張しないように私が好きなキャラクターの小物とかを置いてまして… ほ、ほら… 自分の部屋に似た雰囲気を出せば、ガチガチにならずに済むかなって… あはは、変ですよね …って、そういえばご挨拶がまだでしたね 本日、貴方の担当をさせて頂きます美菜(みな)と申します どうぞ宜しくお願いしますね 先輩方に比べるとまだまだですが…精一杯お勤めさせて頂きますっ え?そ、そうですか…? あ、ありがとうございます よくお人形さんみたいって言われるのですが、異性から面と向かって言われると… は、恥ずかしいですね… あ、あう… そんなに褒められてはお顔が真っ赤になってしまいます… お仕事モードにならないといけないのに、ドキドキしちゃうじゃないですかぁ… すぅー…はぁ… よしっ、これで大丈夫っ こほん…気を取り直して… それではそちらの施術台の上に仰向けになってくださいませ ありがとうございます… 本日はベーシックコースのご利用有難う御座います サービスに入る前に準備をしてきますので、少々お待ち下さいませ …… お待たせしました 早速ですが、サービスの方を始めさせて頂きますね まずはお客様との波長合わせから… はい、手で直接施術を行うということは私の気持ちもお客様へ容易に伝わるという事… お客様を不安にさせないよう、まずは波長合わせから行っていきますね 初めにゆっくり深呼吸を… ん…手を肩に当てておきますので、そのまま深呼吸してくださいね 1、2、3… はい… 吸って…吐いて… 1…2…3… ん… ぅん… はい、大丈夫ですよ 続けて私との呼吸を合わせていきます 手は肩に置いたまま、1分ほど静かに… ん… んん… ぅん… 最後は目の上を両手で圧迫していきますね 優しく両目を覆ってこちらも1分間そのままで… ん… んっ… んん…んー… はい、有難う御座いました これでお客様との波長合わせはおしまいです 早速、サービスの方に移らせて頂きますね

Welcome to Cure Face!

Welcome to Cure Face. Is this your first time here? Oh, is that so? Thank you for your continued patronage. Alright. I will hold on to your membership certificate. What kind of service are you looking for today? Ah, the basic course's face care option. Certainly. Well then, as usual may I ask you to fill out this form with your most up to date information? Here is your tea. Fufu, you don't need to hurry. Please take your time filling it in. Have you finished already? Yes, I have certainly received the information. Well then, I will guide you to the room. Please follow me. It's this room over here. Please watch your step. Okay, go ahead. Ahaha, sorry. Something like this which doesn't match with the feel of this shop at all.... it catches your eye doesn't it? Actually, I've just recently started to work here. That's why in order to keep myself from getting nervous, I've placed a few goods of a character I like in the room... S-see? If I make it feel like my own room, my teeth don't chatter and I can feel at ease (TL Note: Not sure about the end of this sentence) Ahaha, it's strange isn't it? ...ah, come to think of it, I still haven't introduced myself. I will be in charge of your service today. Call me Mina. Please treat me well. I'm still lacking compared to my senpai but...I will put in my utmost effort. E? I-is that so? Th-thank you very much. I'm often told that I resemble a doll, but to hear it directly from someone from the opposite sex is a little... e-embarassing. A, au... If you praise me that much, my face will turn red... I have to get into work mode. This isn't the time for my heart to start racing... Suu....haaa... Okay, with this I should be fine. *Cough*...just have to get a grip. (TL Note: Assumed thats a cough onomatopoeia? Also not sure about part after) Well then, please lie down on that chair over there face up. Thank you very much... Thank you for taking the basic course today. Since I will need to make a few preparations before we start the service, please wait for a bit. ....... Thank you for waiting. Though it is sudden, let us start the service immediately. (TL: Not sure about beginning) First we will need to get on the same wavelength. Yes, performing treatment directly with your hands means that my feelings should be transmitted easily to the customer (TL: Very unsure of this line) To start, take a deep breath... N... I am about to put my hands on your shoulders so please continue to to take deep breaths. 1, 2, 3... (TL: Not sure about this line) Alright... Breathe in... breathe out... 1...2...3... N... un... Alright, that's fine. Moving on, we are now going to match with my breathing. With my hands on your shoulder, for one minute without speaking... N... Nn... Un... Finally, I am going to apply a bit of pressure to your eyes with both hands. With both eyes gently covered like this, for another minute... N... n... nn...n... There, thank you for your patience. With this, we have finished getting on the same wavelength. Now then, let us immediately move on to the actual service.

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