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まずはお肌のクレンジングから… クレンジングといいましても、女性のそれとは違って肌の黒ずみや油汚れを落としていく感じですね んしょ… こちらのクレンジングオイルを使っていきます ふふ、クリームとかを想像してました? オイルには油汚れを落とす効果がありますので、よく使われているんですよ そうです。油には油を使って綺麗にしていくわけですね それでは蒸しタオルをお顔に…失礼します ん… しばらくはそのままにしてお顔を温めますね こうすることで毛穴の黒ずみが取れやすくなるんです そろそろかな… はい、早速オイルを手に… ん…んぅ 黒ずんでいる部分に付けて馴染ませていきます… ん…ぅん んっ…ん 特に黒ずんでしまう事が多い、額や鼻、あごを丹念に… んしょ…んしょ… んっ…ん この部分はTゾーンなんて言われますよね 他の部分と比べると皮脂の分泌量が多いですから、スキンケアをするに当たってとても大事な所なんです んぅ…んん 指の腹で円を描くように… くるくる…くるくる… 黒ずみは皮脂などといった脂汚れが毛穴に詰まって起こってしまいます ですから、しっかりとケアをしておかないと… ん…んん くるくる~…くるくる~… くる、くる…くる、くる… んしょ…んしょ… んっ…ん んー…んっ こんな感じかな… それではティッシュを使ってオイルを拭き取っていきますねー んっ… んん… ティッシュに染み込ませる事で脂汚れをオイルごと吸い取って… ふき、ふき…ふき、ふき… んっ…ぅん んんー…んっ また蒸しタオルをお顔に失礼します… ん… 数十秒間このままで… こうやって温めて、毛穴を広げていきます …… はい、大丈夫です… 仕上げにこの吸引機を使って、毛穴の汚れを取っていきますね それでは失礼しまーす んしょ… まずは小鼻の周りから… んっ… んん 小鼻の皮膚は薄いですから、少しずつ…少しずつ… ん…ぅん んっ… やりすぎて肌を傷める様な事があってはいけませんから、優しく丁寧にやっていきましょうね ん…んっ よいしょ…よいしょ… 毛穴の汚れといえば、いちご鼻が有名ですよね ええ、鼻全体の毛穴が黒ずんでまるでいちごのような見た目になることです これも毛穴に古い角質や皮脂が溜まる事で引き起こされるんです それに伴ってニキビも出来やすくなりますよね パッと見、少し赤みを帯びていて触ると痛みが…とか そうならない為にも定期的にケアをしておきませんと… んっ…ぅん んしょ…んん 洗顔などしておくのも大事ですが、それ以外にも出来る事はありますよ? 例えば、運動をして代謝を高めたり… ええ、発汗することで毛穴の開閉機能を活性化する事が出来ますから効果的なんです ん…んん 他には生活習慣の改善も…ですね 不摂生は活性酸素を作り出す原因になりますから… それに、脂っこいものを食べ過ぎるのもNGですよっ 自ら皮脂を作りやすいものを摂取していては、勿体無いです ん…んっ んぅ…んー そうですね…ちょっと意識する事で予防になりますから、お客様も是非…♪ んしょ…んしょ… はい、毛穴の吸引はこれくらいでいいかな… 次はスチーマーを使ってお肌に潤いを与えていきますよ ん…失礼します 少し温かいミストをお顔に当たりますよー ん…ぅん 如何ですか…? 男性はこのようなケアをする事は少ないと思いますし、新鮮ではないですか? ふふ、やはりそうですよね リラックスしてこのままミストを浴びていてくださいませ… ん… んぅ… 顔全体に当たるように角度を調整して… ん… 大丈夫ですか…? 顔の正面、側面…と こうやって満遍なく当てていきますねー… ん…んん んっ…ぅん 温かいミストを顔に当てて、お肌の血行を良くして… 最後に行うマッサージがより効果的になるんですよー ん…んっ んー…ぅん はい、これでお終いです んしょ…失礼します ん… あ、お肌に潤いが得られていますね 始める前と比べると、ツヤと張りがあるように感じられます どうぞ、ご自身で触ってみてください? ふふ、良かったです そのように喜んで貰えると美菜も嬉しくなっちゃいます♪

Time for skin cleansing

(TL Note: Took a few liberties with title to make it sound not as awkward) First is the skin cleansing... Though I say cleansing, unlike the feminine way it sounds, it's just removing oils and blackheads from the skin (TL Note: Fairly unsure about this. Might be something related to females with the word "cleansing") Alrighty... We're going to be using this cleansing oil here. Fufu, were you imagining something like cream? Since oils work better for removing oily filth, they are often used here. That's right. Oils really are used to remove oils and make your skin prettier. Now then, I will be putting on a steamy towel on your face... Please excuse me. N... Stay like that for a while and let your face warm up. If you do that, it will be easier to remove the dirt in your pores. It should be around now... Alright, now to promptly take some oil with my hand... N...n I'm going to thoroughly spread this over the dirty portions... N...un Nn....n Seems you have some especially dirty areas, forehead and nose, now for your chin... Nsho...nsho.. N...n This area is called the T-zone. Compared to other areas, it secretes a lot more sebum, so for skin care, it is a very important place. Nu..nn Using the tip of the finger, as if I were drawing a circle... Around and around... Blackheads come from a fatty grime called sebum which clogs up your pores. That's why it is necessary to take proper care of your skin... N...nn Around and around~...around and around~... Around, around... around, around... Nsho...nsho... N...n N-..,nn This should be about right. Now then, I will use this tissue to wipe off the oil N... Nn... Using the tissue's absorptivity, I will suck up the fatty oils and grime into the tissue. Wipe, wipe...wipe, wipe... N..un Nn-...n Excuse me while I put on another face towel... N... Now to stay like this for several tens of seconds... Like this, the skin warms up and your pores open up ....... Alright, that's fine... For the finishing touches, I will use this suction device to pull out the filth. Now then, please excuse me. Nsho... First is around the sides of the nose... n... Nn As the skin on the side of the nose is thin, little by little... little by little... N...un n... If I do it too hard, it is possible to damage the skin, so let's do it gently and carefully. N...n Yoisho...yoisho... (TL Note; Japanese onomatopoeia for exerting effort. Don't know how to represent that in English) Speaking of dirty pores, strawberry noses are quite common aren't they? Yes, when pores all over the nose clog up and blacken, it looks just like a strawberry. This as well is caused by old keratin and sebum build up in the pores. In addition, along with that, it is easier for pimples pop up as well. A nose that jumps out at you, tinged slightly red and hurts when you touch it... something like that In order for that not to happen, you have to occasionally give it proper care. n...un Nsho...nn It is important as well to do things like washing your face, but aside from that, there are other things you can do you know? For example, doing exercise will boost your natural recovery. Yes, sweating activates your pores' open and closing mechanism, so it is quite effective. N...nn Other than that, there's also things like improving daily habits... right Since neglect of health is the main cause of producing reactive oxygen... In addition, eating too much fatty foods is NO GOOD. Naturally, it's a waste to take in foods that increase sebum production. N...n n...nn That's right...with a little awareness, you can prevent it, so by all means the customer should do so...♪ nsho...nsho... Alright, it should be fine with this for the pore suction part.. Next is using the steamer to moisturize the skin. N...excuse me I will be applying some slightly warm mist over your face. N...n How is that...? I think there are few guys who get treatment like this. Isn't it fresh? Fufu, after all it's like that. Please relax and bathe in the mist like this for a while... N... n... Adjust your head angle to let your whole face get hit by the mist. N... Is that all right...? The front of the face, the sides of the face...and such Like this, it will apply evenly... N...nnn n...un Apply hot mist to the face and the skin's circulation will improve... It will make the massage we will perform at the end more effective. N...n Nn...un Okay, with this it's over. Nsho...excuse me. N... A, your skin gathers moisture more easily. Compared to before we started, you get the feeling it's more glossy and springy. Go ahead, why don't you try touching it yourself? Fufu, that's good. Seeing you that happy makes me happy as well♪

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