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さてと、続けてお顔のお手入れをさせて頂きますね んしょ… ふふ、泡の音が聴こえますか? このシェービングフォームを使ってお髭を剃っていきますよー まずはお顔に蒸しタオルをを失礼します… しばらくはこのままで… … はい、それでは泡をお顔に… ん… んん… もみ上げからあごにかけてたっぷりと… あとは鼻の下にも付けて… んっ…ぅん よしっ…と 早速剃刀を使ってお髭を剃っていきますね んっ… んん… じょり…じょり…じょり、じょり… 蒸しタオルで柔らかくなった髭を丁寧に…丁寧に 毛の流れに沿ってやっていきますよ ん…んん んんー…んっ もみ上げの下から…あご… 今度は反対側のもみあげから、あごの方へ… んっ…んー じょり、じょり…じょり、じょり… 最後は鼻の下…そして唇の下を… ゆっくりと…優しく… 泡と一緒に髭を剃り落とすようにして… んん…んっ んぅ…んー じょり…じょり…じょり…じょり これくらいで大丈夫…かな? 続けて剃り残しがないようにもう一度同じ手順で…っと ん…ぅん んん…んー… 剃り残しがある所は逆剃りでやっていきますね なるべくお肌に負担がかからない形で剃っていくのがポイントなんです 自分で剃る時は鏡を見ながら適当にやってしまいがちですし、気をつけてみてくださいね? ん…んん んしょ…んしょ… この辺にもまだ残ってるかな… 優しく…優しく… 唇を少しつまみますねー ん…んぅ 細かい髭も見逃さずに丹念に… じょりじょり…じょり、じょり… ん… はい、お疲れ様でしたっ このような感じになりましたが、如何ですか…? あ、気にいって貰えて良かったです…♪ いえいえ、私の腕前だなんてとんでもないです! むしろ、お客様のお髭がそこまで濃くなかったのが上手くいった要因だったのかなって思いますよ お髭が長かったり、濃かったりすると剃るのも難しくなってきますから… ええ、もちもちしたお肌が更に見栄え良くなりましたよ♪ こうやって直接指で触れると… ん… スベスベで気持ち良いです あ、ごめんなさいっ お客様のお肌をこんなベタベタ触るなんて失礼でした… そ、そうですか? 綺麗な指だから大丈夫だと言われましても、何だかこそばゆいです… でも…お世辞じゃなくって本気なんだなっていうのは伝わってきます だから、その…ありがとうございますっ 私、手を使う仕事をしてるくせに、あまり自分の手に自信がなかったので… そういう気持ちはお客様にすぐ伝わるんだからしっかりしないとですねっ ふふ、お客様のお陰で少しは自信が付きそうです さてと…次はメインのフェイシャルマッサージですね こちらは最初にご記入頂きましたチェックシートの内容に沿って行う形になります 引き続きどうぞ楽になさってくださいね?

Facial grooming with shaving

Now then, please let me move on to the facial grooming. Nsho... Fufu, can you hear the sound of the foam bubbling? I'm going to use this shaving cream here to shave off your facial hair. First is your face towel... Stay like this for now... ... Alright, now to put the foam onto the face... N... Nn... Rub plenty on from the sideburns to the chin... Next is below the nose... n...un Okay... Now let's immediately use the razor to shave off the hair N... Nn... *shave*...*shave*...*shave*...*shave* (TL Note: Japanese sound for shaving. Maybe use something like "snip snip"?) The hair has become softer from the face towel...carefully...carefully Run it along the flow of the hair N...nn Nn-...n From right below the sideburns...chin... Now it's the other sideburn's turn, so move toward the chin... N...n *shave*...*shave*...*shave*...*shave* Finally is under the well as under the lips... Slowly...gently... In order to shave off all the hair along with the foam Nn...n n...nn *shave*...*shave*...*shave*...*shave* This much should be about fine...right? Next, in order not to leave anything behind, we will repeat the process... N...un Nn...n- For places with leftover hair, we shave against the grain The point is to avoid burdening the skin as much as possible. For when you shave by yourself, do it as you see fit while looking at a mirror and please be careful, okay? N...nn Nsho...nsho... (TL Note: Alright, probably could use a better translation for this at some point) There is still some in this area I suppose... Gently...gently... I'm going to lift up your lips a little, okay? N...n Without overlooking the tiny hairs, diligently... *shave* *shave*...*shave*,*shave*... N... Alright, that's it. It turned out something like this, how is it...? A, I'm glad you're pleased with it. No no, saying something like its my own skill. That's ridiculous! In fact, I think the main reason it went so smoothly is because the customer's hair wasn't very thick and dense. When the hair is longer and denser, it becomes much harder to shave after all... Yes, the springy skin became even more attractive ♪ If I touch it directly like this... N... The smoothness feels good. A, sorry. Touching all over the customer's skin like that, excuse me.... I-is that so? Even if you tell me that since they're pretty fingers, it's fine, it's somehow ticklish... (TL note: Ticklish probably not the best word to use) But...I can tell that those are your true feelings and not just flattery That's why, um...thank you very much Even though I'm doing work that uses your hands often, I don't really have confidence in my own hands... After being told feelings like that from the customer, I have to get it together, right. Fufu, thanks to the customer, I'm starting to feel like I'm gaining a little confidence. Now is the main facial massage. Here is where we proceed along with the filled out information from the form at the very beginning. Since it will take quite a long time, please feel free to make yourself comfortable, okay?

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