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んしょ… お客様に先ほど書いて頂きましたチェックシートですが… 最近は夜になると強い不安感や孤独感に苛まれるのですか? はい…はい… なるほど、それで夜もなかなか寝付けないのですね かしこまりました それではその辺りに効果があるケアの方を始めさせて頂きますね 恐らくは心身へのエネルギーが失いかけている状態… こうなりますと肌のくすみ、吹き出物などが出てくるんです ん…と ほら、この辺りに実際にくすみが出来ていますよ 血流が悪くなっている証拠ですね これを良くする為に早速お顔のケアを始めていきます まずはオイルを手に馴染ませてっと ん… それではお顔に失礼します… 最初は瞳孔の真上にありますツボ「陽白」…この辺りですね こちらから2センチほど上の額の所に指を当てて… ん… ここから斜め方向に上下にこすっていきますよ んしょ…んしょ… んっ… んん…んー… 反対側の方も同じように… 陽白から少し上の部分を…こするように… んっ…ぅん んん…ん んっ…んっ… 続けて眉上にあるツボを三つ刺激していきいますね こちらにあるのは「攅竹(さんちく)」「魚腰(ぎょよう)」「糸竹空(しちくくう)」です このツボは目に効くツボですので、特にパソコンや携帯電話などで目を酷使しがちな現代人には効果的なツボではないでしょうか んしょ… 両方の指で順番に押していきますね… んっ…んっ… 眉間の方から外側に向けて… んしょ…んしょ… んっ…ぅん 目の疲れに効きますから、全てのケアが終わった際に目を開けると少し楽になっているかと思いますよ ん…んー… んっしょ…んしょ… 自分でも押しやすいツボですし、普段から疲れたなーと思ったら刺激してみてくださいね んっ…んん… ん…んぅ… はい、これくらいでいいかな… 最後はあご付近にありますツボ「承しょう」を刺激していきます んしょ… お手を失礼しますね… 下唇の中央の少し下…この辺りにある凹みが承しょうになります ここを中心に左右へ指を動かしてマッサージしていきますよ ん…ぅん んっ…んっ… このツボは顔のむくみやくすみに効果がありますから、しっかり刺激していきましょうね んっしょ…んしょ… んん…ん 左右に広げてー…寄せてー… 広げて…寄せて… ん…んん んぅ…んー… 顔のむくみ以外にも口内炎や口角炎にも効くツボなので、その時に押してみてください… んしょ…んしょ… ん…ぅん はい、これで最初のマッサージはおしまいです 心身への生命エネルギーの循環が改善できるよう、ケアさせて頂きましたが如何でしたでしょうか? 心地良かったです…? ふふ、ありがとうございます では続けてお客様のチェックシートを確認して… んー… そうですね、気になるのはこの部分でしょうか お客様は最近、肩凝りや肌の乾燥が出ているとか 確かに最初お肌を確認した際に、少しカサカサしているなと感じました 恐らくはホルモンバランスの乱れが影響しているのかもしれません… こちらの方もお顔のケアで改善できるよう、マッサージさせて頂きますね んしょ… その前にオイルを手に… はい、お顔に失礼しますねー… ん… 親指を眉間から鼻先にかけてゆっくりと流すようにして… んっ…ぅん んん… 優しく…やさーしく… んぅ…ん… 続けて鼻の側面の方を同じように… んしょ…んしょ… こちらは両指で押し流すようにマッサージを… ん…ぅん んっ…んん すり…すり…すり…すり すりすり…すりすり… ん…んっ… 今度は鼻の付近にあります「迎香(げいこう)」、そして頬の上にある「巨りょう(こりょう)」、目尻から真下にある頬骨の際の「顴りょう(けんりょう)」を刺激していきますね 内側から順番に…1、2、3… はい…1、2、3… ん…ぅん… んっ…んん これらのツボは顔の新陳代謝を良くする効果があります 刺激する事で肌の乾燥やくすみを解消していきましょうね ん…んぅ んしょ…んしょ… 1、2、3…1、2、3…っと はい、続けて先ほど刺激しましたツボ「巨りょう(こりょう)」を中心にマッサージしていきますね ん… ツボを押さえて…そこから上下に指を動かして… んっ…ぅん んん…んー このツボを刺激する事でお肌を綺麗にする事が出来るんですよー… 今あるたるみやしわも消えていきますから… んしょ…んしょ… ん…ぅん 今度は反対側の方も… ん… 中指でツボを押しつつ、上下にマッサージして… んん…んぅ んっ…ん 女性にとってはこのツボを刺激する事は結構大事だったりするんですよ ええ、ほうれい線ってご存知ですか? 鼻の横から口に向かって出る線なのですが、これが出ていますと老けて見えてしまうんです ですから、女性の敵といいますか… 確かに男性でも目立ってしまうのは嫌ですよね しっかり刺激してほうれい線が出ないようにしませんと… んしょ…んしょ… ん…ぅん はい、次は口輪筋(こうりんきん)の周りを刺激していきますね 名前の通り口の周りにある筋肉なのですが、それを刺激しつつ、あご先のほうまで… ん…んん… んぅ…んっ すり…すり…すり…すり… すり、すり…すり、すり… 同じように複数回繰り返していきますね… ん…ぅん… んしょ…んしょ… 続けて頬にありますツボ「頬車(きょうしゃ)」から上あご部分にありますツボ「下関(げかん)」にかけてマッサージを… ん…んん… 「頬車」は口を開けたらくぼむ所ですね… こちらから下関まで指で引き上げて…っと んしょ… んっ…んん 指の腹で優しく…やさーしく… しっかりと持ち上げるようにして… ん…ぅん すりすり…すりすり… すーりすり…すーりすり… 今度は反対側の方も… んしょ… こちらも同じようにマッサージしていきますねー… ん…ぅん んっ…んん ツボを押しながら別の指で下関の方まで… ん…んー… んしょ…んしょ… 両方のツボは先ほどと同じように肌のむくみやたるみに効果があるんです 場所は違えど、似たような効果を得られるツボは結構あるので、覚えておいて下さいね んっ…ぅん んん…ん すり…すり…すり…すり… すりすり…すりすり… 最後は胸鎖乳突筋(きょうさにゅうとつきん)を解していきます こちらは頚部にある筋肉のひとつで、首を曲げたり回転させる時に使う筋肉なんです 場所は…そうですね この辺りでしょうか 耳の下から鎖骨まで…と広くカバーしている筋肉ですので、抜けがないようにマッサージしていきますよー… ん…んん… んっ…ぅん この筋肉が凝ってしまいますと全身の倦怠感、肩凝りや頭痛を引き起こしてしまいます こうやってしっかりと解して身体を楽にしていきましょうね… んしょ…んしょ… んっ…んん ん…んー… 両側の筋肉を指全体を使ってゆっくりと…優しく… んぅ…ん ん…んっ… 広くカバーできるように円を描いてマッサージしていきますね んしょ…んしょ… んん…んんー… このくらいで大丈夫かな…? 二点目でのマッサージは一通り施す事ができました はい、身体を楽にしていてくださいねー… さて、三点目の気になる部分ですが… ふんふん… これは一点目の症状と関連したものですね 不安感や孤独感から精神的に少々不安定になっていると… 確かに肌のくすみや肌荒れは全体のバランスが崩れてくると起こりやすいものです ほら、あご付近にはニキビが出来てしまっていますよ? それに最近まで出来ていた証拠の痕まで… うん…それでしたら、お客様の全体のバランスが整えられるようなケアを施してまいりますね まずは頭部のマッサージから… んしょ、頭の方にお手を失礼しますね 頭全体を手の平で包み込んで… ん…ぅん 側頭部を両側から挟むようにして、大きく円を描きながらマッサージしていきます… んん…ん んっ…んー ぐる…ぐる…ぐる…ぐる ぐるぐるー…ぐるぐるー こうやって頭の凝りや疲れを解していきますよー… んしょ…んしょ… んっ…ぅん ぐるぐる…ぐるぐる… ぐーるぐる…ぐーるぐる… ん…ふぅ 続けて側頭部から耳下腺にかけてマッサージを… ん…ぅん 優しくゆっくり…指の動きは螺旋を描きながら… んっ…ふ んん…んー 硬くなっている部分は丁寧に解していきますね… ん…ぅん んっ…んん んしょ…んしょ はい、次は頭にあるツボを刺激していきますよ 場所は髪の生え際のすぐ上にある「神庭(しんてい)」、そして頭頂部にある「百会(ひゃくえ)」ですね 両方とも親指で少し強く押し込んでいきます… ん…ぅん 大丈夫ですか…?痛くないです? はい…このまま続けていきますね ん…ふぅ んん…んっ… 神庭は頭痛、不眠症、気持ちを静める効果があります 百会も同様で頭痛、ストレスの緩和、不眠症に効くツボなんですよ ん… 気持ちを落ち着かせる為にもここを重点的にやっていきましょうね… んしょ…んしょ 神庭を刺激した後は… ん…百会の方を… ん…ぅん んん…んー… こちらも指の腹でじっくりと…押し込んで… ん…ふぅ 最後は生え際からこめかみ、耳の後ろ…と流れるようにマッサージをしていきますね これで仕上げとなりますので、どうか終えるまでリラックスされてください… それではいきますね まずは生え際から… んっ…んん んぅ…んっ 少し力をぎゅっ…ぎゅっ…と込めながら、徐々に動かしていって… んっ…んん ん…ふぅ 段々と…段々と…こめかみの方へ… んぅ…ん んしょ…んしょ… ふぅ…んっ はい… そのままの流れで最後は耳の後ろ側まで… リラックス…リラックスですよー ゴールはもうすぐです… 気持ちを楽に受け入れてくださいね… んっ…ん んしょ…んしょ… はいっ、以上でお客様へのフェイシャルケアはお終いになります 如何でしたか? ふふ、そう言って頂けますと嬉しいです 以前は違う症状でのマッサージだったとお伺いしていますし、また違った感じ方をして頂けたのではないかなって思います♪ ええ、私が施したマッサージで少しでも症状の改善があればとても嬉しいです さてと、仕上げに肩叩きをしますねー

Main facial care

Nsho... This is the form the customer filled out a while ago... Lately, when it becomes night, it seems like you are tormented by feelings of anxiety and a sense of isolation? Okay...okay... I see, and because of that you cannot fall asleep easily. Understood. Then we will start with a care that aims toward that area. Most likely it is the situation where your mind and body are lacking in energy. Once it becomes like this, your skin gets duller and pimples and such spring up. N... See, in this area currently the skin is dull. It's proof that the blood flow has become poor. In order to fix this, let's start immediately on the facial care. First is rubbing oil on the hand like this N... Then, please excuse me for touching your face... First is the meridian just above the pupils, called [Hishiro] ... Around this area (TL note: Seems to be a meridian based on Chinese acupressure. Called Yangbai in Chinese, doesn't really have an English name) From here, 2 centimeters up near the forehead, apply pressure with the finger N... From here, rub up and down in a diagonal fashion. Nsho...nsho... N... Nn...n-... Let's do the same for the other side... The part a little above Hishiro if rubbing it... N...un Nn...n N...n... Next we are going to stimulate three point over the eyebrows . The ones here are called Sanchiku, Gyoyou, Shichikukuu. These spots have an effect on the eyes. They are spots that are effective especially for modern day people who overuse their eyes using computers and cell phones, don't you think? Nsho... I'm going to use both hand's fingers to push them in order... N...n... From the middle of the forehead outward... Nsho...nsho... N...un Since this is effective on tired eyes, after all the care is finished, when you open your eyes, I think it will be quite comfortable. N...n-... Nsho...nsho... Since these points are easy to push by yourself, please try to regularly apply pressure to them whenever you think something like "Aa..I'm tired" N.,..nn... Okay, about this much should be fine. Last, I will apply pressure to the point in the chin area, Shoushou. Nsho... Excuse me... Right below the middle of the bottom lip...In this area's depression is Shoushou I'm going to move my finger left and right over the center here. N...un N...n... Since this point is effective for swelling and dull skin around the face, let's properly apply pressure. Nsho...nsho... Nn...n Spread out...spread in... N...nn N...n- Aside from skin dullness on the face, this point is also good for mouth ulcers and inflamed sides of the mouth, so please try pressing it during those times. Nsho...nsho... N...un Alright, with this, the first massage is over. It seems like this treatment improves the circulation of life energy in the mind and body. How was the care I provided? It was pleasant...? Fufu, thank you very much. Now then, next I will confirm with the customer's form... N-... That's right, the part that is bothering you is this part right? Recently, stiff shoulders and dry skin have popped up and such Certainly, when I checked your shoulders at the beginning, I got the impression that they were a little dry. It may be the effect of hormone imbalance Since this as well can be improved with facial care, please allow me to continue the massage Nsho... Before that, rub the oil over the hand... Alright, excuse me for touching your face... N... From the brow to around the tip of the nose, slowly distribute with the thumb... N...un Nn... Gently...geeently... N...n... Next is the sides of the nose equally... Nsho...nsho... For here, we use both hand's fingers to rub and wash away the oil... N...un N...n Rub...rub...rub...rub Rubrub...rubrub... N...n... Now we apply pressure to Geikou which is close to the nose, Koryou at the top of the face, and Kenryou which is directly under the corners of the eye near the cheekbone. From the inner points outward in order...1, 2, 3.... Okay...1, 2, 3... N...un... N...nn These points help in improving the face's natural recovery and regeneration. By pressing these points, let's completely remove any dryness or dullness of the skin N...n Nsho...nsho... 1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3... Okay, next we concentrate on the point we just applied pressure to, Koryou, and massage it. N... Hold the finger down on the point...and from there move the finger up and down.... N...un Nn...n- Applying pressure to this point will make your skin prettier~... Since right now, some wrinkles and slackening skin are disappearing... Nsho...nsho... N...un Now for the other side as well... N... While pushing with the middle finger, massage up and down... Nn...n N...n For women, stimulating this point is fairly important Yes, are you familiar with nasolabial folds? It's the wrinkle that goes from the side of your nose to toward your mouth. Once this appears, when you grow older it becomes easily visible. Because of that, it's called the enemy of women... Certainly, even for males, if it stands out, it's unpleasant. Let's properly stimulate the point in order to prevent nasolabial folds... Nsho...nsho... N...un Okay, next is applying pressure around the orbicularis oris muscle. Just like the name says, it is a muscle in the area near the mouth. While applying pressure there, toward the chin's tip... N...nn... N...n Rub...rub...rub...rub... Rub, rub... rub, rub... We repeat just like that several more times... N...n... Nsho...nsho... Next we massage from the point on the cheek, Kyousha, to the point on the upper chin, Gekan. N...nnn... The dimples that appear when you open your mouth are the Kyousha... From here to Shimoseki we use our fingers to pull... (TL Note: have no idea what this actually is in raw, don't know what shimoseki is either, might be a meridian but Google just gives me a city) Nsho... N...nn Using the face of the finger gently...geently... Firmly lifting it up... N...un Rubrub...rubrub... Ruuubrub...Ruuubrub... Now for the other side as well... Nsho... Here as well we massage in the same way... N...n N...nn While pushing the point, use a different finger and move it toward Shimoseki N...n-.... Nsho....nsho... These points, just like the one from a while ago, have an effect on dull skin. Though the place may be different, since there are quite a few points that have similar effects, please keep that in mind. N...un Nn...n Rub...rub...rub...rub... Rubrub...rubrub... Finally we are going to loosen the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This is one of the muscles in your neck that is used when you turn your neck. The location is...let's see Around this area I believe? From the bottom of the ear until the collarbone...a muscle that widely covers the area. I will massage it as if (???) (TL note: Don't know the latter part at all) N...nn... N...un When this muscle stiffens, you will experience a washed out feeling over your entire body, stiff shoulders, and headaches. By doing this and properly loosening the muscle, let's make the whole body more comfortable. Nsho...nsho... N...nn N...n-... Use the whole finger on the muscle on both sides slowly....gently... N...n N...n... Covering the whole area, massage as if drawing a circle. Nsho...nsho... Nn...nn-... I wonder if around this much is fine...? This completes the full procedure of the second massage. Alright, please relax your body. Now then, about your third point that bothered you... Hmmm... This is related to your first problem. Due to your anxiety and feelings of loneliness, there is a little mental instability... Certainly, the skin's dullness and dryness can occur easily if your body's internal balance breaks down. See, there are a few pimples near your chin area right? In addition, it is proof that it has been happening until recently (TL Note: Not really sure about this line) that case, I will perform care aimed at restoring the internal balance of the customer's body. First is a cranial massage... Nsho, excuse me for touching your head. I will wrap the palms of my hands over your head... N...un Hold the head from both sides and massage as if drawing a large circle... Nn...n N...n- Around and around... around... around...around Around and arounddd, around and arounddd With this it should solve any stiffness or fatigue in the head... Nsho...nsho... N...un Around and around...around and around... Arooound and around.... Arooound and around.... N...fuu Next, from the side of the head, we massage the parotid glands. N...un Gently, slowly...while drawing a spiral with the finger's movements... N...fu Nn...n- I will carefully loosen the stiffened portions... N...un N...nn Nsho...nsho Alright, now we apply pressure to a meridian on the head. Shintei is located just above the hairline as well as Hyakue which is right at the top of the head. We push into both with a little strength using the thumbs. N...un Is this alright...? It doesn't hurt, right? Alright...then I will continue like this N...fu Nn...n... Shintei is effective for headaches and insomnia and has a calming effect. Hyakue as well is good for headaches, stress relief, and insomnia. N... When you need to calm down, let's mainly use this area. Nsho...nsho After pressing Shintei... N...move to Hyakue... N...un Nn...n-... Here as well, we use the face of the finger very deliberately...and push... N...fu Last is from the hairline to the temples, behind the ears...smoothly massage like flowing water. Since these will be the finishing touches, please relax yourself until the end. Well then, here I go. First is from the hairline... N...nn N...n Put a little power in and GYU...GYU...while putting in pressure, slowly move... (TL Note: Gyu is what I assume to be the sound effect for putting in pressure but that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Not sure how else to reflect the effect) N...nn N...fu Little by little...little by little...toward the temples... N...n Nsho...nsho... Fu...n Alright... Going along with the flow, last is behind the ears... Relax...relax The goal is right there... Please comfortably take in the feeling... N...n Nsho...nsho... Alright, with this done, that marks the end of the facial care segment. How was it? Fufu, receiving your words of praise make me happy ??? (TL Note: Can't make heads or tails of this statement) Yes, if the massage I performed leads to even the smallest improvement, I will be very happy. Now then, let's end with a shoulder massage for the finishing touch.

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