Track 5

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んしょ… 台を起こしてっと 身体は楽にしていてくださいね? あまり力んだりしては余計に筋肉が張ってしまいますので… はい…そんな感じです 初めに肩叩きする部分を手で擦って… んっ…ぅん ん…んん いきなり叩いては体がビックリしてしまいますから、こうやって下準備をしていきますよ んっ…んん んー…ん 左から右へ…右から左へ… さす、さす…さす、さす… んしょ…んしょ これくらいでいいかな? それでは早速、叩いていきますねー んっ…んん んぅ…ん いかがですか…? 気持ち良いです? ふふ、それは良かったです このままリズム良く叩いていきますね とん、とん…とん、とん とーんとん、とーんとん とんとん…とんとんっ あ、僧帽筋のあたりが少し凝ってるみたいですね ほら、この辺を叩くと気持ち良くないですか? んしょ…んしょ… んっ…んん とん、とん…とん、とん あ、気持ち良いのは分かりますけど、それにはお応え出来ないんです ええ、強く叩き過ぎるとその時は気持ち良くても、翌日に叩いた部分を中心に体のだるさを引き起こす事になりかねませんから… ですから、あくまで力を抜いてとんとんと叩く事が大事なんです せっかくリラックスして頂く為に来て頂いてるのですから…ね? はい、ご理解頂けたのでしたら良かったです♪ んしょ…んしょ んっ…ぅん んー…んん 首の側面の筋肉も凝っているようですね デスクワークなどで同じ姿勢を長時間続ける事が多いと、こういった部分が凝りやすくなってしまいます 特に前屈みなど姿勢が悪い状態で続けていると血流が悪くなりますから… そうならない為にも定期的にストレッチを行うなど、体を動かすように心がける事が大事ですね んっ…ぅん んん…ん とん、とん…とん、とん とんとんとん…とんとんとん 首の側面も同じように優しく…優しく… んっ…ぅん ん…んん 最後は手の甲を使ったマッサージをしてお終いにしますね んっしょ…んっしょ 先ほどまでの肩叩きとは違い、少しずしりとした重みを感じる事が出来るかと思いますっ ん…ぅん どうか全身の力を抜いてお受けになってくださいねー はい…そのまま私のマッサージに身を委ねてください… んん…ん とん、とん…とん、とん とんとん…とんとん んぅ…ん んー…ん はいっ…これで本日の全ての工程はお終いです 長時間お疲れ様でした えと…如何でしたか? あ…ありがとうございます そんなに褒めて頂けるなんて…勿体無いくらいですっ 先輩方と比べるとまだまだですが、少しでもお客様の心身の癒しになれたのでしたら嬉しいです その…気が向いたらまた指名してくださいね? 次はもっとお客様を癒せるように頑張りますからっ ふふ、楽しみにしていてくださいね♪

A shoulder massage to finish it off...

nsho... I'm going to raise the seat Please relax your body, okay? Since exerting too much strength may strain your muscles unnecessarily... Okay...that's about right To begin, rub the area that is going to be massaged N...un N...nn Since suddenly striking it would cause the body to jolt in shock, we do this as preparation. N...nn N...n Left to right...right to left... rub, rub...rub, rub... nsho...nsho I wonder if this much is fine? Now then, let's immediately move on to actually hitting the shoulders N...nn N..n How is that...? Does it feel good? Fufu, that's good. I will be hitting in a rhythm like this. strike, strike...strike strike(TL Note: probably could use a better SFX for hitting here, maybe chop?) striiike, strike, striiike, strike strike strike...strike strike Ah, the area near the trapezius muscle is a little stiff it looks like. See, if I hit this area doesn't it feel good? nsho...nsho... N...nn strike, strike...strike, strike Ah, I get that it feels good, but I cannot continue for too long(TL Note: Got the second part mainly from context as opposed to the actual meaning. Not sure what second part actually means) Yes, if I hit too much and too hard, even though it may feel good at the time, the next day, you will feel sluggish in the body and especially around the massaged portion. For that reason, it is important to strike with less strength no matter what. After all, you came here for the sake of some long-awaited relaxation...right? Okay, it's great if you understand♪ nsho...nsho N...un n-...nn The muscles on the side of your neck seem stiff. If you stay in the same position for too long as you might with deskwork and such, this area easily becomes stiff. Especially if you maintain a slouching posture in poor conditions for a long time, your blood flow can become worse... In order for that not to happen, at fixed intervals, let's make sure to do things like stretch. It is important to aim to move your body. N...n Nn...n strike, strike...strike, strike strike strike strike...strike strike strike On both sides of the neck, just like before, gently... gently... N...un N...nn Finally let's end with striking with massaging with the back of the hand nsho...nsho Different from before, it's done with a little force, and I think you can feel the weight of the hits. N...n Please let go of all the strength in your body and become limp Okay...just like that, please entrust yourself to my massage NN...n strike, strike...strike, strike strike strike...strike strike N...n N-...n Alright...with this, this finishes all of today's schedule. It was quite a long time. Good job. was it? Th-...thank you very much. Being praised like's more than I deserve If you compare me to my senpai, I am still lacking. I'll be happy if I have helped even a little bit in healing the customer's body and mind. Umm...please ask for me again in the future if you feel like it, okay? Next time, I'll give my best to heal the customer even more. Fufu, please look forward to it♪

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