Track 2

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verA 蘭が射精させる:凛が我慢させる

じゃーん、私、蘭が射精させる側  じゃーん、私、凛が我慢させる側 私がお兄さんを射精させようとするから  私と一緒に我慢しようね? 私はこっちからお兄さんに抱きついておちんちん、握るね  私はこっちからお兄さんに抱きついて耳元で囁くの 準備はいいかな?  いいよね?   あはは、ゲームスタート   (えへへ、ゲームスタート) じゃあ、おちんちんシコシコ開始するね? ほら、シコシコシコシコ、優しく上下、上下  始まっちゃったね?  蘭ちゃんのやわらかい手を意識しちゃダメなの  可愛い女の子におちんちんしごかれてるって考えないで そんなの無理だよね? だってほら、私を見て? 私の目がお兄さんを見つめてるの おちんちんをしごかれてるところじっと観てるよ?  だめ、私の声に集中して?  蘭ちゃんの指がカリに時々引っかかって感じちゃう、なんて思わないで  お兄さんは感じちゃいけないの  お兄さんは凛の味方だよね?  勃起なんて、そんなことしないよね? ねぇ、おちんちんを指先で引っ掻いてあげる さわさわ、コリコリって ぞわわーってなって、すぐにおちんちん大きくしちゃうよね? 蘭の五本の指がおちんちんに覆いかぶさって触ってるんだよ?  おちんちん、ちょっと大きくなってきた?  お兄さん、ここで勃起したら蘭ちゃんの思うツボだよ?  がまん、がまんだよ? カリ首、ここ弱いんだよね? じゃあ、ここを集中攻撃しちゃおうかな? 優しく握って、手首のスナップスナップ 敏感カリ首をしごくたびにおちんちんがぴくんってなってるよ?  凛が我慢してって言ってるの聞こえない?  おちんちん、勃起してきてるって自覚ある?  ねぇ、どうなの? あは、だいぶ握り易くなってきたね ありがとうお兄さん でも、凛ちゃんにだめって言われてるのに勃起なんて 悪い子だね?  本当にお兄さんは悪い子  情けないおちんちん、そんなに気持ちいい?  あ、おちんちんから透明なお汁が出てきたの  へぇ、射精する準備してるんだ? おちんちん、ベトベトになってるよ? ほら、いやらしい音 私の手、汚れちゃった 本当ならお仕置きだけど、射精してくれたら許してあげる  でも私は射精したら許さないよ?  えへ、だってそうでしょ?  そういうルールだもん あはは、もう完全に勃起してるね? ちょっとこすっただけで勃起なんて あは、すごく単純で助かる  ねぇ、わかってる?  今、蘭ちゃんに馬鹿にされたんだよ?  悔しくないの?  悔しかったら、おちんちん萎えさせて お兄さんはマゾだから、言われれば言われるほど感じちゃうんだよね? だって、私に馬鹿にされるたび、凛ちゃんに叱られるたびに息荒くなってる 女の子に見透かされてるんだよ?  そんなに興奮して  最低 ほらほら、射精まで追い込んであげるからもっと喘いでよ? シコシコ、シコシコ、シコシコ、シコシコ  聞いちゃダメ  お兄さん、シコシコって言われるたびに目が潤んできてる  シコシコはダメ  シコシコはダメ  聴いてる?シ・コ・シ・コはだぁめ あは、凛ちゃんにもシコシコって言われて嬉しいね? おちんちんからいやらしいお汁が止まらないよ? 変態だね?  だめ  今すぐ堪えて  抱きついてる私たちの体温を感じないで  蘭ちゃんのいやらしい手の感覚も無視して あは、おちんちんがぴくぴくってなった 意識、しちゃったんだね? あーあ、だめって言われたのに 感じるよね? 私たちの小さいおっぱいの感触 これ、お兄さんに押し付けてるんだよ? おちんちんを手でいじめながらね?  あ、お兄さん  おちんちんがガチガチになっちゃった  ねぇ、私を怒らせたいのかな? あ、凛ちゃんが怒ったら怖いよ? ほらほら、そろそろ本気で我慢しないと しごくのはやめてあげないけど あははは  私ね、怒ると訳わかんなくなっちゃうの  ぷちってなってね、気がついたらおもちゃ壊れちゃってる  いつもそうなの あははは、こんな怖いこと言われてるのに金玉が上がってきたよ? マゾの変態 脅迫されながら射精しそうになってる  変態 変態  変態  最低のマゾ このままイカせてあげるね? ほら、ほら おちんちんシコシコ あは、もう出るかな? いって、い・い・よ?  ストップ あーあ、止められちゃった もう少しだったのに  お兄さん、今何しようとしたの?  まさか、射精じゃないよね?  違うよね?  へぇ、違うんだ?  なら、すぐに蘭ちゃんにシコシコしてもらう?  ストップなんてしなから  どうなの?  言ってみて あはははは、お兄さん凛ちゃんに怒られてる 女の子にきつく叱られるのも好きなのかな?  射精したら、お仕置きなの  お仕置きがご希望?  嫌なんだ、お仕置き  なら、これからもずっと射精しそうになったら止めてあげる  私に感謝して 凛ちゃんが優しくて良かったね? あのままだったらお仕置き確定だったよ?  もう射精感はひいたかな?  シコシコしても大丈夫だよね? あは、じゃあシコシコ再開するね またおちんちん握って、しこしこ、しこしこ、しこしこ、しこしこ あえぎ声、大きいね? 寸止めおちんちんが気持ちいいの? そんなに感じてたらまた射精しそうになるよ? それはダメ、って言ったよね? 仕方ないよね? だって女の子二人にこうやって左右から話しかけられて エッチなこといっぱいされちゃってるんだから  でも許さない  このおちんちんは私に管理されてるの  体を動かせないお兄さんは私に従うしかないの  わかってるの? でも、バレないようにいっちゃえばいいんじゃなかな? 射精寸前でも大丈夫なフリしてれば、きっとストップかからないよ? 勝手に射精、しようよ?ね?  私は絶対に見逃さない  お兄さんは単純だからいきそうになったらすぐにわかる もっとカリ首を愛してあげるね この段になってる部分に指が引っかかってゾクってなるよね? もっと声も出していいんだよ? おちんちんもくちゅくちゅっていやらしい音出してるんだし  お汁でおちんちんがびちょびちょ  おちんちんが泣いてるみたい  へぇ、気持ちいいの?  お兄さんも泣かしてあげようか? お兄さんは女の子に泣かされちゃうのも好きだよね? だから射精しそうになっても全然問題ないよ? ほら、しこしこ、しこしこ あは、もうすぐ出ちゃいそうかな? また射精まで連れて行ってあげるからね  お兄さん射精、近いんだね  見て分かるの  私たちに射精を見透かされてるって自覚ある? あーあ、恥かしい 2人の女の子に全部バレちゃってる ばれずに射精するなんて無理  あ、おちんちん震えだしたね?  これ、射精寸前なんだよね? ほら、もう金玉から精液が上がってきて あとちょっとで射精、だね ほら、ほら、ほら  ストップ  いけるなんて思っちゃダメ  いつ苦しいタイミングで止めてあげたの  あと一歩で射精できるギリギリのところ あー、これは辛いね? 2回目の寸止め ねぇ、射精をおあずけされるって辛いんだよね?  もうお仕置きされてもいいから、射精したい  なんて思ってる?  蘭ちゃんに『いいよ?』言われて精液絞られたいんだ? 嘘は良くないの ヨダレが垂れてるし、涙目 あははは、もうすぐ凛ちゃんに泣かされちゃうね? そんなに射精したいんだ おちんちんちょっといじめるだけでこんなになるんだね? おもしろーい お兄さん、このゲームずっと続くからね? 射精寸止めをずっと繰り返してあげる あははははは、その顔 もっといじめたくなるね  いじめつくすの ん?なに?  どうしたの? 寸止め切なすぎるって? 辛いの?そうなんだ トロトロの精液吐き出して楽になりたいんだ ぴゅっぴゅっ、とぷとぷって、ね? じゃあ、凛ちゃんにお願いしよ? ほら、お願いしよ?  なに?お兄さん 射精しちゃいたいって?  寸止めが辛いの?  蘭ちゃんに言われるがまま私にお願い?  ・・・いい加減にして  私、絶対に射精させないから あーあ、断られちゃった でも仕方ないね 凛ちゃんも負けたくないみたいだしね じゃあ、またシコシコ再開するね? また、す・ん・ど・めされるだろうけど あはははははは  ほら、また蘭ちゃんにおちんちんしこしこされてるよ?  好きなだけ射精寸前まで上り詰めていいよ?  有無を言わさず射精しそうになったらストップするから  もうお兄さんには期待してないの  好きなだけ寸止めされて苦しんで? あーあ、凛ちゃんに見捨てられちゃったね? もうここからはお兄さんの意思は一切考慮されないんだよ? あはは、良かったね 変態のお兄さん  ほら、蘭ちゃんがおちんちんを弄んでるよ?  こんなの感じちゃうよね?  いいよ、射精に近づいても  どうせ寸止めで苦しむのはお兄さんだから  私はどうでもいいの あはは、目がウルウル もう泣いちゃいそうだね? ん?許して欲しいの? あは、いや 私も負けたくないから 容赦なく射精に追い立てるね?  蘭ちゃんと私、両方敵に回しちゃったね?  えへへへ、いい気味  全部、お兄さんのせいだから  寸止め地獄で死んじゃって? あははは、死んじゃって、だって? 凛ちゃん、すごく怒ってるね? なのにおちんちんは硬いまま ねぇ、これって凛ちゃんを馬鹿にしてるんだよね?  へぇ、私、馬鹿にされてるんだ?  面白いね  たっぷり後悔させてあげるの  だから、蘭ちゃんの手でもっといじめられて?  もっと寸止めで復讐してあげるの  射精できない苦しさを味わって? あはは、もうおちんちん大洪水 たっぷり泣かされてるね? 射精したいよー、射精したいよーって どろどろ熟成ザーメン出したいんだよね?  精液出すところ、想像して?  金玉から尿道へ精液が流れ出して ぴゅっぴゅっ、とぷとぷとぷ、ぴゅーぴゅー あ、おちんちんまたいきそうになってる また寸止めされるってわかってるんだよね? なのに射精の準備しちゃうの? バカなのかな?  想像して射精しそうになってる  それが私の狙いなんだけどね?  そのほうがもっと寸止めできる  おもちゃ、壊せる おちんちんぴくぴくぴくぅ これもう、出ちゃうね 寸止めされるに決まってるのに でも、一応言ってあげる 精液、出・し・て?  ストップ  えへへへへへ、無駄なの  私を怒らせた罰  もうお兄さんの味方はしないから あーあ、三回目 これじゃ勝ち目無いかな? でも、私、頑張り屋だから・・・射精諦めないからね  あ、お兄さん、泣いちゃった 本当、泣いてる あは  えへ   あははははははははは   (えへへへへへへへへ) ねぇ凛ちゃん、これすごく面白いね?  そうだね蘭ちゃん、いいおもちゃなの じゃあ、シコシコ再開  女の子に泣かされるってどんな気持ち?  私たちはすごく楽しいよ? もっと壊してあげるね? 限界おちんちん、手でこねくり回してあげるから  なに?本当にイカせて欲しいって?  私たちの話、聞いてなかったのかな?  今楽しんでるところなんだから黙ってて  もう、うるさい 涙流しながら年下の女の子にお願いしてる そんなに白いお汁おもらししたいんだ? 変態  そう、変態  お兄さんは変態なんだからまだまだ大丈夫だよね?  ねぇ、聴いてるの?変態  ・・・射精させて、しか言わなくなった  私、射精したら許さないって言ったの忘れたの?  それでも、射精したいんだ? いいよ、射精しよ? 全部全部だしちゃお? 溜めに溜めまくった精液、きっと噴水みたいに射精してすごく気持ちいいよ?  私より蘭ちゃんのいうことを聞くんだ  お仕置き、怖くないの?  なら、お仕置きを受けるますから射精させてくださいって言って?  ああ、そう  なら、好きにして  もう止めないから あは、お許し出たね? 凛ちゃんかんかんに怒ってるけど、それでも射精の欲求には勝てないんだね? がまんさせる側が必ず勝つわけじゃない 意味、わかった? それで、我慢させる側にお仕置きを受け入れるから射精させて欲しいってお願いしちゃう  最初からゴールはお仕置きだったの  でも、お仕置きにたどり着くまでの間に、どんどんイライラしてくる  お兄さんが射精しそうになるから  実際に寸止めするたびに私は腹が立った 我慢すればするほどお仕置きがすごくなっちゃう お兄さんは三回寸止めされたよね? あー、これはもう壊されても文句言えないくらい怒らせちゃったんじゃない?  ほら、もう止めないから射精して  はやくお仕置きでお兄さんを壊したいの あはははは、凛ちゃんを待たせても悪いし、さっさといっちゃおうか? 手のスピード上げてスパートかけるね? あは、こんなの耐えられないよね? ほら、もういくね? 私たち双子に寄り添われて射精して  お仕置きの恐怖に震えながら射精して カウントダウン  0で射精   3   2   1   せーのっ、0!0!0! あは  えへ   あはははははははははは   (えへへへへへへへへへへ) 出てる、精液が噴水みたい  すごい量なの 私の手が精液で汚れてく  どぴゅどぴゅどぴゅ、まだ止まらない 金玉の中身全部だそう? 私の手で絞り尽くされていいよ?  蘭ちゃんに精液捧げて あは、射精終わったみたい 終わっちゃったね? 射精もお兄さん自身も  私の負け、なの あーあ、お仕置き決定だね  蘭ちゃん、お兄さんもらうね?  でも、きっと壊しちゃうから、もう遊べなくなるの うん、いいよ凛ちゃん 私も飽きちゃったから じゃあ、お兄さん、さよなら ごゆっくり  じゃあ、お兄さんお仕置きするね?  しっかり壊してあげるの

Version A: Ran makes you cum, Rin makes you hold it

Tadaan, Ran's here, from the cumming side.  Tadaa, Rin's here, from the patience side. Oniisan, I will try to make you ejaculate.  And togehter with me, you'll hold on. From here, I will hold oniisan's dick and stroke it.  From here, I will cRing to oniisan's ear and whisper inside. You ready there?  Ready as ever.   Ahahaha, Game Start!   (Ehehe, Game Start) There, I began rubbing your penis. There, shikoshikoshiko, gently up and down, up and down.  Ah, it started, right?  Don't mind ran-chan's soft and tender hands.  Don't try to think about a cute little girl stroking your dick. Come on, that's impossible. So here, look at me. I'm starting right into oniisan's eyes. Take a good look at how I stroke your dick.  You can't, concentrate on my words.  Don't think about the feeRing how rin-chan's fingers sometimes pull up to the glands.  Oniisan can't feel it.  Rin is oniisan's friend.  You're not getting hard here, or are you? Look, I'm rubbing the dick with my fingers. Rubbyrubby, kneadykneady Rubbing it makes it niiice and biiig. Feel the touch of ran's five fingers covering your dick.  Your dick, did it just get bigger?  Niisan, if you're getting rock hard here, you'll fall into ran-chan's trap.  Hold on, hold on. The glands, you're weak here, right? Well then, let's land a concentrated attack right here. Gently grabbing it, and with my wrist, snap snap! Every time I rub over those sensitive glands, your penis feels a twitch.  Can't you hear Rin how she's rooting on you?  Don't you notice how your dick's getting hard?  Say, don't you? Ahaha, it's gotten very easy to handle now. Thanks oniisan. But, you still got hard even tho rin-chan told you not to. You're a bad boy, right?  Oniisan truly is a bad boy.  Such a pathetic dick, does this even feel good?  Ah, something clear's coming out.  Oh, getting ready to cum now? The dick's getting all sticky. Listen, what a lewd sound. My hand're getting all dirty. Even though we'll really punish you, I'll forgive you if you cum.  Well I won't forgive you if you cum.  Ehe, that's what I told you, right?  That was the rule. Ahaha, now it's prefectly hard already. Just a little rubbing made it fully hard. Aha, that was so easy, thanks a lot.  Hey, don't you get it?  Rin-chan just made fun of you.  Isn't that frustrating?  If so, just let your dick get soft. Oniisan is a masochist after all, so even if you say it or not, he can still feel it. That's why when I made fun of you and when Rin-chan scolded you, your breahting became wild. Any girl can see right through you.  This is turning you on?  You're the worst. There there, moan even harder as I bring you to cum. Shikoshiko shikoshiko  Don't listen to it.  Niisan, every time she says shikoshiko, your eye's getting cloudy.  No shikoshiko.  No shikoshiko.  Listen to me. No shi-ko-shi-ko! Aha, even Rin-chan's saying shikoshiko, I'm so glad. The lewd dick juice is not stopping. You must be a pervert.  You can't.  Bear with it, right now.  Try not to feel how our warm bodies cling to you.  Just ignore ran-chan's lewd hands. Aha, the penis is makeing twitchy-twitch. Are you getting it now? Ahh-ahh, even tho she said no. Can you feel it? Can you feel the touch of our little breasts? Here, I'm pressing them right against oniisan. All while I'm teasing your penis.  Ah, oniisan.  Your penis is starting to tremble.  Listen, do you really wanna make me angry? Ah no, making rin-chan angry is too scary. Look, now you should seriously start to hold on. But I' won't stop stroking. Hahaha  Listen, you don't really know how angry I can get.  With a snap, I can break your dick to peices, just like that.  That's what I always do. Ahahaha, just as you said that, his balls began to swell. He's really a maso pervert. A threat is making him cum.  Pervert, pervert!  Pervert!  You fucking masochist! I'll just keep going here. Here, here. Rubbing your dick. Aha, I wonder if it's gonna pop now? Come, pleaaase.  Stop. Ahhh, and now it stopped. Just a little bit more...  Oniisan, what did you try to do just now?  Don't tell me, were you gonna cum?  Or am I wrong?  Oh, I am wrong?  In that case, why don't we have ran-chan stroking you right away?  What did I even stop for?  Tell me.  What for? Ahahahaha, you sure made rin-chan angry there. I wonder, do you like a girl harshly scoling you?  If you cum, I'll punish you.  Do you want to be punished?  It's not nice, my punishment.  So if you even dare to come after this, I'll stop right away.  You can thank me for it. Rin-chan, that was just too kind of oyu. His punishment was almost settled back then.  His orgasm must've drawn by by now.  So it's okay to stroke it again, I guess. Aha, well in that case, let's resume the stroking. Squeezing the dick again aand, shikoshiko shikoshiko Your moan's getting so loud now. Does your edging your dick feel that good? If you feel it that much, you'll come right away again. But that's no good... is what she said. Well, who can help it? After all, two girls are closely talking to you left and right. Doing such naughty things to you.  But I won't forgive you.  This dick is under my control.  You can't move your body, so oniichan must abide to my rules.  Do you hear me? But if you miss it, he sure will cum anyway. If he just pretends like everything's fine on orgasm brink, you won't be able to stop me. He'll just cum on his own. Right?  I'll never miss it.  Oniisan is so simple, I'll defeinitely recognize when he's about to cum. Let me give more love to the glands. When I stroke it with my fingers right here, he's twerking. Will you moan even harder? Give more of your lewd moans as I squeeze your dick.  Your dick's completely soaked from precum.  It's like your dick is crying.  Say, does it feel that good?  Does it even make oniisan cry? Oniisan really loves being brought to tears by a girl. So if you want to come, absolutely no problem. Here, shikoshiko shikoshiko. Aha, looks like you're soon about to cum. Again, I'm bringing you to orgasm.  Oniisan's close to cumming.  I can see that very well.  You're aware that we can see right through you, right? Ahhh, so embarassing. Two girls are completely laying you bare. It's impossible not to cum from this much exposure.  Ah, the dick's trembling.  I guess it's just on the verge. Here, your balls are sweeling to make your semen rise. Just a bit more and you'll come. Come on, come on!  Stop. don't think I'd let you cum?  Always stopping to painful timing.  Just a bit more, and you could've cum. Ahh, this must be painful. This was the 2nd denial already. Say, is confining your cum too painful?  It's allright if you punish me, I wanna cum.  Is that what you think?  You just wanna cum because Ran-chan says: "It's fine"? Lying is not nice. You're drooling from the mouth, your eye're watery. Ahahaha, did rin-chan make you cry this fast? Is that how much you wanna cum? I only teased your dick a bit, and this is what happened? Veery interesting! Oniisan, let's keep this game going all the way. Let's keep you at the edge, all over again. Ahahahaha, that face. You want to be tormented even more.  He's exhausted from torment. Hmm? What?  What is it? Edgsing is too suffocating? It is painful? Is that so? Would sicharging your semen be more pleasant? Pyupyuu, dripdrip, right? Well then, try and ask rin-chan. There, say "please" to her.  What now? Oniisan. He wants to cum, y'know.  So edging is too painful?  So you're asking me because rin-chan said it?  ...come on now.  I'll never let you cum. Ohh noo, she said no. Well, then it can't be helped. It looks like Ran-chan doesn't wanna lose here. Now, let's resume the shikoshiko. Onto another, de-ni-al! Ahahahahawa  Look how rin-chan is going at your dick again.  Again, she's driving you to another orgasm denial like she wants.  But once you become forced to cum, I'll stop you again.  So don't get your hopes up, oniisan.  Doesn't all that denial feel like suffering? Ahh, Rin-chan's abandoning you. About now, she doesn't even worry about oniisan's feelings anymore. Ahaha, isn't that fine? Pervert oniisan?  There, ran-chan is just playing with your dick.  Can you feel this?  It's allright, just let the orgasm draw near.  I'll give you a suffering denial, oniisan.  Not that I really care. Ahaha, his eyes're welling up. I think he's about to cry. Hmm? You want me to forgive you? Aha, nope. I don't wanna lose either. I'll just drive you to orgasm, without mercy.  Now you've made enemies on both sides, ran-chan and me.  Ehehehe, serves you right.  This is all oniisan's fault.  Just go to denial hell and die. ahahaha, did you say die? Rin-chan, you really are angry here. But this dick is still nice and stiff. Say, are you making a fool out of rin-chan?  Hee, you're making fun of me?  How interesting.  You will regret this, very much.  Should I let rin-chan tease your dick even more?  And revenge myself with more denials?  Should I give you the full suffering of not cumming? Ahahaha, now the dick's sloppy wet. It's crying like a waterfall. I wanna cum! I wanna cuuum~ So, you wanna drool out your thick semen?  Can you imagine it, ejaculating your semen?  As it rises from your balls into your uthera and spurts out? Pyupyuu, dripdrip, pyuu pyuu! Ah, looks like the dick is ready to go again. But you know we'll just stop again, right? But you're still getting ready for it? Are you an idiot?  Looks like he imagines to cum.  That's exactly what I aimed for.  That way, I can give you even more denials.  I'll break this toy. The dick's twitching. Again, it'll cum But we'll always deny you Just just in case, I'll tell you something. Semen... let-it-out.  Stop.  Ehehehe, it's useless.  This is my punishment because you made me angry.  Oniisan's not my friend anymore. Aaah, the third round already. With this, the odds are getting slim. But I like a challenge... so, your orgasm, give up on it.  Ah, oniisan's crying. He's really crying. Aha  Eheh.   Ahahahahawahahawa   (Ehehehehehehe) Hey Rin-chan, this is definitely interesting.  You're right ran-chan, what a nice toy. Okay, shikoshiko restart.  How does it feel like having girls make you cry?  As for us, we're having tons of fun. Let's break him even more. I'll knead this dick with my hands until the very limit.  What? Do you really want to cum?  Didn't you just hear what we said?  Be quiet, we're trying to enjoy this.  Just shut up already. He's begging younger girls with flowing tears. That's how much you wanna pee out your white sauce? Pervert.  Yeah, you pervert.  Oniisan's a pervert, so we can do this all day, right?  Do you hear this? You pervert?  ..."let me cum", that's all he says.  Did you forget? I said I won't allow you to cum!  And you still want to cum? It's allright, just cum. Let all and everything out. All of the semen pool in your balls, making it shoot out like a water fountain surely would feel incredibly good.  You'd rather listen to ran-chan than to me?  Aren't you scared of my punishment?  If so, say "I'll accept your punishment, just let me cum!"  Ahh, is that so?  In that case, do as you like.  I won't stop you anymore. Aha, she forgives you? Despite rin-chan's anger, your desire to cum won you over. The patience side simply can't win after all. Do you know what this means? With this, the cumming side wins, and the patience side gets to punish you.  It was my goal to punish him in the first place.  Still, I became more and more irritted how we groped along to punishment time.  Because it seemed like he was about to cum.  Every time I had to stop him, my stomache literally rose. So the more you denied him, the more you wanted to punish him? Even tho this was just oniisan's third time. Oh, this is not it had angered much not complain even been destroyed already?  Here, I won't stop you anymore, so cum.  Hurry up, will you? I wanna punish and break oniisan. Ahahahaha, sorry to keep you waiting, rin-chan. I'll make him cum right away. Here's the last spurt. Speed up! Aha, this will be unbearable. Here, are you gonna cum? Cum, with two twins by your sides.  Tremble with the dread of punishment and cum. Countdown  Cum at 0.   3   2   1   Heere we go! 0!0!0! Aha  Ehe   Ahahahahahahahaha   (Ehehehe Hehehe Hehehe) It coming out, like a water fountain.  That much is amazing. My hands're getting dirty with semen.  Dopyu Dopyu Dopyu, it's not stopping. All that was inside his balls? Should I wring him out with my hands?  Devote everything to ran-chan. Aha, looks like orgasm is over. Yep, he's done for. Oniisan, and his orgasm...  Lost to me. Haah, now punishment is settled.  I'll really do it, Ranchan.  But after I break him, we can't play with him anymore. Yeah, that's allright Rin-chan. I got bored of him anyway. Well, Oniisan, goodbye. Take it easy now.  Now onii-san, shall I punish you then?  Let's break you bit by bit.

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