Track 3

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あーあ、壊れちゃった  このおもちゃもダメだったね もっと丈夫なのが欲しいね?  私たちの責めに耐えられるおもちゃがいいの あは、そのほうが壊しがいあるね  えへ、蘭ちゃん壊す気マンマンなの 凛ちゃんだって壊したいんだよね?  バレちゃったの でも、次のおもちゃが来るまではこのおもちゃで遊ばないとだね?  うん、これで暇つぶしするしかないの もう言葉も話せないみたいだし、私だけで楽しもうね  うん、一方的に楽しむの フェラチオで遊ぶ?  今日もミルク絞ってあげるの 私がおちんちんの先っぽを咥えて  私が竿を横からしゃぶるの (さきっぽを舐めるフェラ1分、時々あはと笑う)  (竿を横から舐めるフェラ1分、時々えへと笑う) 凛ちゃん交代  蘭ちゃん、わかったの (竿を横から舐めるフェラ1分、時々あはと笑う) (さきっぽを舐めるフェラ1分、時々えへと笑う) 蘭ちゃん、ちゅーしよ?  うん、蘭ちゃん、私もしたい 亀頭を挟み込んで  舌を出して (舌を出して亀頭ごとレロレロキス1分) あは、もっと深く、ディープキスしよ?  えへ、亀頭を私たちの口にくわえ込んでするの   (亀頭をくわえ込んでのディープキス1分) んん、おちんちん震えだした  ん、ミルク出るの? 一緒に飲もうね?  ごくごくなの   (さらに激しく10秒)   んんんんんんんん!!   (精液を飲む10秒) あは  えへ   おいしい

Give the busted toy a blowjob

Ahh, he's completely busted.  This toy's no good anymore, huh. I wanted a more durable one.  A bully-resistant toy for us sure would be nice. Aha, one like that we could break it even harder.  Ehe, Ran-chan's always in the mood for some breaking. I thought you wanted to break him?  Yeah, you got me. But until the next toy arrives, we have nothing to play but this one.  Yeah, looks like we have to kill our time on this one. He can't understand us anymore, so gotta enjoy it by ourselves.  Yeah, it's one-sided fun only. How about playing fellatio?  I wanna milk him today. Then I'll blow the tip.  And I'll suck on the pole. (1 minute licking the tip, sometimes laughing "aha")  (1 minute licking the shaft, sometimes laughing "ehe") Rin-chan, let's change.  Okay, Ran-chan (1 minute licking the tip, sometimes laughing "aha") (1 minute licking the shaft, sometimes laughing "ehe") Ran-chan, wanna kiss?  Sure rin-chan, I'd love to. Let's sandwich the glans.  And stretch our tongues. (1 minute licking-kisses all over the glans) Aha, let's kiss even deeper.  Ehe, let's swallow the glans all up with our mouths.   (1 minute deep kiss glans blowjob) Nnh, the dick is trembling.  mh, milk's coming out. Let's drink it together.  And gulp it down.   (10 seconds very intense)   Nnnnnhh!!   (10 seconds semen drinking) Aha  Ehe   Tasty

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