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あっ♡弟くんおかえりなさい♡なんかお疲れだねー?頑張った弟くんにはお姉ちゃんがぎゅーっ♡したげるぞー♡ こーら♡恥ずかしがらないの♡えいっ♡ ぎゅー♡えへへー♡お姉ちゃんは弟くんのこと大好きだぞー♡弟くんもお姉ちゃんのこと大好きだよねー?知ってるんだぞー…… お姉ちゃんモノのえっちな本いっぱい持ってるの……♡弟くんのお部屋掃除してたら、いっぱい見つかっちゃったんだからねー……♡ お姉ちゃんに甘やかされながら、しこしこー♡ってされたり、意地悪にぃ……びゅーびゅーしそうなおちんちん♡何回も寸止めされたり♡くすっ♡ ねーねー♡弟くんは、どっちのお姉ちゃんが好きなのかなぁ?……なにがーって♡ 甘々にちゅこちゅこー♡っておちんちん可愛がられるのと、意地悪に、おちんちんいじめられちゃうの♡ ……くすっ♡決められないんだ?わがままだなぁ♡しょうがないよねー?男の子だもん♡ たまーに弟くんのお部屋掃除してたら、男の子の匂いすごいなー ってときよくあったけど、まさかこういうのでしてたとはねー♡お姉ちゃん知らなかったなぁ♡ あのね?お姉ちゃん、こういうのに興味持つのは悪い事じゃないって思うけどー……弟くんの頻度が心配ですっ♡ なんのーって…… おなにー♡おしゃせーしたがりくんだよねー? わかってるんだぞー♡むらむらぁってしたら、我慢しないでしこしこちゅくちゅくしてるでしょー♡だーめっ♡そんなのだめです♡ おなにーするのはいいことだけど、毎日何回もびゅーっ♡ってしたらだめなんだぞー♡ だからぁ……これからは弟くんのおせーし♡お姉ちゃんが管理します♡お姉ちゃんの言うことを聞くのは、弟くんの義務なんだからねー♡ これから絶対、おしゃせーしたくなったらお姉ちゃんに言うんだよ?隠れてしこしこしたらダメだかんねー♡お姉ちゃんの前でしかおしゃせー許しませんっ♡ くすくすっ♡顔真っ赤にしちゃって……かわいいねー♡ねーねー弟くん? 弟くんは、本物のお姉ちゃんと、えっちな本の偽物のお姉ちゃん♡どっちが好きなのかな?どっちのお姉ちゃんで、びゅーっ♡ってしたいのかな♡ ……へぇ♡お姉ちゃん?本物のお姉ちゃんとびゅー♡したいんだー?うれしいなー♡ じゃあお姉ちゃんの言うこと聞けるよねー?大好きなお姉ちゃんの前で、ぴゅっぴゅ♡したいもんねー? くすっ♡「はい」ってお返事できて偉いぞー♡断れないもんね♡ せっかくお姉ちゃんにえっちなところ見てもらえるんだもんね♡じゃあこれからよろしくね、弟くん♡♡

1. Prologue

Ah ♡ Welcome back my younger brother ♡ Are you tired? I will hug my younger brother who worked hard ♡ Don't be shy! ♡ Gyu~~ ♡ Ehehe ♡ I love you my brother ♡ My brother also loves her sister, right? I know it already!...... You have a lot of naughty books about me ... ♡ I found a lot when I cleaned my brother's room ... ♡ While being spoiled by me, I gave you a handjob ♡, and as a bad sister, when your dick was about to cum ♡ you were stopped many times ♡ Kusu ♡ Hey hey ♡ Which older sister do you like, my younger brother? ...... Who~ is it? ♡ Giving sweet kisses to your dick ♡ adored and meanly bullied ♡ ...... Kusu ♡ Can't you decide? I'm still selfish ♡ It can't be helped, right? It's a boy ♡ When I cleaned my brother's room once in a while, usually I can smell the prominent boy's smell, but I didn't know you were doing that ♡ I didn't know ♡ you know what? I don't think it's a bad thing to be interested in this kind of thing, but ... I'm worried about the number of times you do it ♡ Don't pretend you don't know what I'm saying... ♡ You want to masturbate, right? I know ♡ If you feel an irresistible urge to do it, don't put up with it, you have to cum ♡ No! ♡ That's no good ♡ It's good to masturbate, but it's no good if you masturbate many times every day ♡ That's why ... From now on, my brother's semen ♡ Your sister will manage it ♡ It's my duty to listen to my brother ♡ If you want to talk to me from now on, remember to tell your sister! It's no good if you hide and fap on your own ♡ I'll won't forgive you unless you do it in front of your sister ♡ It's squishy ♡ I made my face bright red ... It's cute ♡ Hey, my brother? Which one do ou like, a real sister or a fake sister in a naughty book ♡ I wonder which older sister you want to do it for you ♡ ……Hee ♡ Me? Do you want to do it by a real sister? I'm happy ♡ Then you can listen to what your sister says, right? In front of your favorite sister, do you want to cum ♡? Kusu ♡ It's great to be able to reply "yes" ♡ I can't refuse now ♡ Afterall, I showed you to look at my naughty place ♡ Then, I'm looking forward to you from now on, younger brother ♡

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