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弟くん弟くん♡今大丈夫かな?そっか♡ちょっとお話あるんだー♡お話っていうのはねー……あれからもう一週間だよね♡くすくすっ♡♡ もう一週間も、たまたまぐつぐつぅ……♡射精したいっ♡お姉ちゃんと早くおしゃせーしたいよぉ♡って期待させちゃってたよねー♡ 弟くん可愛かったなぁ♡管理してから三日目くらいのとき♡弟くん黙って自分からお姉ちゃんにぎゅーっ♡ってハグしてきてさー♡ お姉ちゃん気付いてたんだぞー?弟くんなーんにも言わないけど、もう我慢するのつらくて、お姉ちゃんに甘えてアピールしてるんだーって♡ くすくす♡弟くん顔真っ赤だねー♡バレてたの恥ずかしいねー?お姉ちゃんはお姉ちゃんなんだから♡隠し事できないんだぞー♡ くすっ♡もじもじしちゃってー♡もう我慢できない?できないんだ♡弟くんはえっちだなぁ♡いいよ♡ 今日はお姉ちゃんの前でオナニー♡しちゃおっか♡ 一週間我慢してたんだもん♡いっぱい、ぴゅうー♡ってしちゃおうねー♡ほーら♡そのままじゃつらいでしょ?早くズボンとパンツ脱いで♡ おちんちん、お姉ちゃんに挨拶しましょうねー♡一人で脱ぎ脱ぎできますかー? くすっ♡できるんだー♡えらいえらいだねー♡ はぁい♡ぬぎぬぎー♡ぬぎぬぎー♡……わぁ♡弟くんのおちんちんかわいー♡へぇ…へぇ♡かわいいねー……ほんとかわいー♡おちんちんかわいいぞー♡ くすっ♡かわいいって言われるの好きなんだ?お姉ちゃんが可愛いって言うと、ぴくっ♡って反応しちゃってるぞー♡ もう興奮しちゃってるんだね♡そうだよね♡一週間もたまたまに精液溜めたもんね♡びゅーびゅー♡ってしちゃう男の子なところ、 大好きなお姉ちゃんに見ててもらえるんだもん♡ はやくしこしこしたいよぉ……♡お姉ちゃんの前でえっちになってるところ見られたいっ♡しゃせーっ♡しゃせぇ……っ♡って頭いっぱいだよねー♡ じゃあ、弟くんに近寄っちゃうね♡ はぁい……ぎゅーっ♡抱き着いちゃったー……♡これで弟くん逃げらんないぞー♡ 一週間、お姉ちゃんとの約束守れて偉かったねー?おなにー我慢できて偉いぞー……♡くすっ♡ もしかして弟くん、お耳弱いのかな♡さっきからびくびくしっぱなしだぞー……♡ぎゅーされながら、お耳にこしょこしょー……♡ってされるのえっちだねー? くす♡ふぅーっ♡くすくすっ♡ これからお姉ちゃん、弟くんのおなにー♡じぃー……♡って見てたげるから♡ 弟くんもお姉ちゃんのこと、いーっぱい生おかずにしていいんだぞー……♡いつも一人でこそこそしてたえっちなこと、沢山見せちゃえー……♡ お姉ちゃんのことえっちな目で見ちゃえー……♡生お姉ちゃんでおしゃせーびゅっびゅー♡ってしちゃおうねー……♡ くすっ♡それじゃあおなにーしちゃおうねー♡んー?おみみ寂しい?そっかそっか♡じゃあおしゃせー近くなったらまた囁いたげる♡期待しとこうねー♡ えへへ♡ほらほら♡おなにー、しちゃっていいんだぞー?そうそう♡おちんちん握って、しーこしーこ♡ わぁ……本当におなにーしちゃってる♡お姉ちゃんの前で気持ちくなろうとしてるー……♡ 遠慮しないでいいんだからねー?いつもみたいにおなにーしようね♡ ……おーおー♡しこしこ早くなっちゃった♡かわいー♡最初から気持ちよくなれるしこしこしちゃってー……やらしー♡ お姉ちゃんのこといっぱい見て?おかずにしちゃお?ショートパンツから出てる太もも、じぃ……♡って見ちゃお?しこしこしちゃお? くすっ♡すっごい見られてる……♡本当にお姉ちゃんで射精しようとしてる……♡ あっあっ♡お姉ちゃんの太ももえっちだよぉ♡ふわふわのふとももすきぃ♡すきすきっ♡ おちんちん挟んでもらいたいっ♡太ももにびゅーしたいっ♡ くすくす♡おててもっと早くなっちゃった♡えっちなこと言われて発情しちゃったねー?うんうん♡いいよ♡えっちになっていいんだぞー♡ えっちな弟くんには、ちょっとだけサービスしちゃおっかなー♡ ちょっとだけショーパンずらしてー……♡ちらっ♡ほらほら♡お姉ちゃんのぱんつ見えちゃってるぞー♡ このぱんつ、今日弟くんに見せるために穿いたんだぞー♡お気に入りなんだぞー♡ピンクで、リボン付いてて、ふりふりしてて可愛いでしょ♡ もっとお姉ちゃんのお気に入りのぱんつでしこしこしてほしいなー♡ くすくす♡好き放題しこしこちゅこちゅこしちゃって……♡ きもちーね?可愛いお姉ちゃんにちゅこちゅこしてるとこ見られるのきもちーね♡気持ちくなってるところ、お姉ちゃん見てますよー♡ 弟くんがどういうおなにーしてるのか、ちゃんと見られてるんだよー♡弟くんっていつもそういう手つきでしてるんだー……♡ あー♡そこばっかりしこしこしてるなぁ……♡そこ弱いんだー……♡気持ちよくなれるとこばっかり責めておなにーしてるんだー……♡ いつもこんなえっちなこと、お姉ちゃんにバレないようにしてたんだー……♡って観察されてるんだぞー♡ 一人でするよりきもちーね?じぃ……っ♡って見られながらしこしこするのきもちーねー♡あーあー♡どんどんおしゃせー近くなってきちゃったかなー? カウパーでくちゅくちゅくちゅくちゅー♡にちにちにちにちぃ……♡ってえっちな音鳴っちゃってるぞー♡ しょうがないねー?お姉ちゃん生おかずにして、贅沢おなにーしてもいい日だもんねー♡ お姉ちゃんの身体えっちだもんねー♡すぐおしゃせーしたくなっちゃうよねー♡ くすくす♡でもまだ我慢だよー?こんなすぐ出しちゃったら勿体ないですからねー♡ もう少しおせーし♡たまたまの中でぐつぐつにしとこうねー♡ あはっ♡腰ぴくって引いた♡おしゃせー我慢してくれてるんだ♡えらいえらい♡ かわいいぞー♡かっこいいぞー♡本当はもうびゅーっ♡ってしたいのに、お姉ちゃんの言うこと守って我慢できるの偉い偉いだぞぉ♡ 偉い弟くんには、ご褒美にぃ……♡ ちゅっ♡ちゅるるるる♡れろっ♡れろれろぉ……っ♡ くす♡べろちゅーしちゃった♡もっかいしたげるから、目瞑ったり、逸らしたらだめだぞー♡お姉ちゃんとちゅーしながら、おめめ合わせようねー♡ ちゅ♡ぐぢゅううう♡ちゅっ♡れろれろぉ♡…… 今目逸らしたでしょ♡もうちゅーおあずけですからねー♡ 代わりにこのまま、お目目見てたげる♡恥ずかしいよねー?えっちなお顔見られてるぞー♡ あーあー……しこしこしてる恥ずかしいお顔、じぃ♡じぃいいいいぃい♡って見られてるぞー♡ おめめとろとろ♡もう頭の中気持ちよくなることでいっぱいだねー♡ もうだめだね?もうおしゃせーしたくてたまらないってお顔してるぞー♡くすくすっ♡ お耳失礼しまーす……♡弟くん、お姉ちゃんが言ったこと覚えてるかな♡ お耳こしょこしょは、おしゃせー近くなったらって言ったよね♡ もう我慢しなくていいんだぞー……♡もう本気おなにーしていいんだぞー♡ そうそう♡本気おなにーできて偉いぞー♡男の子だねー♡ おしゃせーできるってなったら必死にしこしこしちゃうんだぁ♡もっとしこしこちゅこちゅこしていいんだよ♡ お姉ちゃんすきっ♡だいすきっ♡すきすきすきすきすきぃっ♡ って頭いっぱいにしながらおなにーしちゃおうねー♡ おーおー♡甘えておなにー するのきもちーねー♡弟くんは弟くんなんだから♡もっと甘えんぼになっていいんだぞー……♡ お姉ちゃん離れできなくなっちゃおうねー……♡えへへ♡ これだけ近いと、お姉ちゃんの匂いくんくんできるね♡いいんだよ?いっぱい匂い嗅いじゃって♡ お姉ちゃんのいい匂いだよー♡お姉ちゃんの甘い匂い♡ 女の人の匂いすきすきっ♡お姉ちゃんだいすきっ♡って贅沢おなにーしちゃえ♡ 幸せだねー♡お姉ちゃんと甘えたおなにーできて幸せだねー♡もっと幸せになっちゃおうねー♡ んー?もう出したい?せーえき、びゅー♡したいかな? でもいいの?このままおしゃせーしちゃったら、もう一人でできなくなっちゃうぞー……♡ お姉ちゃんとするの忘れられなくなっちゃうんだぞ……♡ 一人でこっそりしてても、お姉ちゃんにびゅー♡するとこ見ててもらいたいよぉ♡ しこしこみててもらいたいぃ♡えっちなところ観察されたいぃ♡お耳寂しいよぉ……♡ってなっちゃうんだぞ♡ それでもいいの? うんうん♡それでもいいんだねー♡お姉ちゃんにえっちなところ見てほしいよねー♡ いいよ♡弟くんの面倒見るのはお姉ちゃんの義務だからねー♡ これからずーっと、弟くんのおしゃせー♡お世話したげるぞ♡くすくす♡ うんっ♡うんうん♡もうびゅーびゅー我慢できないね♡おちんちんきもちくなりたいねー♡ そのままお姉ちゃんに向かっておしゃせー しちゃっていいんだぞー♡お姉ちゃんにえっちな気持ち、沢山びゅーっ♡ ってぶつけちゃおうねー♡精液好き勝手に撒き散らしちゃえ♡いいよ……♡ いいよいいよ♡お姉ちゃんにびゅるるー♡ってマーキングしちゃえ♡ しこしこしこしこ♡ちゅこちゅこちゅこちゅこ♡にちにちにちにちにちぃ♡ おーおー♡もうでちゃうでちゃう……っ♡がまんむりぃ♡せーえきびゅーしちゃうよぉ♡ くすくす♡お姉ちゃんがぜーんぶ受け止めたげるからねー♡好き放題だしちゃおうねー……♡ はい♡はぁいっ♡せーえきでまーす♡ びゅーっ♡びゅるびゅるーっ♡びゅっびゅ♡びゅるるーっ♡びゅくびゅく♡びゅぷぷー♡ 上手だねー♡おしゃせー上手だよー♡お姉ちゃんのこと、そのままティッシュ代わりにしちゃおうねー♡ ぴゅっぴゅー♡ぴゅるるー♡どぴゅ♡ぴゅー♡ぴゅくぴゅく♡とぷとぷーっ♡ぴゅー……ぴぅー……♡ わぁ……♡いっぱい出ちゃったねー♡全部お姉ちゃんのために溜めこんでたんだもんねー♡お姉ちゃんで出してくれたんだねー♡ お姉ちゃんでおしゃせーできて偉いよ♡ 気持ちよかった?うんうん♡弟くんが気持ちよくなれて、お姉ちゃんも嬉しいなぁ♡ ほら見てこれ♡お姉ちゃんに掛かってるの♡これ全部弟くんの精液だぞ ー♡ちゃんとマーキングできたね♡よしよし♡ 今日はこれでおしまいっ♡次もいっぱいぬきぬきしたげるから♡楽しみにしてようね♡

2. Being seen while masturbating

Younger brother, younger brother ♡ Is it okay now? I see ♡ I have something to talk about ♡ About it ... It's been another week since then right? ♡ Kusukusu ♡ It has already been a week ... ♡ 'I want to ejaculate' ♡ 'I want to fap in front my sister soon' ♡ You were expected all that right? ♡ My younger brother was so cute ♡ About the third day of managing you ♡ My younger brother kept quiet and hugged me ♡ I have noticed it you know? My younger brother won't say it, but it's hard to put up with it anymore that you are appealing to me ♡ Kusukusu ♡ My younger brother's face is bright red ♡ It's embarrassing that you got exposed? Your sister is an older sister ♡ You can't hide it ♡ Kusu ♡ You are becoming nervous ♡ Can't you hold it anymore? You can't huh... ♡ My younger brother is naughty ♡ Alright ♡ Today I will give you hand job ♡ You've been patient for a week ♡ I will make you cum lots ♡ Let's do it ♡ Hora ♡ It's hard as it is, right? Take off your pants and underwear as soon as possible ♡ I will say hi to you dick ♡ Can you take it off by yourself? Oh you can do it ♡ You're great ♡ Hey ♡ Nugi Nugi ♡ Nugi Nugi ♡ …… Wow ♡ Younger brother's penis is cute ♡ He ... he ♡ Cute ... Really cute ♡ Ochinchin kawaii ♡ Kusu ♡ Do you like being said that? When I say that your dick is cute, you reacted with a twitch ♡ You're already excited ♡ That's right ♡ You happened to collect semen for a week ♡ For a fap addict ♡ You done well in front of your sister ♡ I want you to do it quickly …… ♡ I want to see you getting naughty in front of your sister ♡ Cum ♡ Cum …… ♡ I kept thinking of all that ♡ Then, I'll get closer to my younger brother ♡ Hai …… Gyu ♡ I hugged you …… ♡ You can't run away from me ♡ It was great to keep your promise with your sister for a week, right? You done well for not fapping for a week ... ♡ Kusu ♡ Maybe my younger brother has weak ears ♡ you dick has been twitching since a while ago …… ♡ While being hugged, teasing your ears …… ♡ It's lewd, isn't it? Kusu ♡ Fu~ ♡ Kusu Kusu ♡ From now on, I will stare at you masturbating ♡ Stare …… ♡ You can also use your sister as fap material ... ♡ Always doing naughty by yourself... show me everything now ♡ Look at your sister with a naughty look…… ♡ Use me to fap away ♡ Kusu ♡ Then you shall start now ♡ Hmm? Your ears are lonely? I see I see ♡ Then I'll whisper again when you're about to cum ♡ Look forward to it ♡ Ehehe ♡ Look, ♡ It is fine to fap now! Yes like that ♡ Grip properly, shikoshiko ♡ Wow ... You're really masturbating ♡ You're trying to feel good in front of your sister ... ♡ Don't hesitate, okay? You should fap like how you always been doing ♡ …… Oh ♡ It's getting a little faster ♡ Cute ♡ You can feel good at the beginning …… Lewd ♡ Look more at me? Use me to fap? Look at my thighs that come out of my shorts... ♡ and fap more? Kusu ♡ You look at me so much …… ♡ You're really trying to ejaculate using your sister …… ♡ Ah ♡ My thighs are erotic ♡ Fluffy fluffy fluffy ♡ Sukisuki ♡ I'd like to grab your dick using my thighs ♡ I want you to cum on them ♡ Kusukusu ♡ It's getting faster ♡ You got more excited when I said something naughty, right? Yeah ♡ Good ♡ It's okay to be erotic ♡ I wonder if I should give a little service to my younger brother ♡ I gonna shift my pants a little ... ♡ Chira ♡ Look ♡ You can see your sister's panties ♡ I wore these to show my younger brother today ♡ I like them ♡ Pink, with a ribbon, it's cute right ♡ I want you to fap more with your sister's favorite panties ♡ Kusukusu ♡ You can fap to your heart's content …… ♡ Feeling good? It feels good when your cute sister is flirting ♡ Show me all your pleasures ♡ I can see what how my brother does it ♡ My younger brother always strokes like that huh ... ♡ Ah ♡ You're always stroking it there …… ♡ Are you weak there? …… ♡ You'll feel good when I tease you huh …… ♡ You were always trying not to let your sister know about this kind of naughty thing ... ♡ I assumed ♡ It’s better than doing it alone, right? Stare …… ♡ I feels good while being seen ♡ Ah ♡ I wonder if it's getting closer and closer? ♡ That's a naughty sound ♡ It can't be helped, right? It's a day when you can have a luxurious fap using your sister ♡ My body is sexy ♡ You'll want to cum right away ♡ Kusukusu ♡ But you're still able to bear it right? It would be a waste if you cum so soon ♡ Let's do it a little more ♡ Let's make it squishy in the middle of it ♡ Aha ♡ I pulled my hips ♡ I'm sorry for your patience ♡ Great ♡ It's cute ♡ It's cool ♡ Actually, I want to say it, but it's a great thing that I can put up with what my sister says ♡ A reward for my great younger brother …… ♡ Chu ♡ Churururu ♡ Rero ♡ Rero Rero …… ♡ Kusu ♡ Berochu ♡ It's a big deal, so don't close your eyes or divert your eyes ♡ Let's meet with your sister ♡ Chu ♡ Gujuuu ♡ Chu ♡ Relorero ♡ …… You've missed it right now ♡ It's also Uchiyu Azuke ♡ Instead, you can see it as it is ♡ It's embarrassing, isn't it? You can see your face ♡ Ah ... I'm looking at my embarrassing face, Ji ♡ Ji Ii Ii ♡ Omeme Toro Toro ♡ It's full of things that make you feel good in your head ♡ No more, right? I'm dying to talk to you ♡ Squishy ♡ Excuse me for your ears ... ♡ Do you remember what my brother and sister said ♡ You said that your ears would be close to your ears ♡ You don't have to put up with it anymore ... ♡ You can really do what you want ♡ Oh yeah ♡ Seriously masturbation is great ♡ It's a boy ♡ If I can talk, I'll desperately squeeze ♡ You can squeeze more ♡ Sister Suki ♡ Dai Suki ♡ Suki Suki Suki Suki Suki ♡ Let's masturbate while filling my head ♡ Oh ♡ I'm spoiled and masturbating ♡ He's masturbating ♡ My younger brother is my younger brother ♡ It's okay to be more spoiled …… ♡ I can't leave my sister ... ♡ Ehehe ♡ If it's this close, you can smell your sister ♡ Is that okay? Smell a lot ♡ It smells good ♡ Smell sweet ♡ I like the smell of a woman ♡ I love my sister ♡ What a luxurious masturbation ♡ I'm happy ♡ I'm happy to be able to masturbate with my sister ♡ Let's be happier ♡ Hmm? Do you want to put it out yet? See you, do you want to ♡? But is that okay? If you talk like this, you won't be able to do it alone ... ♡ I'll never forget being an older sister ... ♡ Even if I'm sneaking alone, I want my sister to take a look ♡ I want you to take a look at it ♡ I want to be observed in a naughty place ♡ I'm lonely ... ♡ is it OK? Yeah ♡ That's fine ♡ I want my sister to see the naughty place ♡ It's okay ♡ It's your sister's duty to take care of your younger brother ♡ From now on, my younger brother's talk ♡ I'll take care of you ♡ Kusukusu ♡ Yeah ♡ Yeah ♡ I can't stand it anymore ♡ I want to be sick ♡ Let's talk to your sister as it is-it's okay for her to do it ♡ A lot of feelings for her ♡ Let's hit it ♡ Semen lovers sprinkle it on your own ♡ Good …… ♡ It's finally ♡ Mark your sister ♡ Slowly Slowly ♡ Chuko Chuko Chuko Chuko ♡ Hello Hello Hello ♡ Oooh ♡ I'm already out ... ♡ Gamanmurii ♡ Seekibyu Chauyo ♡ Kusukusu ♡ Because my sister will take it all ♡ You can do whatever you want …… ♡ Yes ♡ Haai ♡ Seeki de Masu ♡ Buu ♡ Buru Buru ♡ Byu Byu ♡ Buru Ruu ♡ Buku Buku ♡ Byu Pup ♡ You're good ♡ You're good at talking ♡ Let's use your sister as a substitute for tissue ♡ Pyu Pyu ♡ Puru Ru ♡ Dopyu ♡ Pyu ♡ Pyuku Pyuku ♡ Toptopu ♡ Pyu …… Puu …… ♡ Wow …… ♡ I got a lot ♡ I was accumulating everything for my sister ♡ I got it out with my sister ♡ It's great to be able to talk with your sister ♡ it was good? Yeah ♡ My younger brother feels good and my sister is happy too ♡ Look at this ♡ It's hanging on my sister ♡ This is all my brother's semen ♡ I was able to mark it properly ♡ Good ♡ That's it for today ♡ I'll be able to pull out a lot next time ♡ Let's look forward to it ♡

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