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あーにき なんだじゃないよ 聞いて欲しいことがあるんだけど 最近さぁ、あたしのお気に入りのパンツがなくなっちゃってさ 何きょどってんの? まさか、あんた・・・ 違うって? ホントに? へぇ・・・じゃあ、これなーんだ? 兄貴があたしのパンツでしこってる写メ あはははは、バレてないと思ったの? バカじゃないの? あーあ、兄貴、あたしに嘘ついちゃったね? (ここから演技) ひどいよ お兄ちゃん、あたしに嘘ついたんだ しかも妹のパンツ使ってそんないやらしいことしてるなんて (ここまで) ホント、サイテーだね 義理とは言え妹に欲情するとか、マジ変態じゃん お風呂上がりにバスタオル姿でリビングにいるときさ、お前の体なんて興味ないとか言ってなかった? ホントは勃起してたりして ねぇねぇ?どうなの? へぇ、黙るんだ? ママに言いつけよっか? 兄貴があたしのパンツでオナニーしてたよってさ あははは、嫌だよね じゃあさ、罰ゲーム それに耐えられたら許してあげる どう?・・・ってか、選択しないよね? 兄貴はあたしに従うだけ、そうだろ? あははは、きもちいい あんなに偉ぶってた兄貴があたしの言うがまま じゃあ、罰ゲームの発表 一ヶ月これをつけること ん? 見たことない? 貞操帯 男のちんぽを拘束して鍵をかける道具 これをつけるとね?んふふ、射精はもちろん勃起もできなくなるんだよ? ずっとつけてるんだから、貞操帯はちっさめのサイズなの 勃起しても収まるようなサイズなら日常生活送れないよね? 何、ぼけーっとしてんの? これ、あんたがつけるんだよ? 当たり前だろ? 妹に欲情する変態兄貴と一緒に暮らすってなるとこれくらいは必要に決まってんじゃん それとも、この家から追い出されたい? なぁ、どっちだよ? 答えろよ、ほら ・・・あたしからのプレゼント、受け取ってく・れ・る・よ・ね? あはははは、受け取った 決まりだね じゃあ、早速つけよっか? ほら、ズボンとパンツ、下ろしなよ さっさとしろよ 恥ずかしがってんじゃねぇよ うわぁ、妹の前でちんぽ晒してる あんた、今なにやってんのかわかってる? 分かってやってんだよね?あはは じゃあ、貞操帯ををちんぽに入れて 金玉の奥で金具を締め付けて・・・これくらいでいっか じゃあ、鍵、かけるね あははは、鍵かけちゃった これ兄貴は射精も勃起もあたしの許可なしじゃできなくなったね? 金具が金玉の奥で固定されてるから絶対に外れないからね よかったね?兄貴 ぷ、くくく、それにしても、そのちんぽ、なっさけなくておもしろ、くくく ん?なに? この文字?そのちんぽもうあたしのものだから貞操帯に『可憐専用』って書かせてもらったよ? 別にいいよね?実際そうなるわけだし あ、それと貞操帯の取り扱いについていくつか教えといてあげる まず1つ、勃起はできない 当たり前だよね、そのちっさい金属の筒の中じゃ勃起出来るわけないもんね? もし勃起したら金属が食い込んで程よい苦痛がちんぽを襲うの そういう時は冷たい水で冷やすと勃起が静まるから 覚えといて 2つ、おしっこする時は、座ること おしっこするための穴が貞操帯についてるから、それにちんぽの穴を合わせないといけないの 立ったまんまだとできないよ? 女の子みたいに座っておしっこしないとね? 3つ、貞操帯はこれと同じものをもう1つ用意してあげてるから 定期的に取り替えてあげるから、清潔にしときなよ? 優しいあたしに感謝だね? 兄貴のこと、しっかり考えてあげてるんだからさ 説明は終わり あっと、一番大切なこと言い忘れてた 週に2回、あたしがちんぽいじめてあげるから 毎週火曜日と土曜日 ママとお父さんが家にいない日 厳しい射精管理だからね たまにはご褒美もあげないとね もちろん、射精はさせないけどさ あはははは、これじゃ兄貴もっと苦しくなっちゃうね? でも、いいよね? あんたが欲情するあたしがちんぽいじってあげるって言ってんだから 嬉しいだろ? な?兄貴 それと、あたしが呼び出したら全裸になってあたしの部屋に来なよ? いっぱい兄貴で遊んであげるから ・・・逃げたら、許さないからね? じゃあ、しばらくはそのまま生活してないよ じゃあね、あ・に・き

Orgasm Control Day 1: Chastity Belt Equipping

Aniki? Oh, it's nothing. I just wanted to ask you something. Y'know, lately my favorite panties have gone missing. What's with that suspicious look? Wait, don't tell me you... You didn't? Really? Hee,... in that case, what is thiiis? A snapshot of Aniki jerking off with my panties. Ahahahaha, did you really think I wouldn't catch you? Are you stupid or what? Aa-aah, Aniki, you lied to me. (Acting from here) It's soo terrible. Oniichan, how could you lie to me? And to think you're even using yous sis' panties for such a thing. (Until here) Really, you're the worst. You've got no decency and lust over you sister, you're just a perv. When I came from the bath into the living room with just a bath towel around, you said something like you're not interested in my body, right? But honestly, you were rock hard. Hey, hey? What was that about? Gone silent, huh? So, should I tell Mom? About you stealing my pants as jerk off material? Ahahaha, you wouldn't want that, right? Well, in that case. It's punishment game time. When you can endure it, I'll forgive you. How about it? ...yeah right, as if you've got a choice. Aniki needs to follow my rules, that's how it is, right? Ahahahah, this feels nice. Aniki needs to do anything I tell him, and he can't do anything about it. Allright, here's the punishment game. Put this thing on for one month. Hmm? Never seen one before? It's a chastity belt. It's a tool to lock away a man's cock inside. You're going to wear this, okay? Nfufu, with this, you can't get hard or cum at all. Because you'll always wear it, the belt keeps it small. If it was erection size, you could just go on with your daily routine. Huh, what's with that face? I'm gonna put this on you? Of course I'm gonna. This is totally necessary if I live in the same house with a bro who lusts after his own sister. Or would you rather get kicked out? So, which is it? Answer me, will ya? ...please accept my present, e-spe-cia-lly from me. Ahahahaha, accepted. It's settled then. Well then, let's put it on at once. Come on, down with the pants and your undies. Right now. Don't act so shy... Uwaa, you're pulling out your dick right on front of your sis. Do you even get what you're doing here? You do get it, but you're still doing it? Ahahah. And now, putting the belt on. Your balls and wiener are pressing so tightly against the metal cage... And now, with this key... Ahahaha, it's locked. With this, you can't get hard or cum without my permission, right? With your balls and weiner inside their metal prison, there's no way they can get out. It's that wonderful? Aniki? Pu, kukuku, still, seeing your dick like this, it's so sad that it's funny again, kukuku. Hmm? What is it? This writing? This dick belongs to me, so I have the privilege of writing "Karen-only" on it. You don't mind, do you? I mean, it is what it is. Ah, of course I'll teach you how to use the chastity belt. For starters, you can't get hard. It's only natural, this little metal cage is too small to get hard. You can get hard a bit if you like, but it's gonna hurt like hell. When that happens, just cool it with cold water and you'll be fine. Don't forget that. Second, when you go pee, you have to sit down. Because the belt has a pee-hole right at the front, you must line up with it. Standing is no good. You have to squat down like girl to pee. Third, we won't leave the belt just as it is like now. If we don't take it off once it a while, that would be unhygienic. Be thankful that I'm so kind. Because I always think about you. This ends explanations. And last but not least: Twice a week, I'll bully your dick. Every Tuesday and Saturday. That's when Mom and Dad are out of the house. Since you're under strict ejaculation control.... It wouldn't be fair to reward you once in a while. Of course, cumming is out of question. Ahahahaha, with this, it'll become even more painful for you, Aniki. But isn't it nice? You get to lust after your sis, while I get to bully your penis. We'll be so happy. Right? Aniki? Now, whenever I call for you, get naked and come to my room. We'll have lots of fun together, Aniki. ...and if you run away, I won't forgive you. Now then, I'll leave you to your daily business. Seeya later, A-ni-ki.

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