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お待ちかねの3日目だね、兄貴 あははは、マジで全裸で待ってやんの ねぇ、それ情けなくないの 妹の前で貞操帯つけたちんぽ晒してさ ここ、あたしの部屋だよ? なにしてくれちゃってるの? ホント、変態すぎて笑える あははは、ホントそのかっこ、奴隷みたいですっごくお似合いだよ?あ・に・き? でさ、どう?貞操帯をつけての生活はさ? え?違和感? あははは、そんなのすぐになれるって まだ3日だからね、これから貞操帯がマジで辛くなるから覚悟しときなよ? 今日はあたしが兄貴のちんぽ気持ちよくしてあげるから じゃ、貞操帯、外そっか? ほい あははは、2日ぶりの自由だねちんぽ君 貞操帯にしっかり囲まれてオナニーもできなったんだよね? あはは、かわいそう 今日はね、あたしのこのスベスベの手でたっぷり遊んであげんの そのちんぽ何度もシコシコしていたぶるから なになに?勃起してきてんじゃん あははは、あんたどこまで変態なんだよ? ほら、変態、言ってみなよ、僕は変態ですってさ そうしないと手コキしてやんないよ? ほら言え あははははは、言っちゃった 悔しそうな顔してるくせに妹に手コキして欲しいんだ? 違うじゃねぇだろ?変態、勃起してんの丸見えだって いいよ 手コキ、してあげる ちんぽを握って・・・、ほらシコシコ~ あは、声出てる そうだよね?3日間自分でも触れなかったちんぽ、愛しの妹にしこってもらってんだから ほら、このカリ首のあたりがいいんだろ? あんたオナニーでも、ここいっぱい責めてたじゃん 知らないと思ってた? 兄貴がオナニーしてると何度も見たことあるよ こうやって弱いとこいっぱい自分でいじめて喘ぎ声出してんの すっごく情けなくて面白かったよ? あははは、ちんぽぴくぴくしてる 妹に恥ずかしいこといっぱい言われて感じてんじゃん あんた、Mでしょ? 隠してんじゃねぇよ 現にこうやってシコシコたまんないんだろ? ほら、シコシコ、シコシコ あはははは、ちんぽガッチガチ (ここから演技) ねぇ、お兄ちゃん、可憐のお手手、気持ちいい? こうやって何度も上下されるとたまらないの? 余った皮を巻き込んで根元からカリ首までシコシコ お兄ちゃんに喜んでもらえてうれしいな (ここまで) うわ、ガマン汁止まんない なに興奮してんだよ やっぱ兄貴は妹好きの変態だね ちょっと猫なで声で甘やかしたらこうだもん え?なに?いきそうになってたりすんの? へぇ、じゃあ、イカせてください可憐様っていいなよ? ほら、いきたいんだろ?なら言えよ、ほら ぷぷぷ、妹に向かって可憐様、だって いつも偉っぶってるくせに、ちんぽいじめられたらすぐ落ちちゃうんだ? いいよ、ほら ラストスパート 妹の手コキでいけ、ほら、ほらほら 金玉って3日でザーメン満帆になんだろ? 溜まった3日分のとろとろ精液、出せ もういく、すぐいく 妹にちんぽいかされる、妹の手を精液でよごしちゃう ほらほら、限界? もう出る? そう、じゃあ、やーめた ぷ、あははははははは だってあたし、お願いしたらイカせてあげるとか一言も言ってないし 兄貴、頭悪いんだ?あははは 約束は1ヶ月だろ? まだいかせるわけ無いだろ?ばーか んふふ、じゃあ、イカせてもらえないことわかったところでもう一回射精寸前まで行こっか? あははは、シコシコ再開 嫌がってるくせいに喘ぎ声アヘアヘ漏れてるじゃん こういうのも好きなんだろ?なぁ? 射精禁止されて徹底的になぶられんの、たまんないだろ? いやなんだ? じゃあ、これがくせになるまであたしが兄貴をしつけてあげる あははは、カウパーだだもれ あたしの手、ベトベトにして最低 くちゅくちゅエロい音してるし これ、あんたの汁の音だよ ちんぽからすっごいやらしい音だして恥ずかしくないの? あたしに全部聞かれてんだよ? あははは、ほら、あたしの目を見ろよ ずっと兄貴の恥ずかしがる顔、観察してんだから あっは、目、合っちゃったね? ん?ちんぽいきそうになってる 妹に見つめられて射精くるとか、ホント面白い体 いいよ、寸止めしてあげる 手コキでたっぷりいじめられてよ 兄貴の射精まで、5、4、3、2、1、はいストップ 今日はこれでおしまい なに残念そうな顔してんの? まさか、本気で妹の手コキで射精したかったの? 気持ちわるいよ?兄貴 あはははは、じゃあ、冷たい水をちんぽにかけて勃起鎮めるから 当たり前だろ? ちんぽ小さくしないと貞操帯、入んないだろ? また4日間、ちんぽはおあずけ、よかったね はい、ちんぽ萎えさせまーす あはは、一気に子供ちんぽみたいにちっさくなった じゃあ、新しい貞操帯をはめて、鍵を・・・ はい終了 手コキの快楽の余韻で夜眠れないかもしんないけど、ちんぽには触れないね ムラムラして勃起もできない 全部あたしに管理されてんの あは、ホント惨め でもまだ罰ゲームは始まったばっか、たっぷり楽しませてね、兄貴

Orgasm Control Day 3: Handjob

It's been three days. You've been waiting for this, right Aniki? Ahahaha, you seriously wated in the nude. Say, aren't you the saddest thing ever. Exposing your dick in this cage in front of your sis. This is my room, isn't it? Did you want something from me or what? Really, this is too perverse to even laugh about. Ahahaha, in this situation, honestly, you look like a slave. A-ni-ki? Well, how was it? Living with this belt? Eh? Uncomfortable? Ahahaha, better get used to it right away. It's just been three days. After this, wearing belt will get more painful. But today, I wanna make Aniki's dick feel nice and good. Well then, open sesame. Hoi. Ahahaha, free after 3 days at last, Mr. Dick. Couldn't jerk off in your cage, right? Ahaha, you poor thing. But today, y'know, you get to be played with these silky smooth hands. Cause I wanna tease this dick by rubbing it over and over again. What's thiiis? You getting hard already? Ahahaha, how perverted can you get anyway? Go on, say it yourself. Say "I'm a pervert". If you don't, you get no handjob. Say it already. Ahahahaha, you said it. Despite your miserable face, you want a handjob from your little sis? You think I'm lying? You perv, I can fully see you getting hard here. Allright. Let's give it a handjob. Grabbing the dick aaand... rubbing it. Ahah, you're moaning. You did, didn't you? After all, this dick hasn't been touched in three days, now your beloved sis is gently rubbing it. Look, feels good around the glans. When you fap, you tease yourself right here. You thought I didn't know? I actually watched Aniki masturbate lots of times. When you tease your own weakspot heere, you really moan a lot. It was incredibly shameful and interesting. Ahaha, your dick just twitched. You can feel every little embarrassing thing I say you you. Say, are you an M? No need to hide it from me. You actually can't resist this rubbing, can you? There we go, rubbing, rubbing. Ahahahaha, your dick's so stiff. (Acting from here) Say, oniichan? Karen's hands, do they feel good? It's irresistable when I rub you up and down like this again and again. Pulling your skin all the way to the root, and turning it over your head again? It makes me so happy to please you. (Until here) Woah, the precum just doesn't stop. Something aroused you, right? Aniki is totes a pervert who loves his little sis. I just spoiled you a bit with my sweet voice here. Eh? What? You gonna cum? Well then, say "Karen-sama, please let me cum!". Do it, you're gonna cum right? So go on and say it. Pffh, you really called your little sis Karen-sama. You're always so haughty, but a little teasing made you fall from your high horse. Okay, here we go. Final Sprint. Sis's handjob The semen's been boiling in your balls for 3 days now, right? Let out this saved up, sticky 3 day cum! ALmost there, almost cumming. Your sis will make you cum, make her hands all dirty. Come on, this is your limit? Gonna cum now? Okay, that mans, stoooop! Pu, Ahahahahahaha Even though you begged me to let you cum, I never said I'd let you. Aniki, you're so dumb. Hahaha. We agreed for one month, right? There's no way I'll let you come yet. Stupid. Nfufufu, now that you understand I won't let you cum, why don't we try edging one more time? Hahaha, let's fap again. You might hate this, but you're really moaning wild here. Don't tell me that you like this too? Hmm? Completely being played with under ejaculation ban is a turn on for you? Nah, you must hate it. Well, before you develop a nasty habit, I'll have to teach Aniki some discipline. Ahahaha, you're drooling precum. You're making my hands all sticky, gross. It's making such a lewd schlick sound. This is the sound of your juices. Aren't you ashamed that your dick is making such a lewd sound? Please, do tell me all about it. Ahahaha, hey, look in my eyes. I want to completel observe Aniki's shameful face. Aha, our eyes just met. Hmm? You're about to come? Your sister's eyes make you orgasm. Now that is an interesting body. Okay, I'll give you a denial. So I can give you plenty of handjobs. Aniki, cum in 5 4 3 2 1, yes, stop! This is it for today. What's with that regretful face? No way, did you really want to cum to your s's handjob? You make me sick, Aniki. Ahahahaha, now let's quell that erection with some ice cold water. Obviously. Your dick has to get small again to go inside the belt. And for 4 more days, your dick stays in custody. How nice. Yep, let's shrink that dick. Ha-ha, all at once it shrinks down to kids-size. Now, your new chastity belt, locking it... And we're finished. You might not get any sleep this night from the handjob afterglow, but please don't touch your dick. You can't get horny and hard. It's all under my complete control. Ahah, you're really miserable. But this is just the beginning of our punishment game. We'll still have plenty of fun together, Aniki.

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