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うん、きちんと全裸で待ってたね 偉い偉い もうあたしの呼び出しに逆らえないね? 違わないだろ? 実際にこうやってそんな恥ずかしいかっこ晒してんじゃん どう?朝立ちとかした? あははは、貞操帯にぎゅって押し付けられてそれもできないよね? 勃起まで妹に管理させる気分はどう? もう1週間だよ?1週間、ちんぽいじれてない あはは、ちんぽおっきくなり始めてる 貞操帯の中見ギチギチになる前に、外してあげる あははは、ちんぽが飛び出した 待ちきれなかったんだ? ほら、こうやって握ってあげる あはは、兄貴びくってなってる 自分でちんぽ触れないもんね 3日ぶりの感触が妹の可愛らしい手とか、たまんないだろ? 今日はさ、ここで遊んであげる こ・こ、あーん(口を開く) (ここから口を開きながら) あたしのこのどろどろの口 ここでちんぽしゃぶってあげる れろれろー(舌を動かす) 舌で舐めたり、ほじったり もちろん、この中にちんぽ突っ込んでずっぽずっぽしたり (ここまで) あははは、ちんぽバキバキ あたしの口の中見ただけでフル勃起じゃん 兄貴、だいぶ溜まってるよね? 1週間も射精できてないから、ちょっとした誘惑ですぐころり マジ単純 じゃあ、まず口に入れないで舌先でいじめてあげるから覚悟しなよ? あ、もちろん射精はさせないから (舌先でれーーーっと舐める8秒) んふふふ、兄貴、快感でビクビクしてる、おもしろ こうやって舌先で軽く舐め上げられると、背筋ぞくそくするんだよね? 金玉キュンキュンしてたまんないんだよね? なぁ、なんとか言え、ほら ぷ、そうなんだ、気持ちいいんだ 気持ちいいのは、こ・れ? (舌先でれーーーっと舐める8秒) あは、ちんぽピクピクしてる じれったくてやばいんだ? もっとやばくしてあげないとね? それにしても兄貴ってば鬼畜だよね? こんなくっさいちんぽ、妹に舐めさせるとか カリ首のとこも汚れがたまってるよ? 仕方ないから、舌でほじくって掃除してあげる 感謝しろよ?兄貴 (舌先でカリ首をほじる5秒) あはは、ここ敏感なんだ? じゃあ、たっぷりしてやんないとね? (舌先でカリ首をほじる10秒) んふ、もうガマン汁こぼれてきてる 兄貴?まだ、舌で舐めてるだけだよ? これでこんな淫乱みたいに感じたら口に入れたらどうなるんだろ?ねぇ?どうなると思うす 正解は、射精したくてたまらなくなる、でした あーーむ (フェラチオ8秒) あはは、あんたその声なに? 喘ぎ声ただもれですごく情けないね? もう射精したいの? だめに決まってんだろ? 歯、食いしばって我慢しろ もう一回やってあげる (フェラチオ12秒) ええー、もう出そう? 兄貴、早漏なんだ? せっかく、あたしの口の中を味わえるのにもったいないね じゃあ、おもいっきり下品にしゃぶって追い込んであげる 我慢しろ あーーむ (激しく下品なフェラチオ10秒) あーあ、我慢しろって言ったのに本気でいこうとしてるじゃん あたしの命令だろ?従えよ ほら、登ってきた精液金玉に戻しなよ あははは、たっぷり濃厚な精液が金玉に戻ってくのってどんな気分? もう少しで出せたのにね? そうやってザーメンを金玉とちんぽの間をぐるぐる回らせなよ 寸止めで精液じっくりことこと熟成してよね どうせ何の役にも立たない残念精液なんだから、あたしのおもちゃとして有効利用してあげるっていってんの 兄貴の全部はあたしのおもちゃ、そうだろ?なぁ? ほら、またフェラ再開するから 思い知れ (激しく下品なフェラチオ15秒) またいきそう? 絶対にいくなよ? 兄貴は全部あたしに管理されてんだから、あたりまえ あたしがいくなって言ったらいかない、ねぇ、そうでしょ? あはは、たのしー じゃあさじゃあさ、今度はピストンで追い込んであげる あたしの口とセックスさせてもらえるんだよ? 嬉しいだろ? あたしも嬉しいよ? あたしがこうやって責めれば責めるほど貞操帯をはめられる絶望もえぐくなるから あはは、後先なんて考えらんないよね? 兄貴の目、あたしの口ばっか見てる いいよ?キツくしゃぶってあげる あむぅ (ピストンフェラ15秒) (ここからくわえながら) ん? いく? 妹の口に精液出す? 飲ませたい? 貯まりきってやばいザーメン喉奥に注ぎ込むの? んふふふふ (ここまで) じゃあ、終わり だっていきそうなんだろ? いかせないってずっと言ってるよね? じゃあ、貞操帯 ほら、逃げんな ちんぽ、水で冷やして・・・はい、装着完了 あはは、また強制的に萎えさせられたね ねぇねぇ、これがこのさきずっと続くんだよ? ぞくぞくするよね? こうやってじっくり兄貴を調教してあげるから 射精のことしか考えらんない馬鹿になるんだよ? でも、射精のこと考えても勃起はできない 男の全部、あたしに許可されてないんだから まだ一週間、期限は一ヶ月 たったの4分の一 これからもっと苦しくなるからね じゃあ、また今度

Orgasm Control Day 7: Blowjob

Yup, you properly got naked and waited. Very good. You won't defy my calls anymore, right? Right? To think that you honestly expose yourself in this embarrassing pose. Well? How's the morning wood? Ahahaha, you can't because the belt tightly squeezes against it. How does it feel have your sis control you up to your hard on? It's been a week already. You haven't played with your dick in one week. Ahahaha, your dick is starting to get hard. Before it goes rock hard inside let belt, let me take it out first. Ahaha, your dick just jumped. Can't you wait anymore? Here, let me grab it. Ahahaha, Aniki just twitched. Cause you can't touch your own dick. After three straight days, it longs for your sis' sweet hands. But today, we'll play with this. This, here. Ahhhn~ (opens mouth) (With open mouth from here) Here's my syrupy mouth. I'll suck on your dick with this. Lelelele (moving the tongue) I'll lick and poke it with my tongue. Of course I'll also deep throat your dick among other things. (Until here) Ahahaha, your dick is ribbed. Just looking inside my mouth gave you a full hard on. Aniki, you must be quite racked up. You haven't orgasmed for one week, so seducing you is such a petty thing. You're seriously simple. So, I'm not gonna put it in right away, but prepare yourself for some licking. Ah, of course I won't let you cum. (8 seconds Bleeh tongue tip licking) Nfufufu, Aniki, the pleasure's making you tremble. So interesting. I just have to lightly lick it with the tip of my tongue, and your muscles are shivering all over. Your balls can't stand it and get really tight. Hey, say something will ya? Ph, that's right, it feels good. It feels good, this right here. (8 seconds Bleeh tongue tip licking) Ah, your dick is jumping. Is licking it too risky? Then it won't do if we go even riskier. Nevertheless, Aniki is a beast, huh? Your sis is licking this sticking dick, there's lots of smegma under the glans, right? Well, can't be help. I'll clean you up with my tongue. Be thankful, Aniki. (5 seconds of picking corona with tongue tip) Ahaha, you're sensitive there? Well, then let's lick it a lot here. (10 seconds of picking corona with tongue tip) Nfu, your precum's already leaking. Aniki? I only just started licking you. If you happen to be so debauched, then how do you expect me to blow you? Well? What do you think will happen? The correct answer is, it will feel so irresistible that you'll beg to cum, right? Ahhhm~ (8 seconds blowjob) Ahahah, what's with that voice? You're moaning and drooling, how pathetic. You wanna cum already? Obviously you can't. Hang in there and clench your teeth. Let's do it one more round. (12 seconds blowjob) Eeh, you're coming? Aniki, are you a premature ejaculator? At long last you can savor the inside of your sis' mouth, what a waste. Okay then, I'll do my best to drive you up the corner with vulgar sucking. Hang in there. Ahhhm. (10 seconds intensely vulgar blowjob) Haah, I told you to hang in there, but you're honestly about to go off. What about my order? You must obey. There, stuff that rising semen back in your balls. Ahahaha, how's it feel stuffing all that rich and thick semen back in your testicles? Just a little bit more and it would come out. But as it stands, it keeps circulating between your balls and your dick. We'll carefully let the semen ripen and simmer with denials. In any case, this poor semen has no use whatsoever anyway, except as a valid use as my plaything. Aniki is my complete plaything, right? Hm? Hey, let's blow you off again. SO realize that. (15 seconds intensely vulgar blowjob) Cumming again? Don't you dare. Obviously you can't, because you're under my full control. You can't cum, unless I say you can, right? Ahaha, so fun. Well well well then, it's time for a piston blowjob. I'll let you have sex with my mouth. You should be happy. I'm also happy. Because the more and more I bully you here, the more harsh and desperate your chastity belt will become. Ahahah, don't think about the when and but. Aniki, just put your eyes on my mouth. Okay? I'll suck you tight. Ahmm (15 seconds piston blowjob) (While holding it) Hmm? Cum? Gonna cum in your sis' mouth? Want me to drink it? Wanna pump all your tightly saved up semen in my throat? Nfufufufu (Until here) Then let's finish. Cause you're about to cum. But I kept saying you can't cum. Now the belt. Nope, don't run away. Cooling it with cold water and... yep, equipping complete. Ahaha, you got forced to get floppy again. Heey, this is gonna keep going for a while, y'know. Isn't it thrilling? With this, I can properly train you Aniki. I'll turn you into a fool who can think of nothing but orgasm. But even though you think of orgasm, you can't get hard. Everything that makes you a man is under my control. This was just one week, but the deadline is one month. Just one fourth of it. It's going to get much more difficult from here. Well then, seeya later.

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