Track 4

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そのかっこ、もうだいぶ板についてきたんじゃない?兄貴 妹の部屋で腰ごと貞操帯差し出す無様なかっこ それ、当たり前にしようね うん、いいよ、また外してあげる はい 三回目のちんぽ遊び、はじめよっか? ん?なに? もう許して欲しいって? ちんぽ辛いんだ? じゃあ、土下座、しなよ そうしたら、考えてあげてもいいよ? あはははは、やっちゃったよこいつ 全裸でちんぽヒクつかせて土下座 んーもう、しょうがないなぁ じゃ、今日はこれ使ってあげる オナホール、しかも透明なやつ 中のひだが一番えぐいやつ買ってきたからこれで射精しようね? ちなみに中見はこんな感じ 見える?このひだとかイボがちんぽに食い込んで何度もピストンすんの ここのうねりもやばそうだね ローションが糸引いててすっごいエロい この偽マンコに種付、させてあげる ほら、そのまま四つん這いになんなよ? 牛の乳搾りみたいにしごいてあげるからさ ほら、おしりこっちに向けろ あはは、金玉ぱんぱんじゃん それにお尻の穴まで丸見え 兄貴、恥ずかしいとこ全部あたしに見られてるよ? どんな気分?ねぇねぇ、どんな気分? あんだけ舐めてた妹にここまでされるってさ あはははは、もう反抗できないんだ? 妹に絶対服従してる あ、勃起したちんぽからガマン汁出てきた ちょっと兄貴、あたしの部屋、その汚い汁で汚さないでよ ほら、ガマン汁止めろ 止めろって言ってんの (叩く) あははは、あんたのお尻叩き心地すごくいい もっとやっていいよね? (ここからお尻ペンペン) ほら、ほら、ガマン汁止めろ、と・め・ろ (ここまで) あ、床に垂れた ・・・うん、お仕置きだよ? (ここから激しいお尻ペンペン) ほらぁ、ほらほらほら どう?妹のお尻ぺんぺんはさ? 赤く腫れるまでやめないから 言う事聞かない悪い子はこうだ、えい、えい、えい (ここまで) あははは、お尻真っ赤 あたしの手形がびっしり あ、そうだ、動かないで そのままこっちむいて? ほい (写メの音) あは、顔までバッチリ写ったよ? これ?ただの記念 あはは、どうせもう射精管理も終わるんだしどっちでもいいじゃん じゃあ、そのばかちんぽ、オナホールでいたぶっていこっか? 亀頭にオナホールの穴を押し当てて・・・ 一気に奥までご案内、えい あは、奥までおもいっきりくわえ込まれた 中見すっごいえぐい作りになってんのに、こんなに乱暴にされたらやばいよね? あははは、声震えてる 金玉もきゅーーってせり上がった もう射精の準備? 兄貴、早すぎ せっかくだし、じっくり責めてあげる まったりこのオナホを堪能しなよ 変態兄貴の精液搾り再開ー ゆっくり、ゆっくり あは、中のぐちゅぐちゅがちんぽに絡みつくね? オナホにちんぽレイプされてるんだよ? シリコンの塊で気持ちよくなっちゃなんて男としてどうなの? しかも、中のちんぽも透けてしっかり観察できるし 妹にこんな目に合わされて最高だよね? ねぇ?兄貴 (ここから演技) おにいちゃん、こんなおもちゃでちんぽ気持ちいいの? これ、おまんこじゃないんだよ? 知ってる? 知ってても気持ちいいの? そうなんだ、お兄ちゃん、変態さんなんだ だってそうでしょ? 四つん這いのかっこで可憐にしこしこされてるんだもん 牛さんみたい 精液、ミルクみたいに採取されちゃうんだよ? いいの? この精液、女の人の中で出さなくていいの? いいんだ? もう射精できたらなんでもいいんだ 家畜みたい 可憐に飼われてる家畜 そんなのになっちゃうよ? なりたい? ねぇ、どうなの? (ここまで) なりたいんだ? いいよ、あたしが飼ってあげる また甘い声に騙されてんの 兄貴は単純だね だからあたしみたいな年下の女の子に好き勝手にされるんだよ? あたしは大助かりだけど あんたが馬鹿で、あははは もうちんぽ来そう? ねっとりピストンで追い詰められてきてる? 中身のひだひだとうねりがカリ首とか擦り回してんだろ? 敏感な場所じっくり確実に犯されてんだろ? 透明だから丸分かりだって 隠しても無駄 もうちんぽ偽まんこの虜になってんだろうが あははは、違わねぇし ちんぽぴくぴくしてんの丸見えだって ほら、こうやって執拗に責め立てられて限界だろ? あたしにオナホこきされておもらしする? いいよ、ほら、カウントダウン 3、一週間以上貯めた精液でオナホ、孕ませてみて? 2、金玉から精液どんどん送られてきてる 1、妹に射精させられる、屈辱的なのにすっごく気持ちよくて馬鹿になる ・・・お・あ・ず・け ぷ、くくくく、あはは、あははははは 当たり前じゃん 一ヶ月はダメだって最初に言ったよね? あはは、なのにマジで射精しようとしてさ ほら、金玉に精液どんどん戻せよ、戻せ もう出せないって決まったんだから ホント、兄貴ってばいじめがいありすぎ じゃあ、オナホ、引き抜くね はい、即効で冷水 そして、貞操たーい んふふふ、土下座までしたのに残念だったね? でもさ、兄貴、なんだかんだいってあたしにこんなことされんのクセになってきてんでしょ? あんだけ反抗的だった兄貴がこんなに従順 もう奴隷みたいだね あたしの知ってる兄貴はどこにいったんだろ?あははは また金玉の中で精液腐るくらい熟成させなよ? じゃあ、またね?兄貴

Orgasm Control Day 10: Onahole

You're getting quite familiar with this pose, Aniki. RIght' Your uncough pose, presenting that belt on your groin. But it's only commonplace. Yup, allright, let's unfasten it again. Okay. Shall we start the third dick play session? Hmm? What? You want me to forgive you already? Your dick is getting tough? Well, kneel down to me. If you do that, I'll think about it. Ahahaha, he's really doing it, this guy. Prostrating himself naked while his dick is twitching. Howell, can't be helped then. Today, we're going to use this. An onahole, and even a transparent one. I bought the one with the best bumps inside, cause they make you cum. And you can look inside like this. See? Those bumps and beads inside will eat inside you over and over again as I piston you. And those winds are risky as well. Look how the lotion pulls strings, so super erotic. I'll let you copulate with this fake pussy. Come on, stay like this on all fours. I'll milk you just like a cow. Come on, face your butt upwards. Ahaha, your balls are dangling. And your asshole is in full view as well. Aniki, I can completely see all your shame. How's it feel? Hehey, how does it feel? This is how far your sis is making fun of you. Ahahahaha, you can no longer resist me. You're under my absolute obedience. Oh, your hard penis is already leaking precum. Wait up Aniki, don't go making my room all dirty with your filthy juice. Hey, stop your precum at once. You don't wanna stop? (Clap) Ahahaha I'm giving your butt a good spanking. Shall I do it more? (Spanks butt from here) There there, stop your precum! (Until here) Ah, it's dripping on the floor. ...okay, it's punishment time. (Nasty ass spanking from here) There, theretherethere! How is it? Sis' ass spanking? I won't stop until your ass it red hot. This is what happens to bad boys who don't listen, there, there there! (Until here) Ahahaha, your ass is all red. And full of my hand marks. Ah, I've got it. Don't move. Look over here. Hoi. (Snapshot sound) Ahah, I caught you perfectly up to your face. This? That's just a souvenir. Ahaha, not that it matters, cause your orgasm control's not over yet. Now, shall we bully this stupid dick with my onahole? Pushing the hole against the glans and Shoving it deep inside in one stroke, ei! Ahah, it's all the way inside Inside you can see how roughly it's made, so going at it so violently is dangerous, right? Ahahah, your voice is trembling. Your balls too are getting tight. Getting ready for orgasm already? Aniki, you're way too quick. We waited so long, now let me thoroughly tease you. Let's gently enjoy this onahole to the fullest. Resuming semen milking. Slowly, slowly. Ahah, your dick is coiling and squeezing around inside. You're being raped by a hole. What kind of man are you to feel good by a lump of silicone? And I can clearly observe it through the transparency. Your sis giving you this stare is the best in the world, right? Hey? Aniki (Acting from here) Oniichan? Does your dick feel good from this toy? This isn't a pussy, y'know. You know? You do know, but it feels good? That's right. Oniichan, you're a pervert. Of course you are. You're sitting on all fours, while Karen strokes you off. Just like a cow. I'm going to milk your semen. Allright? Don't you want to put this semen inside a woman? Really? Anything is fine as long as you can cum. You're like livestock. Karen's breeding livestock. Is that what you're becoming? Do you want that? Hey, tell me. (Until here) You want that? Okay then, I'll keep you like an animal. My sweet voice tricked you again. Aniki is such a pushover. Cause a younger girl than you does whatever she likes with you. But I'm of great help. Cause you're a fool, ahahaha. You gonna cum? Let's drive you on with persistent piston. The pleads and winds inside are scrubbing and grinding against your glans. You're certainly getting raped on your most sensitive spots. I can clearly see it because it's see through. No need to hide it. Surely, your dick is a prisoner by a fake pussy. Ahahaha, yep. I can clearly see your dick twitching inside. Hey, stubbornly torturing you like this is getting at your limit? You wanna leak from my onahole-job? Okay, here's the countdown. 3, Wanna try and make an onahole pregnant with more than one week old cum? 2. Your balls are about to shoot the semen. 1. Cumming to your sister will be so humiliating and yet feel so ridiculously good. ...s.t.o.p. Pu, Kukukukukuku, Ahahahaha! Yeah right. I told you this is just the beginning of one full month. Ahaha, and yet your seriously wanted to cum? Go on, let the semen go back, back inside the balls. Now it's obvious that it can't come out. Honestly Aniki, you're only good for bullying. Now let's pull out the onahole. And cool it with cold water. Now the chastity beeelt. Nfufufu, what a shame what you had to kneel down for this. Still Aniki, some way or another you're getting used to me doing this stuff. For such a rebel, you're quite obedient. You're like a slave already. Where's the Aniki I used to know? Hahaha Don't let the semen in your balls ripen until it goes bad, okay? Okay, seeya then. Aniki.

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