Track 5

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全裸で待機してもらってるとこ悪いんだけど、あたし、あんたに聞きたいこと、あんだけど? 咲耶、知ってるよね? あたしの同級生の 今日、なんか話した? あの子、あんたのことかっこいいよね、って言ってたよ? だから、思わず腕に抱きついちゃったってさ それ、ホント? ・・・へぇ、そうなんだ 言い訳すんな、この変態 なに妹の友達に手、出そうとしてんの? 信じらんない そうだよ、あたしすっごく機嫌悪い とりあえずさ、跪きなよ、惨めにさ あたしの足、なめて なめろっていってんの ほら、さっさとしろ (ここから足を舐めなられながら) そう、指のまたまで丁寧に舐めとるの ぺろぺろって犬みたいに うまく舐められたら、あたしの機嫌、治るかもね で、話の続きなんだけど 何言い寄られてデレデレしてんの? どうせそのとき勃起して貞操帯にちんぽ食い込んでたんでしょ? ああ、気持ち悪い 最低 あの子の胸の感触良かったんだ? それはよかったね(つま先を口にねじ込む) あは、口につま先突っ込んじゃった 苦しそう でも、そのまましゃぶって あんたの大好きな妹のおみ足だろ? 喜んでちゅぱちゅぱ下品な音立てながら召し上がれ? ふん、いい気味 いい?あんたはあたしのものなの わかってんの? あたしの所有物の分際で他の女の子に色目使うとか許されないから あんたはあたしにちんぽ管理されるのがお似合いなの 今日はたっぷりそれを思い知らせてあげる んふふ、どうしたの?それ 貞操帯の中見みちみちになってるじゃん まさか足舐めさせられて勃起してんの? あははは、やっぱあんたはあたしの奴隷だね ほら、もうかたっぽの足もたっぷり舐めあげて そうそう、上手 妹の足を舐めさせたら右にでるものなしだね 舌先で、下から上に、そうそうその調子 足に付いた汗も全部舐め落とすの あたしの足、いい匂いでしょ? マゾの兄貴にはご褒美だよね、あはは 足の裏もしっかり掃除して そう、んふ、兄貴、ちょっとくすぐったい んふふ、もう足舐めることしか考えらんないの? ちんぽ勃起させて苦しいのに、足を舐めるのがやめらんないんだ? じゃ、ちんぽかわいそうだし、そこまででいいよ (ここまで) 貞操帯、外してあげる うわ、外した瞬間一気にフル勃起した 窮屈な貞操帯の中で閉じ込めされて大変だったね でも大丈夫、これからたっぷり折檻してあげるから そうだよ、折檻 だって、他の女の子に言い寄られて勃起したちんぽなんだから、当たり前だよね? ほら、大股開きで座って ちんぽを強調するみたいに それで、足で狙いをつけて・・・覚悟しろ、兄貴 えい あはははは、おもいっきり足裏で踏みつけられた もう一回、えい、もう一回、えい えい、えい、えい 他の女の子で勃起した罰 今度は足で挟み込んでしこってあげるからね まだ罰は終わんないから 足でちんぽの両側を挟み込んで、ほら あはは、足裏にみっちり囲い込まれたね? 妹の足裏、気持ちいいんだろ?ほら言ってみろ そうそう あんたは可憐のもの、全部可憐の所有物 じゃあ、このまま足ホールでしごいてくから ほら、しこしこ、しこしこ 不器用な動きで何度も何度も 足蹴にされて勃起止まんないね 足裏のシワがひだみたいになって刺激が強いんでしょ? 手じゃ味わえない重量感のある乱暴なピストン 射精おあずけされまくりのちんぽが勝てるわけないよね? ほらほら、あたしの足に負けちゃえよ 屈服してあたし以外に興味持てないくらい徹底的に負かされろ あんたは、あたしにいじめられる存在なの 他の女にデレデレすんな この前撮った四つん這いの写真、あの子に送ってあげようか? 咲耶の憧れてる兄貴はこんな変態なんだよってさ あはは、ちんぽが足の間でびくびく脈打ってる なに兄貴、想像して興奮してんの? お望み通りあたし以外残らなくなるまで人間関係ボロボロにしてあげよっか? なぁ、どうだよ? 射精すんの? あたしにこんな残酷な脅迫されて射精しちゃうの? 変態 あはは、もう我慢できない? そんな大股開きのやらしいかっこで足蹴にされて射精? ちんぽ弱すぎ、すぐ負けちゃうんだ? でも、わかってるよね? 射精は禁止 足は止めないよ? ほらほらほら 射精は禁止、射精は禁止、ぷくくく、射精は禁止 ちんぽやば 金玉の中絶対煮えたぎってるし このまま延々続けられたらどうすんの?ねぇ? どうすんの? 射精禁止のいいつけ破っておもらし確定だよね? んふふ、い・い・よ? ここまでにしとくから あははは、まさかおもらしの許可もらえるとか思ってた? だめに決まってるよね? ばーか そもそも、妹におもらしの許可貰うってなんなの? 惨めすぎ じゃあ、勃起、また鎮めるから 今日はあんたが自分で貞操帯はめなよ 鍵はあたしがかけてあげるからさ もうあたし以外に欲情しないって誓いを込めて ほら、するの?しないの? あははは、自分から貞操帯はめた 勃起も射精もあたしに捧げちゃった いいよ、今回のは許してあげる ほら、施錠 あ、写真は送ったりしないから 冗談だし でもね、あたしを裏切るのは許さないから じゃあ、兄貴、また3日後の水曜日に あと半分、頑張ってね

Orgasm Control Day 14: Footjob

Sorry to make you standby in the nude here, but there's something I want you to hear. Do you know about Sakuya? She's my classmate. Today, she told me something. That girl told me that she finds you you're really cool. And that she ended up reflexively clinging to your arm. Is that true? ...oh, really? No excuses, you perv. What're you trying to do, holding hands with your sister's friend. I can't believe this. Honestly, you really spoiled my mood here. Kneel down right now, you loser. Lick my feet. Lick my feet as I say. Go on, do it now. (While getting her feet licked here) Yes, be careful around the toes. Lick them just like a dog. If you lick my feet well, my mood might improve. So, where was I? She said something about being all deredere and trying to woo you. Surely, that moment your dick must've gotten eaten up inside the belt, right? Ugh, I'm getting sick. You're the worst. Was it nice to feel that girl's chest? Oh, how nice for you (stuffs toes in mouth) Ahah, take my toes all the way. Looks painful. But suck them like this. Those are the feet of your beloved sister. You're pleased to eat them up with vulgar sucking sounds. Hmm, serves you right. You hear? You belong to me. You know that. I will not forgive my belongings to make strange girls do amorous glances at you. You are suited to be my cock slave. And today I'll make you remember that. Nfufu, what is it? That. There's something full to the brim inside your chastity belt. Don't tell me that licking my feet made you hard? Ahahah, you're my slave after all. Go on, lick my other foot as well. That it, very nice. Licking your little sister's feet means I'm superior to you. Go up and down with your tongue, yes, that's the way. Lick all the sweat from my feet. My feet smell nice don't they? This is the reward for a maso like you. Carefull clean my footsoles too. Yes, nfu, Aniki, that tickles. Nfufu, you can't think of anything anymore than feet licking. Even though your hard dick is suffering, you don't wanna stop licking my feet. Okay, let's stop here, I feel sorry for your dick. (Until here) Let's open the belt. Woah, the moment I took it out, it's already fully erect. It was seriously jam packed inside that narrow belt, right? But that's allright, I'll give you a solid scolding now. That's right, a scolding. I mean, obviously. Because this dick got hard from wooing other girls. Go on, sit down with your legs wide open. Fully display your dick. Prepare yourself Aniki, I'll give you a footjob like this. Hey Ahahahaha, I stepped on your dick without warning. Once more time. Ei, and one more, ei! Ei, EI, Ei! This is punishment for getting hard to other girls Next, I'll sandwich you between my feet. Punishment isn't over yet. Inserting it between both feet, here. Ahahah, it's tightly packed between my foot soles. Do your sis' foot soles feel good? GO on, tell me. Is that so. You belong to Karen. You're Karen's property. Now, let's stroke you off with Karen's foot hole. Here, shikoshiko. Clumsy strokes, again and again. You stay hard even though I kick you. There's lots of wrinkles on my feet, so it's quite strong stimulus. This doesn't feel like hands. It's a rough and heavy piston. There's no way I'll lose against a orgasm denied dick. Come on, lose against my feet. Yield to me and completely admit defeat as nothing more than my object of interest. You exist so I can bully you. Don't go all loveydovey for other girls. Or else, I can send that picture of you on all fours to that girl. What would Sakuya think of her beloved Aniki to be sucha perv? Ahahah, the dick is pounding between my feet. What Aniki, did that imagination turn you on? Shall I crush your social life until you'd wish I'll stay with you? Well, should I? Don't cum then. Or are my threats making you cum? Perv. Ahahah, you can't hold back anymore. You gonna cum in this lewd straddling pose? Your dick is way too weak, it lost immediately. But you know, right? Ejaculation is forbidden. My feet don't stop. C'mon. Orgasm is banned, Orgasm is banned, pkukuku, Orgasm is banned Oh no, your dick. The semen in your balls must be cooking. What would happen if I kept going like this? Say? What will happen? Obviously you'll dribble and violate the orgasm ban. Nfufu, o-kay. That's it then. Ahahah, did you really think I'll allow you to dribble? Obviously I won't. Stupid. In the first place, why do you need my permission to pee anyway? You're a lost cause. Now let's appease that dick. Today you'll put on the belt yourself. And I'll lock it with the key. That will be the oath that you won't lust for anyone but me. Go on, do it. You won't right? Ahahah, you're putting it on yourself. Your erection and orgasm are sacrificed to me. Allright, I'll forgive you this once. There, locked. Ah, I won't really send off that picture. I was just kidding. But I won't forgive you anymore if you betray me one more time. Now oniisan, until Wednesday in 3 days. Halfway there, good luck.

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