Track 6

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兄貴、どうしたの? あっは、射精させて欲しいって? 本当に辛くなってきた? 知らないよ、そんなこと あんたはあたしに全部捧げたんだからさ 普通に生活してる間もずっとあたしに縛られ続けるの あたしがいない時でも、寝てる間もずっと にげられないの あはははは それに、一ヶ月経ってお許し貰えたらすっごく気持ちいいよ? 兄貴もそれが頭から離れないんだろ? あたしのお許しで射精したい 勝手に射精なんてしたら絶対に気持ちよくない そうだよね? じゃあ、今日も射精はさせないけど、ちんぽいじめはじめよっか? はい、貞操帯を解除 んふふ、むくむくおっきくなってきた もう貞操帯外されると条件反射で勃起するように仕込まれちゃった? こうやって妹に調教されてくんだよ? 今日は、んしょ ここ、使ってあげる あたしのおっぱい ここにちんぽ挟み込んでたっぷりぱんぱんしてあげる どう? あたしの胸、おっきいでしょ? おっきいだけじゃなくて形もいいし、スベスベなんだよ? この胸でパイズリされたら最高に決まってるよね あは、勃起した 妹のおっぱい見ただけで完全に勃起 この体、興味ないんじゃなかったっけ?あ・に・き、あははは 黒いブラも可愛いだろ? 見覚えない? そう、あんたがぱくったあたしのパンツとお揃いのブラ こういうエロいのがいいんだろ 今回はこれつけたままするから なに残念そうな顔してんの? 兄貴まさか、妹の乳首見たかったの? あはははは、図星だ 妹に乳首見せてもらえなくてがっかりしてる あは、最低すぎるよ、兄貴 でもでも、こうやってブラで締め上げられてるからちんぽ差し込んだらすっごく締め上げてくれるよ? きつきつの肉に万力みたいに挟み込まれて上下、上下 あははは、期待してる 射精させないって言ってんのに それでもこの胸で気持ちよくして欲しいんだろ? いいよ してあげる じゃあ、ローションを胸にかけて 染み込むように念入りに塗りこんで あは、くちゅくちゅねちゃねちゃ すっごいエロい音出ちゃってるよ? 楽しみだね? ん、準備完了 おっぱいが兄貴を受け入れる準備が整ったよ? あはは、おっぱいもはやくちんぽ食べたいってさ ほら、はやく机の上に仰向けで寝っころがりなよ なに?あたしが椅子に座ってるあんたに奉仕するみたいにすると思った? 兄貴にはとことん恥ずかしいかっこ、晒してもらうから はい、おっぱいの下乳の隙間に押し当てて・・・ じゃあ、いくね?あ・に・き、えい あはは、貫通した 下乳から差し込んだちんぽが胸の間でちょこんって出てる あっは、喘ぎ声止まんない? こんなカッコでされてんのに、そんな声出したらもっと恥ずかしいよ? あーあ、こんな恥ずかしいお兄ちゃんで可憐かなしー、あははは 挿入の余韻はこれくらいにして、上下、していくから 両手で胸を持ち上げて、ほら (ここからパイズリ) スベスベではちきれそうなおっぱいがみっちり包み込んで気持ちいいでしょ? 胸の圧迫感をたっぷり感じてよ? あたしも兄貴のちんぽの熱さ、すっごい感じてるよ? もう溶けちゃうくらいあっつあつ さすが射精禁止三週間目のおあずけちんぽ もっとおあずけしてあげるからね? うんしょ、よいしょ、うんしょ、よいしょ あははは、うんしょ、よいしょ、うんしょ、よいしょ ちんぽ、胸のお肉に引き絞られてやばいね? ちんぽの全部が撫で回されてるのわかる? 弱いとこも感じるとこも全部まとめて、ぱんぱん あははは、胸押し付けるたびにぱんぱん音鳴ってやらしー セックスみたいだね(囁くように) あー、こいつ、ちんぽ跳ねさせた なに?あたしとセックスしたいの? あはははは、妹相手に何考えてんの? あんたは兄貴だろ? なに妹に欲情してんだよ あっは、もしかしてまたいきそうになってる? ちんぽ見ただけで射精しそうになるのわかるから じゃあ、ストップ (ここまで) あははは、寸止め成功 全部あたしにコントロールされてんだよ? 奴隷としては最高のご褒美だよね ちょっと、兄貴なに涙目になってんの? 寸止めやめて欲しいって? い・や まだまだ遊べるもん 兄貴が頭ん中おかしくなってあたしのことしか考えられなくなるまでやめないから 全部兄貴が悪いんだろ? 責任取れよ じゃあ、またピストン再開 (ここからパイズリ) ほらほら、きつきつきゅーきゅーの穴がまた締め上げる ブラがみちみちって音出してちぎれそう あー、きっと中はすごくえぐいことになってるんだろうね それに熱気もやば 脱げたってきそ あたしと兄貴の体温でほっかほか 満員電車みたい なにいやいやしてんだよ? この前自分から貞操帯つてけただろ? すぐにもう無理とかだめに決まってるから 徹底的にザーメンえぐくなるまで加工されて楽しませろ ほら、楽しませろ あはは、またいきそうなんだ? バレバレ はい、おあずけ (ここまで) あーあ、兄貴泣き出した 妹に泣かされてるよ かわいそう でもさ、兄貴、泣いたらやめてもらえるとか、思ってる あははは、やめないから はい、再開 (ここからパイズリ) ほら、そんなに嫌ならちんぽ萎えさせてみろよ そうしたらおこのおっぱい許してくれるから ほら、萎えろ、萎えろ 萎えないじゃん 妹のパイズリにもう骨抜きなんだろうが あっは、どんどん早漏になってくね もう射精? まだそんなにこすってないよ? なっさけなーい そんな目で見ても無駄 はい、終わり (ここまで) 泣いてる兄貴を責めるのも楽しかった クセになるかも、もっと泣かせて許しを乞わせたい 兄貴はホントに楽しいね はい、また冷たい水で萎えさせようね おっぱいから引き抜いて、はいじゃばー とどめの貞操帯、どうぞ あっは、兄貴がどんどんおかしくなってくの観察してるの最高 次はもっと惨めにあたしに許しを乞いなよ? じゃあね

Orgasm Control Day 17: Paizuri

Aniki, what's up? Ahah, you wish to ejaculate? It's really starting to hurt? You know, I don't really care. After all, you're already completely devoted to me. You are bound to me, even during your regular life. Always, even when I'm not there and when you're asleep. There is no escape. Ahahaha! Also, once this month is over and I finally forgive you, it's going to feel so incredibly good. Or did you already forget about that? You want to orgasm by my pardon. Cumming just by yourself won't feel good at all. Isn't that right? Now, I won't let you cum today either, but we shall now start teasing your dick. Yes, removing the belt. Nfufu, it's already puffing and swelling up. Have you been trained to get hard as a conditional reflex, after removing the belt? This is how much your sister has trained you already. Today we'll... nsho. Use these here. My boobs. I'll sandwich your dick between here and give you a good shakedown. Well? My boobs're pretty big, right? They're not just big, they also have a nice form and are silky smooth. Obviously, a paizuri with these boobs is gonna feel the best. Ahah, you're getting big. You got completely erect just from staring atr your sis' boobs. Didn't you say you're not interested in this body? A-ni-ki, ahahaha What a cute black bra. Remember this? Yep, it matches the panties you stole from me. I wonder if this is erotic enough. Cause for now I won't take it off. What's with that deplorable face? Aniki, did you perhaps want to see your sis' nipples? Ahahahaha, bullseye You're disappointed that I won't let you see my nipples. Ahah, you're just the worst, Aniki. But but, if I keep my bra tight like this, surely your dick between will also stay tight? I'll sandwich you up and down in this super tight meat-vise. Ahahah, anticipation. I told you I won't let you cum. And yet you still wanna feel good with these boobs? Sure thing. Let's do it. Now, let's lube up my boobs. Let's carefully soak and smear it all over with lotion. Aha, guchuguchu slrpslurp. It's making super-erotic sounds. This'll be fun. Nh, everything's ready. My boobs are all ready to accept Aniki. Ahahah, even my boobs wanna eat up your dick fast. Hurry up, lie down on my desk and face up. What? You think I'd let you sit on the chair while I service you? Aniki, you're the only one taking the embarrassing poses here. Okay, pressing it through from my lower cleavage... And here we go. A ni ki. Ahahah, it penetrated me. It's neatly inserted from below, as it peaks out between my boobs. Ahah, you can't stop moaning. If you're in this pose, moaning like that will make it even more embarrassing. Ahahh, Karen gets sad to see oniichan so embarrassed, ahahah. Let's not linger longer like this, but try moving. Here, I'm lifting my boobs with both hands. (Paizuri from here) Feels good right, how my silky smooth bursting boobs fully wrap you up? Can you feel the full boob pressure? I can also feel your hot dick, feels incredible. So hot it could melt. This truly is a dick under strict three week orgasm ban. And you'll get denied even longer. Unsho, alley-oop, Unsho, alley-oop Ahahaha, Unsho, alley-oop, Unsho, alley-oop My breast flesh feels incredibly dangerous, right? I know, because I'm completely petting it. It's banging all over your weakest and most sensitive spots. Ahahah, every time I push my boobs, it makes such a lewd slapping sound. It's almost like sex (whisper) Woah, this guy, your dick just jumped What? Do you wanna have sex with me? Ahahahaha, what are you even thinking of your sister? You are my brother, right? What are you lusting after your sister? Ahah, are you maybe going to cum again? I know when your dick is gonna cum just by looking at it. Okay, stop. (Until here) Ahahah, a successful denial. I am in full control here. It's the most wonderful reward to a slave. Wait, Aniki. are you tearing up? You wanna stop the denials? N. O. We keep this game going. We will play for so long, until you go so crazy that you can't think of anything else but me. This is all your fault, Aniki. So take responsibility. And now, let's piston again. (Paizuri from here) Looklook, this tight little hole is screwing you up again. My bra is so packed, it sounds like it's ripping. Ahh, so that's how incredible it must feel inside. And this heat is no good. It's coming off. Our two bodies feel so stuffy hot. It's like a jam packed train. What're you yelling all "no no" A while ago you put on your belt yourself. Obviously you can't quit so fast. We'll keep having fun and this semen machine working until it overloads. Yo, enjoy this. Ahahah, you gonna cum again? I found out. Okay, stop. (Until here) Oh noo, Aniki's crying. Sis made you cry. You poor thing. But, do you think we're going to stop just because you cry? Ahahaha, no we're not stopping. Let's keep going. (Paizuri from here) Y'know, if you hate it that much, you can just let your dick go flaccid. If you do that, these boobs will let you go. Go on, flaccid, flaccid. Not flaccid? Sis' paizuri already made you to wax. Ahah, you're already gonna shoot off? Cumming again? I haven't even jerked you off hard? You miserable thing. Don't look at me with those eyes. Okay, show is over. (Until here) Now that was fun, bullying Aniki to tears. I could get used to this, making you cry harder and beg me for forgiveness. Aniki, you're really lots of fun. Okay, let's make it flaccid with cold water again. Pulling out out from my tits, there we go. And the final touch, the belt. If you may? Ahah, observing how Aniki slowly but steadily goes insane is the best. Next time maybe you'll beg even more wretched to me? Bye then.

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