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やっほー、兄貴 今日で寸止めはラスト、4日後には解禁だよ? よかったね? あっは、もう理性働いてないみたいだね こうやってあたしに呼び出されるだけで脳みそとろとろ じゃあ、貞操帯を外して ほら、触られずにフル勃起しろ、ほらはやくしろ あはははは、勃起上手だね?兄貴 もう今日で24日目、精液が金玉の中で大変なことになってんだよね? しかもなんども射精をおあずけにされて ちんぽ、もうすっかりあたしの支配下 貞操帯に書いた通り可憐専用になっちゃった? 狙い通り もうすっかりあたしのものだよね? ほら、あたしのものだって言え (ここからちょっとぞくぞくし始める) あっは、マジで? ホントにあたしのものになっていいの? 言っとくけど、兄貴もう戻れなくなるよ? それでもいいの? ~~、じゃあ、あたしのものにしてあげる なんか、あたしもちょっと疼いてきた 兄貴、あたしのここ、なめて? おまんこ、ほら、ショーツずらして舐めやすくしてあげるからそこに跪いてよ あは、いいこいいこ 椅子に座って股を開いてあげるから あたしも兄貴のヤラしいとこみてだいぶ溜まってきてるから、念入りに、ね? あんたの大好きな妹の蒸れたおまんこ、召し上がれ? (ここまで) (ここからクンニされながら、過度に喘がない) ん、そうそう、舌をオマンコに這わせて あは、兄貴、あたし最高の気分だよ? ほら、割れ目のところもいいけど、奥まで舌を入れてなめてよ? 中見、あたしの愛液でくちゃくちゃになってるからさ あたしのお汁だよ?ちゃんと全部舐めとらないとね? んふふ、そうそう いいよ、兄貴のヌメヌメの舌が入ってきてるのわかる もっと下品にぐちゃぐちゃになめてよ、ほらほら やば、ホントに盛り上がってきた 我慢できないかも 兄貴にオマンコ舐められて本気汁滲んじゃう そのままあたしをイカせて もう、じれったくなってきた ほら、こうやって足で兄貴の頭を抱きしめて ぎゅーーーー ほらほら、はやくいかせないと窒息だよ? いっぱいあたしのえっちな匂い吸い込みながら愛液味わって あたしのオマンコで脳みそとろとろにしなよ あ、ん、そうそう くる、マジできちゃう あ、あ、あ (リアルよりの喘ぎ声8秒) 下品な音あたしの太ももの間でなってる 兄貴が一生懸命オマンコ舐めてる音 お汁全部飲んでよ? い、いくいく (リアルよりの切迫した絶頂に向かう喘ぎ声10秒) だめ、い、く んんんんんんんんん (ここまで) ・・・あ、はぁ、はぁ あー、すっきりした あたし、結構本気になってたみたい 兄貴が悪いんだよ? あっは、頭離してあげる もうぼーーっとしちゃってさ あたしのえっちな匂いと味でもうふらふら? んふふ、でもちんぽからお汁たっぷり出してんじゃん ちんぽいじって欲しい? 今日はだめ だってもうこすったら問答無用に射精するんだよね? ここまで我慢させられたらあたりまえ だから、さ とりあえず立ちなよ 目をつぶってさ いいから、従え そう、あたしがあんたの目の前に立って ちんぽを太ももの間に差し込んで あは、わかる? あたしのパンツの感触 ふとももとパンツの三角形に挟まれてんの 布一枚挟んであたしのオマンコとぴったり密着してる なぁなぁ、最高だろ? 妹のおまんことちんぽすり合わされてさ でも、このままじゃ終わんないから 目はまだつぶってる? そのまま んーーー (キス5秒) あは、目、開けちゃった 何されてるか気づいちゃった 兄貴、妹にちゅーされてんの? オマンコの下でちんぽ跳ねた あははは、兄貴、妹にメロメロなんだ? いいよ? もっとメロメロにしてあげる (キス10秒) もっと深くまで舌絡めてあげる 両手であんたをぎゅーーって抱きしめて んふ、おっぱいの感触も味わっていいよ? このふっくらおっぱいが押し付けられて最高だろ? ねぇ、兄貴 咲耶のおっぱいとどっちが気持ちいい? ほら、どっち? そう、あたしなんだ そうなんだ (深くキス5秒) 可愛いなぁ、兄貴はさ ご褒美 もっと、キスしまくってあげる (深いキス15秒) まだまだ、終わんないから 覚悟しろ (深いキス20秒) ん、ぷ、はぁ ごちそうさま 名残惜しいけど、今日はここまで よいしょ 今日はちんぽ全然いじめてもらえなかったね でも、次で出させてあげるから それまでいい子でいるんだよ? ちんぽを冷やして はい、最後の貞操帯 次は頭沸いちゃうくらい射精しようね?兄貴

Orgasm Control Day 24: Kiss

Heyoo, Aniki. Today's your last denial day. In four more days, we'll lift the ban. How nice for you. Ahah, looks like reason doesn't work on you anymore. Just calling you to me made your brain to mush. So, let's open the belt. Come on, get hard without touching, quickly will you? Ahahahaha, you're really good at getting hard. Aniki This is day 24 already. The semen inside your balls must be a serious mess already. And you've been denied of orgasm over and over again. This dick is already under my full control. Because on the belt is written "Karen only". As intended. You already fully belong to me. Go on, say that you belong to me. (Starts to shiver a bit here) Ahah, seriously? Do you really want to become mine? Just for your information, I won't let you go back anymore. Is that really okay? ...well then, I shall make you mine. I think I just got a bit itchy here. Aniki, could you lick me here? Kneel down, I'll lift up my shorts so you can lick my pussy. Yeah, good boy. I'll sit on this chair and open my crotch. Be careful, I also saved up a lot from watching lewd Aniki all this time. Will you eat up your beloved sister's stuffy pussy? (Until here) (Doesn't hold back moaning during cunnilingus here) Nh, yeah good, crawl your tongue all over my pussy. Ahah, Aniki, don't I feel the best? Look, my slit is already melting, now put your tongue deep inside. Look inside, how I'm overflowing with sticky love juices. These are my juices. Don't stop until you've licked them all up. Nfufu, yes yes Good, Aniki's sticky tongue s going inside. Make even more vulgar sucking sounds. Oh no, I'm really getting turned on here. I can't hold back. Aniki is really making me ooze with juices. If you keep this up, I'm gonna cum. This is too vexing already. Here, let me hold you tight with my legs. Gyuuu Hurry up, if you don't make me cum, you'll suffocate. Taste all my love juices as you inhale my lewd scent. Let my pussy make your brain melt- Ah nh good. Cumming, I'm really cumming. Ah, ah, ah (8 seconds more than real moaning) There's so much vilgar sounds between my thighs. The sound of Aniki licking my pussy for his dear life. Drink up all my juices. okay! Cum, cumming! (10 seconds of more than real imminent climax) Oh no, cumm--. NNNNHHHH (Until here) ...ahh, hah, hah Ahhh, that felt good. Looks like I got pretty serious here. Aniki, something wrong? Ahah, let me let go of your head. Aw, you're already dozing off. You're all dizzy from tasting my naughty scent. Nfufu, but there's lots of juices dripping from your dick. Do you wanna play with your dick? Not today. Cause if you rub it now, there's now way you wouldn't cum, right? It's obvious, when I made you endure it until now. So there. For now, stand up. Close your eyes. Just do it. Okay, I'm standing right in front of your eyes. Put your dick between my thighs. Ahah, you know? Feel my panties. It's sandwiched in the triangle between my thighs and my panties. It's tightly touching against my pussy, only separated by a thin piece of cloth. What what, is that the best? Your sis' pussy and your dick are joined rubbing. But, it's not over yet. Your eyes're still closed? Like this Nnnhhh (5 seconds Kiss) Ahah, you opened them Did you notice what I'm doing? Aniki, sis is smooching you. Your dick below my pussy is jumping. Ahahah, Aniki, you're falling in love with sis. It's okay. Get intoxicated with me. (10 seconds Kiss) I'm sticking my tongue even deeper inside. While I hugh you tiiight with both hands. Nfu, can you feel my boobs? Pressing against my plump bosom surely is the best, right? Hey, Aniki? Which boobs feel better, mine of Sakuya's? C'mon, tell me. I see, mine. Is that so? (Deep kiss 5 seconds) You're so cute, Aniki. Here's your reward. Let me kiss you even deeper. (Deep kiss 15 seconds) It's hardly over yet. Get ready. (Deep kiss 20 seconds) N, ph, hah. Thanks for the meal. I regret to say this, but for today we must part. Hup. Today, we haven't played with your dick one bit. But, next time you get to cum. Until then, be a good boy, okay? Let's coo the dick. Yes, and the final chastity belt. Next time, you'll get to cum so much, that your head will boil? Aniki.

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