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はいお待ちかねの射精解禁日 今日はたっぷり精液出させてあげるから ほら、貞操帯をとって あはは、もうこれ使わないし 速攻で勃起してんの もう妹に勃起ちんぽ晒すのが当たり前になったね? あはははは、もう射精のことしか考えらんないんだ? 兄貴、ホントけだもの 今日はご褒美 あたしのここでぱこぱこしてあげる そう、おまんこで なぁなぁ、嬉しいだろ? 妹のおまんこに生はめできるとか天国だろ? あたしもちんぽ味わいたいし 一ヶ月熟成した可憐専用のちんぽをさ じゃ、そこに寝転がりなよ あたしが一方的に兄貴を犯すんだから騎乗位に決まってるよね? どうせもう我慢できないんだろ? 兄貴、おかしくなる寸前 んふふ、始める前にオマンコの中、開いて見せてあげる 見える? ピンク色で綺麗だろ? しかも透明な汁が糸引いててエロすぎ ここにちんぽ入れてもらえるんだよ? ありがとうございます、は? あっはははは、妹にセックスのおねだりしてんの ばっかじゃないの? でも許してあげる ほら、あんたの腰の上にまたがって、ちんぽをおまんこにすり当てて あー、ちんぽやばいね? これ入れた瞬間中出し確定じゃん 妹に種付とか、笑える 兄貴失格だね? いいじゃん、兄貴失格でもあたしの奴隷としては生きていけるから それでいいだろ? お似合いだろ? 体重かけて一気に奥まで・・・ あたしの奴隷に落ちろ、えい (ここから興奮しながら) あっは、入れた瞬間射精した う、すご、マジ、どんだけ精液出す気? まだとまんない あっつい、子宮焼けそう 妹に全力の射精してる 一ヶ月貯めまくったくっさいザーメン、出てる ん、やっと収まった じゃあ、ここから本番ね 当たり前だろ 入れてすぐ終わりとかありえないから (ここまで) (ここから興奮しながセックス、徐々にリアルよりの語尾にハートがつくような喘ぎ声が漏れてくる) ほらほら、ぱんぱんぱこぱこ あはは、兄貴犯すのすごい興奮する 射精直後の敏感ちんぽがおまんこの肉でもみくちゃしてあげるから 金玉にまだザーメン残ってるんでしょ? あんだけ貯めたんだから、まだまだ出るだろ?なぁ? おまんこの中、えぐい?なぁ、えぐい? 相性ばっちりじゃん あっはぁ、いいよ、あたしも乗ってきちゃった 兄貴もホントは妹に犯されて最高でしょ? 年下の女の子に跨られえて強制的に精液絞られ続けんの そのためにたっぷり熟成したんだろ? 役立たず精液が金玉で腐るくらいにさ からっからに干からびて何も出なくなるまでやめないから ほら、念願の射精、何回でもさせてやる んはぁ、おまんこのなかで精液がくちゅくちゅ泡立ってる これ、最高 兄貴はあたしを喜ばすことだけは天才だね そのちんぽ、これからもあたしのためだけに使うこと ねぇねぇ、兄貴、あたしに貞操帯付けられた1ヶ月、どうだった? 惨めだった?切なかった?苦しかった? 恥ずかしい体験させられてどうだったよ? 勃起も射精も鉄の筒に禁止されてやばかったの? あっは、もっと詳しく話せ へぇ、どんどん頭とろとろになってあたしのことしか考えらんなくなったの? よかったね? 全部、可憐様のおかげだよね? ちんぽ管理してもらったおかげで妹にひれ伏す快楽が味わえてんだからさ そうだよね?あ・に・き? またいく? 2回目なのに早いね 金玉が暴走して射精すぐきちゃうんだ? 妹にレイプされていきたい? おまんこに負けて情けなく精液ぴゅーぴゅーまたすんの? 妹の子宮にぴゅーぴゅー、とぷとぷ、ぴゅっぴゅって? あっは、奥の奥まで種づけしろ この変態兄貴 とどめ、ほらぁ あっは、精液またでてる でも、射精してる間も腰は止めないから だってあんたはあたしのおもちゃで奴隷で兄貴なんだもん 好き勝手に使い潰すんだから あははは、全部兄貴のせい 兄貴が悪いんだから おとなしくあたしを楽しませろ あははは、いやいやじゃねぇし 気持ちいいの止まんないんだろ? 涙目で訴えてもまんざらじゃないのバレバレすぎるから それに、妹にこんな濃ゆいザーメン好き勝手に出してるくせに生意気すぎ もっと快楽流し込んで完全に落としきってあげるから あはは、嬉しすぎて泣いてんじゃん、兄貴 妹まんこそんなにいいの? 射精しても問答無用でぱこぱこされて、こんなこと言われて嬉し涙 兄貴、ほんとにマゾで変態 あっは、ちんぽも大喜び 腰を打ち付けるたびにぴくぴく痙攣してる ほら、どうせまた中出しだろ? ほら、追い込んであげる 両手掴んで、ん (深いキス10秒) あっは、キスされたらたまんないんだよね? 両手掴まれて馬乗りで犯されながらだから言うことなしだろ? あははは、こいつ興奮してんの いいよ、このまま一気に射精までいっちゃえよ (深いキス10秒) くる?ねぇ、くる? キスしながら射精しろ (絶頂させながらの深いキス10秒) ぷ、はぁ、また出した 子宮が兄貴のザーメンでもうぱんぱん お腹ふくらんじゃう (ここから喘ぎが強くなり絶頂に向かう、語尾にハートがつくような喘ぎ) あはぁ、もう、我慢できない 本気でいくから 腰めちゃくちゃに打ち当てて動物みたいなセックス もう手加減とかしないから これで次で最後の射精にしてあげるから 射精地獄終わりにするから、だからあたしを満足させろ んひぃ、兄貴、兄貴、兄貴ぃ 兄貴のちんぽいいよ まんこのお肉ごりごりこすってたまんないの こうやって兄貴レイプすんのマジ病みつきになっちゃう 何回も呼び出して、好きな時に兄貴とセックスするの 学校なんか休んで一日中バカみたいにセックスしまくるの あは、想像したら、おまんこどんどん熱くなって、んはぁ これだから兄貴をいじめるの楽しいの 兄貴もこんなエロい妹でよかっただろ? なぁ、なぁ、可憐が妹で良かっただろ? そうだって言え あははは、だったら全部受け入れてよ ほら、ちんぽ締め付けて全部搾り取るから こうやって肉質感のあるお尻が乱暴に持ち上げて、叩き落として ひだひだが何度もちんぽずりずり、ぐちゃぐちゃ 淫乱みたいな腰使いでぱんぱん、ぱんぱん 兄貴のその目、あっはぁ、ほんとたまんない あたしにもう服従してんのすっごい伝わってくる 抵抗もできないんだよね? あ、あ、あ、あ やばい、やばいのが来る 兄貴がそんな顔するから我慢できなくなっちゃった 子宮の中、兄貴の濃厚精液でみっちり占拠されてきそうになってる 全部兄貴が悪いんだから、責任とれ あたしと一緒にいくの これで最後だから おもいっきり腰沈めて子宮にちんぽめり込ませるから直接精液注いで ほら、注ぎ込め、注ぎ込め (絶頂に抜かう喘ぎ声10秒) あ、くぅ、もういく? いいよあ、あたしももう、げん、かい いけぇ 妹に精液一滴残らず注ぎこめ この、妹大好きの変態兄貴 あ、くる、んんんんん、兄貴、兄貴、兄貴、大好きぃ いっくうううううううううう (ここまで) (ここから疲弊して息を少し乱しながら) ・・・あ、ぐ、はぁ、はぁ、すご、これほんとすごい もう兄貴なしじゃ満足できないかも うんしょ あっは、すごい、おまんこから精液どんどん溢れてく あ、兄貴の精液が出ちゃう んんん、あ、はぁはぁ これ、妊娠しちゃうかも 責任、取ってよ?兄貴 (ここまで) ねぇ、兄貴、聞いてる あは、気絶してる んふふふふ、じゃあ おはよう、兄貴 兄貴はセックスの途中で気絶したの、覚えてない? 絶頂のときから記憶がないんだ? そっか ううん、なんでもない いいから黙ってろ ん?それ?また貞操帯つけといたから セックス気持ちよかったんだよね? またもう一回、あのセックス、しよ? そのためには、また射精我慢し続けよ? 次は2ヶ月?それとも半年? あ、一年とかなら、ホントに死んじゃうくらいやばいセックスできるかも あたしはクンニさせて性欲処理できるし 苦しいのは兄貴だけ あははは、また地獄が始まるね それでもいいよね?あ・に・き?

Orgasm Control Day 28: Chastity Belt Release

Yes, today's your long awaited orgasm release day. Today I'll make sure you cum lots of semen. Look, grabbing your belt. Ahahah, this thing can't be used anymore. Just touching it makes you hard. Exposing your hard dick to your sister has become second nature to you? Ahahahah, you have nothing but orgasm on your mind, right? Aniki, you really are a beast. Today you get your reward. I'll let you ram it in here. Yeah, in my pussy. Hey hey, doesn't that make you happy? You can feel the heaven of your sister's raw pussy. And I wanna taste your dick as well. "Karen's use only"-dick, with 1 month ripened cum. Okay, just lie down here. Yeah I decided on cowgirl position, so I can rape you on my own. Anyway, you can't take it anymore, right? Aniki, you're on the verge of madness. Nfufu, but before we begin, take a look onside my pussy. You see? Such a pretty pink color. And it pulls threads of clear juices, it's so super erotic. You get to put your dick inside here. How about "Thank you very much"? Ahahah, you're begging your sis to have sex with you. Aren't you an idiot? But I'll forgive you. Here, let me straddle you with my hips, my pussy is hitting your dick. Ahh, your dick is so close. It's obviously gonna cum inside the moment you put it on. You wanna make me pregnant? Yeah right. Aniki doesn't quality. But that's allright, you might disqualify, but you still exist as my slave. Isn't that nice? It suits you very well. I only have to put my body down in one stroke, And you'll degrade into my slave. YES! (Turned on from here) Ahah, you came the moment I put it in! Wah, wow, seriously? how much cum are you pumping out? It's not stopping. So hooot, you're roasting my womb. You're cumming in your sister with full force. All the stinking semen, saved up for once month, it's all cumming out Nh, finally, it's settled down. Okay, now here's where the real show begins. Obviously. We can't possibly stop right after putting it in. (Until here) (Excited sex, gradually moaning and putting more hearts at the end of the words) Look look, bambambam! Ahahah, raping Aniki is so damn hot! This super-sensitive dick right after cumming, my pussy flesh is making a mess out of it. There's still some semen left in your balls, right? You save up so much, so you can cum and cum again. Right? Is it harsh in my pussy? Hey, is it pain? Then we're perfectly compatible. Ahah, so good, I'm also getting the hang of it. Aniki, you also love getting raped by your sis, right? A a younger girl straddling you fording to squeeze out cum. Did you let it ripen so much for that? Your useless semen was rotting inside your balls. And we're not stopping until you're completely dried out and your balls turn to crisp. Come on and ejaculate all you want, as much as you want. Nhah, the cum in my pussy is turning into a bubbly, foaming mess. This is the best! Aniki, you're a prodigy at delighting me. From now on, this dick only belongs to me. Hey hey, Aniki, how was it wearing this belt for me for one whole month? Was is miserable? Was it suffering? Was it painful? How did it feel to experience something so shameful? Being forbidden by iron bars not to get hard or to cum was terrible, right? Ahah, explain it to me in full detail. Hee, your head slowly went to mush until you couldn't think of anything but me? How wonderful. THis was all thanks to Karen-sama. Thanks to me controlling your dick, you can now taste the pleasure of bowing down to me. Isnt that right? A-ni-ki? Cumming again? That's pretty fast for round 2. Your balls sure make cum fast under stress. You wanna cum by sis-rape? You wanna pew-pew your pathetic loser cum in my pussy? Pyu-pyuu, spewspew, pyupyuu in your little sis's womb? Ahah, mate with my innermost of my innermost! You Hentai Aniki! Here, the final clincher! Ahah, you're cumming again. But I'm not stopping my hips as you cum- Cause Aniki is my plaything slave. I can use and break you however I want. Ahahaha, and it's all your fault. You're the bad guy here, Aniki. So just be quiet and keep me entertained. Ahahah, don't go "no no!" on me! You wanna stop feeling good or what? Even if you resort to tears, I can see right through how much you love this. Also, cumming so much thick semen inside your sis is way too saucy of you. I'll make you drown in even more pleasure, until you're completely degraded. Ahahah, those're tears of joy, right Aniki? Is a sister-pussy so good? Even if I fuck your brains out and force you to cum, you end up in tears of joy. Aniki is really a maso pervert. Ahah, and your dick's overjoyed. It's twitching and convulsing every time I ram my hips. Hey, how many times can you cum inside? Let's force you down the road. Grabbing you with my hands, nnh (Deep kiss 10 seconds) Ahah, getting kissed is intolerable. So you have no objections against getting raped as I ride you like a horse. Ahahahah, this guy is getting turned on. Okay, in that case you can cum in one stroke! (Deep kiss 10 seconds) Cumming? Hey, cumming? Cumming while kissing? (10 seconds deep kiss during climax) Puu, ahah, you cam again. Aniki's semen is exploding into my womb. My belly is getting full. (From here she strongly moans. As she approaches climax, she seems to moan hearts at the end of the words) Ahah, I can't hold it in anymore. I'm really gonna cum. We're banging our hips together like mating animals. Now I won't hold back anymore. Next, gimme your last ejaculation. This is the end for your orgasm hell, so go out completely satisfied. Nhiiih! Aniki, Aniki, ANIKI! Your dick is so good! I can't stand it grinding and rubbing my pussy-meat. I could seriously get addicted to raping you like this. Calling for you any time I want to have sex with Aniki. Every day during breaks in school we could have sex like idiots. Ahah, just imagining it makes my pussy hot again, nhah! This is why teasing Aniki is so much fun. Aren't you glad as well that you have such a slutty little sis? Hey, heey, Karen's the best little sis, right? If you say so... Ahahahah, then you can take it all! Here, I'll press as hard as I can and squeeze every drop from you! I'm raising my soft ass up, and knock it down! My pleads are rubbing and making a mess out of your dick. Look at my debauched hips, bang, bang! Aniki, ahahhh, those eyes of yours are irresistible. I feel that you're now completely submitted to me. You're not even resisting. Ah, ah, ah, ah! Oh no, no good, I'm cumming! If you make such a face, I can't hold back anymore! Looks like you're gonna pump my womb to the brim with your dense semen! This is all your fault, so take responsibility. Let's cum together. This is the last one. I'll dig it in as deep as I can, so you can directly fill my womb with cum. Here, pump me full, pump me full! (Climax moaning 10 seconds) Ahh, cum, gonna cum? Okay, me too, can't, ho- ba-... CUM! Give every little drop to your sis! Pervert Aniki, I love you SO MUCH! Ah, cumming, nnnhhhhh! Aniki, Aniki, Aniki, I love youuu! CUMMIIIIINNGGG!!! (Until here) (Here she's all out of breath) ...ah, gh, hah, haah, tha-, that was just incredible Now I can't be satisfied without Aniki anymore. Whoopsies. Ahah, wow, cum just keeps flowing out from my pussy. Ah, this is Aniki's cum. Nnnh, ah, hah hah. I wonder if I'll get pregnant now. Hey, you'll take care of me. Right, Aniki? (Until here) Hey, Aniki, you listening? Ahah, he fainted. Nfufufufu, well then. Good morning, Aniki. Aniki fainted right during sex, don'tcha remember? You don't remember the orgasm at all? I see. Ah no, it's nothing. Just be quiet and listen up. Hmm? That? Yeah, I put on the chastity belt again. That sex felt really good, right? So, we could have, like, another round of that. But for that, I gotta put you under orgasm control again. How about 2 months. Or maybe even half a year? Oh jeez, or maybe having sex after one year will feel so good you might die? You can treat my lust with cunnilingus, though. Only you get to suffer. Ahahahah, here's for another round in hell. But you're fine with that, right? A-ni-ki?

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