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兄貴、今日がなんの日か覚えてる? 忘れるわけないよね? だって今日で射精できるんだもんね よかったね、兄貴 貯めに貯めたドロドロのダメ汁、金玉から吐き出せるんだよ? じゃあ、おまちかね 貞操帯とろっか はい あっは、すぐに勃起した 完全に妹にしつけられてやんの ホント恥ずかしいちんぽだね? だって、妹にちんぽ晒して勃起してんだもん 情けなくて、んふふ、笑える それでね、今日どうやって射精させようかずっと考えてたの 手コキとかフェラとか足コキとか、いろいろいじめてあげたよね? でもね、同じことしてもつまらないから他の方法にしたの ねぇ、兄貴、どうやって射精させられると思う? あはははははは、どこ見てんの? ねぇ?ど・こ、見てんの? 言えって、ほら ど・こ・み・て・ん・の? あははは、おまんこ?あたしのおまんこ見てたんだ? へぇ、じゃあ、そう言いなよ 妹とのセックスを期待してますってさ バカみたいに恥ずかしい言葉、言って? ほら、はやく言えよ変態 あはは、あははははははははは (ここから笑いながら) あんた、バッカじゃないの? 妹とセックスすんの期待してるんだ? 本気で? ばかじゃん、この恥知らず ちんぽそんなにカチカチにして何言ってんの? ホント面白いね (ここまで) じゃあさ、確認 そのちんぽ、だれの物? ねぇ、だれの物? ほら、聞かせて? ぷ、くくく、そうだよね 可憐のものだよね これ、可憐の好きにしていいんだよね? そうだよね?(囁くように) あはははは、あたし専用のちんぽだって認めちゃった んふ、認めてくれたみたいだし、射精の方法を発表しよっか あたしととろけるセックス・・・なわけないからオナニーで勝手に射精でーす あはははははは、オナニーだよ?兄貴 あたしは一切触らないし、見てるだけ 貯めまくった濃厚ザーメンむなしく一人でしこってぴゅっぴゅ あれだけあたしの体にいじめられたのに射精の時はただのオナニー どう?なぁ、どんな気持ちだよ? あれだけ期待してた射精がただのオナニーとか すっごいみじめだだろ?悲しいだろ?辛いだろ? あっは、その顔が見たかったの この絶望の為に精液ドロドロになるまで管理したんだから あ、拒否権とかないから だって、それ、あたし専用のちんぽなんだよね? あんた認めたよね だったらあたしの好きなように精液出させていいでしょ? あーあ、やっちゃったね あんなこと認めなかったらよかったのに とかいって、認めるまで射精お預けにしまくるつもりだったんだけどね あっは、あたしオナニー以外でいかせる気ないじゃん よかったね?妹がこんな残酷な子で なかなかないよ? 頭おかしくなるまで焦らされたあげくオナニーであっさり射精させられるなんてさ じゃあ、さくっと精液出させておわろっか? 一か月の我慢、無駄にしちゃお? ほら、さっさとちんぽ握れ はい、シコシコ開始~ あはははは、あたしに逆らえないよね? 熟れたちんぽ必死にしこってる おもしろ あ、そうだ、射精の時はあたしがカウントダウンしてあげるから 数字が小さくなるにつれておもらしに近づいてね 0で射精のお許し というより、命令 兄貴はこんな射精嫌だろうけど、そんなの関係ないから あたしが出せって言ったら情けなく出すの いっとくけど、寸止めとかしないから 作業みたいに精液絞ってあげる あっけなく、ね? あっは、兄貴、惨めすぎ 射精を餌にされてここまで我慢した結果がこれだよ? 熟成しきった精液、テキトーに絞られるの 兄貴の役に立たないダメ汁にはお似合いだよ? ねぇねぇ、ホントはさおまんこでたっぷり責められながらいきたかったんだろ? 騎乗位で何度も激しくピストンされてたっぷり中出し そういうのがいいんだろ? あははは、嫌に決まってるだろ?ばーか この前キスされて勘違いしたの? ねぇねぇ、勘違いした? 最後にご褒美もらえるって? あはははは、出来たらよかったね?あたしとセックス で、さ、兄貴は今、なにやってんの? んふふふ、惨めなオナニー あたしの体が恋しくてたまんないのに自分の手でシコシコ ほら、もっとしこれよ 妹に見られるだけのオナニーもっと晒せ あははは、こんな射精嫌なのにザー汁がせりあがってきてとまんないだろ? でも出したら快感はリセット、ふりだしに戻る あーあ、もったいない でも、終わらせるから、射精管理 ほーら、マゾ兄貴、カウントダウンの時間だよ? 10 あーあ、始まっちゃったね 貯めこんだ精液をリセットするカウント 精液、全部無駄になるね せっかく金玉のなかでトロトロくちゃくちゃに練り上げたのに残念 9 でもあたしの命令は絶対 そうだろ?妹奴隷の変態あ・に・き? もっと喜んでしこれよ あんたのために残念な射精強制してやってんだろうが 8 ちんぽやばくなってるね? 1か月分の快楽が凝縮されてんだから当たり前だよね? バカみたいに練り上げたザーメン、やっと出せるよ? よかったね~、うれしいね~(子供扱いするように馬鹿にする) 7 一人でシコシコ楽しい? あたしはすっごい楽しいよ? あんたの嫌がること、してるんだもん もう最高 6 もう射精したい? 我慢しろ、ちんぽに力入れて精液押し戻せ 金玉に精液戻すの得意なんだろ? 知ってるんだからね 5 あたしの手の感触、舌使い、オナホコキ、足裏の温かさ、おっぱいの柔らなさ、耳舐め、濃厚なキ・ス♪ 気持ちよかっただろ? どれでもいいからあたしに射精させてほしい? 4 おまんこなんて贅沢言わないから責めてほしい? 一人で射精なんて嫌でしょ? あはははは、今からでも変更してほしいんだ? いい気にならないでよ、あたしの所有物の分際で生意気 3 ほらほら、もうすぐ終わりだよ? 射精管理のお・わ・り あっは、残酷なとどめまであと少し あはははは、もう出る? 出るんだろ? 寸止めなんてしてやんないから、好きに出せば? 妹に残念な射精強制されて射精しろ 2 あっは、出したくないんだろ? こんな形で精液漏らしたくないよね?ねぇ、兄貴? ここで寸止めさせられたいでしょ? 射精を我慢する快楽を奪われたくない? 1 じゃあ、お願いして? 『寸止めして射精を先延ばしにしてください』ってさ あはははは、そうなんだ、へぇー (ここから冷徹に感情薄く) でも出させる 寸止めしないって言っただろ? あたしは兄貴が嫌がることしたいの 寸止めなんかしたらあんた喜ぶだろうが そんなのするわけねぇだろ? ほら、冷たく射精の命令してあげる せーの 射精しろ、この変態、0(冷たいながらも半笑い) (ここまで) (ここから爆笑しながら) 0、0 あははははははははははは 出してる出してる あんだけ我慢した精液あっけなく出してる ばーか、ばーか なぁなぁ、どうだよ? 精液を無駄にした気分はさ? ちんぽビクビクして頭真っ白? あーもう最高 涙目になってんじゃねぇよ ちんぽ最高に気持ちいいだろうが こんな惨めな仕打ちでマゾの快楽に染まってくせに (ここまで) (ここから、満足そうに) あー、面白かった 射精も終わったみたいだね どう?兄貴 こんな終わり方しちゃってさ んふふふふ、これが射精管理の破壊力 オナニーで出してもこんなに気持ちいい これがおまんこだったらきっと比べものになんないね? (ここまで) ん?兄貴? あっは、失神してるじゃん 兄貴、ねぇ兄貴 あ、起きた オナニーで気失うとか面白すぎ あ、それ? うん、貞操帯 またつけといたから だって、兄貴もうこれなしじゃ生きていけないでしょ? また射精管理の始まり うれしいだろ? 次は妹まんこで出せるかも とか言ってまた残念な射精させる気満々なんだけどね でもあんたは、もしかしたらって希望が捨てられない そこを徹底的に付け狙って食い物にしてあげるから おまんこに入れてもいいよって許可しても、残念な射精をおねだりするくらい落としてあげる あ、次の射精管理は1か月程度じゃ済まさないから 覚悟してね それまで、ずっと大切にしてるんだよ?可憐専用の貞操帯

Orgasm Control Day 28 Sub-Menu: Chastity Belt Release

Aniki, do you remember what day is today? There's no way you'd forget. Cause today I'll let you cum. How wonderful, Aniki. Your balls get to spew out all your useless, mushy, saved up and saved up semen. Okay, this is what you waited for. Unlocking your belt and... Yes. Ahah, it got hard right away. Your sis completely trained you for sure. This dick really is a shameful one. Still, you're getting hard right in front of your sis. You loser, nhuhuh, gotta laugh. Now, how did you think I'd let you cum today? I gave you handjobs, blowjobs, foot jobs, and did all sorts of stuff to you. But you know, there's still a method left, because doing the same thing would be boring. Hey Aniki, can you imagine how I'll let you cum? Ahahahahah, where are you looking? Hey? Where you looking at? Tell me, go on. Where. Are. you loo. king? Ahahah, my pussy? You looking at my pussy? Hee, okay, then just say so. So you were hoping to have sex with your sister? Say them, those stupid embarrassing words. Go on, hurry up and say it, pervert. Ahahah, ahahahahahahah! (Laughing from here) Are you really such an idiot? You were hoping to fuck your little sister? Really? You dummy, how shameful. Is your dick so rock hard that you say dumb stuff? That's really interesting. (Until here) Okay, let's reconfirm. This dick, whose is it? Hey, who owns it? Come on, lemme hear it. Ph, khkhk, that's right. It belongs to Karen. Karen can do with this whatever she wants, right? Isn't that right? (Whispering) Ahahahah, you admitted that this is my exclusive dick. Nfuh, now that it looks like you've admitted, let me pronounce the ejaculation method. With melting hot sex... nah, just kidding, you will cum by fapping yourself! Ahahahahah, yeah I said fapping. Aniki? I won't touch it at all, just looking. You will fap in vain, and pyupyu all your thick concentrated semen, by yourself. After all this time bullying and teasing your body, you will just fap. Well? Hey, how's that feel? After anticipating orgasm so much, you can only fap. How absolutely miserable. How very sad. How painful. Ahah, yeah, that's the face I wanted to see. I've controlled your semen to the boiling point, just to see this despair. Ah, no you don't get to deny. I mean, this dick belongs to me alone, right? You admitted it. So go ahead already and cum like I want it. Ahhahh, now you've done it. All would've been fine if you hand't admitted that. Even though I planned to keep your orgasm in custody until you admitted it. Ahah, without fapping, there was no way I'd let you go. How nice. Your little sis is such a cruel girl. I didn't half ass it. To think that I'd irritate you to madness, and then let you cum in the end by fapping. So, let's end this with a sudden orgasm. Your one month patience is all going to waste. Go on, grab your dick now. Yees, start fapping. Ahahahah, don't defy me. Stroke your ripened dick for your dear life. Interesting. Ah, that's right, I'll let you cum with a countdown. With every number, you'll get closer to cum. And at 0, I'll allow you to ejaculate. Or rather, that's my order. No matter hoe much you hate to cum like this, I don't care. When I say cum, you will cum like a loser. Just for your information, I won't edge you. I'll let you cum like boring work. That's unsatisfying, right? Ahah, Aniki, you're so super-sad. This is the result of your patience and taking all that orgasm bait? All your carefully ripened semen will cum out with a dull technique. Aniki really matches his useless juice. Heyhey, surely you wanted to cum as I bully you with my pussy, right? Cumming inside me as I rape you over and over in cowgirl? That sure would've been nice? Ahahah, obviously I'd hate that. Stupid. Did you misunderstand my kiss a while ago? Hey hey, did you mistake it? Your final reward? Ahahahaha, wouldn't that be nice? To have sex with me. But now, Aniki, what're you doing? Nfufufu, fapping like a loser. Fapping with your own hands right in front of that longing body. Go on, stroke harder. Expose all how you can fap to your little sis. Ahahah, you can't stand how much your hated cum is gradually rising. And once it comes out, your pleasure resets, right to zero. Ahahh, what a waste. But it's really over now, my orgasm control. Now maso Aniki, it's time for the countdown. 10 Uh oh, it has begun. The countdown to reset your sperm bank. Your cum will all go to waste. Howe unfortunate, because your balls had to work so hard to ripen and make it boil. 9 But my orders are absolute. Right? Sister-slave hentai an-ni-ki? Do it harder with more delight. How sad that you're forced to cum against your will. 8 Your dick is feeling terrible. Obviously, because it was bathing in pleasure for one whole month. And now your well refined semen, goes out in a poof. How niice~ Isn't that greaat~? (treats like a child) 7 It it fun to fap yourself? Cause I'm having tons of fun. I'm making you do what you hate. It's the best. 6 You wanna cum already? Hold it in, push back the cum inside. Returning semen to your balls is what you're best at, right? Cause I know. 5 The touch of my hands, my tongue technique, onahole-job, my warm foot soles, my soft boobs, ear teasing, and rich kissing. Those felt so good, right? You wanted to cum to any of those. 4 You wanted to tease my luxurious pussy? You hate cumming by yourself? Ahahahah, you want to change it around by now? Don't be so optimistic, you lowly, impertinent property. 3 Look look, it's all gonna be over soon. The end of orga-sm-con-trol. Ahah, just a few more steps from the final clincher. Ahahahah, gonna cum? You gonna cum? You can cum all you want, I'm not gonna deny you. Your sister is sadly forcing you to orgasm. 2 Ahah, you don't wanna cum? You don't wanna leak your semen looking like this? Hey, Aniki? You want me to deny you here, right? You don't want me to take away the pleasure of orgasm patience? 1 Okay then, beg. "Please edge me and delay my orgasm!" Ahahahah, is that right, hmm? (Cold-hearted here) But you will cum. I told you, no edges. I want to to hate this. You'd be delighted in edging and the sort. So there's no way I'd let you. Go on, do as I ay and orgasm to my cold order. Here we go. Ejaculate, you pervert. 0. (Until here) (While laughing from here) 0, 0 Ahahahahahahawahaha Cumming, it's cumming All that saved up cum is coming out so plainly. Baka, baaka! Hey, hey, how is it? How does a ruined orgasm feel? Is your dick twitching and head pure white? Haah, this is the best. Why're you getting so teary eyed here? Your dick must be delighted! Cause such a miserable treatment makes any maso overwash with pleasure. (Until here) (Here she seems satisfied) Ahh, now that was interesting. Looks like your orgasm stopped too. Well? Aniki. This is how it ended. Nfufufu, this is the destructive force of orgasm control. Even if you fapped and came, it felt so good. My pussy couldn't possibly compete against this. (Until here) Hmm? Aniki? Ahah, I guess he fainted. Aniki. Hey, Aniki? Ah, you're awake. Fainting from fapping, now that's just too amusing. Ah, this? Yeah, it's your chastity belt. I put it on again. I mean, obviously you can't live without this thing anymore. We're restarting the orgasm control again. Aren't you glad? Maybe next time I'll even let you cum in my pussy. If I said that. your deplorable dick comes brimming with energy again. Still, perhaps you shouldn't abandon your hopes. Because I will thoroughly keep watch and bait that thing. Even if I won't allow you to fuck my pussy, I will humiliate you enough to beg me for any miserable orgasm. Ah, the next orgasm control won't be settled after one month. So prepare yourself. Until then, always take great care of it. My Karen-only chastity belt.

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