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そこのおにーさーん! ちょっと待って! いきなりでごめんけど、 ちょーっとおうち入れてくれない? 訳は後で話すから ね ね? そんな顔しないでさ  可愛い制服JKが言ってるんだから良いじゃん!  取って食おうって訳じゃないし! そうそう素直でよろしい♡ っていう訳で、 ちょっとの間、お家に置いて欲しいんだよね  家出JKを保護すると思って! 勿論タダって訳じゃなくて、 い、いろいろしちゃうよ! えっ何でそんなに帰ってほしそうなの… ねぇおねが~い もうお兄さんしか頼れる人がいないの! ちょっとある組織に追われてる的な感じで、 友達の家も無理なんだよ~ あ、それにぃお兄さんって結構良い身体してるし~♡ ほら肩とか腕とか筋肉すごーい♡ 良いじゃん良いじゃん  触られて減るもんじゃないし こんなモデル体型のJKから べたべた触られることなんて中々無いよ? あっ太ももも良い感じに筋肉ついててかっこいい~♡ え? 触り方がエロい? あーそんな風に考えてたんだ~♡ やらし~むっつりだ~♡   でも顔も割とタイプだしー ここ以外のおうちには行きたくないなー 変な人の家に行って レイプとかされちゃったら大変じゃん?  お兄さんならむっつりでも真面目そうだし、 はるなもそういうことしちゃってもいいかもーなんてー♡ んーじゃあこういうのどう? あはっ ブラ外しちゃった~♡ ね おっぱい触って?  ほら手貸して はいむにゅっ♡ どう?  JKの生おっぱい ♡ 柔らかいのにハリがあって指押し返しちゃうでしょ♡ 一応Eカップあるし、 クラスでも結構おっきい方なんだけどって んふっ 可愛い~顔真っ赤じゃん♡ 触るだけじゃなくて もっと指沈み込ませるくらい揉みしだいて良いんだよ? お兄さ~ん こういうのあんま経験無いっしょ 私ビッチで勉強も出来ないけど、 そういうのは分かっちゃうんだ~ お兄さん見てると虐めたくなってきちゃうもん♡ ふぅぅぅぅ♡ あっ弱点はっけ~ん  ふぅぅぅぅぅぅ♡ 耳弱いね~ 身体ビクビク震えてるよ じゃあ今度は逆も~ ふぅぅぅぅ♡ もう一回 ふぅぅぅぅぅぅ♡ あ~もっとしてほしそうな顔してる でももっといいことしてあげたいな~ ねっ ちゅーしよっ♡ 唇ぷるっぷるだよ? ぶちゅってお互いの身体弄り合ってさ 気持ちいいよ~? べろべろ~ってえっろ~いキスしちゃお♡ ぶちゅぅ ちゅっちゅ~ じゅるるっ ぶちゅるる~♡ んぶっ んれぇ~れろれろ ん~ちゅっ ちゅ~♡ んへへっべろちゅー♡ 気持ちいいっしょ お顔とろーんって蕩けちゃってるよ♡ んちゅ んれろれろれろれろ……♡ じゅるるう んーっちゅ ちゅっ れろれろれろ~んむっ♡ 舌が触れあうと脳がビリってして気持ちいいよね~ んちゅっちゅるるる~♡ 私もべろちゅーすきー♡ んぁ…あむっ、ぢゅぶっ、ぢゅぐぶぶぶっ、ぢゅぶっ、ぢゅぶっ♡ はぁ、はぁ…んっ、ちゅれっ、れるっ、ちゅぱっ、ちゅぱっ♡ あ~真面目ぶってるくせにバッキバキに勃起してるじゃん♡ ズボンの上からでも分かるくらいテント張ってるし♡  狭いズボンの中で苦しそう…… おちんぽ出しちゃおっか♡ ね 私に任せて だいじょぶだいじょぶ 気持ちよくしてあげるから♡ あっでっかぁ♡ なっがぁいし、ぶっといし、カリもパンパン♡ 反り具合も良い感じ~ 女の子の奥をごちゅごちゅ突いてアへらせちゃう 私好みのデカチンだ~♡ こんなちんぽでおまんこ突かれたら 私もおかしくなっちゃうかも♡ あっちんぽびくんって跳ねた えっちなことしたいんだ~♡ じゃ挨拶ってことでべろちゅー手コキしてあげる♡ うわっ ちんぽかたくてあっつぅ……♡ どっくんどっくん脈打ってるし たっぷりザーメン溜まってそう おっぱい揉みながら発情しちゃったんだね♡ 細くて長い指を 長いおちんぽの根元から先っぽまで這わせてぇ しーこしーこ♡ んふふっ 普段のオナニーとは違うっしょ いつもはどんな感じ? AV見ながら はやぁくしこしこして射精するだけの 義務オナニーかな? じゃ今日は限界まで気持ちよくなって いつもの何倍もザーメン出しちゃお♡ いーや出させてあげる♡ ちゅっ むちゅっ じゅるるっ♡ んべぇれろれろれろぉ…んぷっ♡ 最初はゆっくりしーこしーこ ゆっくりおちんぽに気持ちいいの溜めて行こうね むちゅっ んっ じゅるるぅ♡  おっぱいとかお尻とか揉んで? 一緒に気持ちよくなろ♡ んっ 手つきやらし♡  んぁっ はぁぁぁ♡ んふふっちんぽもっと硬くなった♡ しーこしーこ お兄さんのちんぽ長くてしごくの大変  んむぅ……むちゅっじゅるるる♡ んっれちゅっ しこしこ気持ちいい? ちゅぷっ♡ 我慢汁が裏筋を伝って私の指に垂れて来てるよ  ぬるぬるになって ぐちゅぐちゅってえっちな音がしてる♡ まだ我慢だよー  あっそうだ 弱点も責めちゃお♡  んっ じゅるる じゅぷぷぷぷ♡ んふっ じゅるるるぅ じゅぷじゅぷじゅぷ んふっ♡ 耳舐めてると、ちんぽがびっくんびっくん跳ねてるよ れろれろれろぉ……♡  もっと? うん♡ じゅぷぷっ じゅるっ じゅぷじゅぷじゅぷ~♡ あっ金玉上がってきてる 耳舐めで一気に射精欲高まっちゃった? んへへ も~っとこゆ~いザーメンになるように 速めにしごいちゃうね♡ ぶちゅるるぅ んんぅっ れろれろぉ じゅぞぞっ♡ えへへ♡ 私 お兄さんとのベロキスすきぃ♡ んむぅ ぶちゅるるっ んふぅっ♡ ねちっこくて ねばっこくて 脳がびりびりするぅ♡  んむっ じゅぷ♡ んへへ 口の周りよだれまみれだ もっと もっとしよっ♡ んじゅるるる れろれろれろれろぉ じゅるるるぅ♡  じゅっぷじゅぽぽ じゅぞぞぞぞ♡ んっはぁ お兄さんイキそ? んむぅ じゃあラストスパートね 本気ベロキスでザーメン出しちゃおっ♡ んっ、ちゅうっ、ちゅるるっ、ちゅぷっ♡ ちゅるるっ、ちゅぷっ、ちゅううっちゅうっ、ちゅっ♡ ちゅうっ、ちゅむむっ、ちゅぷっ♡ ちゅぱっ、ちゅうっ♡ ちゅるるるっ、ちゅぷぷっ、れるれる~っ、ちゅぷぷっ♡ ちゅっ、ちゅうぅぅっ♡ ちんぽ膨らんできた じゅるるるるるる れろれろれろれろぉ♡  イ~けっ 出して だ~せ♡ べろちゅー手コキでザーメン吐き出せ♡ イク、イク、イク~♡ んむっじゅぞぞぞぞっ♡ んっ、ちゅるるるっ、れるれるれる~っ、ちゅぷぷっ♡ じゅぷっ、じゅぷぷっ! じゅるるるっ、ちゅぷぷっ、ちゅっ、ちゅうっ! ちゅぷぷっ♡ チュルルるるるっ! れるれるうっ、じゅっ! じゅぷぷっ! ……ちょ~出たね 気持ちよかった? 見て、私の指お兄さんのザーメンでべったり んふふっちゅぷっ ザーメンうま♡ 濃厚で喉にへばりついてくる うわぁ床もザーメンでべたべた、後で掃除しとくね  んふふっお兄さんをつけてきて正解だったよ~ じゃこれからよろしくね♡

Close contact Bellochu - Temptation of hand rubbing

Hey, you there! Wait a minute! I'm sorry to barge in here like this, but... I'm sorry to barge in, but can you let me in a little bit? I'll tell you why later, okay? Don't make that face.  It's a cute girl in uniform.  It's not like I'm going to eat it. That's right, that's right. That's why... I just need you to let me stay at your house for a while.  I'm just trying to protect a runaway! Not for free, of course. I'll do all kinds of things! What? Why do you want me to go home so badly... Please, please... You're the only one I can count on! I'm kind of being chased by an organization. I can't even go to my friend's house! Oh, and your brother has a great body. Look at his shoulders, arms, muscles! That's good, that's good.  It's not like you're going to get less by being touched. I've never had a model body like hers touched me like that. It's not every day you get to be touched by such a model JK. Oh, and her thighs are so muscular and cool too!  What? The way she touches you is erotic? Oh, so that's what you were thinking~! He's so dirty and sullen!   But his face is also my type. I don't want to go to any other house but this one. I don't want to go to a strange man's house. I don't want to get raped or something.  Your brother seems to be serious even if he's a bit quiet... Haruna might be willing to do something like that... How about something like this? I took off my bra... Do you want to touch my tits?  Here, give me your hand. What do you think?  JK's raw tits!  They're so soft and firm, you can't help but push them back with your fingers. She has E-cup tits. I'm one of the biggest in my class. So cute! Don't just touch it. You can squeeze her so hard that she sinks her fingers into her breasts. You've never done this before, have you? I'm a bitch and I can't study. But I know what it's like. Seeing you makes me want to torture you. Hmmm... Oh, I'll show you my weak point...  Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Your ears are weak~ Your body is trembling. Then do it the other way around... Oooooh... One more time. Oh, you look like you want more. But I want to make it even better. Come on, let's suck on it. Lips are so pouty... Let's play with each other's body. It feels so good. Let's give each other a dirty kiss. Boo-hoo!   Hehehehe, tongue sucking It feels so good, doesn't it? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...... When our tongues touch each other, it makes my brain tingle and it feels so good~! Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm I love tongue touching too! Mmmm... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... Ah, ah...nn, churu, ruru, chuppa, chuppa! Oh, you're acting so serious, but you've got a big erection! It's so tented that you can see it even from the top of your pants.  You look like you're in a lot of pain in those tight pants. ...... Shall I take out my penis?  I'll take care of it. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I'll make you feel so good. Oh, big dick! It's big, it's big, it's thick, and it's got a big hard-on. I love the way it's warped... I'm going to make you cum by thrusting it deep inside of you! I have the kind of big dick I like! If I get my pussy poked by such a dick I might go crazy too! Oh, my dick jumped! I want to do something naughty~! Then I'll give you a sticky hand job as a greeting.  My dick is so hard and hot! It's pulsating and throbbing. She looks like she's cumming a lot! She must have cum while rubbing her tits.  Long, thin fingers. Crawl from the base to the tip of your long dick Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh... This is not your usual masturbation. What do you usually do? Watching porn. I just rub it fast and ejaculate. I guess it's just a masturbation for duty. Well, let's take it to the limit today. I'm going to cum many times more than usual. No, I'll make you cum. Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum... Oh, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum... At first, slowly rub it slowly. Let's slowly build up a nice feeling in your dick. Much, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm...  Rub my tits, rub my ass... Let's make each other feel good. Oh, you're so gentle.  Ohhhhh... My dick is getting harder. Come on, come on. Your brother's dick is so long, it's hard to squeeze it.  Mmmm...... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhhh, does it feel good to rub it? Ssshhhh... Your juices are dripping down my backside and onto my finger.  It's so wet and slippery. It's making a dirty sound. I'm not done yet!  Oh, yeah, I'm going to hit your weak spot, too.  Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... When I lick your ears, your dick is bouncing around. Re-ro-ro-ro-ro-ro ......  More? Yeah. - Mm-hm. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm. Oh, my balls are coming up. Did the ear licking make you want to cum all at once? I'm going to cum faster so that it's even lusher. I'm going to cum faster. B-ruuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....  I love tongue kissing with your brother. Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm... It's so sticky, sticky, sticky, it makes my brain tingle.  Mmmm... Sssshhhh... Hehehe, you're slobbering all over my mouth. More, more, more... Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle.  Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle. Oh, is my brother cumming? Oh, my God, are you about to cum? Let's make him cum with a real tongue kiss. Oh, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum... Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum... Suck, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh. Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh Sucking, sucking ♡♡♡ My dick is getting swollen. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.  Come on, let it out, let it out! Spit out your cum with a sticky hand job! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Cum, cum, cum... Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh! Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh! Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! Sip-sip-sip! ...... You got a little bit. Did it feel good? Look, my fingers are covered with your cum! Ohhhhhh... cum is so good! It's so thick, it sticks to my throat. Wow, the floor is sticky with cum too. I'll clean it up later.  It's a good thing I followed your brother... Well, I'm looking forward to working with you from now on.

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