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ん~? やっぱり帰った方がいいって?  んーでも私は今の生活楽しいし、 お兄さんも結構楽しんでるように見えたんだけどな~ え~? だって私がいなくなったら、 また一人でスマホと向き合いながら シコシコ虚しいオナニーする毎日になっちゃうんだよ?  私がいればお兄さんの好きな時にぃザーメン処理出来るのに 追い出しちゃうのもったいなくない? それにお兄さんのこと結構調教しちゃったから、 私から離れると辛いかもよ? ん~えいっ んふふ~乳首当たり~ めっちゃびくってしたね 最初はいじっても反応しなかったのに おっかしぃなぁ~なんでだろ~ ふふっお兄さんって結構マゾなんだよ? 知ってた? 乳首でも感じられるマゾだなって気づいたから ちょっとずつ調教しちゃった♡ ほら~もうちんぽ勃起してる 今日もいっぱい虐めてあげるからさ、 さっさと脱いじゃいなよ、上も下も だって今のでザーメン出したいスイッチ入っちゃったでしょ? あははっ ほんとに脱いじゃった んーまだ三割勃起って感じ? じゃあ乳首だけでフル勃起までいかせてあげる♡ ふふっ ほらほらベッド座って 後ろから乳首虐めさせてよ♡ 最初はじっくりほぐしてあげないと  乳輪の淵を~くーるくーる くる、くる、くる、くる…♡ さわさわ、すーりすーり♡ まだ乳首触ってないのに身体がぷるぷる震えてるよ~、 こうやって乳輪をすりすりして、 今からここで気持ちよくなるよーって身体にお知らせしておくと、 もっと気持ちよくなれるから我慢してね♡ 乳首に神経が集中して、気持ちよくなる準備が出来たら、 勃起乳首いじめスタート♡ 爪を立てて~乳首をかりかりっ かりかりかり~♡  勃起した乳首だけを弾いてかりっかりっ♡  たまには指で優しくゆっくりかーりかーり♡ かーりかーり♡ ふふっ乳首責めハマっちゃった? 乳首だけ責めてるとちんぽが苦しいよねぇ ほら見て、もうちんぽも痛いくらいフル勃起しちゃってるよ? びくっびくくぅって血管浮き立たせて、 こっちも弄って~って言ってるみたい ちんぽはもうちょっとお預け でも乳首責めだけでフル勃起出来たご褒美はあげなきゃね♡ んちゅ れろれろれろぉ ぶじゅるるる♡ だ~いすきな耳舐めとぉ♡ 乳首つまんでこりこり~こりこりこり~♡  あと乳首おっきくなるように きゅっきゅって引っ張ってあげる♡  じゅるるるっ じゅぷぷぷっ♡ 爪でかりかりかりかりっ かりかりかり~♡ かりかり かりかりかりかりっ♡ 指でつまんでこりこりっこりこりこり~♡ くりっくりっ くりくりくり~♡ んむっれろれろれろれろぉ♡  こっちの耳も じゅるるるるっ れろれろれろれろぉ じゅぞぞっ♡  かりかりかり~か~りか~り♡ こりこり~こりっこりっ♡  気持ちいいね~ちんぽの先から我慢汁がじわって滲んでる  はふぅはふぅって息が荒くなってるよ ほら深呼吸して~  すぅぅぅぅ はぁぁぁぁ 深呼吸しながら、お尻の穴を閉じたり、 緩めたりしてみて~んふふっちんぽが上下に跳ねて可愛い~♡ ちんぽ切ないねぇ 触って欲しい? んー? 触るだけでいいのかなぁ? 手でシコシコするだけで満足? もっと気持ちいいことしようよぉ♡ れろれろれろれろぉって 耳舐めみたいにちんぽをべろべろ舐めしゃぶったらぁ、 くっそ気持ちいいよ~? べろべろべろ~って亀頭を舐め回して~♡ カリの淵から隙間まで丁寧にしゃぶっちゃうの ♡ そしてぐぽぉっじゅぷぷぷぅって奥まで咥えて、 じゅぞぞぞぉって引き抜いてぇ 溜まってるザーメンぜぇんぶぶっこ抜く ド下品フェラしたいな~♡ んふっ おにいさ~ん、 期待しすぎて腰ヘコへコ動いてるよ? 先っぽから我慢汁だらだら垂らしてるし 今にも射精しそう♡ びんびんのちんぽをおしゃぶりさ・せ・て♡ 目の前で見るとやっぱでっかぁ…むふっ♡ しゃぶりがいがあるいいちんぽ んれぇ~んんっ♡ れろれろれろれろぉ♡ カウパ―やばっぜぇんぶ舐めとるね♡ れろれろれろれろぉ♡ んむっちゅるっべろべろべろべろ~~むちゅっ♡ んべぇ~べろ~べろろ~~♡ んふふっ、ざらざらでよだれべっとりの舌が 敏感な亀頭に纏わりついて気持ちいい~♡ 早くじゅっぽじゅっぽしゃぶって欲しい~♡ 乱暴に腰振って、今すぐに口まんこに射精した~い♡ れろれろれろれろぉ…ちろちろちろちろ♡ あはっ腰押し出しすぎ~ ちんぽむずむずさせて、 早く咥えろ~って唇に亀頭押し付けないの そんな悪い子にはお・し・お・き♡ 乳首かりかり~かりかりかり~♡ 両乳首かりかりで射精しちゃえ~♡ かりかりっかりかりかり~♡ んふふっれろれろれろれろぉ♡ 時に乳首責めと亀頭おしゃぶりするのど~お? ちろちろちろ べろべろべろ~ むちゅっ♡ あ~歯食いしばって射精我慢してる いつまで頑張れるかなぁ? 今からあったか~いお口まんこでじゅぽじゅぽ、 ね~っとりフェラしちゃうから イキそうになったら思いっきり腰突き出してぇ♡ びゅびゅびゅーって出すんだよ? んちゅっ じゅぷっ じゅるる~♡ じゅぷ じゅぷ んふー じゅる♡ じゅる じゅぞぞぞぞ んふー んんっ♡ じゅぷじゅぷ じゅぷじゅぷ じゅるるじゅるるる♡ ちんぽうまっ♡ れろれろれろれろぉ……じゅるるるっじゅぷぷぷ♡ じゅぞぞぞぞ♡ 乳首もいっぱい気持ちよくなって~ いっぱいザーメンどびゅって~♡ じゅるるるう♡ じゅぞぞぞ♡ じゅるるる♡ おにいさ~ん 上向いてないでぇ はるなのお下品ちんぽしゃぶり顔見てよ~♡ じゅるるるる んふー じゅぞぞぞぞ♡ んふー れろれろれろぉ……♡ 上目遣いでちんぽに媚びてるメス顔見てぇ♡ んむっ じゅるるる♡ じゅぷぷぷぅ じゅぞぞっじゅぞぞぞぉ♡ んー出そう? ぅん~いっぱい出そうね~♡ じゅぷじゅぷじゅぷじゅぷ♡ じゅるるるうじゅぞぞぞぞぉ んふー♡ じゅっぽじゅっぽ♡ じゅっぽじゅっぽじゅるるるじゅぶぶぶぶ♡ じゅぞぞぞぞぉ じゅるるるるるる♡ じゅっ じゅるるる♡ じゅぷぷぷぷぷっ じゅるるるる♡ じゅっじゅっじゅっじゅっじゅ♡ じゅっぽじゅっぽじゅっぽじゅっぽじゅっぽ♡ だ~せ♡ だ~せ♡ じゅるるるるぅ♡ んんっ! んん~ ごきゅっごきゅっごきゅっ んふーんふー ごきゅっごきゅっごきゅっ んふーんふー じゅぶぶぶぶぶ じゅるるるるるう ぷはぁ…♡ ぺろっ、濃厚ザーメンごちそうさま~♡ 尿道に残ったザーメンも全部吸い出しちゃった♡ ね、明日もフェラする? んふふっ、フェラ気に入ったみたいでよかった~ これからは、おはようといってらっしゃいとおかえりとおやすみで 一日4回フェラ抜きしてあげよっか? んひひっ、じゃあ明日はじゅっぽりフェラで起こしてあげる♡ 一日何回でもオッケーだから いつでもザーメン処理に使ってね♡

Moist nipple torture blowjob and cum disposal gokkun

Hmm? You think I should go home after all?  Well, I'm enjoying my life right now. And you seem to be having a good time, too. What? Because without me... I'll be alone with my phone again. I'm going to have to face my phone and masturbate alone every day again, you know?  If I'm here, you can cum whenever you want. Isn't it a waste to kick him out? Besides, I've trained your brother so well. It might be hard for him to be away from me. Mmmm... yes! You hit my nipple! You didn't react when I tweaked them at first. That's weird... I wonder why... Your brother is quite a masochist, you know? Did you know that? I noticed that you can feel nipples too. So I trained him little by little. Look~ your dick is already erect! I'm going to torture you a lot today. So why don't you take off your top and bottom? I'm sure that's enough to turn you on and make you want to cum. Ha-ha-ha, you really took off your clothes! I'm still 30% erect? I'll give you a full erection with just your nipples. Come on, come on, sit on the bed. Let me play with your nipples from behind. You have to loosen them slowly at first.  Start with the nipples... and then work your way down to the edge of the areola. Rustle, rustle, slurp, slurp. I haven't touched her nipples yet, but her body is trembling... Rub your nipple like this... I rub my nipples like this to let my body know that I'm going to make you feel good right here. If you rub your nipples like this and let your body know that it's going to feel good here, you'll feel even better. When you're ready for the nipples to feel good, focus your attention on them. Start teasing your erect nipples! Fingernail your nipples....  Flick only the erect nipple.  Sometimes, use your fingers to gently and slowly scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch.... Are you into nipple play? If you only play with your nipples, your dick will be in pain. Look, your dick is already so erect that it hurts, right? It's so hard that it's making my veins stand out. It's like she's asking me to play with it too! I'm going to leave your dick for a little while longer. But I have to reward her for getting a full erection just by torturing her nipples! Oh, I love it when you do that! Lick my favorite ear! Pinch my nipples and make them stiffen... stiffen... stiffen... stiffen... stiffen...  And make your nipples get bigger. I'll pull your nipples so they get bigger.  "Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle... scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch with your fingernails... Kakkakkakkakkari, kakkakkakkari, kakkakkari Pinch it with your fingers and make it knick knack, knick knack, knick knack, knick knack, knick knack, knick knack~. Kikkuri kikkuri kikkuri kikkuri kikkuri kikkuri Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  This ear, too. "Rurururururu, rururururu, rururururu, rururururu, rururururu, rururururu...  Kari-kari-kari~ kari-kari~ fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi- fumi-  It feels so good~The endurance juice is seeping out from the tip of my dick  You're breathing so hard, take a deep breath.  Take a deep breath and try to close and loosen your asshole. Try to close and loosen your asshole while you take a deep breath. Your dick is so sad. Do you want me to touch it? Do you want me to touch it? Is it okay if I just touch it? Are you satisfied with just rubbing it with your hand? Let's do something even more pleasurable! Let's do something more pleasurable. Lick and suck my dick like an ear lick. It feels soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick... Suck it carefully from the edge to the crevice of the cock.  And then I suck it deep into my mouth... And then pull it out! I'm going to pull out all the cum I've got in my mouth. I want to give you a dirty blowjob. Oh, oniisama~! You're moving your hips with too much anticipation, huh? You're dripping juices from the tip of your cock. I'm about to ejaculate. Let me pacify your cock It's so big when I see it in front of me...mmmm! A nice dick to suck............................ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... Cowper, you're licking all of it! Lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh My rough and slobbery tongue It feels so good on my sensitive glans~~! I want you to suck my cock so hard so fast! I want to shake my hips wildly and ejaculate in your mouth right now~! You push your hips out too far! You're making my dick itch... Don't push my dick so hard, don't push my dick against your lips, don't push my dick against your lips, don't push my dick against your lips... I'm not that kind of a bad boy... Nipple grinding, nipple grinding, nipple grinding, nipple grinding! Ejaculate with both nipples Kakkari kakkari kakkari kakkari kakkari kakkari Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm How about nipple torture and sucking on the glans at the same time? Chitty-chitty-chitty, sticky, sticky, sticky~ Whip it! Oh, I'm clenching my teeth to hold back ejaculation. I wonder how long I can hold it in? I'm going to suck your warm pussy now. I'm going to suck your cock so hard! When you're about to cum, stick your hips out as far as you can. Make it come out like a baby. Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum... Jip, jip, jip, jip, jip, jip, jip, jip, jip. Suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it, suck it. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm my dick is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want to feel your nipples so much! Make my nipples feel so good! Cum all over my nipples! Oh, baby, I want you to cum so much! Don't look up at me, mister! Look at Haruna's dirty dick sucking face~! Haruna's dirty dick sucking face. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...... Look at her dirty dick sucking face with her eyes looking up. Mmmmmmmm.... Jeez... Jeez... Jeez... Jeez... Oh, you want me to cum? Let's cum all the way out... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill, fill "Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss-shh-ss Jujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujuju Jujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujujuju................ Let's go, let's go, let's go Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle. Mmm! Mmm~! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Come on... come on... come on... Thank you for the thick cum! I sucked out all the cum left in your urethra. Hey, do you want to suck my dick again tomorrow? I'm glad you like sucking cock. From now on, I want you to suck me off four times a day, good morning, good morning and good night. I'll suck your cock four times a day. I'll wake you up tomorrow with a blowjob. I can do it as many times a day as you want. You can use it anytime you want to get rid of cum.

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