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ねぇおにいさ~ん 今日はもうおねむ? 寝る前にさ私とゲームしようよ~ ゲーム名はぁ、射精我慢太ももコキゲーム~♡ 私の太ももにお兄さんのちんぽを挟んで、 射精しなかったらお兄さんの勝ち、 射精したら私の勝ちね♡ ハンデとして挟んでる間は 私は太ももは動かさないよ んー 後はぁ… そうだ お兄さんが勝ったら、 名残惜しいけどおうちを出て行く これでどう?  おっけーね 今日はもう手コキとかフェラで3回も抜いてるんだから、 お兄さんに超有利だよ? 私を帰すチャンスなんだから頑張ってっ♡ あれぇ? 勃起させてあげようと思ったのに ちんぽバッキバキじゃん♡ 太ももコキしてもらえる~っ 4回目の射精したい~って勃起しちゃった? んふふっ、じゃあ服脱がせちゃうね あ、私も脱いじゃお~♡ お互い裸になっちゃった おにいさ~ん ぎゅ~♡ はるなねぇ お兄さんとこうやって布団の中でいちゃいちゃするの 大好きなんだ~♡ ぎゅ~って抱き着いたら すっごく落ち着くし、 お互いに触り合って発情したら 気持ちいいことして…♡ 毎日幸せいっぱいなの♡ だから離れたくないよぉ♡ おねがい、 はるなの太ももでびゅるびゅるザーメン出して♡ 上に乗って、太ももでちんぽサンドイッチするね んっ 重くない? 軽い? えへへ うれし♡ あっ ちんぽもうちょい上… うん、そこが一番お肉があって気持ちいいよ♡ はぁいむにゅぅぅ どう? 柔らかくて気持ちいい? お兄さんのちんぽ長くて、太ももからはみ出ちゃってるね いひひっ ねぇお兄さんこっち向いて、目見て す~きっ すきっ お兄さんのこと好き♡ 大好き♡ はるなのこと幸せにしてくれるお兄さんのことがだ~いすき ♡ 気持ちよくしてくれるでかちんぽがだ~いすき♡ んふふっ 付き合お♡ 結婚しよ♡ 赤ちゃん作ろ♡ 毎年生ハメ交尾して赤ちゃん作ろ♡ 嘘じゃないよ お兄さんのことほんとに好きだもん♡ んっ ちゅ ちゅっ♡ ちゅぷっ ちゅるる♡ んっ♡ 今まではビッチだったけど、 付き合ってくれたら浮気しないよ♡ ぶじゅるるるっ♡ じゅぷじゅぷっ♡ すきっ♡ すきぃ♡ お兄さんすきぃ♡ はるなのことも好きって言ってぇ はるな好きっ 大好き愛してるって言ってぇ んむっ じゅるる あ~言われちゃったぁ♡ これで私たち両想いだね、嬉しいっ♡ もっと言って むちゅっ じゅるっじゅぷっ♡  す~きっ す~き♡ ふふっ 好きだよ 愛してる♡  はるなもお兄さんだけを一生愛してるよ♡ すきすきすきぃ~♡ すきぃ♡ んふふ、好きって言う度にちんぽが震えてる♡ でも挟んでるだけじゃ射精させられないよ~ もっと気持ちよくなって 我慢できなくて射精しちゃう方法があるんだけど やってくれる? 私のお尻を掴んで、下からパンッパンッて突き上げるの 太ももをおまんこだと思って どちゅっどちゅって腰を振りまくったら、 超きもちくて、 びゅっ びゅっ びゅるる~ってあっと言う間に射精して、 お兄さんのま~けっ おねがぁい 私の為に負けて? その代わりきもちよ~く射精させてあげるから♡ お尻揉む力つよ~い 鼻息もふーっふーって荒すぎ  ばこばこ腰振って気持ちよくなろ びゅるびゅる射精して負けちゃお♡ はるなを一生養っちゃお? んっんっ 腰振りやばっ つよ~いオスに犯されちゃってる♡ 私もお兄さんを射精させるために乳首責めしちゃうね♡ 爪先でびんびんに勃起した乳首を かりかりっかりかりかり~♡ 乳輪もさわさわ、さわさわ♡ 美味しそうな乳首をかりかり~♡ か~りか~り♡ 私の乳首でお兄さんの乳首を擦って、乳首合わせしよっ♡ あっ乳首気持ちいい♡ お兄さんのかたぁい乳首が 私のぷっくり乳首をしゅっしゅって擦って 乳首でイッちゃう…♡ もっと乳首弄ってあげる♡ かりっかりっかりかり~♡  乳首カリカリされて射精欲高めてぇ  たまたまの中のザーメンを イカくさぁい洗っても取れない 黄ばみザーメンに濃縮させてぇ~♡ あっ 腰振りはやぁ♡ 太ももまんこ気持ちいいね~♡ んっんんっ あっ あんっ…んぅ…♡ あ゛っはぅ……♡ あむっむじゅるるる♡ じゅぷじゅるる♡ あっ♡ 我慢汁が溢れて太ももの間でぬっめぬめになってる  滑りが良くなってほんとにおまんこみたい♡ ぱちゅっぱちゅってえっろぉい音してる♡ あっあんっ♡ お兄さんの乱暴ガチピストンすごぉ…♡ 女の子への配慮とか遠慮とか全然ない 自分だけが気持ちよくなるピストンだぁ 女の子一番奥に孕めっ孕めって突き入れて、 子宮ぶっ潰しながら中出しする時にしか、 こんなピストンしちゃダメなんだよ はるなのこと孕ませたいのぉ? お兄さんならいいよぉ 太ももまんこに種付け射精、しちゃっても♡ イク? イクね~ 種付け射精出ちゃうね~ あ~たまたまからザーメンあがって来たぁ…♡ 今日3回も射精したのに、 まだまだぶっこい黄ばんだザーメンが尿道押し広げてる… ぐっつぐつに煮え滾ったザーメンを ぐびゅっぼびゅぅってひり出そうね~♡ イクイクイク~♡ いっくぅ~~♡ ぐびゅっぼびゅっびゅるるる~びゅっびゅっ♡ まだ出るまだ出る♡ ばびゅっどびゅぅぅぅぅ♡ びゅるっびゅるっ♡ んふふっ、お尻にあっつぅいザーメンが びちゃびちゃってかかっちゃった♡ ってことでゲームはお兄さんのま~け♡ 私はまだここにいるし、 お兄さんの性欲処理頑張っちゃうよ~♡ むちゅっちゅるる んふふっ 明日もえっろぉいザーメン処理してあげるからね~♡

Lovelove ejaculation endurance thigh job game

Hey, buddy, are you already asleep today? Come play a game with me before you go to bed. The name of the game is "Ejaculation Resistance Thigh Job Game"! You put your brother's dick between my thighs and if I don't ejaculate If I don't ejaculate, you win. If I ejaculate, I win. As a handicap, I don't move my thighs while I'm between your thighs. I won't move my thigh. And then... If you win. If your brother wins, I'm gonna leave your house with one last regret. How about that?  That's fine. I've already given you three hand jobs and blow jobs today. So that's a huge advantage for you, right? This is your chance to get me home, so go for it. What? I was trying to give you a boner. Your dick is so tight. I'm gonna get a thigh job. I want to ejaculate for the fourth time... did I get a boner? I'm going to take off my clothes. Oh, I'll take mine off too! We're both naked! Tightly, Mister! Haruna... Making out with your brother under the futon like this... I love it When you hold me tight... It calms me down so much. And when we touch each other and go into heat... And when we get into heat... I'm so happy every day. That's why I don't want to leave you. Please, please... Cum all over Haruna's thighs. Get on top of me and sandwich your dick between my thighs. Is it heavy? Is it light? It's light? Oh, you can move your dick a little higher... Yes, it feels so nice there. Yes, mmmm! How is it? Does it feel nice and soft? Your dick is so long, it's sticking out of my thigh. Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me. I like you so much. I love you so much. I love it when you make me happy.  I love your big dick that makes me feel good Let's go out, let's get married, let's make a baby. Let's fuck and fuck and fuck every year and make babies. I'm not lying. I really like your brother. I really like your brother. I've been a bitch so far. I won't cheat on you if you go out with me. Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhh, ssshhh, ssshhh, ssshhh, ssshhh... Suki, suki, suki, brother, suki... Tell me you love me too I love you, Haruna. Tell me you love me. I love you, I love you. Oh, he told me! Now we're in love, I'm so happy! Say it more! Muuuuch... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm...  That's so good! I love you, I love you  Haruna will only love you for the rest of her life. Suki, suki, suki, suki. Every time I say I love you, my dick trembles. But I can't make you ejaculate just by holding it between my legs. You have to make me cum. There's a way to make you cum that you can't resist. Will you do it for me? You grab my ass and start pumping it from underneath. Think of my thighs as my pussy. And then I'd start pumping my hips and pumping my hips and pumping my hips and pumping my hips and pumping my hips. It was so gross. I ejaculated so fast. Your brother's cum! Please, will you lose for me? I'll make you cum so good in return. Your ass rubbing is so strong! Your nose is blowing so hard!  Shake your hips and make me feel good! Ejaculate so much, you'll lose! Will you feed Haruna for the rest of your life? Oh, my God, that's so hard! I'm getting fucked by a strong male! I'm going to torture her nipples to make my brother cum too! I'm going to fuck your erect nipples with my fingertips. Grumble, grumble, grumble! Rasp, rasp, rasp the nipples! I'm going to play with your tasty nipples. Let's rub my nipples against your nipples and make nipples match! Oh, my nipples feel so good! Your nipples are so hard! Rub my nipples with his nipples... I'm gonna come with your nipples... I'll play with your nipples more "crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...  My nipples are crunching and making me want to cum!  I'm gonna cum inside of you by accident I can't get rid of it even if I wash it Concentrate it into yellowish cum Oh, don't shake your hips! Your thighs and pussy feel so good. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ohhhhhh ...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My juices are overflowing and it's getting wet between my thighs.  It's getting slick and it really feels like a pussy! It's making a lascivious sound. Oh, oh, oh! Your brother's rough and hard piston is amazing... There is no consideration for the girl. It's a piston that makes only you feel good... He pushes his cock into the deepest part of the girl, and then he pushes his cock into her... I'm only allowed to do this when I'm going to fuck the girl in the deepest part of her body You can't do this kind of piston. You want to impregnate Haruna? If it's your brother, it's ok. I'm gonna cum in your thigh cunt. You cum? I'm gonna cum. I'm going to cum! Oh, I'm cumming by accident... I ejaculated three times today. I've ejaculated three times today, but I still have a lot of thick yellowish cum pushing through my urethra... I've cum three times today, but I still have a lot of thick yellowish cum pushing through my urethra... I'm going to cum so hard... Come on, come on, come on, come on... I'm still cumming, I'm still cumming I'm still coming out, I'm still coming out, I'm still coming out, I'm still coming out Mmmmmm, hot cum on my ass! I got splattered! So the game is your brother's! I'm still here. I'm still here and I'm going to do my best to take care of my brother's sexual desires... Much mmmmmmmmmmmm! I'll make you cum again tomorrow!

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