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03.あずさのメロメロぶっかけ手コキ 握りますね… ふわぁ…今ッ…♡ ねね? おちんちん嬉しくなったらぁ〜、ピクッてしちゃうの? す〜き、大好き、好き好きぃ〜♡ ぁ~手の中で跳ね回ってる〜♡ 上下に…♡ んぅ〜? ダメェ? すみませ~ん、愛情強すぎちゃったようで…♡ わかりますぅ〜?  あずさの目の奥、ハートマークになってるんです♡ 確認してくださ〜い…♡ はぁ〜、おちんちん扱きながら、見つめるのヤッバイですね…♡ もうシコシコしてあげませんよ〜♡ んでぇ〜、これぐらいは? シ〜コシ〜コ、シ〜コシ〜コ…♡ 遅すぎるのが狙いなんです♡ 考えたんですけどぉ〜、エッチもコミュニケーション♡ ラブラブカップルとして楽し〜く話しましょ…♡ 安心してください 射精しそうになったら、我慢できないぐらい速くしてあげます♡ シコシコシコ〜、くちゅくちゅくちゅ〜♡ ドスケベテクニックにぃ~♡ 腰をぐっと突き出してぴゅッぴゅッぴゅ〜♡ んふふ…相変わらず性欲に正直ですねぇ…♡ まぁ〜た…おちんちんピクついてる 変態さんに一つ質問でぇ~す。何十回あずさを使ったぁ? オナネタにした数、教えて下さい…♡ ほら、正直に… そ、それは…彼女じゃなかったら引いてるかも? う、うん、ドン引き… でも、今は嬉しぃッ♡ あずさの魅力に気づいてたってことでしょ? 妄想してたのは手コキ? それともぉ〜、おっぱい? 96センチの…ってどんなのかわからないか んっしょ…と ここにぃ…デッカいブラジャー…5個も6個もありますよね? ぜ〜んぶクラクラしちゃう香りが染み込んでるんです♡ 真っ白の花柄… オシャレ度は低くても汗臭ぁ~いもの…♡ どれが良いぃ~? ちなみにぃ〜、一番エロいのは今着けてて…♡ 目線…下にやってみて下さい エッチな雰囲気全開のもの見えますよねぇ〜♡ や〜ん、おちんちんビクビクさせ過ぎ〜♡ そんなに好きなんですね? 脱ぎたてブラ置いてたら、めちゃくちゃにされちゃいそ〜♡ ぁ〜で、話を… っと、その前にぐぐ~んと気持ちよさ上げましょうか…♡ シコシコシコシコ…シュッシュッ♡ セックス大好きなんでしょ? 頭の中で何度も犯してたのはわかってます? あずさの大切なとこをぉ〜必死にパコパコ…♡ ふッ…はぁ…息荒らげながら、亀さんでトントン…♡ あぁん、ダメです、それ無理負ける、んッ…ぁは…んあぁん…♡ なんでそんなセックス上手いのぉ~!? イク…あずさイッちゃう…♡ あれ~、だ〜いじな子宮に精液注いじゃってた? うんうん、わかりますよぉ〜♡ 男の子ですもんね~♡ くすくす… おちんちんが喜ぶこと言い過ぎたせいか、 びっくんびくん、もう射精したいよ〜♡ もっ~ともっと下品な手コキして〜…♡ ですよね… 彼女なんですし、望んでいること何でもしてあげます♡ 速くしてあげるだけじゃなくてぇ、左手で撫で回すように先端を…♡ こっちはぁ〜、指で輪っかを作って…きゅッ♡ カリ首きゅうきゅう…ぐる〜んって締め付けるんです♡ 剥いてあげたばかりですし、敏感過ぎてつらい? 足腰ガクガクガク~、ぁ…ぁッ…くぅ〜ひぃ〜って反応…♡ くすくす…ほ〜んとわかりやす〜い♡ 弱点責めてあげれば大人しくなって、絶対に逆らえない 部長でも関係ない みんなと同じ、寧ろ人一倍雑魚かも…♡ 誘惑かかりやすいし、おちんちんも弱すぎでしょ…♡ あれ? まずいこと言いましたか〜? あ…あはは… 誤魔化せないか… ぇ〜とですね、サークル仲間に告られたんです しっかり断った…けど、しつこくて… このままだったら、押し倒されそうでして 身を守るためにも、怖いよぉってなりながら、ちょ~とだけ… ごめんなさい… でも、これは覚えていてほしいんです 大好きぃ〜っておちんちん求めてるのは、先輩だぁけ…♡ こ〜んなにじっくり観察出来ますし… あぁん、好きぃ〜、ドキドキしちゃう♡ しかも…すんすん…はぁ…この香りぃ~♡ あはッ…我慢汁とろとろ〜って溢れてきてる…♡ かっわいい〜♡ 熱々ラブラブで扱くのだって…♡ くちゅくちゅ鳴ってるのエッチですよねぇ…♡ 素敵な声も聞こえてきます〜♡ 無理矢理されそうになった嫌な記憶、埋めてほしいんです メロメロな先輩で満たしてください あずさのこと、もっと好きになっちゃおぅ? ありがとうございます〜♡ もう一つお願いしたくて… ぶっかけてほしいんです♡ 彼氏がいれば何もいらないんだ…♡ この関係が続くだけで幸せ…♡ そう感じさせてくれる精液…いいですか? 最後まで止めてあげません 精子でぷく〜って膨らんでるタマタマを揉み込んであげてぇ…♡ も〜みもみ、くにッ…さわさわ〜♡ カリ首やさし〜く締め付けられるの弱い? そ〜ですよね〜 初めとは比べものにならないぐらいの速さだし おちんちんおかしくなるぐらい気持ちいい~♡ んッ…ふぅ…♡ おちんちん扱く度に、我慢汁ぴゅっぴゅしてて…♡ もうイク…出しちゃうんですね? 腰グッと前に出してます…♡ シコシコシコ…クチュクチュ…シコシコシコ…♡ はぁ…はぁはぁ…射精見せて下さい…♡ イって、おちんちんイって…♡ んはぁ…あぁ…♡ シコシコシコ…シコシコシコ…♡ 雄らしさいっぱいの射精…♡ ぶっかけて…出して…♡ あずさに真っ白のぉ…♡ 精液…お願いします…♡ あぁん…あッ…ああああぁ…♡♡♡♡♡ ん…ぁん…たくさん…ぅッ…すごっ…♡ ピクピク痙攣したら溢れてきて…♡ 汚れるの気にしないでいいんですよ 満足するまで、びゅびゅ〜っしてください♡ ぶっかけ…マーキングされるのやっばぁ…♡ ドキドキする濃い香り、忘れられないです~♡ 勢いは落ちても、まだじ〜んわり…♡ 舐め取ってあげますね♡ あむっ…ん…ちゅ…むちゅ…♡ だ〜め、最後までお世話させてください♡ それに…もったいないじゃないですか? んちゅ…はぁ…この味…精液癖になる…♡ ちゅぷぷっ…れるれる~っ、れうう~っ…♡ んっ、ちゅぷぷっ、ちゅるるる~っ、じゅっ、じゅぷぷっ♡ んふふ…すっかりふにゃふにゃになって…♡ ぁ〜これからもラブラブ生活なんだろうなぁ…♡ ずぅ〜と幸せ長続きぃ〜♡ そうそう、今度会うときはぁ〜、一瞬でメロメロになっちゃうかも…♡ って、もう頭の中あずさでいっぱいですよね? 先輩だけに特別な姿、見せてあげたいなぁって…♡ その代わり、約束…いいですか? 一人でシコシコしないこと♡ 思い出してオナニーしたいのはわかります でぇも、勝手にびゅっびゅ〜は許しません 独占させてくださぁ〜ぃ♡

03. Azusa's mellow bukkake hand job

03. Azusa's mellow bukkake hand job I'll grab it.... I'll give you a hand job.... When your penis gets happy, does it twitch? I love it! I love it! I love it! It's bouncing around in my hand. Up and down, up and down... ♡♡♡ Hmm? No? I'm sorry, I think I was too affectionate... You know what I mean?  The back of Azusa's eyes make a handsome heart mark. Please check it out... I won't do it again, handsome. about this? I'm not going to do it again ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm trying to be too slow, handsome. I've thought about it... sex is also a handsome form of communication. Let's have fun talking as a lovey-dovey couple... ♡♡♡♡ Don't worry. I'll make you cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum! I'm using my dirty technique... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I thrust my hips out so hard and make you cum ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡. You're still so honest about your sexual desires... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh my... your penis is twitching. I have one question for you perverts. How many times have you used Azusa? Please tell me how many times you've used her as a masturbation tool... ♡♡♡ Come on, be honest... Well, that... if it wasn't for her, you might be turned off? Ummm, yeah, I'd be turned off... but I'm so happy right now ♡♡♡. It means you found Azusa attractive, right? Was it a hand job you were fantasizing about? And also... tits? 96 centimeters... you don't know what they look like... Chorus... Here... there are five or six big bras, aren't there? All of them are soaked with a handsome fragrance that makes you feel like you're in a trance. Which one do you like best? By the way, the most erotic one I'm wearing right now... ♡♡♡ Look down... at the bottom. You can see the one with the most erotic atmosphere, can't you, handsome? You're making my penis jiggle too much ♡♡♡♡ You like it that much, don't you? If I put a freshly removed bra on the floor, I'll get messed up ♡♡♡♡ So, let's talk... But first, let's make you feel really good.... Shiko-shiko-shiki-shiki-shiki-shiki-shiki-shiki-shiki-handsome. You love sex, don't you? You know how many times I fucked you in your head? I'm going to fuck Azusa's precious parts so hard... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Tap her with your turtle while breathing hard...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, no, I can't do that, I'll lose. How can you be so good at sex? I'm cumming...I'm cumming... Oh, did I pour semen into your precious womb? I know, I know... handsome... He's a boy, right? Giggle... Maybe I said too many things that made your man parts happy, I want to ejaculate already, handsome! Give me more dirty hand jobs... ♡♡♡ I know... I'm your girlfriend and I'll do whatever you want, handsome. I'll not only give you a fast hand job, but I'll also stroke the tip of your cock with my left hand... I tighten my fingers around your neck... ♡♡♡♡♡ I just stripped it too sensitive and hard for you?'re so handsome and easy to understand. If you hit him on his weak points, he becomes docile and will never disobey you. It doesn't matter if you're the boss. I'm just like everyone else, maybe even more of a fish than anyone else. I'm easily seduced and my penis is too weak... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ What? Did I say something bad? Ah...hahaha... I guess I can't cover it up... Well, my circle mates told me off. I firmly refused... but he was persistent... I'm afraid that if I don't do something, he's going to push me over. To protect myself, I was scared, but I just... I'm sorry... But I want you to remember this. The only person who wants your penis is you, and you love it. I can observe it so closely... Oh, I love it, I'm so excited♡♡ And...oh...oh...this scent~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm getting a little too much of the juices... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ So cute♡♡♡ I love the way you handle me with your hot love... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ The squeaking sounds are so naughty... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I can hear your lovely voice too ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I want you to bury the bad memories of almost being forced to do it to me. Please fill me with your mellow seniority. Let's fall in love with Azusa even more, shall we? Thank you ♡♡♡ I want to ask you one more favor... I want you to spray me, handsome. I don't need anything as long as I have a boyfriend... ♡ I'm happy just to continue this relationship... ♡♡♡ The semen that makes me feel that way...okay? I won't stop until the end. Rub my balls that are swollen with sperm... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Squeeze and squeeze my balls.... Are you weak to have your balls gently tightened? Yes, it is. It's much faster than the first time. It feels so good that it makes my penis go crazy~♡♡♡♡ Every time you work on my man parts, I can feel my juices flowing... I'm're going to cum, aren't you? He's sticking his hips forward... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm cumming...cumming...cumming...cumming...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Let me see you ejaculate... ♡ Come, cum on my penis.... ah...ah...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh... Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come. Ejaculate with full of male sexuality... ♡♡ Spray me... cum... Give Azusa pure white cum... ♡ please... ♡ Ahhh...ahh...ahhhh...♡♡♡♡♡ much...oooh...oh my god...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I twitched and it overflowed...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Don't worry about getting dirty. Please make me cum until you're satisfied. Bukkake....I love being marked.... I'll never forget the thick, throbbing scent...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ The momentum may be slowing down, but it's still slowly... ♡♡♡♡ I'll lick it off you ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡♡♡♡ No, please let me take care of you to the end ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Besides...isn't it a waste? This taste of semen is so addictive... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......'ve become so soft and squishy......♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I wonder if we'll be living a lovey-dovey life from now on... ♡♡♡♡ I'm sure they'll be happy for a long time ♡♡♡♡ Oh yeah, the next time I see you, I might fall in love with you in an instant. I'm already thinking about Azusa, aren't I? I want to show you how special you are to me. In exchange, I promise...OK? Don't masturbate by yourself ♡. I know you want to masturbate thinking about it. But I won't allow you to do it without my permission. Please let me monopolize you♡♡♡

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