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04.猫コスプレにゃんにゃんフェラチオ射精 猫ちゃんのコスプレどうです~♡ マジエロですよね? メロメロになってる先輩をじっくり観察したくても、動物の本能が…♡ あぁん、ダメぇ…♡ ふにゃぁ~~ん♡ はすはす…すんすん…すぅ〜はぁ〜♡ たまんにゃ〜い…♡ 頭ふわふわしちゃうほどオス臭~い♡ 濃いのだぁ~い好き♡ すぅ…はぁ…すぅ…はぁ…♡ たぷたぷに貯まってる精液の匂い…♡ お願い通り溜めてくれるなんて…♡ さすがご主人♡ ん〜? あずにゃんを飼い慣らしてる癖に~♡ そんなことより〜、ここまで来るのに他のメスを誘惑してにゃいですよね? かっわいい顔も声も…オスらしさも…♡ ぜ〜んぶ独り占め♡ 独占欲がつよ~いのにゃ♡ ごろごろぉ~ はすはす…すぅ…すぅ…♡ 香りだけなんてもう無理ぃ…♡ ぺろぺろ…ぺろり…♡ ほっぺた…んちゅ…ん〜はぁ…ちゅ…♡ お口…より先にこっち…♡ んれぇ…れろぉ〜…じゅぶ…じゅるるるる…♡ ぁ〜〜むっ…んッ…ちゅるる…じゅる…♡ じゅぶるる…んちゅ…♡ そっち側も… はむっ…ちゅ…ちゅる…んじゅる…♡ んれぇ~れろぉれろぉ~…じゅるるる…♡ んちゅ…ちゅ…ちゅる…んれろぉ~♡ あむッ…じゅる…じゅるるる…んはぁ…♡ 唾液の交換…き〜す…♡ あむっ…んちゅ…ちゅ〜んはぁ…ちゅる…♡ ちゅぶ…ちゅ…ちゅ~~れろ…♡ んはぁ…舐めれば舐めるほど熱く… 完ッ全に飛んじゃう〜♡ んちゅ…はぁ…んじゅるる…ぷはぁ…♡ 欲しい…♡ つよ~い精子くだしゃい♡ んッ…へへ、押し倒しちゃった…♡ 上になるなんてわる〜いメス猫 でもぉ、我慢できなくて…♡ ご主人の香り好きぃ〜♡ 抜群のオス臭さには逆らえなくて当然にゃ~♡ すんすん…んはぁ…♡ すぅ…はぁ…くんくん…♡ チンポ…ズボンの上からはっきりわかるほどになってる~♡ ぺろぺろでムラムラした? おっなじだぁ~♡ 体の奥ムズムズしてて、ドキドキ止まんないの…♡ 舐めながら脱がしてあげる♡ あむッ…んちゅ…じゅるる…じゅぶるる…♡ んぐっ…ちゅ…ちゅ〜れろぉ…れぇ〜♡ じゅぶ…じゅる…じゅるるる…♡ んれぇ…れぇれろぉ…んちゅ…♡ 亀さん、恥ずかしそぉ~に隠れたまんま… ガチ発情中のあずにゃんはぁ~、羞恥心ゼロなのに〜♡ 頭の中真っピンク…♡ もっとじゃれつきたい…♡ おチンポしゃぶりたい…♡ 美味しいの飲みたぁい…♡ じゅるり…♡ んあぁ〜、こ〜んなに涎たくさん…♡ 精液欲しがってるの♡ 喉奥にびゅっびゅ〜でごっくん…♡ はぁ〜、考えるだけで唾液やっば…♡ 手に垂れて…ぁぬるぬるが…♡ ふにゃぁ〜、ぐぐぐ〜ってした…♡ 我慢汁も溢れてる〜♡ お口交尾…しよ…♡ いただきま〜す♡ あぁむ…んじゅず…じゅる…♡ はむっ…んちゅ…ぁ〜ちゅ…ん〜…んはぁ…♡ 好き、素敵ぃ…んちゅ…♡ カッコいいマーキング…♡ 亀さんからびゅびゅ〜って射精…思い出しちゃう…♡ んじゅる…ちゅる…じゅるるる…♡ すんすん…はぁはぁ…くぅぅ〜ん…♡ 香り強すぎぃ…♡ 舐めてるだけで、鼻先おチンポに密着しちゃうし〜♡ ずっと嗅げる… くんくん…すぅはぁ…♡ はぁ…はぁ…じゅるり…♡ はぁむ…んじゅる…じゅる…♡ 暴れちゃダメ…んはぁ… お手手貸して…♡ ぎゅ〜 くっついてれば、な〜にも怖くない…♡ 気持ちいいだ~け♡ じゅぼじゅるるる…んぐッ…じゅるるる…♡ ん〜…かっわいい〜好き♡ じゅる…んぐ…じゅるるるる…♡ んはぁ…髪の毛くすぐったくない? 奥まで咥えてた時、太股さわさわしてて… 舌先チロチロだとこうはならないけど…♡ じゅぽぉ〜ぐぽぉ〜、ぜぇ~んぶ咥えた方がいいよね? んにゃ、ぴりぴりするほど激しいのが好きなご主人好き〜♡ 甘ぁ~い声聴かせてぇ~♡ じゅる…じゅるるるる…ぶじゅるる…ちゅ〜…んはぁ…♡ あずにゃんもこ〜れ大好き♡ 性欲に任せておチンポしゃぶってたい…♡ はむッ…んじゅるるる…じゅぼ…♡ ぐぽッ…ちゅ…じゅるるる…♡ んぐッ!? けほっけほ…ごめんにゃさい…♡ 腰ずんずん突き上げられて… じっとしててほし… それともぉ〜、 いけない発情あずにゃんを躾けてくれるのかにゃ? ラブラブ手繋ぎだったのが、頭を抑えつけられてぇ…♡ オラッ、俺が飼い主なんだぞ メス猫らしく従え 精液搾るための口使わせてもらうからな はッ…はぁ…あぁ~♡ 喉奥すっご…♡ 無理矢理するのやっべぇ…♡ って…♡ ふにゃぁ~ オスの強さをわからされちゃう〜♡ ね? して?  イライラおチンポぉ、あずにゃんにぶつけてぇ~♡ んッ!? んぐ…んはぁ…ぁ…んんッ…♡ ごほッ…ぇ…んじゅる…じゅるる…♡ ぉ…おぉ…んぐ…やばッ…♡ んぐぅっ、じゅッじゅうッ!じゅぼッ、じゅぼッ! んじゅる…じゅぶ…ごぼッ…♡ 奥…んじゅる…ぉぉ震えてる…♡ じゅぶ…じゅるる…んん~♡ 出る? 出してくれるの? んじゅ…じゅぶッ…じゅぶるるる…♡ 射精直前の腰すご…パンパンつよぃ…♡ んん~、んはぁ…じゅるるる…♡ 喉…んうぅ…喉奥に射精…♡ じゅぶぶぶっ、じゅッじゅるるるッ、はぁっ、じゅぶぶぶっッ! んぐっ、じゅぼっ、じゅぶぶっ! イク? もうイグの? お!? おぉぉ…♡ じゅっ、じゅるるっ、じゅぷぷっじゅるるっ…♡ じゅぶぶっ、じゅっじゅっ! はぁ…んぐ…飲む…精液飲ませて! じゅるるる…んッんんん~!? れうれる~っ、じゅぶぶぶっ、じゅぱっじゅぱっ…♡ じゅるるるるるっ! じゅぶるる…ごくッ…ごくごく…♡ んッ…ん~んはぁ…♡ んあぁぁ~~ん…♡ ありがとうございます~♡ 明日も明後日もずぅ~と教育してくらひゃ~い♡ あずにゃんは、ず~とご主人のおチンポ係にゃぁ~♡ ま~だドクドク溢れてる… お世話しないと… ペロペロさせて下さぁい♡ んちゅ…ちゅ…♡ 精液濃すぎ…んはぁ…♡ ちろちろ…ちゅる…ちゅ…はぁ…♡ ちゅッ…むちゅ…れぇ~~…♡ ちゅちゅ…ん~ちゅ…れろれろぉ~♡ んはぁ…鞭の後の飴…いいですか? 撫でてください…♡ えへへ…ありがとにゃ〜♡ あずにゃんからの最後のお願いが…♡ この耳…取ってください 一生メス猫のままになりそうで… いつものあずにゃんに戻りたいんです♡ んっ…んはぁ…ふぅ…♡ は…あはは なりきりすぎると怖いですね 今度からは気を付けないと そ~ですよ 次もあるんです たくさんのあずさにメロメロになってほしいから、 まっだまだエッチなコスプレしたくて 楽しみに待っててほし~ぃなぁ♡

04. Cat cosplay Nyannyan Nyannyan Blowjob Ejaculation

04. Cat cosplay Nyannyan Nyannyan Blowjob Ejaculation How about cat cosplay? It's really erotic, isn't it? I wanted to take a closer look at her, but my animal instincts... ♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, no...♡♡♡ Oh, no... ♡♡♡ I can't get enough of it.... I can't get enough of the stinky male smell! I love it when it's thick♡♡ I love the smell of cum in my puddles... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You're so good at storing cum like I asked... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You're a handsome master. Hmmm? He tames Azunyan~♡♡♡♡♡ But that's not the point... You didn't seduce another female to get here, did you? His cute face, his voice, his male-like features... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ All to yourself♡♡♡ He is so possessive♡♡♡♡♡♡ Rolling around... Soooooooooooooooo I can't stand just smelling your scent anymore... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Flip, flip, flip, flip... ♡ cheek... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡ Mouth... this way before mouth... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... Ohhhhh... mmm... mmm... Mmmmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡♡ That side too... Mmmm... ssshhh... ssshhh... ssshhh... ♡ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Mmmm...ssshhh...ssshhhh... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Exchanging saliva... kiss... ♡ Mmm... mmm... mmm... mmm... mmm... ♡ Chubu...chu...chu...chu~roo...♡ The more I lick, the hotter it gets... I'm completely blown away♡♡ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Oh...hehe, I pushed you down... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You're such a bad bitch for getting on top of me. But I couldn't resist... I love my master's scent ♡♡♡ It's no wonder I can't resist his great male smell! Smoooooooooooooooo! My dick... it's so obvious on my pants... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Did I make you horny by stroking it? Oh, my God, you're so horny! I'm so horny, I can't stop pounding... ♡♡♡♡♡ I'll undress you while licking you♡♡♡♡ Mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Ohhh...chu...chu...chu...chu...rroo...rroo...rroo...rroo...rroo...♡♡ Jiggle... jiggle... jiggle... ♡ Oh, yeah... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Turtle is still hiding in shame... Azunyan, who is in heat, has no sense of shame~♡♡♡♡ Her head is all pink... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I want to play with her more... ♡ I want to suck her dick... ♡ I want to drink something tasty I want to suck your cock.... Ohhh, so much drool... ♡♡♡ He wants cum so bad ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I want it in the back of my throat so bad... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, I'm salivating just thinking about it... ♡♡♡♡ It's dripping on my hand... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm so wet... ♡ My juices are overflowing... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Let's have oral sex... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'll eat you.... Mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I love it, it's so nice... mmmm... ♡ Cool markings.... I remember the ejaculation from the turtle... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmm The scent is too strong... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Just licking it, my nose is so close to your dick. I can smell it all the time... Mmmmmmmmmm................................ Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... Mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmm... ♡ Don't be violent... Give me your hand... ♡ Tightly... As long as we're attached, there's nothing to be afraid of... I just feel so good... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle... You're so cute♡♡♡ squee...ngggg...squeeuuurrrrrrrrrrrr... ♡ Isn't your hair ticklish? When you were sucking me deep inside, you were touching my thighs... I don't get like this when I flick the tip of my tongue... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I should suck all of you, right? I like a master who likes to be hard and tingling. Let me hear your sweet voice! Sizzle...sizzle...sizzle...sizzle...sizzle...sizzle... sizzle...sizzle...sizzle...sizzle...sizzle....sizzle... Azunyan loves this♡♡♡ I want to suck your dick with my sexual desire.... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nggg! Kehohoho...sorry...sorry...sorry...sorry... sorry...sorry...sorry...sorry...sorry...sorry.... She's thrusting her hips up and down... I want you to stay still... And also.., Can you help me to discipline my little rutting ass? I was holding her loving hand, but then she held my head down... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Hey, I'm the owner! Obey me like a female cat! I'll use your mouth to squeeze the semen out of you. Ohhh... ohhh... ohhh... ohhh... ohhh... Deep in my throat... oh my God... oh my God... Forcing yourself on me is soooooo good.... Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh... I'm getting exposed to the strength of a handsome male. Right? Do you want to fuck me?  Give my frustrated dick to Azunyan! Nggg...? Ngg...ah...ah...nmmm... Goho...yeah...nmmm....ssshhhh....♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh..! Jub, jub! Mmmm...jub...jub...gobble...♡♡♡ Deep...jizz...oh, you're shaking...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Jubu... juburu... mmm~♡♡ Are you going to let it out? Will you let me out? Jubu...jubu...jubuuurrrrrrrrrrrr... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Your hips are so tight right before ejaculation... Mmm~, mmmmm........mmmm......♡ Throat...mmmm...ejaculate in the back of my throat...♡ Are you cumming? Are you cumming already? Oh! Oh... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... Oh...ngggg...drink...make me drink semen! I want to drink your semen! Joooooooooooooooooooo...! Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Mmmmmm....... Thank you very much. Please continue to educate me tomorrow and the day after that ♡♡♡♡ Azunyan will always be in charge of your master's cock. It's still overflowing... I have to take care of it... Please let me lick and lick it, handsome. Cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum... Chip...churu...chu...chu...hah...♡ Chu...chu...mmm...le~...♡ chu...n~chu...chu...rroo...rroo...♡ Haha...candy after the whip...okay? Please pet me...♡ Ehehehe...thanks ♡♡♡ The last request from Azunyan... ♡♡♡ Please take off these ears... I'm going to be a female cat for the rest of my life... I want to go back to my usual Azunyan ♡. Mmmm........ I'm afraid of becoming too much of a character. I'll be careful next time. That's right. There's always next time. I want you to be melted by so many Azusas, I've been wanting to do some naughty cosplay. I hope you're looking forward to it.

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