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05.メイドコスプレ主従逆転パイズリ お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様ぁ ん〜? 困っていた私を雇ってくださいましたよね? なんで覚えてないんですか? もう横に… 申し訳ございませ〜ん こんな状態で寝るなんて無理ですよねぇ…♡ お休み前の大事なお射精♡ チンピク我慢で真面目にしてた分、性欲はっさ~ん…♡ 今日会ったえっろ〜い女の子を思い出して…♡ おっぱい大きかったなぁ ってか、太もも忘れられねぇだろ… 肉付きヤバすぎ… セックスアピールしまくりの奴なんて…このぉ くすくす…♡ 一人になったらシコリ散らかすお猿さんにだいへんし〜ん♡ きゃ〜♡ 小馬鹿にしてたらまた犯される〜♡ 細くて掴みやすい腰をギュッてされて、 アヘ顔で連続イキするまでこらしめられちゃう〜♡ ギャン泣きで「ごめんなさい〜、調子乗るの癖なんです、許してください」って メス落ちの振りするの、いっつも大変なんだけどなぁ…♡ ん、どうぞ。いつでも来て下さ… って、あらら〜 誘ってるのに… もしかしてそれほどお疲れ? 仕方ありません。メイドらしくご奉仕を… ズボン失礼します…♡ すぅ…はぁ…これ好きぃ♡ お外で汗かいていたせいか、余計濃い…♡ ちょ〜と誘惑しただけで大きくなってるとことか男らしすぎぃ…♡ すぅ…はぁ…すぅ…♡ 欲しがりなんですかぁ〜♡ エッチなお汁ダッラダラ…♡ セックス待ち遠しい? でもぉ…今日はおっぱい…♡ 柔らか〜い爆乳でふわふわたぷたぷ♡ 鷲掴みはあっても、パイズリ…初めてですよねぇ〜♡ 妄想とどちらが気持ちいいか比べましょ? んあぁ…んじゅ…じゅずず…♡ 我慢汁と涎でぬるぬるおちんちんにぃ〜♡ 直接垂らされるの興奮しちゃいます? ピクピクしまくりなの隠せてません…♡ んれぇ〜れぇ…ずず…じゅずずず…んはぁ…♡ 今度は私の番ですね おっぱいでばい〜んって盛り上がってるとこ…♡ 乳袋の下に切り込みがあって… 性欲貯め過ぎなご主人様専用のズリ穴、お披露目ぇ〜♡ 反応わっかりやす♡ んッ…しょ…今ブラを…んー? 服着たまま外してるんです すぐに終わるんでぇ~…ぁ、うん…♡ ズリ穴からデカブラ取り出しますね♡ や〜ん、デッカいブラジャー出てくるとこ見つめすぎぃ〜♡ ドスケベメイドですみませ〜ん♡ くふふ…お待ちかねですよ~♡ いつでもどこでもおっぱいOKなパイズリ服ぅ〜♡ でっかぁ~いムチパイ…♡ た~ぷり楽しんでってくださ〜い♡ あは…ぬぷぬぷ〜って入った途端、ガックガク〜♡ 初おっぱいにぃ、びっくりしてます〜? ただの脂肪なのに、な〜んでこんなメロメロなるんでしょ~か? 忠誠心が強いほど、乳圧もヤバ〜くなるんです…♡ ぎゅむぎゅむキツキツおっぱい♡ 腰ヘコセックスより凄いかも? パイズリのエロさ、理解しましたよねぇ それでぇ~、ズリ比べ…どうなんです? オナネタおっぱいとどっちが気持ちいい? って、おちんちんの様子でわかっちゃう ビクビクビクぅ〜♡ あッ…うぅ〜、くぅ〜♡ 情けない声だって…くすくす…♡ 挿入と同時にぬるんって剥けた亀頭がぁ、むにむにふ〜にふにされるの好き? カリ首…カッコよさの象徴もぉ、ずりゅんずり〜て磨かれて…♡ 乳肉で扱かれる度、吐息が止まらない…♡ パイズリの魅力にぃ、おちんちんぜ〜んぶ弱点に変えられちゃってますねぇ~♡ きゃはは… いつもオラついて犯してきてたのにぃ〜♡ おっぱいだけで簡単に落ちちゃった♡ これで終わりのわけないじゃないですかぁ〜♡ 負けましたぁ〜って屈服してる私を無視して、腰ヘコヘコしてましたよねぇ♡ お返ししないと気が済みません。んッ…しょ… ふっ…はぁ…くぅッ…♡ パンパンパン…ばちゅんばちゅん…♡ 弾力感じる激し〜音♡ さっきまでと大違い はっ…はぁ…ッ…ふぅ…♡ 知ってますぅ〜? 乗っかかってるデカパイの重さ? 余裕の1キロ超え…♡ それを上下にだぱんだぱん…♡ こんなの息も切れて当然 はぁ…ん…んッ…しょ…♡ んふ…逃げるような腰使いしてる ふにふにの癖にどたぷ〜んって迫力満点なんですよ…♡ 抜け出せるわけないじゃないですか? 爆乳に組み伏せられてもジタバタするなんて… くふ…ふふふ…んはぁ…ふぅ…♡ ご奉仕というよりおっぱいレイプになってるかも…♡ 初めに言ったの覚えてます? メス落ちの演技大変だったって… 今のご主人様は、負けている振りではないですよね? パイズリには…おっぱいには勝てないって 理解しちゃった男の子にしか見えません…♡ 爆乳パイズリ最高だって、認めてください♡ んふふ〜、チョロくて助かりま〜す♡ ご褒美あげないとですねぇ~♡ このぉやばぁ〜いパイズリ♡ 息切れするほどの本気ズリ♡ あっという間に、お射精寸前まで持っていってあげます…♡ んっ…はぁ…ふぅ…♡ ここからゆっくりに 何でって顔ですねぇ。そ〜んなほしがりさんに朗報です♡ さっきまで着けてたムレムレブラジャー 頭とろとろになってください…♡ 裏地…乳首が当たっていたところを鼻に…♡ すんすん…すぅはぁ…すぅはぁ…♡ ミチミチのおっぱいなのに、チンピクで暴れてる…♡ かっわいぃ〜♡ もっと嗅ぎたいですよね? すぅはぁ…すぅはぁ…♡ これだけでお射精しちゃいそう…♡ ふぅ…はぁ…んッ…♡ ダメ? 出ちゃいます? ここまでされたら、男の子はみ~んなぴゅっぴゅしちゃいますもんね~♡ 我慢出来なくてと~ぜん。どぷどぷ~って漏らしちゃいましょ? 精子まみれの爆乳にぃ…んはぁ…♡ ブラジャーの香りもあって、どんどん精液せり上がってきますねぇ…♡ いいんですよ、出して♡ イク時の顔見せて…はぁ…出ちゃいそう…♡ んッ…はぁ…はぁはぁ…♡ …出る?出ちゃいます? んっ、んっ、んんっ……♡ デカブラとデカパイで、んんぅ…んっ…濃い精子出しましょ…♡ いいですよ…はぁっ、あっ、あぁっ…♡ このままいっぱい気持ちよく… あっ、ああっ…なってください…♡ おっぱいに中出し…ん、ううっ、あっ、ああ…♡ おちんちんイってください…ッ…イってっ、イくぅうう…♡♡♡ びゅる…びゅびゅ〜、びゅっくびゅっく…びゅるる〜♡♡♡♡ ブラジャーの香り、いっぱいに吸いこんで… おちんちんびくびくびく〜♡ ぴゅッぴゅ〜、どろぉ~♡ うっわぁ~、重ッ…精液ずっしりですねぇ…♡ てか、この匂い絶対取れないですって 精液臭いまま、お帰りなさいませなんてしたら、すぐに犯されるじゃないですかぁ〜♡ まぁ…演技も飽きたんで、返り討ちにしますが そんなことより、デカブラ返してください ご主人様じゃなくて、わんこみたいな嗅ぎ方… ずっと見たかったですが…くすくす♡ ブラはあげませんが、カチューシャなら… 頭のこれ…取って ど〜でしたぁ〜 メイドの主従逆転パイズリ♡ ご主人様って呼ぶ度ドキドキしてたんですよぉ~♡ そうそ〜、毎日お射精我慢できないって設定でしたけど、先輩もそうだったんですか? それなのに、禁止されちゃって… あずさの前では、思う存分びゅびゅ~ってしてください♡

05. Maid cosplay master-slave reversal paizuri

05. Maid cosplay master-slave reversal paizuri Welcome home, master! Hmmm? You hired me when I was in trouble, didn't you? Why don't you remember? I'm beside myself... I'm sorry... It's impossible to sleep in this condition... ♡♡♡♡ Your precious handsome ejaculation before bedtime. I've been so diligent in putting up with my dick, my sex drive is so high. Remembering the sexy girl I met today... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Her tits were so big! I mean, how could I forget her thighs? Too fleshy... I can't believe he's the one who's always trying to show off his sex appeal... Giggle... ♡♡♡ When he's alone, he's a little monkey who gets all dirty... Oh, no♡♡ If you make fun of me, I'll fuck you again♡♡♡ He squeezes my thin and easy-to-grab waist, I'll be beaten until I cum continuously with a goofy look on my face♡♡♡♡♡♡ I cry and say "I'm sorry, I'm in the habit of getting carried away, please forgive me". I always have a hard time pretending to be a meth head.... Please come in anytime.... You can come over anytime... I'm inviting you out... Are you really that tired? It can't be helped. I'll serve you like a maid... Excuse my pants... I love your pants... ♡♡♡♡♡ Maybe it's because I was sweating outside, but it's even thicker... ♡♡♡ The fact that you're getting bigger just by tempting me a little makes you so manly... ♡♡♡♡ Sooo....ah....sooo....♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You want it so much, don't you♡♡♡♡♡♡? You're dripping with naughty juices... ♡ Can't wait for sex? But...tits today...♡♡♡♡♡♡ Soft, fluffy, and handsome tits! You may have grabbed her by the eagle, but this is the first time for you, isn't it ♡♡♡♡? Let's compare which feels better, your fantasy or your fantasy? Ohhhhh.... Your cock is so wet with my juices and drool ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Does it make you excited to have it dripped directly on you? I can't hide the fact that I'm twitching so much... ♡♡♡♡ Oh, yeah...yeah....zzzz...zzzz...nnnnnn...♡♡♡♡♡ Now it's my turn. I love it when your tits are all bouncing up and down... ♡♡♡ There's an incision under the nipple sack... A slit for the master who has too much sexual desire stored up... ♡♡♡♡ I know your reaction, handsome. I'm taking my bra off right now...hmm? I'm taking it off with my clothes on. It'll be over soon...ah, yes...♡♡♡ I'm going to take out the big bra from the slit. Oh no, you're staring too long at the big bra coming out... ♡♡♡ I'm sorry for being such a dirty maid♡♡ I've been waiting for you~♡♡♡ Big tits... ♡ Please enjoy them to the fullest♡♡♡ As soon as I get in there, I'm so hard! Are you surprised to see my first boobs? It's just fat, but why do they make me so melodramatic~? The tits are so tight and firm that it's more amazing than the sex with a woman's backside! Now you understand the eroticism of titjob, don't you? So, how do they compare? Which feels better, masturbation or tits? I can tell by your penis! Bikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Ahh....uuu~♡♡ He says it's a pathetic sound... giggle... ♡♡♡♡ Do you like it when my glans gets soft and slippery at the same time when I insert it? The neck... the symbol of coolness... is also polished and polished... ♡♡♡♡♡ I can't stop sighing every time you handle me with your tits....... The charm of titillation has turned my penis into a weak point... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I fell in so easily just because of her tits. There's no way this is the end, handsome! You ignored my submission and humiliated me with your handsome backside, saying "I lost! I'm not satisfied if I don't return the favor. Huff...haaaa...kuuh...♡ It's so different from before. Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...oh... oh... You know what? The weight of those big tits on top of you? It's over a kilo! And it's going up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down... No wonder I'm out of breath. Oh...mmmm...mmmm.... You're using your hips like you're trying to escape. You're so soft, but you're so powerful... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ There's no way I can get out of it, right? Even when she's being folded over by those big tits, she's still flailing around... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm This might be more like titty rape than service... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Remember what I said at the beginning? You said it was hard for you to act like a meth head... Now master is not pretending to be defeated, is he? You said you can't beat tits for titty fucks. He looks like a boy who understands... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Please admit that titty tits are the best ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡! You're so sweet! I have to reward you, don't I? I'm so out of breath from the cumshot ♡♡♡♡♡♡ In no time at all, I'll have you on the verge of ejaculation.... Mmm...haa...hmmm...♡ Slow down from here... What's with that face? Good news for those of you who want to be hands-on. The soggy bra you were wearing just now... Please melt my head... ♡♡♡♡♡ The lining... where your nipples used to hit your nose... ♡♡♡♡♡ Sooooooooooooooooooo... ♡ Her tits are so tight, but they're still flailing around... ♡♡♡♡ Cute ♡ You want to sniff them more, don't you? Ohhh... ohhh... ♡♡♡♡ I'm going to ejaculate just from this... ♡♡♡ Ohhh........ No? Do you want me to cum? If you do it this much, all the boys are going to cum~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I couldn't hold it in. Let's make him pee like a baby! Sperm covered big tits.......ohhh.... The scent of her bra is also making my cum rush up...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ It's okay, let it out, handsome. Show me your face when you cum.... I'm about to cum... ♡ ...cum... ♡ ...cum? Are you going to get it? Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm... ......♡ With a big bra and big tits, let's cum thickly... ♡ Oh, ah, ah, ah... ♡♡♡♡ Please make me feel so good... ah, ah, ah... please make me feel so good... ah, ah... Cum inside my tits... oh, oh, oh... oh, oh... oh, oh... oh, oh... oh, oh... oh, oh... oh, oh... Please make my cock come... come... come... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...Burr...♡♡♡♡ The scent of a bra, inhale it fully... Suck my cock, suck my cock! Wow, it's so heavy... it's so full of semen... ♡♡♡♡ I mean, you'll never get rid of this smell! Well...I'm tired of acting, so I'm going to return the favor. But that's not the point. Please give me back my big bra. I've always wanted to see you sniff like a doggie, not a master... I've always wanted to see that... giggle handsome. I won't give you the bra, but I'll give you the catsuit... Take this off my head... How did you do? The maid's hands-on titjob! I was so excited every time you called me master. Oh yeah... I was supposed to be unable to hold back my ejaculation every day... Was it the same for you? And yet, I'm forbidden to do so... In front of Azusa, please be as much as you want, handsome.

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