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06.ナースコスプレぐっぽりオナホ搾精 おはようございます 先日お伝えした通り、精液検査を始めましょう ご連絡が行き届いていなかったでしょうか? 申し訳ございません ただ、オナ禁中ですし、問題ございませんよね 金玉の中にぐつぐつの精子たっぷたぷ 目の前に魅力的な女性がいるだけで エロい妄想が止まらない状態…♡ ズボンの上から撫でるだけでも、勃起してしまうはずです 指先を這わせて…下にすぅ〜と…♡ ねぇ? 我慢できないでしょ? 今からぁ〜色気たっぷりのナースさんに 射精するまで扱いてもらう…♡ 想像するだけでも大きくなってきますね。ん、その調子です さすっている箇所…少しずつ固くなっています…♡ もっとしてあげたらあっという間に… くふ…形、浮かんできてます…♡ あ~ぁ、こんなにして… 脱がしてあげます ん…ふぅ… っ…しょっ… これが検査の準備ばっちりのペニスですか? 包茎…皮の世話までしないといけないなんて… まったく…仕事じゃなかったら犯罪ですよ 何でひくつかせてるんです? 観察されて火照りました? 吐息がくすぐったい? …はぁ…このオナホでさっさと終わらせますね 手コキよりも効率が良いでしょ? 射精させるために作られた道具なんですし… 初める前に、説明をいたします ペニスを気持ちよくしてくれるオナホの特徴、しっかり聞いておいた方が…ね? ピンク一色の味気ない貫通式 えぇ…亀頭が飛び出すようになっています 入れてすぐはねっとりとした… イボイボ…わかります? ここで弱いところをネチネチネチネチ… 段々キツく…ミチミチキュウキュウと… 最後はゴリュッとした強いデコボコ 吸い付いて離れないバキューム感は、 精液を欲しがり続けるドスケベギャルを表現しているようで… 私も愛情込めてネチネチ…シコシコ…どっぴゅんって… くふふ…ペニス…ピクピク止まりませんねぇ…♡ 早くシコシコしてほしいよ〜ってソワソワしてるんですか? お望み通り、ローションを… 好きな言葉もたくさん言ってあげます たらぁ〜と… 聞こえますか〜 ぐっちゅぐっちゅ、ぬっちゅぬっちゅ ねっとりねるぬる これに包んでもらえるんですよ… 楽しみですねぇ 3・2・1でぬっぽぉ〜ですよ…♡ 3…期待しちゃいますねぇ 2…興奮止まりませんねぇ 1…耐える準備しましょうか、いきますよ…♡ 0ッ! ぐぽぉ〜ぬぽぉ〜♡ くすくす…足ガクガク震えてる♡ 期待以上のものに我慢できませんでした? まだ軽く入れただけですよ。覚えています? 多重構造…悦ぶ仕掛けが山ほどあること 今は細かいヒダ…でしょうか? オナホの口で弱ぁ〜い裏筋をネチネチネチネチ♡ ここだけ素早くシコシコしててあげます ネチネチ…くちゅくちゅくちゅ…♡ 一度奥まで体験してみるのもいいかと? んっ…はぁ…♡ 主張の激しい吸い付き…感じますか? ドスケベギャルの淫乱バキューム♡ ぐっぽぐっぽって音、精液を要求してる合図に聞こえません? 出して出して…イクとこ見せて射精して…♡ くふ…好みに合わせようと、らしくないことを…♡ ん…はぁ〜い♡ 気持ちいいですね〜♡ 精液上ってきたら教えて下さい 忘れてはいませんか? 目的は精液検査 ペニス大好き〜、扱いてるとドキドキ止まらない、 奉仕しなきゃ…♡ そんなことはありません。お仕事でやっているだけ ビッチのような発言をしていますが、 射精を促しているに過ぎません シ〜コシコ、シコシコシコぉ…♡ ぐっぽりオナホでぐぽぉ〜ぬっぽぬっぽ…♡ こういうのに弱いの、お見通しです♡ 弱点を責めれば射精は早まり、きっと濃い精子も…♡ シコシコシコシコ… 動かすたびにぬっちょぬちょ響いてます 卑猥な音に頭おかしくなりますね…♡ いいんですよ 射精だけ考えててください あぁ…余らせるの勿体ないですし、乾かないようにぬるぬるを… だらぁ…どろぉ〜♡ 多種多様な無数のヒダに弱点狙い撃ちされるのやばい? カリ首にぴったり食い込んで、じょりじょりじょりじょり…♡ 亀頭にもしっかり垂らしてあげます♡ んふふ…ピクピクしてる…♡ ん〜これで全部…♡ 信じられないぐらいぬめってますねぇ♡ でも、ローション以外にも我慢汁もたっくさん…♡ ここまで溢れさせてるなんてすぐに射精しますか…♡ シコシコシコ…シコシコ…シ〜コシ〜コ…♡♡ えっぐいオナホでカリ首の溝ぉ、にゅるん…からのぉ…♡ 入り口のねっとりヒダヒダ、裏筋に〜♡ 高速ネチネチで悶て下さい ネッチネチ…くちゅくちゅくちゅ…♡ ん、一箇所を責めるのはおしまいして、ペニス全体にしますね♡ んっ…んはぁ…♡ 先程から足腰の震えが大きくなってますが… 呼吸も荒々しく… 出ちゃうんですよね? いいですよ、出してください。正直で助かります これはぁ〜精液検査。女性の前で射精するのは普通のこと この中…シャーレに向かって出すのも当然 尿道口(にょうどうぐち)にあてがっていますので、好きなときにどうぞ シコシコシコ…シコシコシコ イク? もうダメ? イって…んはぁ…イって下さい…♡ 亀頭から濃いのたっくさん出して…♡ んッ…はぁ…シコシコシコ、シコシコシコ…♡ 精液、見てあげますんで…♡ ふぅ…んぅ…出して、射精して下さい…♡ あッ、あぁん…んふぅ…ああぁ…♡ その調子です、いっぱい出して、出して下さい…♡ ぴゅっ…びゅびゅ〜…びゅくびゅく…♡ びゅるる~、ぴゅっぴゅ~~、びゅくく~♡ どぴゅ、どぷぷ~…びゅく…とぷとぷ~♡ んぁ…もうダメ…♡ 受けとめきれなッ♡ ぁ…ちょ…あぁん…♡ 十分過ぎるほどですが、私にまでぶっかけるなんて はぁ…着替えてきます ティッシュを置いておくので、残りは自分でどうぞ 後ほど結果をお伝えしますので、それでは… お待たせしましたぁ〜♡ 検査結果ですがぁ〜♡ あずさにメロメロの精子さんでしたよぉ〜♡ しっかり我慢してくれてて嬉し〜です〜♡ あんなに濃いのたっくさん出されたら、絶対にぃ… くすくす…何を言おうとしてたでしょ〜か? それとぉ、キツキツの非貫通式で、 奥をトントン出来るものも買ったんです♡ ひょっとしたら、あずさにそっくりかも♡ ナースさんじゃなくて、メロメロ後輩のぉオナホコキ~♡ 今度ぉ、やってあげたいな〜♡

06. Nurse cosplay giggling masturbation

06. Nurse cosplay giggling masturbation Good morning. As I told you the other day, let's start the semen test. Have we not been in touch with you? My apologies. However, I'm not masturbating, and I'm sure that's not a problem. My balls are full of sperm! I can't stop having erotic fantasies just because there is an attractive woman in front of me. I can't stop having erotic fantasies...♡ Just stroking her on her pants will make you get an erection! Let your fingertips crawl... down... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Right? You can't resist, can you? From now on... the sexy nurse will treat you until you ejaculate. I'm going to have a sexy nurse treat you until you ejaculate... Just imagining it makes me feel bigger. That's right. The part I'm rubbing... it's getting a little harder... ♡ If I do it more... it won't take long... The shape is starting to float... ♡ Oh, I'll make it like this... I'll take it off... Mmm... Oh.... Is this the penis ready for inspection? The foreskin... and I have to take care of the skin... If it wasn't my job, it would be a crime. Why are you twitching? Are you burning up under observation? Is your breath tickling? Well, I'll just use this masturbator and get it over with. More efficient than a hand job, right? It's a tool designed to make you ejaculate... Before we begin, let me explain. You should listen carefully to the features of a masturbator that makes your penis feel good... right? A tasteless, pink-colored penetrating device. Yes... it has a glans that pops out. As soon as you put it in, it's sticky... warty... you know what I mean? And here, the weak points are nipped, nipped, nipped... Tighter and tighter... and tighter... and tighter... and tighter... Finally, strong bumps... The vacuum feeling that sucks you and won't let go.., I feel like I'm expressing a dirty gal who keeps wanting to be cummed... I also lovingly penetrate...suck...suck...suck...suck...suck...suck...suck... suck...suck...suck...suck...suck...suck...suck... My penis... it won't stop twitching... Are you sobbing that you want me to do it to you soon? I'll put lube on it as you wish... and I'll say a lot of words you like. Taraaaaa... Can you hear me? Gum, gum, gum, slimy, slimy, slimy... Lube, lube, lube, lube, lube... You'll be wrapped in this... I'm looking forward to it! Three, two, one, nuptial... 3...I'm so excited! 2...I can't stop getting excited! 1...let's get ready to endure...♡♡♡ 0...0...0...0...0...0..! Gupo~nupo~♡♡♡♡♡ legs are trembling♡♡ Couldn't resist something beyond your expectations? I've only lightly put it in. Remember? Multiple structures... so many tricks to please you. Now, fine folds... right? The masturbator's mouth nipping at your weak back muscles ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡. I'm going to give you a quick shimmy here. I think it's good to experience it deep inside once, don't you? Mmm...hah... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Do you feel the insistent sucking? Dirty gal's lewd vacuum♡♡♡ The sound of her cumming sounds like a signal that she is demanding semen, don't you think? I'm trying to be a little bit weird to suit your taste... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Please let me know when the semen comes up. Are you sure you haven't forgotten? The purpose is to test the semen. I love penises~ I can't stop pounding when I handle them, I have to serve you...♡ No, I don't. I'm just doing my job. I'm just doing my job. You are talking like a bitch, I'm just trying to encourage ejaculation. Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, shhhh... ♡ Gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup, gup... ♡ I know you have a weakness for this kind of thing, ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Blame your weak spot and you'll ejaculate faster, and you'll probably cum thicker... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Sticky, sticky, sticky... Every time I move it, it makes a wet sound. The obscene sound is driving me crazy... ♡♡♡ It's okay. Just think about ejaculating. Oh... it would be a shame to have too much of it... and make it wet so it doesn't dry up... Sloppy...sloppy ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Is it so bad to be targeted at the weak point by a wide variety of numerous folds? It bites into the neck of the penis, and it's so slippery... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm going to drip it on your glans too ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmm... it's twitching... ♡♡♡♡ All of it... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ It's unbelievably wet ♡♡♡♡♡ But there's a lot more than just lotion... ♡♡♡♡ I can't believe you're making her cum so much... ♡♡♡♡ The groove of the neck of the penis with the masturbation tool........ The entrance is so moist and slippery.... Please wriggle with high speed nipple. Nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple I'm going to stop blaming one part, and I'm going to cover the whole penis♡♡♡♡ Mmmm...nnhaa...♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Your legs and feet are shaking more and more... Your breathing is also getting rougher... You're going to let it out, aren't you? It's fine. Please let it out. Thank you for your honesty. This is... a semen test. Ejaculating in front of a woman is normal. It is also normal to ejaculate in front of a woman. It is placed at the urethral opening, so you can do it whenever you like. Come on... come on... come on... come on... come on... Are you ready to cum? Can't you cum anymore? Come... come... please... come... Cum thickly out of my glans... Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come. I'll show you my semen.... Please cum, cum, cum... ♡ Oh, ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... That's right, let it out, let it out, let it out.... Beeeeeee....beeeeeee....beeeeeeeee....♡♡♡♡♡ squeeeee~, squeeeee~, squeeeee~, squeeeee~♡♡♡♡ Dopu, dopupu~...beep...dopupu~♡♡♡♡ I can't take it anymore.... I can't take it anymore. Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh... It's more than enough... but you even sprayed it on me... I'm going to go change. I'll leave some tissues here, so you can finish the rest by yourself. I'll let you know the result later. Sorry to keep you waiting... ♡ The results of the test... ♡ The sperm was a handsome guy that Azusa loves. I'm so glad that you held out so well ♡♡ I'm so glad that she was able to hold back so well... ♡ I'm sure she would have... Giggle...what was I going to say? And, I bought a tight, non-penetrating one, I also bought a handsome one that is tight and non-penetrating and can be thumped in the back. Maybe you're just like Azusa... a handsome handsome girl... I'm not a nurse, I'm a masturbator. I want to give it to her next time.

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