Track 7

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07.SM嬢コスプレ乳首責めカウントダウン射精 待たせるなんていい度胸だなぁ? 数時間前からボンテージ着てるなんて馬鹿みてぇじゃねぇか? しかも、威厳バリバリのこ〜んな仮面まで お前のためにどれだけ準備してたか 鬱憤晴らすには、チンポ… おもちゃにして遊ぶしかねぇよな? ん…くふ…くふふふ…♡ もう勃起してるとか…♡ 最近は呼び出して貰えなかった 扱きたくて頭ヤバくなるとき何度もあったけど、言いつけは守らないと チンポのイライラ必死に抑えなきゃ ぁ、ようやくあずさ様に会える。お射精の許可もらえる 足腰ガクガクさせながらのイクの絶対気持ちいい そう思いながら、来てくれたのか? 歩くの大変だし、周りにバレねぇようにしねぇとだし ん、正直な性欲に免じて、キツイのはやめてやる 気が変わらねぇ内に裸になれ おぅおぅ…我慢汁だっらだら垂らしやがってよぉ… 欲しがりチンポ…ローションでぬっるぬるにされたい? チンカス残さず、テッカテカになるまでしゃぶってやろうか? 残念だが、そのつもりはねぇ 今日は… こっちだ 情っけねぇ反応… 後ろから抱きつかれるのたまんねぇな おっぱいの弾力にぃ吐息…色々感じるだろ? それよりもぉ~、ち〜く〜び 開発出来てねぇお前のために、手伝ってあげんだよ わかったら、一人でオナってろ おら、シコリ慣れてる手で握って…いや どれだけ疼いても触るんじゃねぇ 今は乳首だけ 最初は焦らすようにクルクルしてやる まだどこが良いかわかんねぇか? 安心しろ。これがなぁ、 やだ…くるくる嫌ぁって…♡ までになる 円を描くようにしているだけで、もじもじジタバタジタバタ 恥ずかしい姿を想像しながらぁ 乳首気持ちいい、乳首気持ちいい…と、ひたすら思い続けろ そしたら、自然と感度も上がってくるはずだ く~るくる…人差し指で乳輪だぁけ もっと頭ピリピリするのされたい… どうだぁゾクゾクすっかぁ? く~るく~る…くるくる れる~っ、ちゅぷぷっ…ちゅっ…♡ ちゅるるっ、ちゅぷっ、んむむっ♡ そろそろかぁ… お待ちかね、ぷっくりしてる乳頭を…トントンッ♡ くく…びくんってしたなぁ 少しず〜つ戻れなくなってきてるぞぉ〜 知ってるか? 開発されたら、ずっとそのまま乳首弄りでチンピクしまくって、 カリカリだけで精を漏らしちまったら最後、 一生よわよわ乳首を付けたまま過ごす そうはなりたくない? でもぉ、もう手遅れだ 突っつくように~ 長ぁい爪で弾くのもぉ トントンッ…カリッカリカリカリ…♡ ちゅぷぷっ…れるれる~っ、れうう~っ♡ ちゅぷっ、ちゅぷっ、ちゅぷぷっ…♡ 軽くするだけでも、体くねくね、チンポピクン…♡ 虐められる良さ…覚えていってるなぁ♡ な〜に、これだけで射精しろ、何てすぐには無理だ チンポでイクときにカリカリしてぇ まずは乳首と射精の快楽を結びつける な? もうチンポ扱きたいか? 許してやる チンピクやっべぇのは勿論だが、腰ヘコ止まってねぇし、さすがにかわいそうだろ オナネタは十分過ぎるほどだし、いつもより濃いの出してくれ 後ろから抱きつかれて感じる温かさに女性の香り おっぱいの弾力、吐息… はあああぁ~…はあああぁ~…♡ 一番はこ~こ♡ カリカリカリ…カリカリカリ…♡ はあああぁ~…はあああぁ~…♡ 頭空っぽにして、シコリ散らかせ 足腰ガクガクで無様なガニ股晒しても、必死に手を動かして… シコシコシコ…♡ アタシの速さ…わかるか? シコシコシコ…シコシコシコ…♡ おぅおぅ、その調子だ ご褒美…乳首もっと強めてやる…♡ 勃起しかけてるところを…カリッ…♡ か~りかり、カリカリカリ…♡ ピンッ…ピンッ…カリカリカリ…♡ 気持ち良すぎて、もうダメ あずさ様のなすがままです〜♡ そうなってくれれば、やりがいがあるってもんさ はあああぁ~…はあああぁ~…♡ にしても、アタシも罪な女だなぁ チンポだけじゃ物足りなくなるマゾにしちまうなんて… 責任持って、乳首でイケるようにしてやらねぇとな やっぱり…今日はまだ無理だろ? ん? 好きなだけシコってろ 必死すぎるオナニー、あずさ様に見てもらうチャンスだもんなぁ そのまま続けんだぞ ちゅむむっ、ちゅるる~っ、れるれる~っ、ちゅっちゅうっ♡ イきそうになってんだろ? はッ…隠しごとできると思ってんのか? な〜んども射精の瞬間させてあげたんだしバッレバレ みっともねぇ声上げて、 乳首いじられながらの初射精で、戻れなくなっちまえ♡ あぁん? 力きゅ~って入れて、もしかして耐えてんのか? 気にすんな。お前の面倒を見るのもアタシの仕事だ 可愛い姿見せてくれ それに、我慢できないよぉって、勢い良く出してくれた方が嬉しいだろ? 乳首カリカリ手伝ってあげっから、腰グッと突きだしてさっさとびゅびゅ〜って… ん〜? それともアレか? あずさ様ぁ…お射精の許可をお願いします~って 誘ってんのか? しゃあねぇな… カウントしてやっから、ぶちまけろ♡ 5… カリカリカリ…カリカリカリ もうすぐ出そうだな…出しちゃえ…♡ 溜まっている精液吐き出せ… ちゅぷぷっ、んっ、んっ!ちゅぷぷぷっ、ちゅるるるっ…♡ 4… ゼロになるまでイクんじゃねぇぞ 扱くのを緩めるのも禁止だ シコシコシコ…頭おかしくなるまでシコれ…♡ 3… カリカリカリ…カリカリカリ…♡ 乳首…おかしくなっちまったな これから一生クソ雑魚ち〜く〜び…♡ 2… ほら、もうすぐイくぞ、さいっこうの絶頂だぁ…♡ いいぞ、気持ち良くなれ、マゾ奴隷になれ… はぁっ、はぁっ…ちゅるるるっ…ちゅぶぶっ、じゅっじゅうっ♡ 1… ほら、イキそう、イキそう…♡ イク、イク、イっちゃう…イっぐうううぅ…♡ 0…  ちゅぷぷっ、んっ、んっ!ちゅぷぷぷっ、ちゅるるるっ♡ じゅぷぷっ、あふっ、じゅぷっ、じゅるるっ♡♡♡ あ〜ぁ、出てる出てる…♡ あずさ様ありがとうございます…だろ? 感謝しながらの射精…最高だなぁ ふぅ…ようやく落ち着いたか だがなぁ、アタシはまだゾクゾクしてんだ どんな顔してるか… 仮面、外してみたい? 特別だ… にへへ…先輩にメロメロのハート目でしたぁ♡ SMプレイって言うんですか? とっても刺激的でしたね♡ お互いぃ好き〜って気持ちでいっぱいだからこそ、成り立つと思うんですよ これからもラブラブでいましょ〜ね♡

07.SM Mistress Cosplay Nipple Blame Countdown Ejaculation

07.SM Mistress Cosplay Nipple Blame Countdown Ejaculation How dare you make me wait for you? It's stupid that she's been wearing bondage for a few hours now, isn't it? And you even put on this mask with all your dignity! I can't tell you how much I prepared for you. I guess the only way to relieve your frustration is to play with your dick... right? I can't believe you already have a boner... I haven't been able to get him to call me lately. There have been many times when I've wanted to handle him so badly that I've lost my mind, but I have to do what I say. I have to suppress my cock's irritation desperately. Ah, I finally get to meet Azusa-sama. I'll get permission to ejaculate. It definitely feels good to cum while wobbling around on my feet and legs! Is that what you were thinking as you came? It's hard to walk, and I have to make sure people don't notice. Well, I'll spare you the harshness in exchange for your honest sexual desire. Get naked before I change my mind. Oh, oh... you're dripping with your juices... You want your dick soaked in lube? You want me to suck your dick till it's shiny? I'm not gonna do that, I'm sorry. Today... Come here. I love it when you hold me from behind. The way her tits are bouncing, the way she's breathing... you can feel it all, can't you? But more importantly... your tits... I'm helping you because you haven't developed it yet. All right, go jerk off on your own. Come on, grab a hand that's used to getting fucked... no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only nipples now. I'm gonna start by giving you a nice little twirl. Still don't know what's good for you? Don't worry. This is it, I don't like it... It goes all the way up to Just drawing a circle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle! Imagine how embarrassing it is! Keep thinking "nipple feels good, nipple feels good... Then, the sensitivity will naturally increase. Just nipple ring with your index finger. I want to feel more tingling in my head... How does that make you feel? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhhhh Ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh, ssshhhh.... It's about time... I've been waiting for you...tong tong ♡♡ on the plump nipple I felt a jerk.... It's getting harder and harder to come back... You know what? When you get developed, you can keep playing with your nipples and jerking them off, If you cum just from crunching, that's the end of it, You'll spend the rest of your life with limp nipples. Don't you want that? But it's too late for that now. You can poke and prod them with your long fingernails. Tap-tap-tap... crunch crunch crunch... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Even a light touch makes my body wiggle and my dick twitch... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm getting to remember how good it feels to be tortured... ♡♡♡♡♡ I'm not going to make you ejaculate just from this, not right away. Crunch when you cum on my dick. First of all, I want you to connect the pleasure of ejaculation with your nipples. See? You want to handle my dick already? I'll let you. Of course you've got a great cock, but you haven't stopped bucking, and I feel sorry for you. I've got more than enough masturbation material, and I want it thicker than usual. The warmth of being hugged from behind, the scent of a woman. The warmth of a woman's scent, the elasticity of her tits, her breath... The best part is the hands-on experience of being cuddled by a handsome man Crunchy...crunchy...crunchy...♡ Haaaaaa~...haaaa~...♡ Empty your head and shilly-shally. Even though my legs and feet are wobbly and my legs and feet are exposed, I move my hands frantically... Shikoshiko shikoshiko... ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Do you know how fast I'm going? Shiko-shiko-shiko-shiko-shiko-shiko-shiko-shiko-♡ Oh, oh, that's right, that's right. My reward... is I'm gonna make your nipples even harder... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I'm going to give you a hard-on... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch... ♡♡ Pinch... pinch... pinch... crunch... ♡ It feels so good, I can't take it anymore! I'm at the mercy of you, Azusa-sama ♡♡♡ If that's the case, it'll be worth it. Ohhhhh~...haaaaahhh~...♡♡♡♡ But I'm a sinful woman too. I've turned you into a masochist who can't get enough of cock... I'm going to have to take responsibility for making her cum on my nipples. I knew it... you can't do it today, right? Hmm? You can fuck me all you want. It's a chance for Azusa-sama to see how desperate you are to masturbate. Keep it up. Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum, cum. You're about to come, aren't you? Do you think you can hide things from me? I let you have the moment of ejaculation, and you know it. Raise your disgusting voice, You can't go back after your first ejaculation while your nipples are being tweaked, handsome. Oh, yeah? Are you holding back? Don't worry about it. It's my job to take care of you. Show me how cute you are. Besides, wouldn't you be happier if you could say, "I can't stand it" and cum vigorously? I'll help you by crunching your nipples, and then I'll thrust my hips out and make you cum... Hmm? Or is it that? Azusa-sama... please give me permission to ejaculate... Are you asking me to do it? I don't have a choice... I'm going to count you, so go ahead and shoot your load, handsome. Five... crunch crunch crunch... crunch crunch... I'm about to cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum...cum... Spit out your cum... Chup-chup-chup... ♡ Four... Don't cum until you're down to zero. And don't loosen your handles. Stick it, stick it, stick it... stick it until you're out of your mind... ♡ Three... Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy... ♡ Nipples... you've lost your mind. I'm going to fuck you like a little fish for the rest of my life... ♡♡♡♡ Two... Here we go. I'm about to come. I'm about to climax... ♡♡♡ Come on, feel good, be a masochistic slave... Hah, hah....hah....chubby....chubby....chubby....chubby....chubby....chubby....chubby....chubby.... 1... Come on, come on, come on... ♡♡♡♡ I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming... ♡ 0...  Oh, it's coming out, it's coming out... ♡♡♡♡ Thank you, Azusa-sama... right? Ejaculating while thanking you... that's the best. Well... things are finally calming down. But you know, I'm still a little creeped out. Would you like to see what you look like... with your mask off? It's special... Hehehe... you've got a handsome heart of gold, senior. Is it called SM play? It was very stimulating ♡♡♡ I think it's only possible when we are full of love for each other. Let's keep loving each other♡♡!

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