Track 8

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08.あずさと女友達の会話(エピローグ) さやか〜、こっちこっち 久しぶり〜 おぉ…新しい鞄? それ高ッいやつでしょ? いくら貢がせたの? うっわ…えっぐ 私はそんなことしないのになぁ… ただぁ~メロメロになっていく男が見たいだけ そもそも、さやかみたいに簡単に体売ったりしないし〜 ちょ〜と甘い言葉かけて、手とか口でパパッと ぁ、そうそう聞いてよ〜 一番真面目そうな部長が、チョロマゾ過ぎて笑っちゃうっていう 初めはウザかったけど、好き好き~って言ってたら、すぐに逆らえなくなってるの もぅ私なしじゃいられなくなってるかも…ははっ おっもしろいよねぇ〜 ごめんごめん んでぇ〜今日はどしたの? ぁ〜はいはい いつものかぁ… ほんとさやかはすぐ使い潰すよね お金は有限なんだし大概にしなよ で、もう全員使い物にならないの? うわぁ~、新しいサークル入るしかないって 次の候補どこ? おぉ~ チョロ~い男いっぱいいそう♡ 絶対、陰キャばかりじゃん てか、さやかが変えるなら、私も別のサークル探そ 4,5回もしちゃ飽きるって 彼女出来たぁ…♡ こんなに尽くしてくれるなんて…♡ そう勘違いさせるのが最高なんだし! ぁそろそろ映画館行こ? 早くしないと始まっちゃう

08. Conversation between Azusa and her girl friend (Epilogue)

08. Conversation between Azusa and her girl friend (Epilogue) Sayaka~, this way here! Long time no see~ Oh...a new bag? That's an expensive one, isn't it? How much did you pay her? Ugh... I would never do such a thing... I just want to see a guy fall in love with me. I don't sell my body easily like Sayaka. I'd just say sweet things to her, and then I'd just use my hands or my mouth... Oh, yeah, listen... The most serious-looking boss is so cholo-masochistic that I can't help but laugh at him. At first I was annoyed, but after I told him I liked him so much, he couldn't resist. Maybe he can't live without me anymore... haha! It's so funny, isn't it? Sorry, sorry. So... what happened today? Oh, yeah, the usual... You really spend it all quickly, don't you? Money is finite. So, are all of us useless now? Wow, we'll have to join a new circle. Where's the next candidate? Oh, there'll be lots of cool guys. I'm sure they're all shady guys. If Sayaka's going to change, I'll find another circle too! You'll get bored after 4 or 5 times. I've got a girlfriend! It's the best way to make her think so! Let's go to the cinema. If we don't hurry, the movie will start.

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