Track 2

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02勃起パート じゃあ、早速はじめて行こうかしら ふふ、まだシコシコはさせてあげないわよ? まずはおちんちんを勃起させないといけないもの もう勃起してるなんてこと、ないわよねぇ? まだなーんにもしてないし、もう勃起してるようじゃ絶対この先我慢できないもの だから、勃起、させましょうね? じゃあ、おちんちんの根元を両手で固定、いい? おちんちんが上に向くようにね、ほら、早くなさい ふふふ、なんだかとってもお似合い そのポーズ、私におちんちんを差し出してるのよね? いいわ、別にいらないけどもらってあげるわ ほら、ありがとうございます、は? 今度からは自分からいうのよ? じゃあ、勃起させていくわね? (耳舐め5秒) (以下囁き声) ふふふ、耳舐め 脳みそに直接いやらしい音、流し込んであげる 私の唾液は毒液、みだらに狂わせる媚薬 ああ、もちろんおちんちんはしごくのはダメ 命令しないもの せいぜい、おちんちんをひくつかせてなさい? (息吹きかけ) (耳舐め20秒) 脳みそがどんどんトロトロになっていく エッチなことしか考えられなくなっていく 私の囁きと水音でおばかさんになっていく (耳舐め20秒) (息吹きかけ) なぁに?からだピクピクさせてどうしたの? それ、踊りなのかしら? 発情ダンス? お似合い もっと無様なところみせて? (耳舐め30秒) どんどん私に下ごしらえされていく ここで興奮すればするほど、後の射精禁止オナニーが地獄になる 焦らしたら焦らした分だけ辛くなる あんまり興奮するの、だめよ? 耳舐めはやめないけど (耳舐め20秒) いい感じに仕上がってきたわね じゃあ、ここで命令 私の質問には必ず「はい」って答えるの 質問するときは、「質問」っていってあげるわ いい?今後、私が「質問」っていってから貴方に何か訪ねたら、貴方は「はい」っていうの ふふ、早速 質問、気持ちいいかしら? ふふふ、そう、ならもっと快楽を耳から流し込んであげないとね? (耳舐め30秒) 吐息、荒いわねぇ? それに、なんだかいやらしい匂いがするわよ? なっさけないオスの匂い 精液をおもらしする準備のお汁 そんな匂いがするわ もう勃起、したのかしら? ふふふ、じゃあ、きこうかしら 質問 まだ、勃起していないわよね?(ねっとり) ・・・ぷ、くくくくく あらそうなの? なら、まだ下ごしらえしないといけないわね? シコシコはまだ先ね (耳舐め30秒) あらあら、まだ序の口なのにこんなにトロトロな顔しちゃって 見られてるのよ? あーあ、恥ずかしい恥ずかしい んー? 物欲しそうな感じね もしかして、おちんちんしごきたいの? でも、勃起してないおちんちんはしごけないのよ?ばかね、ふふふ (囁きここまで) (耳舐め15秒) じゃあ、そろそろ、次に行かないといけないわね んー? 次って言ったら、決まってるでしょ? もう片方のお耳、ふふふ あれ、気のせいかしら 貴方のおちんちん、無様に勃起してるように見えるんだけど? しかもガマン汁でびちゃびちゃ ふふふ、質問 これ、勃起していないわよね? ・・・あはははは、そうよね (ここから囁き声) はぁい、続行 (耳舐め20秒) こっちの耳も敏感 貴方の体って淫乱なのね 好き勝手に調教できて楽しめるわね 貴方の体は女の人のおもちゃになるためにあるのよね? それ以外なんの価値もない (息吹きかけ) ほら、こうやって弄ぶためだけのもの それ以外は役立たずのゴミ 質問 ねぇ、貴方ゴミよね? ぷくくくくくく なら、そんなのを使ってくれてる私にお礼、いいなさい ほら 調教、楽しいわ (耳舐め20秒) ねぇ、こうやって耳責めをすればするほどおちんちんが敏感になっていくのよ? いいのかしら?いつまでもこんなことされてて ふふふ、でぇも、勃起、まだなのよね? 質問 勃起はまだよね? はぁい、りょうかぁい (耳舐め30秒) んー?ここまできてまだ勃起しないなんておかしいわね? もしかしたら私の質問が悪かったのかしら? ふふ、こう聞けば良かったのね 質問 もう勃起してる? ・・・へぇ、勃起してるの じゃあ、私に嘘ついたのね (ここから冷酷に無感情に) 言い訳なんてきいてないわ なに奴隷の分際でご主人様に嘘ついてるの? 許さないわよ? じゃあ、質問 罰が欲しいのよね? へぇ、でも罰は厳しいわよ? このまま耳責め続けて、勃起おちんちんおかしくしちゃうわよ? 質問 本当に罰を与えていいのね? (ここまで) ふふふふふふ、本当は最初だから許してあげようと思ったのに 貴方がそこまで言うなら、罰、与えてあげないといけないわね (耳舐め15秒) ほら、おちんちんがむずむずじんじん、切なく疼く しごきたくてたまらない 透明なお汁が止まらない でも、罰だから仕方ない ふふ、我慢なさい (耳舐め15秒) もう、そろそろいいかしら? これ以上続けたら本当に我慢できなくなっちゃわね 質問 まだ罰は必要かしら? あらそう、ならしかたないわね(ねっとり) 覚悟なさい (耳舐め30秒) (囁きここまで) ふふふ、じゃあここまでにしましょうか まだ本番前だし意地悪はちょっとだけにしておいてあげるわね じゃあ、おちんちんを・・・ぷ、くくくくく あははははは、なぁにそのおちんちん しごいてもないのにその有様 焦らされまくったおあずけおちんちん、なんてなさけないの あははは、握ったら絶対ぐじゅうって果実みたいにお汁が溢れ出すわ そんなに熟しちゃってどうするつもりなのよ これから地獄みたいなオナニーするのにそんなにしてばっかじゃないの?あははは でも、自業自得よね? それ全部貴方のせい、私は悪くないわ

Erection Part

02 Erection Part Now then, shall we begin at once? Huhu, I won't let you jerk off right away. First, we need to do something about that flaccid penis. I don't believe it is hard already. How can it? I haven't even done anything yet. If was hard already, you can't possibly endure what's coming next. So therefore, let's make it hard now. For that, hold your penis with both hands and the root, you hear? Now hold your penis upwards. Hurry up, will you? Huhuhu, How about that? This definitely suits you. This pose... are you presenting your penis to me? Very well. I don't really want it, but I'll accept. Here, "thank you very much". The next time, you will say it yourself. And now, I will make it hard. (Ear licking 5 seconds) (Whispering voice) Huhuhu, I am licking your ear. My lewd voice flows directly into your brain. My venomous saliva is a maddening aphrodisiac. Ah, you can't stroke your penis of course. That is not my order. It can only do as much as twitch, that is all. (Breathing) (Ear licking 20 seconds) Your brain is slowly getting drowsy. It's becoming full of naughty thoughts. My whisper and wet noises are making you silly. (Ear licking 20 seconds) (breathing) What's that? What is happening that made your body tremble? Is this a dance or something? The dance of breeding? It suits you. Can you show me of that unsightly scene? (Ear Licking 30 seconds) My preparations are slowly and steady taking its toll. The more excited you become here, the more hellish your masturbation ban will be after this. With every minute I'm teasing you here, the more painful it will get. Is it too arousing? Unbearable even? But I won't stop licking. (Ear licking 20 seconds) I think this is turning out very nicely, doesn't it? So, here is an order. No matter what I am going to ask you, you must always answer with "yes". I will address all my questions with "Question". Understood? From now on, whenever I ask you a "Question", you will reply "Yes". Huhu, then without delay... Question: Are you feeling good? Huhuhu, is that so? Then why don't I pour even more pleasure into your ears? (Ear Licking 30 seconds) You're breathing loudly, aren't you? On top of that, what is this obscene smell? Such a shameful odor of male animals. The juice that's preparing your semen pee. That's what it smells like. Say, have you become get hard already? Hehehe, in that case, listen good. Question: You are not hard yet, are you? (Sticky) ... pu, Kukukukuku My oh my, is that so? In that case, the preparations will have to go on a bit longer, will they? The shikoshiko is still far ahead. (Ear Licking 30 seconds) Oh deary me, we haven't even started yet, and you're already making such a droopy face? You should see yourself. Ohh noo, this is so embarrassing~ Hmm? Are we feeling greedy now? Could it be that you want to stroke it? But, you can't you stroke a flaccid penis. Or can you, silly boy? huhuhu. (Whispering stops here) (Ear licking 15 seconds) Well then, I believe we should definitely move on to the next part. Hmm? Did you mean something else by "next part"? We still have another ear to go, fufufu! Hmm, did you expect something else? Does this penis look erect to you? All I can see is some prcum drooling out. Huhuhu, Question: Your penis is still very flaccid, isn't it? ... Ahahahaha, that's what I thought. (Whispering voice from here) Yees, let's continue. (Ear licking 20 seconds) This ear is also very sensitive. Your body sure is a lewd one, right? You enjoy letting someone train you however they want. Your body exists just to be a woman's plaything, right? That is all you are good for. (Breath) See, just like that? You're just here to be played with. Other than that, you're nothing but useless garbage. Question: Say, are you garbage? Puku Kuku Kukuku. If that is the case, express your gratitude that I have a use for you. Go on, say it. Training you is so much fun. (Ear licking 20 seconds) Say, the longer I tease your ear, the more sensitive your penis must get. Isn't it nice? We can keep this going for as long as I want. Fufufu, but still. Hey, your erection still has some way to go, right? Question: You can get even harder, can you? Yees, roger that. (Ear Licking 30 seconds) Hmm? But after all this, isn't it strange that you haven't gotten hard yet? Maybe I asked the wrong question, I wonder? Huhu, now listen very closely here. Question: Are you rock hard already? ...hmm? You ARE hard already? Then that means... You lied to me. (Cruel and emotionless from here on) I don't want to hear any excuses. What kind of lowly slave would lie to his mistress? I won't forgive you! Now, question: Do you want to be punished? Hoo? But my punishment is very harsh, you know. I will just keep licking your ear until your cock goes completely crazy, is that clear? Question: Do you really want me to punish you? (Until here) Fufufufufufu, and I even wanted to pardon you in the first place! But if you went that far to say it yourself, then it won't do if I don't give you your punishment. (Ear licking 15 seconds) There, your penis is itching and aching. It's so painful. You want to jerk off so badly! Your clear juices don't stop flowing. But this is punishment. So there's no helping it. Huhu, now be patient. (Ear licking 15 seconds) Hmm, I wonder if this is enough. If we just keep going like this, you definitely won't be able to hold out. Question: Do you need some more punishment? Ah, is that so? Then, if you'll excuse me... (Sticky) Prepare yourself. (Ear Licking 30 seconds) (Whispering ends here) Huhuhu, alright, that's enough for now. After all, the real sadistic show is only just about to begin. Now, your penis is... pu, kukukukuk! Ahahahah! What is going on with that cock? You can't jerk off in that state! Your poor tormented penis, I kind of feel sorry for it. Ahahaha, it looks like an overripe fruit. If you lightly squeezed it once, it would overflow with juice. What do you intend to do with such a delicate thing? You know exactly that next up is masturbation hell. It is going to burst like a cherry. Hahaha. But, you reap what you sow, you know? This is all your fault. I did nothing bad.

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