Track 3

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03 もう、おちんちんから手を離していいわよ? ふふふ、お待ちかねの射精禁止オナニーのスタート でも、いいのかしらね たかだかお耳をちょっと責めただけでおちんちん触りたくて仕方が無かった貴方程度がこの先、耐えられるのかしら? しかも、もう熟しきった敏感な淫乱なおちんちん ふふふ、死んでも我慢なさいね? おちんちん、にぎりなさい、ほら ふふふふ、ぐじゅうって溢れ出てるわね 射精の準備もう完了しちゃってる でも、私には関係ない 射精を許可しないだけ ふふふふ、いくわよ? [シコシコ1] ほぉら、シコシコ開始よ この声が聞こえてきたら貴方は声に合わせてシコシコしないといけない これは私からの命令だもの 絶対服従 ふふふ、やっとおちんちんシコシコできて良かったわね でも、ここな焦らすみたいなスピード まだ焦らされ続ける あはははは、マゾ男を生殺しにするの、楽しいわ んー? もっとはやく動かしたいって? はぁ?早くしたらおもらしする早漏の分際でなに言ってるのかしら 貴方にはこれがお似合い ふふふ、今はね 心配しなくてもどんどんエグくしてあげるわ 今はこのゆっくり責めで遊ばせなさい じゃあ、一度ストップ あははは、なぁに? いざ止められるとじれったいの? あのゆっくりな刺激でも欲しくなっちゃう体になってるの? 少しの刺激での欲しくてたまらなくなる淫乱な肉体 そういう風に加工してくれたのは誰かしら? ふふふ、私よね? 感謝しなさい ほぁら、餌の時間よ?マゾ男くん [シコシコ1] 私のシコシコボイスが脳みそに流れ込んでくる 逆らえない 全部私に支配されてるのよ? もう逃げられないし、逃がさない あーあ、怪しいお姉様の言うがままにオナニーなんかしちゃうからこういうことになるのよ? お遊戯みたいにリズム取られてしーこ、しーこ ふふふ、お上手でちゅねー、あははははは もっとそのバカみたいなオナニーさらしなさい 見てて面白いの、ふふふ でも、こうやってじわじわしたオナニーしてたらオナニーも満足に出来ないみたいに見えるわね 貴方の唯一の取り柄のオナニーすらできなくなっちゃった 無能の役立たず状態 でも、仕方ないわよね? 一気に扱かせたらあっというまぴゅっぴゅ、溜まったザーメン溢れちゃうもの 私、当分射精を許可しないから 今のうちにこのゆっくりシコシコを楽しんでおきなさい どんどん余裕なんて消し飛んで、「射精はダメ、射精したらお姉様に怒られちゃうー」ってなっさけないことしか考えられなくなるんだから はぁい、ストップ これくらいじゃ射精しそうになってないわよね? 私、これくらいじゃ全然余裕って前提で話してるわよ? じれったさを与えるための射精に届かない無意味なオナニー こんな風に [シコシコ1] だから、もし射精が少しでも迫ってきちゃってる残念おちんちんだったら論外 もう私の前から消えていいわよ? この程度で射精きちゃうのなら、おもらし確定だもの ほらほら、だからもっと切なさを蓄えてちょうだい おちんちんはじんじんする? 金玉はきゅんきゅんする? 顔はトロトロ? ねぇねぇ、シコシコでどんどん狂ってよ 貴方の惨めなオナニー、もっとみせなさい、あはははは これだから、マゾをからかうと楽しいの それで私のおもちゃに作り替えてあげるの まだ、ここまでは仕込みだけ 本格的におもちゃになるのはこれから ストップ

Irritating Masturbation

03 You can let go of your penis now, okay? Huhuhu, and now, the awaited orgasm ban masturbation starts. But I wonder if this is allright. I've only teased your penis a bit through your ears, so it can't be helped if you want to touch it now. But I wonder if you're up for what comes next. I mean, this debauched penis has become so ripe and sensitive. Huhuhu, so do your best, even if it kills you. Squeeze your penis. Now. Huhuhuhu, it's oozing and overflowing. It's more than ready to ejaculate. But that is none of my concern. I am not allowing you to cum. Fufufufu, shall we start? [Shikoshiko 1] Theere we go, it's shikoshiko time. As long as you hear this voice, you do nothing but jerk off to its rhythm. This is my command to you. I want absolute obedience. But aren't you glad to finally be able to jerk off? This speed however seems a bit irritating. It will get even more irritating. Ahahahaha, you're doing it like a male maso zombie. This is so fun! Hmm? Do you you want to move faster? Huh? Are you saying you want to quickly pee out your lowly premature ejaculation? That would suit you well. Hehehe, but now... You have nothing to worry about. I'll gradually make it harder, you'll see. For now, let me gently and playfully tease you. Yes, stop here. Ahahaha, what's the matter? Is it vexing to stop all of a sudden? Was this gentle stimulus enough to make your body desire something? Just a little bit of stimulus turned it into debauched flesh, with uncontrollable desire. I wonder who made you like that? Huhuhu, that's right. I did. Give me you gratitude, will you? Come on now, it's feeding time. You maso man-boy. [Shikoshiko 1] My shikoshiko voice flows directly into your brain. Do not disobey it. I have full control over you now. You can't escape anymore, not that I'd let you. "Haah, if that weird onee-sama says I should masturbate, then it probably must be that way." Shiiko shiiko, like a playful rhythm. Huhuhu, you're getting pretty good at this, ahahaha! Do show me more of that foolish masturbation. It's very interesting to watch, huhuhu. But it doesn't look like you'll get satisfied by this tiny bit of masturbation. Masturbation is your only redeeming quality, it's all you can do. In this state, you're an incompetent blockhead. But it can't be helped. It just takes one short stroke, and all the piled up semen in your balls would spew-spew and overflow in the wink of an eye. So, for now you don't have my permission to cum. Just enjoy this this gentle shikoshiko for now. And as your resistance is slowly withering away can't help but think: "I can't cum, or else onee-sama will get angry at me!", or something pitiful like that. Yes, stop! This much does not make you cum, right? But what would be required to make your resistance blow away after this much? I'll tell you: Nonsense masturbation where you're not allowed to orgasm, and only end up impatient. Like this. [Shikoshiko 1] So, if your orgasm happens to be slowly drawing near, then I'm afraid your penis is completely out of luck. Just go ahead and vanish in front of me. If this much is making you cum, then it's nothing but pee. So listen here, I still have lots more painful things for you in stock. Is your penis tingling? Are your balls tightening up. Getting drowsy eyed? Hey, jerking off slowly drives you mad. Show me more how you pathetically jerk off! Ahahaha! This is why mocking masochists is so much fun! With this, I'm remolding you into my plaything. After this, there's still lots of training to do. We're now turning you into a full-fledged toy. Stop.

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