Track 2

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ふふふふ、じゃあ、最初は耳から (以下囁き) ほら、私がこんなに近くにいるよー? 耳元で囁いてるの ふーーーー うふふふふ、くすぐったいかなぁ? でも、それだけじゃないよね? 背筋がぞくぞくーってなって体の奥からジンジン火照りがにじみ出てきちゃうんでしょ? 知ってるんだよ? こうやってえっちな気分、煽り出しちゃうから うふふふ、こうやって囁かれるだけで満足? 違うんだよね? お耳にいたずらされたいんだよね? 隠してもダメだよ? 私、知ってるんだから? (口の中で水音を立てる5秒) 私の口の中の音、聞こえる? 口の中で舌をいやらしく動かしてるんだよ? (口の中で水音を立てる5秒) 私の舌、ヌメヌメですごくえっち 舌先、耳に触れる直前まで伸ばしてあげるね れーーーー、ふふふ、ここまでだよ もう少しで舌先がキミのお耳に当たっちゃうところだったね? あぶないあぶない、おあずけだよ、ふふふ ふーーーー お姉さんに焦らされちゃったね? ふふ、恥ずかしがらなくて大丈夫だよ? お姉さんにこんなに近くで囁かれたら意地悪して欲しくなるのは当たり前 当然なんだよ? うふふ、かわいい あんまりかわいいからついキミのことからかっちゃうの、ごめんね? でも、キミもお待ちかねみたいだし、私の舌で耳にいたずらはじめちゃうね? でも、その前に約束 おちんちんに触るのはだめ そこは後でたっぷり触らせてあげるからね? いいこで待っててね? じゃあ、お耳、いくね? (優しい耳舐め15秒) ふふふ、感じてるね キミってえっちなんだね? だって耳舐めでこんなにぞくぞくってなっちゃってる 気持ちよくなってくれてるんだ? 私、とっても嬉しいよ だから、いっぱいしてあげるね? (優しい耳舐め15秒) ふーーーーー うふふふふ、まだおちんちんはだめだよ? 今は体に快楽を溜め込みましょうね? おちんちん、ムズムズして切ないかなぁ? でも、そのムズムズが貯まれば貯まるほどおちんちんシコシコ気持ちよくなるからね もっと、オナニーの下ごしらえ、しましょう? (優しい耳舐め20秒) 体の疼きどんどん大きくなっちゃうね? おちんちんムズムズ、たまたまきゅんきゅん うふふふ、かわいい じゃあ、今度は反対側のお耳もいたずらしちゃおっかなぁ? ほぉら、今度はこっち 私の唾液でベトベトにしてあげる たっぷりしみこませるから、いやらしい気持ちでいっぱいになっていいんだよ? (優しい耳舐め15秒) もう心の中はピンク色だね お姉さんに横からエッチなこと言われてもうエロエロ もしかしたらぱんつにいやらしいシミ、つくっちゃってるかもしれないね? 女の子みたい うふふ、感じてるなら女の子みたいに声あげてもいいんだよ? あ、あ、あぁんって 聞いててあげるから (優しい耳舐め15秒) 体の火照り、すごいことになってたりするのかなぁ? すぐにでもおちんちんしこしこして精液出したい? うふふふ、ダメだって言ったよね? キミには一番きもちいい射精、してもらうんだから それまではお・あ・ず・け、だよ (優しい耳舐め20秒) うふふ、もう出来上がっちゃいましたね (囁きここまで)

Ear Licking

Fufufufu, well, let's start with the ears. (Whispering here) Listen? I'm so close to you. Whispering in your ear. Fuuuu~ Ufufufufu, I guess you're ticklish? But that's not all, isn't it? There's a jolt going through your spine, and a hot flash going through your body, wasn't there? Don't you know? You're getting into a sexy mood, all by a bit of blowing. Ufufufu, is whispering enough for you? You want more, right? You wanna be teased on your ears. You can't hide it from me. Because I know. (5 seconds wet mouth sounds) Can you hear the sounds from my mouth? My tongue in my mouth is moving around so indecently, right? (5 seconds wet mouth sounds) My wet tongue is so very sexy. I'll put my tongue right before your ear now, and sloowly stretch it out. Ree~, ufufu, right until here. Just a little bit more, and my tongue could touch your ear. Careful. Careful, gotta keep it like this. Fuuuu~ Oneechan's just playing around with you, right? Hehe, don't be so nervous. Everything's alright. It's only natural that oneesan would want to get a bit mean by whispering so closely to you. Of course is it. Ufufu, you're so cute. You're so cute, I just can't resist you. Sorry about that. Anyway, you've been waiting for this, me teasing you with my tongue, right? But before that, you must promise me something. You can't touch your penis. There will be plenty of time for that later on. Just wait for it, like a good boy, okay? Allright, let's do your ear, now. (Gentle ear licking 15 seconds) Hehehe, are you feeling it? The sexy feelings in you? To think that licking your ears would be such a thrill. Are you starting to feel good? That makes me so happy. In that case, I'll do it lots more. (Gentle ear licking 15 seconds) Fuuuu~ Ufufufufu, no. It's not penis time yet. First, we need to fill your body with pleasure. Poor penis, getting so impatient and itchy. But we need to save up and stockpile that itchy feeling, then it will feel so much better. Let's do plenty of masturbation foreplay now. (Gentle ear licking 20 seconds) The tingling in your body is getting stronger and stronger, doesn't it? And your itching penis, sometimes it twitched on its own. Ufufufu, so cute. Now, let's tease you in your other ear a bit, shall we? Helloo, now from this side. I'll make it soggy wet with my saliva. I'll soak it up completely, so the lewd feelings can get even stronger. (Gentle ear licking 15 seconds) Your heart is taking on a pink color already. The way oneesan whispers sexy things in your ear is so very erotic. Perhaps, you're already making a lewd little stain on your underpants? Just like a girl? Ufufu, if you can feel it, it's fine if you moan like a girl too. "Ah, ahh, ahhn~", like this. Please let me hear it. (Gentle ear licking 15 seconds) I wonder if the hot flashes in your body are getting stronger now. You'd like to pull out your penis right now, start rubbing and ejaculate, right? Ufufufu, but as I told you. Not yeeet. Because I want to give you the beeest orgasm ever. But until then... you. have. to. wait. (Gentle ear licking 20 seconds) Ufufu, I think we're finished here. (Whispering ends here)

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