Track 3

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じゃあ、次のステップに行きましょう もし、上に服を着てるなら胸のあたりまでまくりあげてね うふふ、できたかな? これから、何をさせられちゃうんでしょうね? 答えは、乳首いじりだよ だって、さっきは女の子にみたいに可愛く感じてたんだから、こっちも好きかなーって思っちゃった 女の子みたいにぷっくりした乳首も勃起させちゃいましょう? まずは乳首の近く、乳輪のあたりに指をおいてね 両方の乳輪に、だよ あ、乳首に触っちゃダメだよ? そこは焦らしちゃうから、うふふふ、後のお楽しみ はぁい、できたかな? うふふ、偉いぞ じゃあ、その乳輪に沿って円を書くように指でなぞってみよっか? どうぞ ふふふ、触るか触らないかの位置で円をかくとからだがびくびくってなっちゃうくらいいいからね? それを何度も何度も くーるくる、くーるくる 乳首のまわりをくーるくる うふふ、おちんちんにも気持ちよさが伝わっていっちゃうね? まだまだおちんちんに快楽、溜め込むからね? だから、もっと焦らされちゃってね? うふふ、そろそろ乳首に触りたい? そうだよね? でも、まだだよ? ここでもたっぷり焦らしちゃうから 意地悪なお姉さんでごめんね? 次は、もっと乳首に近い位置で円を書いてください 乳首スレスレのあぶなーい距離 どうぞ ぞくぞく、ぞくぞく うふふ、乳首、ぷくぅうってたってきちゃうね でも、そこはまだお姉さんにいいって言われてないもんね? うふふふ、乳首はまだだよ? ほら、くーるくる、乳首の周りをくーるくる 女の子みたいに敏感なんだね? うふふ、いやらしんだー でも、乳輪だけでそんなに気持ちいいんなら乳首いじったらどうなっちゃうんだろうね? うふふふ、じゃあ乳首いってみよっか? まずは、乳首は軽くこりこりって引っ掻くみたいにさわってみようね? ほぉら、こりこり こりこり、続けて? もー、そんなに感じちゃってー おちんちんむずむず止まんなくなっちゃっても知らないぞ? 私は乳首こりこりしてねっていったけど、そこまで感じてっていってないからね?うふふ いやらしんだから 次は、乳首を親指と中指で挟んでね そう、そのまま指をスライドさせてねちねちってこねちゃいましょう ほら、ねちねち、ねちねち、ねちねち 勃起した乳首がこねくり回されて気持ちいいね? 可愛い乳首が指でいじめられちゃってるよ? もっとしていいからね? ねちねち、ねちねち こねるの楽しいね? じゃあ、次、乳首をそのままつまんで 上にぎゅーーーって引っ張っちゃうの 快楽がたっぷりつまった勃起乳首、つまんで引っ張ろうね? ほぉら、ぎゅーーー、ぎゅーーー 繰り返してね? うふふふ、乳首ちょっと強くつままれたまま引っ張られちゃってる 男の子なのに乳首で遊んで気持ちよくなっちゃうなんていけないんだぞ めっ、うふふふふ でも、気持ちいいんだから仕方ないんだもんね? いいんだよ? お姉さんは全部受け止めてあげるから、乳首オナニーできもちよくなって? じゃあ、一度休憩 名残惜しそうな顔しないの まだ、乳首でさせてあげるから 今度はお姉さんのリズムに合わせて乳首を一緒にいじめちゃおうね こりこり2回、ねちねち2回、ぎゅーーーを1回させてあげるからお姉さんのリズムに合わせていじるんだよ? いい? いくね? こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー 上手く出来たかな? もう一回いくね? こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー うふふ、上手上手 お姉さんに乳首いじるところいっぱい見せて? ちょっと恥ずかしくいかもしれないけど、その恥ずかしさも頭をとろとろにしてくれるよ? だから、もう一回 こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー ちょっとはやくいくね? ついてきて こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー 恥ずかしいね?お姉さんに見られて でも、もっと乳首いじっちゃおうね? じゃあ、このはやさで連続 こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー こりこり、こりこり、ねちねち、ねちねち、ぎゅーーー うふふ、偉いぞ 乳首オナニー、上手にできたね

Nipple Masturbation

Now, let's go over to the next step. Could you please roll up your shirt all the way above your chest? Ufufu, ready? You wonder what we're going to do now, hm? The answer is: Playing with your nipples. I mean, just before you looked so adorable, feeling like a girl. So I believe, you're going to love this. Let's make your nipples puffy and plump, just like a girl's. First, just place your fingers on your areola. Do it on both sides, okay? Ah, but don't touch your nipples directly. We'll do that later, ufufu, I'm looking forward to it already. Okay? Are you ready? Ufufu, well done. Now, trace your fingers around your areola, like drawing a circle. Go ahead. Fufufu, just going in circles, without touching that place feels so good that it makes you tingle, hm? Do it over and over again. Circle circle, circle circle Just ciircle around your nipples. Ufufu, the pleasure is flowing down to your penis, right? More pleasure to your penis, we still have to save up lots more, hm? Therefor, let's tease you eeven more. Ufufu, you wanna touch your nipples already? Do you? Not yet. We still have plenty of teasing to do here. I'm sorry for being such a meany sister. So next, circle a little bit closer to your nipples. But be careful, just right at the edge. Go ahead. Tingly, tingly. Ufufu, your nipples're getting nice and puffy now. But sis told you not to go too far. Ufufufu, how about the nipples now? Look, circle circle, just around your nipples. You're sensitive like a girl, hm? Ufufu, so lewwwd. But, if the areola feel so good already, how will the nipples feel in the end? Ufufufu, well, let's take a look shall we? First of all, just touch your nipples very lightly, lightly rubbing on them with a scratching movement. Heere we go, rubby rubby. Rubby rubby, keep going. Aww noo, this is how it feels? "My dick's getting so itchy here. Don't you care one bit about that?" But I said please rub your nipples, so put up with that sensation for now. Ufufu Because it's so lewd. Next, hold your nipples between your thumb and your middle finger. Like this, lightly rub them with a sliding movement, as if you were kneading little dough balls. You know, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, kneady kneady. Does kneading your erect nipples feel good? Teasing your adorable little teats with your fingers? Then let's do it some more. Kneady kneady, kneady kneady Kneading is so much fun. And next, pinch your nipples a bit. Lightly stretch and puuuuull them upwards. Your pleasure packed, puffy nipples. Pinch and hold them out. Heere we go. Pull... pulll. Let's do that again, shall we? Ufufufu, but this time, stretch them a little bit harder. "I'm a guy here. I can't feel this good from playing with my nipples!" Hush my dear. Ufufufufu But who can help it, if it feels so good, hm? It's alright. Just let oneesan take care of everything, and let your nipples feel good. Now then, let's take a little break. Aw, what's with the down face? I'll still let you play with your nipples. But now, let's tease your nipples together. Just follow my rhythm. First you rub twice, then you knead twice, and then pull up once. All to my teasing rhythm. Understood? Let's go. Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull You're pretty good at this. Let's do it again. Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull Ufufu, very very good. Show oneesan how skillfully you can tease your nipples. It might be a bit embarrassing, but that embarrassment also makes your face melt. So, one more time. Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull A bit faster now. Just follow me. Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull Embarassed? Oneesan can see it. But we're still not done with your nipples yet. Now, let's gradually get faster. Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull Rubby rubby, Rubby rubby, kneady kneady, kneady kneady, puuull Ufufu, well done. You're such a great nipple masturbator.

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