Track 4

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んー? おちんちんむずむずつらいの? そっかー じゃあ、そのおちんちんも下ごしらえしないとね おちんちんの上に利き手をおいて? あ、パンツの上からだかね? まだ、直接触るのはだめ、うふふ じゃあ、置いた手を優しく前後に動かして? すーりすーりって優しくゆっくり どうぞ? すーりすーり、すーりすーり 優しくなでるみたいに おちんちんの熱さがねっとりと手に染み込んでくるね? うふふ、それどころじゃないかなぁ? 焦らすみたいな刺激がおちんちんに流れ込んでるんだから でも、手はゆっくり だってお姉さんがまだゆっくりって言ってるんだから 切ない?ねぇ、切ないの? もー、仕方ないなー もう片方の手で乳首いじいじしてていいよ? こりこりでもねちねちでもいいよ? 好きにいじっていいからね うふふ、切なさが強くなっちゃうかもしれないね 私、別にキミに恨みがあって焦らしてるんじゃないからね? キミに焦らして焦らして、我慢して、その先の最高の射精でとろとろになって欲しいからしてるんだよ? だから、すーり、すーり もしかしたら、パンツのシミが広がっちゃうかもしれないね? いいんだよ? 一緒にいやらしいシミ付きパンツ、作っちゃおうね? そのパンツがべちょべちょになればなるほど射精も激しくなるんだよ? こうしてる間もたまたまの中では精液がいっぱい作られてるの とろとろ精液でたまたま満たそうね すーり、すーり、すーり うふふ、焦らされながらのオナニーもっと楽しんで? すーり、すーり、すーり、優しくゆっくり うふふふ、手を止めてちょうだい

Petting Masturbation

Hmm? Is your penis getting itchy? Is that so...? Well, I think we've grilled it long enough. Go on and place your dominant hand on your penis. Ah, your pants are in the way? Not yet. We're still not touching it directly, ufufufu. Well, just touch it gently with your hands and move around a bit. Touch and feel it, gently and relaxed. Please. Petty petty, petty petty. Like gently petting a cat. Something warm and sticky is flowing into your hands. Ufufu, you wonder how that happened? It's because all the teasing stimulus flowed directly into your penis. However, keep your hands relaxed for now. Take it easy, just like oneesama tells you. It it painful? Hey, is this too hard? Hmm, can't be helped. You can go back to your nipple with your other hand then any time you want. Rubbing and kneading it, it's all fine by me. Tease yourself all you like. Ufufu, the sad pain might get even stronger then. As for me, I don't tease you because I don't like you. I just want to tease and tease you until you can't stand it anymore, to give you the best orgasm in the world. So there, petty petty, petty petty. I wonder, maybe your whole pants are soiled already? That's just fine. Let's soil it even more, it'll go well with the lewd smell. If your pants are so soggy wet right now, you wonder how intense you'll cum in the end? As we speak, there's lots of semen building up inside your pants. Let's fill your balls up to the brim with simmering cum. Petty, petty, petty Ufufu, teasing it will make masturbating so much more fun. Petty, petty, petty, gently and slowly. Ufufufu, now please stop your hands now.

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