[Introduction] File name: 01_introduction
The important thing during this voice play is to relax.
By relaxing and unraveling the body and mind, you can obediently accept my voice.
First, let's do some deep breathing.
Take a deep breath in, and out.
Deep breathing is especially relaxing for the heart.
One more time, deep breath in and deep breath out.
Just drain your body of strength, bit by bit.
Because just by listening to my voice, you can easily and gently let the time pass away.
Yes, take a big breath in and out.
Relax your body and your heart, and just listen to my voice.
Comfy body and comfy breathing~.
Slowly, gently, as you give in your body to your chair, let's drain your strength.
First, your arms. Make a fist with both hands~, and relax~.
Let your arms tingle as they relax~.
Next, give your shoulders some strength by raising them up~, and relax~.
You feel a relaxing tingle from your shoulders to your arms.
Next, strengthen both your legs, and relax~.
Your whole body is relaxing quite well here.
And lastly, give your whole body some strength~, and let it all out~.
Rela~x, and feel it tingling.
Entrust your body to your chair, and, release all strength, and relax please.
Hear my voice, in this loose feeling.
This is you and me time.
The time where you're all free, with nothing to bother you.
So, forget all your unpleasant and painful things, and let your usual self do whatever it wants.
Yes, take a big breath in~, and out~.
The more you breathe, the more surplus strength leaves your body, letting you relax even better.
Also, my voice can easily drain into your relaxed body.
Slowly, gently.
It's slowly draining and flowing into your deepest body.
Flowing... Flowing...
It's alright, it's just you and me now.
Open your heart, and accept my voice, please.
Doing so, you can release your usual self, and meet a very new side of you.
Reset all the unpleasant and painful things to make a new you.
That is a really wonderful thing.
So, just forget all your usual pain, and make an all new self, just for now.
With this new self, you can enjoy fun and happiness you have never felt before.
There, just by hearing my voice, you slowly and gradually relax.
And my voice also flows aall the way into your body.
This is the happy time, for just you and me.
So, time to be happy.
Forget everything, and just enjoy this time.