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注意事項をよく読んでから聞いてね 必要な準備とかは全部そっちにまとめて書いといたから最低でも一回は読むんだよ? まだの人は一旦音声を止めて準備を整えてきてね 準備は整った? うふふ、偉い偉い あったかい恰好で布団をかぶってリラックス 寝るときとおんなじ ただし目は開けたままでいてね? ぱっちりあけておく必要はないよ 力を抜いて半開きにしておくだけで十分 うふふ、布団をかぶって横になってるのに寝ちゃダメなんてつらいかな? この状態になったら眠くなっちゃうって体が覚えてるから仕方ないんだけどね 眠くなってくるだろうけど我慢だよ? ねぇ、いつも寝ちゃうときってどんな感じ? だんだんと眠気が増していって、徐々に眠っていくのがわかる感じ? それとも、すーっと気づかない間に意識が消えていく感じ? 人によっていろいろだと思うけど気持ちいい感覚はみんな同じなのかもね 眠ることが気持ちいいのは当たり前のことだから 心の疲れも体の疲れも気持ちよく抜けていくし、体から力を抜いても大丈夫 それに、何も考えなくていい とっても楽な状態だよね? 少しすると体がポカポカあったかくなってきて あったかさが増してくるとなんだか幸せな気分になっていく ふわふわしていて、とってもいい気分 体も、心も、ふわふわしていて幸せ すーっと抜けていく ストレスも、疲れも、すーっと抜けていく 手足の先までだんだんとあったまっていく 心も体もじんわりとあったまっていく 温まってくると今度はどろんとした眠気が押し寄せてくる とろーんとろーんとした眠気 でもなぜか目を閉じてしまいたいと思わなくなってくる 不思議だね?うふふ 目も口も半開き、だらしなく力の抜けた状態 体の力も、心の力も、だらんと開いたところから抜けていく とーってもだらしなーい状態 それでいいんだよ 今から学校に行ったり、仕事に行ったりするわけじゃないんだし もっともっと力を抜いてリラックスしよ? もっともっと気持ちよくなろう? 私の声が君に気持ちよく響く 水面に息を吹きかけるように、私は優しくささやく とろーんとした感覚が増していく とろとろにとろけて、クリームになっていくような、不思議な感じ とろとろのあったかいクリーム あまい、あまーいクリーム 今から、とーっても不思議な音が流れてくる 君をもっととろとろにしてくれる心地よい音 あまーい気持ちよさを与えてくれる、不思議な音 はじめは小さな音からスタート 徐々に音のなるほうへ君の意識は近づいていく 耳をすませて? (音) 音が体に響き渡っていく 音が体にしみわたっていく とろとろにとろけた君の意識をもっともっと、とろとろにしてくれる 君の中に直接響いて君を心地の良いほうへ導いてくれる 水面に波紋が広がるように、君の中に響き渡っていく 気持ちいい 少しずつ音が近づいてくる 君も音に近づいていく もっともっととろとろになろう? もっともっと気持ちよくなろう? この音は私の世界へと続く道しるべ 音の世界へと君の意識は近づいていく だんだんと体の感覚が曖昧になっていき だんだんと音の感覚が鮮明になっていく 私の世界へ来て? とっても、とーっても、気持ちよくしてあげるよ? もっと音に近づいて? もっと私の声に近づいて? そうすれば、もっと私に近づける 君に、もっと近づきたいの こっちへ来て? 音についていけば、私の世界へ来れる ほーら、音が動きはじめるよ? 振り子のように左右へ行ったり来たり 動き始める ついてきて? 気持ちの良い音がゆっくりと 左右に動いている とろとろになった君の内側を左右に揺り動かすように ゆっくりと動いている 君の意識もそれに合わせてゆっくり動き出す 右へ、左へ ゆっくりと音が君の意識と重なっていく もっともっと気持ちよくなっていく 左右に動く音に合わせて、君の頭も少しずつ動き出す 音で目を追うみたいに 右へ、左へ ゆっくりと 頭が左右にゆっくりと動く より気持ちいいように、勝手に動いてくれる ゆらーりゆらーり、揺れ動く 自然な心地よさ もっともっと気持ちよさに身をゆだねて まだ、目は開けてるかな? 閉じてるなら、一度目を開けてね 左右に揺れ動く不思議な音 君の意識はこの音と共にある 今から音の揺れる幅か少しずつ狭くなっていくよ 少しずつ真ん中に寄っていって 最後は真ん中の穴に落ちていく 君の意識はこの音と一緒 一緒に深いところへと、落ちていくよ ほーら、少しずつ近づいてくる もうすぐ目を閉じて気持ちのいい世界へと落ちていける 今から、カウントを始めるね? 0になったら目を閉じて落ちて行っていいよ そこはとっても気持ちのいい場所 ずっとそこにいたくなっちゃうくらい でも私が手をたたいたらちゃんと戻ってきてね? 約束だよ? じゃあ、いこっか? 5...4...3...2....1.... 0(音) ここは無意識の世界 体の感覚がとても曖昧 ふわふわ とろとろ とーっても気持ちいい 意味を理解できなくてもいい ただ私の声を感じて 体で、心で、感じてくれればそれでいい 私が数をカウントして手をたたいたら君は目を覚ます トランポリンの上で跳ねたみたいに、意識がふわりと起き上がる そしてまたすぐに重力に引かれて落ちるように 私の声でここに戻ってくる 5...4...3...2...1... 0(手をたたく) 3、2、1、0で君はさっきの世界に戻る 3...2...1... 0(音) 君はまた無意識の世界に戻ってきた 0の瞬間になっていた音 あの音を聞けばすぐにこの世界へ戻ってこれる そして手をたたく音ですぐに目を覚ます 3、2、1 0(手をたたく) 繰り返せば繰り返すほど さらに深い世界へと落ちていく 1....0(音) 意識が曖昧になっていく 分かるのは気持ちいい、ただそれだけ 感覚が曖昧になっていく 1...0(手をたたく) 君はもう0の瞬間の音だけで無意識の世界へと落ちていける さぁ、行こ? 0(音) 今なった音、この音が鳴れば君の意識は自動的に切り替わる この音が鳴れば君は目を閉じて意識は自動的に切り替わる 目を覚ますときは私が手を叩いたとき 私が手を叩けば、君は目を開けてこの世界から戻っていく (手を叩く) うふふっ、いい感じになってきたねぇ ほら、何も考えなくっていいんだよ? 私の声と、私の鳴らす音だけ感じていれば、それでいい (音) 私の声が、君に気持ちよく沁み込んでいく 私はあなたに快楽を与えるだけ 私の言葉はすべて気持ちいい 私の言葉を受け入れることは気持ちいいこと (手を叩く) (音) 君はここまで私の指示に従ってきた だから、君は気持ちよくなれた そのことを君はよーくわかってる 快楽を求めることは、私に従うことと同じ (手を叩く) (音) 君は私の言葉をそのまま受け入れる 受け入れようと意識しなくても私の言葉は君に気持ちよく沁みわたる 君はただ私の言葉を感じていればいい (手を叩く) (音) 君は、私に素直に従う そうすればもっともっと快楽を与えてもらえる そのことがよーく分かっているから 素直にしていればたーっぷり可愛がってあげる (手を叩く) (音) 寝ても覚めても君は私の言うがまま 君は自分じゃ何もわからない だから、私が教えてくれるのを待っている 私の言葉を疑うなんてありえない (手を叩く) (音) 君は自分じゃ何もできない 君はまず最初に私の指示を待つ 君のために指示を出してくれる私に逆らうなんてありえない (手を叩く) (音) 私の言うことが、君にとっての真実 青いバラも赤いバラだと信じられる 君は私の前では、よく躾けられた犬のよう 私の顔色を窺いながら、私の言葉を待っている (手を叩く)


Make sure to read the Important Notes before listening, okay? It's very important to get yourself ready, so please read the notes at least once. For that, you can pause the voice play for a moment. All set and ready? Ufufu, good. Very good. Make sure you're warmly covered in your futon, to relax Just as if you were going to sleep. But keep your eyes open for now. No need to have them wide open. Just half-open without using any strength is enough. Ufufu, lying down in your futon without being allowed to sleep is kind of mean, huh? It's unavoidable, because your body remembers this state to be sleepy-time. But be patient not to fall asleep, okay? Hey, how does falling asleep feel to you? Do you gradually get sleepier, and fall asleep bit by bit? Or does your awareness *wooosh* vanish, before you even notice it? It's different for every person, but I think most would agree that it feels very nice. It's very natural that falling asleep feels good. Your tired mind and body can nicely relax, and it's okay to drain your body of strength. Also, you don't need to think about anything. It's a very comfortable state, right? As your body gets a little bit steamy warm and gradually heats up, you somehow start feeling happy. A fluffy and very nice feeling. Your body and your heart in fluffy happiness. *woosh* you relax. Your stress and fatigue, *woosh* escape. You're warming up right down to your toes. A warm feeling flows through your heart and body. And with the warmth, the sleepiness settles in. A drowsy, drowsy, sleepiness. But somehow, you don't think about wanting to close your eyes. Strange, isn't it? Ufufu. Your mouth and eyes are standing half open, as your strength loosely goes out. The strength of your mind and body are escaping from an open place. What a veery slovenly state. That's just fine. Because you're obviously not going to school or to work now. So you can relax even more and more, right? And you can feel better and better, right? My voice resounds to you like a pleasant echo. A sweet whsiper, like making ripples by blowing on a water surface. The drowsy sensation grows ever bigger. You feel yourself melting and simmering, like cream. It feels very strange. A warm, dripping cream. Sweet, sweeet cream. I am now going to play a veeery strange sound. A very pleasant sound that will make you melt even more. A wondrous sound that gives you a sweet, pleasant feeling. I'll start with just a little sound. You'll gradually become aware of it as it gets closer. Can you hear it? (sound) The sound echoes in your body. The sound penetrates your body. Your melting simmering consciousness melts down even further. As it resounds directly inside you, it leads you to a very pleasant place. It resounds inside you, like spreading ripples on a water surface. Feels good. The sound is getting louder bit by bit. It gets closer to you. So you'll melt down more and more, right? And you get to feel better and better, right? This sound keeps leading you to my world. Your awareness approaches my world. Your body is gradually starting to feel vague and fuzzy. Gradually, as the sound starts to get clearer. Come to my world. I will make you feel very, veeery good. Come close to my sound. Come even closer to my voice. With that, come closer to me. You want to come closer. Come this way. When you follow the sound, you can come into my world. Yeaah, the sound starts to move. It swings left and right, like a pendulum. It starts moving. Follow it. The pleasant sound gently swings left and right. This makes your drowsy insides begin to sway. Gently moving. Your awareness also starts to rhythmically swing. Right, left. Gently, the sound makes your awareness overlap. It starts feeling better and better. As the sound moves left and right, your head slowly follows it. Your eyes want to follow the sound. Right, left. Slowly. Your head gently swings to both sides. It moves all by itself, as if to feel good on its own. Swing, swing, wavering. A very natural comfort. Entrust your body more to this comfort. Do you still have your eyes open? If you closed them, open them again for now. This wavering left/right sound, Your awareness and this sound, Will now both sway a bit narrower. It centered itself a bit. And finally it drops down in a hole in the middle. Your awareness, together with this sound Will fall together, into a deep place. Heeere, it's slowly approaching. Very soon you can close your eyes and drop into a very pleasant world. So, I'm going to give you a countdown now. On 0, you can close your eyes and start to fall. Into a very pleasant place. A place where you've always wanted to be. But, when I clap my hands, you will return here right away. Promise? Okay, let's go. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0 (sound) This here is the subconscious world. Your body feels very vague and fuzzy. Floating. Melting. Sooo very good. You don't have to understand what it means. Just feel my voice. Just let your heart and your body feel it. When I count down now and clap my hands, you will wake up. Your awareness will softly rise, as if it jumped off a trampoline And then suddenly drop by gravity again. So you return to my voice. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0 (Claps hands) At 3, 2, 1, 0, you'll return to that world again. 3. 2. 1. 0 (sound) You are back again in the subconscious world. The sound at the 0-moment When you hear that sound, you can instantly return to this world. And when I clap my hands, you wake up right away. 3, 2, 1 0 (Claps hands) The more we repeat this The deeper you can fall into this world. 1. 0 (sound) Your consciousness is getting vague and fuzzy. All you know is, that it feels good. Your senses are getting vague and fuzzy. 1. 0 (claps hands) The 0-sound is enough to drop you into the subconscious world already. You see? 0 (sound) This sound just now automatically switches your consciousness. Hearing this sound makes you automatically close your eyes and switch your awareness. Even when I clap my hands to wake you up. When I clap my hands, you will come back from this world with open eyes. (Clap) Ufufu, this is going really well. Hey, not thinking anything is nice, huh? And feeling nothing but my voice and my sound is also nice. (sound) My voice is soaking you up with pleasure. I only give you pleasure. All my words feel good. So, accepting my words makes you feel good. (Clap) (sound) You have come here according to my suggestions. That's why you can feel so good. You understand this veeery well. To seek out pleasure, is the same as following my rules. (Clap) (sound) You accept my words as they are. Unconscious acceptance of my words makes you sink into pleasure. All you have to do is feel my words. (Clap) (sound) Obey me meekly and honestly. If you do that, I can give you more and more pleasure. You understand that veeery well. If you are meek and honest, I'll give you looots of love and affection. (Clap) (sound) As I tell you when to wake up and sleep You don't know anything yourself anymore. So, you wait for me to tell you everything Because you don't distrust my words. (Clap) (sound) You are not yourself anymore. You have been waiting for my instructions from the beginning. For your own sake, you don't disobey any kind of instruction I give to you. (Clap) (sound) What I say rings truth to you. You'll believe that there are blue roses and red roses. In front of me, you are like a well disciplined dog. You are waiting for my words, and for my mood to change. (Clap)

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