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イメージして? 口の中にだんだんと酸っぱい味がしみ出してくる 口の中にレモンのような酸っぱい味がだんだんとしみ出してくる 柑橘系のさわやかな酸味が君の口の中に広がっていく 少しずつ涎がしみ出してくる 私がいいっていうまで飲んじゃだめだよ? 我慢、我慢 ほーら、もうすぐ 口の中は酸っぱい味でいっぱい その酸っぱい味が、少しずつ甘い味に変わっていく とろーり甘い蜜の味に変わっていく 甘くって、気持ちよくって 口の端から涎が垂れてしまいそう なんだか、幸せな感覚 まだ飲んじゃ駄目 甘い幸せ、恍惚とした快楽 蜜のような味がするなにか それはもう君の涎じゃないよ? これはね?とっても気持ちよくなれるお薬 そして、とっても気持ちのいいところに行くためのお薬でもあるんだ どうなっちゃうか気になる? 詳しい効果は飲んでからのお楽しみ 先に行っておくけど、ただ気持ちよくなれるだけじゃないよ? この薬が与えてくれる快楽は、君の中のいろんなものを犠牲にして得られる破滅的な快楽 まともな体じゃなくなっちゃう まともな心じゃなくなっちゃう 変態のレッテルを張られるのに相応しい人間になっちゃう でもその代わり、ものすごーく気持ちいいよ? 無理強いはしないよ? でも、体も心も、それ飲みたがってるってわかるでしょ? 暗い穴を覗き込んだような不安感を感じているのも ゾクゾクとした期待感を感じているのも、君 飲み干したらいける場所は私の支配する変態的な快楽の世界 さっきの世界のさらに下の層にある世界 まともな人を変態に 変態をもっと変態にゆがめるための世界 あっちに落ちても意識はあるけど もう意識があってもなくても、落ちちゃったら私には完全に逆らえなくなるよ? 今から5つ数えるから、その間に決めて? 0になったら君はそれを飲み干して目を閉じる そして深い深いアブノーマルな快楽への世界へと落ちていく 嫌ならイヤホンを取って、口をすすいでくればいい じゃあ、始めるね? 5...4...3...2...1... 0(音) 落下していく ゆっくりと深い深い闇の底へと 落下していく ゾクゾクした感覚と とろけるような感覚 飲み干した薬が喉を伝い、体の奥へとしみわたっていく 強いお酒を飲んだような独特な熱さが少しずつ下へと落ちていく 頭も体もボーっとして、とろんとろん 熱病に置かされたような暑さに全身をジワジワと蕩かされていく 薬がどんどんしみわたっていく 股間の奥のあたりにジンワリとした熱さを感じる 腰砕けになって立てなくなってしまうような甘い痺れがしみわたっていく 手足の感覚はだんだんと無くなっていく 代わりに股間に感覚がどんどん集中していく 感覚や力を吸い寄せられているみたい 甘い快感と切ない疼きが強くなっていく きゅんとするような甘酸っぱい感覚に理性が揺らいで行く でも、感覚の中心は自分じゃ触れない 股間の奥の奥、自分じゃどうしようもない うふふっ、困ったね ほーら、こうしている間にもどんどん疼きも快感も強くなっていく でも自分じゃどうにもできない 芋虫みたいにもぞもぞ体をくねらせることしかできない うふふふふっ、かわいいよ、うふふ さあ、どうするの? 君じゃどうにもできないよ? 君を救うことができるのは私 ほら、どうにかしてください、助けてくださいって心の中で強くお願いしてみて? 誠意が伝わらなきゃ、何もしてあげないよ? いいよ、助けてあげる まあ、身もだえしてる君を観察してるのも楽しいんだけど あんまし虐めすぎちゃうと泣いちゃいそうだし 君が今感じてる疼きを快感 中心になってるのは股間の奥 ちんぽとアナルの間あたり 君の体は、自分じゃ自由に動かせない 私の指示には忠実に従って動く さあ、お行儀よくおちんぽを指先で触れている状態にして? うふふっ、オナニーはじめちゃだめだよ? ただ体の奥の快感を感じるためだけに使ってね 君の股間の奥に、とっても気持ちよくなれる、おちんぽより気持ちよくなれるものを作ってあげる 特定の音に反応して全身に波紋が広がるような素晴らしい快感を与えてくれる 純粋に快楽を感じるためだけの器官を植え付けてあげる 君のお尻の穴、おけつマンコをじゅっぽじゅっぽ犯されるよりももっと気持ちいい 人生がくるってしまうような、麻薬のような快楽を与えてくれる夢のような器官を おちんぽの奥の奥と、おけつマンコの奥の前立腺との間 おちんぽと前立腺との間 直接触れるのであれば、一番強烈な快楽を得られるであろう場所 そこを私が調教してあげる 音によってキュンキュンと痙攣し 快感で体中をビクビクと痙攣される 素晴らしい快感を与えてくれるいやらしいものに作り替えてあげる 今から私が流す音は、君のそこに唯一直接的な快感を与えてくれる 初めは小さな音から流すね 快感のレベルも小さいから初めのほうは余計にもどかしいかも でも君の股間の中心をピンポイントに刺激してくれるからたまらないと思うよ? 波紋が広がるように、全身に快感が広がるから、全身ビクビク痙攣しちゃうかも 音量は徐々に大きくなるから初めのほうから悶えてたら後が大変だよ? できるだけ感じないように頑張ったほうがいいかもね まあ無理だろうけど さあ、耳を澄ませて? 行くよ? 感じて? 体の芯、心の奥を震わせる 甘い快感 音が続けば続くほど 敏感になっていく 体が快感を求めて 最適化されていく より敏感に よりいやらしく 股間に響く音 全身にさざ波のように広がる快感 蕩けそうな甘い痺れ 貪欲にあさましく快感だけを求めている 餌を一粒落とされて、それに必死にむしゃぶりつく 恥も外聞もない あるのは快感を切望する心だけ ふふっ、いい顔になってきたね だんだんと快楽に脳が神経が侵されていく 甘い快感と幸福感 そしてさらに強い快感を求める切ない気持ち 君っていう存在の中心は ここだよ わかる? こーこ 君は心や理性で行動するんじゃないの すべてここを中心に ここを満足させるために行動するの 自分のここを満足させるためだけに生きてるの 君はそのためならどんな下劣なことだってしちゃうよ? 君を満足させられるのは私だけ その私に媚びるためならなんだってしちゃう 土下座だろうと、なんだろうと ねぇ? 足をなめろって言われても当たり前のようにやっちゃう 君の理性なんて何の役にも立たない 甘い快感に蕩かされて、すぐにダメになっちゃう ここは私が取り付けてあげた器官 人を内側からジワジワと壊していく悪魔の器官 君はここに支配されている そしてここを支配しているのは私 君は今からここで私に壊されちゃうんだよ? めっちゃくちゃに音でレイプしてあげるね? アッハハハ、おしっこ我慢してる子供みたいに股間を抑えて悶絶してる 可愛いけどすっごく間抜け 体中の穴という穴からいろんなものが漏れ出しちゃうくらい強烈でしょう? 先走り汁ピュクピュクお漏らししちゃいまちゅねー 一方的にこんなによがらされて情けないでちゅかー?アハハハッ 快感を感じるのに邪魔なもの 君のプライドや理性は、穴という穴、毛穴からさえも出ていってしまう 波紋のような快楽で、みーんなとろけて押し出されてしまう 代わりに発狂しちゃうくらいのもどかしさと切ない疼きをいれてあげるね? 君のこと、完全に壊してあげる さっきの気持ちいい音は一旦お預け 今度は、もどかしさと切なさが一気に倍増する音を君のそこに仕込んであげる 心も体も、ぐちゃぐちゃがばがばになるまで犯しまくって 2度と元に戻らないように毒液をたっぷり塗り込んであげる 嬉しいでしょ?アハハハッ ほーら、今から流れてくる音に耳を澄ませて? 君をとっても素敵な状態にしてくれる音だよ 体にもどかしい刺激をジワジワと与えてくれて 切なくってたまらない心の疼きを倍増させてくれる音 君は拒否できない 私には絶対に逆らえない 体の内側を触れるか触れないかのタッチですーっと撫でられているような カリカリと爪で遊ばれているような 気持ちいい、けどもどかしい もっと強い刺激がほしいのに決して与えてくれない 股間の奥、君の一番やらしいところにどんどん切なさともどかしさが溜まっていく そこだけじゃなくって、もっと他の場所も感じて? まずは、乳首あたりからいこっか うふふっ意識したとたんからびくっとしたでしょ? 今どうなってるの?ピンと勃起してるのかな? 君のいやらしい左右の、ち・く・び 服に触れてるだけでも気持ちいいよね? 気にし出したらもう止まらない ほーら、気にしないようにしないとどんどん感じちゃうよ? 乳首、服でこすれて気持ちいいね 我慢、我慢、気にしないようにしないと うふふっ、体くねらせたら服が動いてむずがゆくってもどかしくって切なくて でも、じっとしてても逆に意識しちゃって感じちゃう もう止められないね そこに、この音! あははっ、吐息が色っぽくなってきたよ? きっともうおちんぽ、グチョグチョに濡れちゃってるだろうね 君は乳首で感じておちんぽ濡らしちゃう恥ずかしい子なんだよ? うふふっ、恥ずかしいね 恥ずかしい、もどかしい、切ない 口から少しずつ吐息に交じって喘ぎ声が漏れてくる ほらほら、素直になって? 女の子みたいな声出していいんだよ? 手足の先までもが切なく感じる 力が入らなくなっていく 女の子レベルの力になっちゃう 自分がどんどん弱っていくのに、それがとっても気持ちいい 落ちていくのは気持ちいい 抗いようもない足元が溶けおちていくような快楽 少しでも味を知ってしまったら、もう戻れない お尻の穴も切ないんでしょ? ほーら、音がアナルをくすぐっていって ここ、いいでしょ? け・つ・ま・ん・こ うふふっ、神様はなんでこんなところに性感帯を作っちゃったんだろうね? ここの快感にはまって身を持ち崩す男がたくさんいるのに 大の男がお尻の音をじゅっぽじゅっぽ犯されてヒィヒィよがるようになるんだから傑作よね 快楽に屈して、かつては自分が変態って蔑んでいたものに成り下がるの 君も今からそうなるんだよ どう?ゾクゾクする? ほら、ほら、おけつまんこキュンキュン痙攣しちゃうでしょ? アハハハッ、気持ちいいでちゅかー? んー?おまんこいいの? おけつまんこ、たまらない? うふふっ、この淫乱 そんなに感じちゃっていいの? どんどん体がメスの快楽を覚えちゃうよ? 女みたいなよがり声が止められない、やらしい体になっちゃうよ? アハハッ、もう手遅れ もう君はおけつまんこだけじゃなく、乳首もちんぽも脳までも音が鳴っただけでアンアン悶えちゃう恥ずかしい体になっちゃったの 泣いちゃいそうになるくらい情けないでちゅねー? アハハハッ ほら、ほら!もっと感じて? もっと悶えて? 音が鳴るたびに体中の性感帯がムズムズとうごめく 気持ちいい、けど決して満足できない 表面を撫でまわされたりくすぐられるだけ 疼きがどんどんたまっていく 切なくって、もどかしくって、泣いてしまいそう アハハッ、女に本当に泣かされてみる? 泣きべそかきながら犯されてみる? きっと気持ちいいよ? でも、まだ駄目 もっともっと追い詰めてから もっともっと情けない状態に追い込んであげる ジワジワとジワジワと 暗い穴の底へと引きずり込んであげる もっと悶えて? もっと感じて? おちんぽからはもうずっと涙流し続けてるんでしょ? 乳首もけつまんこもキュンキュンしちゃってたまらないんでしょ? まだまだだよ? もっともっと悶えるの そうすれば... こうやってご褒美あげるから ほーら、こうやってエッチな感覚を極限まで高められて この音流されるとたまんないでしょ? ジワジワと、釣り上げられて 快感を感じれば感じるほど、もっといやらしい体になっていくよ? 条件反射で悶絶するようになっていくの ほらほら?どんどん君の体がいやらしく調教されていく 早く逃げないと手遅れになっちゃうよ? ほら、立ち上がって逃げていいんだよ? できるもんならね、うふふっ もう、快感で力が入らない すぐに腰砕けにされちゃう イヤホンを取ることすらできなくなっている 赤ちゃんか芋虫くらいの力しか君には残っていないんだよ? もぞもぞ動いて、体をくねらせるくらいしかできないの もう君はとっくの昔に手遅れ 君はもう私になぶられ、犯されるだけなの 永遠に私からは逃げられない もうこの音じゃないと満足できない 私に虐めてもらわないと満足できない 君はもう、心も体も快楽の薬で縛られたみじめで哀れな私のペットなの

Suggestions & Discipline

Image it. A sour flavor is slowly oozing out from your mouth. Feel it getting sour, as if you had a piece of lemon inside your mouth. Refreshing citrus acid is spreading inside your mouth. It slowly waters your mouth. Do not swallow it until I tell you to, okay? Hold back, patience. Yeahh, almost there. Your mouth is filled to the brim with sour flavor. And now, this sour flavor is slowly going sweet. A sweet, melting taste of honey. So sweet that it feels good. You're starting to drool from your mouth. Somehow, you feel so happy. Do not drink it yet. This sweet happiness, ecstatic pleasure. Something honey flavored Something that makes you drool? You know, what this is? It's a very pleasant drug. It's a drug that lets you visit a very pleasant place. Would you like to know what's going to happen? The detailed effects will make you enjoy drinking it. You're been there before, but it only felt good there, didn't it? But the pleasure this drug gives you is of destructive nature, at the cost of many things inside you. Your body will no longer be decent. Your heart will no longer be decent. You'll become a human who'd be just appropriate with a HENTAI-sticker on his face. But on the other hand, it will feel extremely good. I'm not forcing you to anything. But, your heart and body already know they want to swallow it. You're starting to feel anxious, as if you're looking down a dark hole. And you also feel a shivering sense of anticipation. Once you drink it, I can control you and take you to my world of abnormal pleasure. Into an even deeper layer than the world from before. A distorted world where a decent man becomes a pervert And where a pervert becomes even more perverted. When you go there, you might still have your awareness Or you might be already unaware. In any case, you must absolutely not disobey me. I'm going to count to five now. In the mean time, you decide. When I reach 0, you will drink it and close your eyes. And thus, you can drop down into that deep, deep world of abnormal pleasure. If you don't want that, take off your earphones right now and wash out your mouth. Now, let's get started. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0 (sound) Falling... Gently falling, into the deepest darkness. Keep falling.... You feel a shiver. A melting sensation. As you swallowed the drug, it penetrates deep into your body. It slowly goes down, just like very strong and hot alcohol. Your head and body feel light and intoxicated. A hotness is spreading over your whole body, like a fever. The drug is gradually spreading. You can feel the heat slowly spreading into your groin. A sweet numbness is spreading that would make you lose your balance and tumble to the floor. Your legs are slowly falling asleep. However, the sensation concentrates on your groin. It looks like it's drawing in all sense and strength. The sweet pleasure is turning into a throbbing. The bittersweet pulses are swaying your reason back and forth. But, you can't touch the center of the sensation yourself. There is no way for you into your innermost crotch. Ufufu, how troublesome. Yeaaah, stay like that and let the throbbing feeling get ever stronger. But you can't do anything about it. You can't do anything except wriggle your body around like a caterpillar. Ufufufu, you're adorable, ufufu. Now, what shall we do? You're really helpless, aren't you? But I can save you. Hey, how about making a strong plead inside your mind, such as "Do something, anything, please help me!" But give me some good faith, or else I won't do anything. Alright, I'll save you. Well, even though it's fun to see your body in anguish, if I bully you too much, you might end up crying. This throbbing pleasure you feel now, right in the deep center of your groin, between your dick and your anus. That place in your body you can't move by yourself. It only acts if you faithfully follow my instructions. So, be a dear and touch your dick with your fingertips. Ufufu, don't start masturbating now. Just use this to feel the pleasure deep inside your body. Inside your deepest groin lies something that can make you feel much much better than your dick. When I play a special sound, it will react and spread magnificent, ripple-like pleasure all over your body. I'm planting a special organ in there, made to feel only pure, unmixed pleasure. This will feel even better than fucking and raping your asshole, that is, your ass-pussy into jelly. A dream-like organ meant to give pleasure akin to morphine, which would drive you mad for a lifetime. Deep, deep behind your dick, and between the prostate in your deep ass-pussy, Between your dick and your prostate, If one were to touch that place directly, you could obtain the strongest pleasure in the world. I am going to train you there. With "kyun kyun" convulsions according to the sound And shivering pleasant cramps to your body. I'm going to mold you into a lewd thing, by giving you marvelous pleasure. The sound I will play now, will give you the one and direct pleasure, right there. We'll start out small. Starting out with a small pleasure level might even feel extra frustrating. But you can feel that the pinpointed stimulus to your groin is irresistible, right? As the ripples spread pleasure into your body, your body might start to shake and twitch. And as the volume slowly starts to grow, your agony will get quite serious after this. Maybe you better try not to feel it the best you can? Well, no. That's impossible. Come on, perk your ears. Here we go. Can you feel it? It's swaying your body and heart to the core. Sweet pleasure. The more the sound plays, the more sensitive you get. Your body seeks the pleasure. To its optimum. Even more sensitive. Even more lewd. It echoes in your groin. Pleasure is rippling all over your body. A sweet, melting numbness. You are full of wretched greed, and only want this pleasure. Only one grain of bait has to drop for you to frantically jump into the fray. You are devoid of any shame. This is your heart that only craves for pleasure. Fufu, you make a splendid face there. The pleasure is slowly assaulting your brain nerves. Sweet pleasure and euphoria. And the bitter feeling to seek out even stronger pleasure. The being right inside you. There. Understand? Right theeere. The thing that makes you act by neither mind or reason. It's all right inside you. You only act to satisfy yourself there. You only live to satisfy yourself there. For that, you would do any kind of vile and vulgar thing. And only I can make you feel satisfied. So, what would you do to flatter me? Kneel before me? Anything? Hey? If I told you to lick my feet, you'd do so as if it was the most natural thing. Your sense of reason is absolutely useless. As soon as the sweet pleasure melts it, it's no good anymore. Here is the organ I've equipped in you. A devilish organ that can destroy a human body bit by bit. I am controlling from you right here. And now, I who control you from here, will now begin to break you from here. I'm going to rape you with catastrophic sounds. Ahahahah, you're holding down your crotch like a kid who can't hold down his pee. You're so cute, but also incredibly stupid. It's so intense that it feels like flowing out from every orifice in your body, right? Looks like you're about to wet yourself, arenchuu? Don'tchu just feel miserable being forced to this? Ahahahah The things that obstruct your pleasure, Your pride and reason are all flowing out from your every holes and even the pores of your skin. The pleasure ripples are allll melting and pushing them out. And they're all replacing it with a maddening, frustrating and aching throb. You're going to break down completely. Let's pause the pleasure sound from before a bit. This time, I'm going to show you a sound that will double the frustrating ache all at once. This is going to rape your mind and body into a pulpy mess. You'll be pumped full of a venom from which you'll never ever recover. Isn't that wonderful? Ahahaha! Yeah, now clearly hear the following sound. This sound will bring you into an absolutely wonderful condition. This frustrating shivering stimulus to your body. The sound that doubles the irresistible sadness in your heart. You can't refuse it. You can never defy me. I'm always caressing your inner body, sometimes touching, sometimes not. I'm playing with you, like with a grinding fingernail. Feels so good, but it's so frustrating. You want much stronger stimulus, but you just can't have it. Your inner crotch, your lewdest spot is slowly but steadily gathering with impatience and sadness. And that's not all, you can also feel your other places. First, it hits your nipples. Ufufu, as soon as you noticed, did they twitch a bit? How are they feeling? Are they rock hard and erect? Your very lewd n-i-p-p-l-e-s on both sides? Just rubbing against your clothes feels good, right? You can't keep your mind off of them anymore. Yeah, you try to ignore them, but you gradually feel them. Rubbing your nipples feels so good. Hold back, hold back, try to ignore them. Ufufu, your body feels so itchy and frustrated that you wriggle around in your clothes. But on the other hand, you feel focusing even more. You can't stop it anymore. This here, this sound! Ahahah, your sighs are getting so sexy. I bet your dick is already sloppy wet already. Aren't you a shameful child who feels his nipples and wets his dick. Ufufu, so embarrassing. Embarrassing, frustrating, painful. Your sighs are starting to mix with heavy moans. Yeah, start getting honest. Moan just like a girl. Feel the bitter feeling right to your toes. You don't have the strength anymore. You're as weak as a girl already. And the weaker you get, the better it will feel. Falling feels good. This is pleasure that makes you fall to your feet without resistance. Once you've had just a little taste, you can't recover anymore. Does your asshole feel sad? Theere, let the sound tickle your anus. Is this good, here? Your a-s-s pussy? Ufufu, makes you wonder why God made this place an erogenous zone, right? There are plenty of men who have ruined themselves with pleasure right here. To rape a grown man with sound to his ass and make him do "hih hih" moans is my masterpiece. You succumb to the pleasure and thus degrade yourself into a despised pervert. This is what you are right now. Well? Are you getting goosebumps? Hey, hey, is your ass-pussy twitching and flapping? Ahahah, doesh it feel gooood? Hmm? Doesh your pusshy feel good? Your ass-pussy can't stand it anymore? Ufufu, you nympho. So you can feel it so much already? Your body is slowly imprinting this slutty pleasure. You're turning into a very lewd body with an unstoppable girly moan. Ahahah, too late. Not just your ass-pussy, but even your nipples, dick, and brain, the sound has turned your whole body into an "ahn! ahn!"-crying, shameful heap of agony. You feel so miserable, you could cry, right? Ahahah! There, there! Feel it more! Feel more agony! Every time the sound plays, your erogenous zones squirm with an itch. It feels so good, but it's never enough. It's only gently tickling your surface. Making you steadily throb. You feel so sad and frustrated you could cry. Ahahah, are you really going to cry to a woman? You look like you're getting fucked to tears. Does it feel that good? But you still can't. You're going to feel more and more desperate. An even bigger state of pathetic desperation. Bit by bit by bit by bit The dark hole is dragging you inside. More agony? More feelings? Is your dick gonna cry even more tears? The tight twitching in your nipples and ass-pussy is unbearable, right? Not yet, noot yet. More agony is needed. That way... I can reward you with this... Yeah, this will boost your lewd sensations to the limit. There's no stopping with this sound, right? Bit by bit it's rising. The more you feel the pleasure, the dirtier your body turns out. And as a conditioned reflex, you'll faint in agony. Come on, come on. Let's train your body to become really lewd. It's much too late to run away now. Go on, try to stand up and leave. If you can, ufufufu. The pleasure robbed you of your strength. It instantly makes you collapse. You can't take off your earphones anymore. You're as strong as a baby or a caterpillar now. You can do nothing but creep and wriggle around your body anymore. You're too late to go back. You exist only to be played and raped by me. You can't escape me anymore, forever. Nothing satisfies you anymore, but this sound. You can't get satisfied without my bullying. You are now my sad, sorrowful pet, your heart and body tied to the pleasure drug.

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