Track 3

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さぁ、躾けの時間だよ? 私のペットに相応しい心と体になれるようにみっちりペットの礼儀作法を仕込んであげる まずは、足 膝を軽く立てて、軽く外側に開いて? うふふっ、これでまた一つ私に相応しいペットに近づけたよ? 偉い、偉い、よく出来ました 次は、腕 恥ずかしがりやの女の子みたいなポーズしてるけど、それじゃ駄目 手を放しても音でアンアン悶えられるようにならなきゃね 私の指示に従って、少しずつ、手を放していこっか? さぁ、音に集中して? 少しずつ離して 触れているか触れていないかぐらいの状態 頑張れー、もうすぐだよ 音と快感の結びつきを強く意識して 手をゆっくり離し・・・ その状態で、音で快感を感じることに集中するの そうそう、それでいいの よく出来ました これで準備ができたね 私の家畜小屋へ行く準備が 今からこの世界の最下層へと招待してあげる 君が今から行くところは、家畜小屋 私のペットをかわいがるためのプレイルーム そこで、とっても気持ちいいことしてあげるね 最初のほうで私が鳴らした音 君を無意識状態にする音を、また使うね 今も現実世界から離れた場所にいるけど それよりもっと下に行くために必要なことなの 一度無意識状態になって、きっちりと仕上げを割らせないと駄目なんだ 私のためでもあるけど、君のためでもあるんだよ? 大丈夫、君ならできる ちゃんと無意識状態になって私の言葉を受け入られる そして、次に意識が戻った時には、君は現実世界から遠く離れた私の部屋にいるの もちろん、目は開けちゃだめだよ? 開けても私が許可しないとどうせ出られないけど 開けたら気持ちよさが半減しちゃう そんなの嫌でしょ? 何も難しいことなんてないよ ただ、今まで通り私に従っていればいいだけ 今の君には、簡単でしょ? じゃあ、いくよ? 3...2...1...0 君は、私のもの 私は、君の絶対的な支配者 君は、ペットであり家畜 君は、私に絶対服従 君の意志よりも私の意志が絶対的に優先される 君の認識よりも私の認識が絶対的に優先される 私の言うことは、すべてが真実 君は、私にとらえられ、私の与える快楽に屈服した 君は、私に負かされた 女の子に、快楽で負かされた 次に意識が戻ったとき君は犬になっている でも、四つん這いで歩き回るなんてことできない 君のペットの犬以下の負け犬だから できるポーズは一つだけ お腹を無防備にさらした負け犬のポーズだけ 君は負け犬、そう、君は負け犬 今から行く場所は負け犬の調教室 私が負け犬をいたぶるための調教室 変態的な性癖を君に、負け犬に 焼け付け、刻み込み、焼け付け、刻み込む場所 二度と私から逃れられないように 二度と私から離れられないように 調教するための場所 次に意識が戻ったとき君は犬になっている 無様で哀れな負け犬に 虐められて感じちゃうマゾ犬に せいぜい私に可愛がってもらえるように可愛く喘いで媚びを売りなさい? うまくできたらご褒美を上げる 君にすっかり負け犬根性がしみついてしまうまで何度でも君を屈服させてあげる 女の子に負けて屈服させられる感覚を癖になるまで教えてあげる 私の飼い犬が君の終着点 あははっ、最高にみじめね、んふふ そんな最低な君でも私だけは可愛がってあげる 感謝しないとだめだよ? 意識が戻ったとき君は私の調教室にいる 私のカウントがゼロになったとき君の意識は戻る でも、目は決して開かない 暗闇の世界でたっぷり悶えてね? さあ、行くよ? 3...2...1...0 気分はどうかな?負け犬君 最高だよね? 全てを渡し物にしてもらえたんだから ここは家畜小屋、そして調教室 立派な私のペットになれるようにたっぷり調教して型にはめてあげるね? さあ、まずはご主人様に挨拶しよっか? 私に続いて心を込めて言うんだよ? 私は ご主人様に快楽で屈服させられて みじめな負け犬に落とされてしまいました 全てを奪い取られてしまった私にとっては ご主人様の存在が全てです もう、ご主人様の与えてくださる快楽なしでは 生きていけません どうか、みじめで哀れな私を 可愛がってください もっとご主人様に相応しい犬になれるように 私を調教してください んふふっ、偉い偉い よく言えまちたねー 頭撫でてあげる そうだよー?よーく覚えておいてね? 君は私の飼い犬 もう君は私なしでは生きていけない 可愛くなくなったりあきちゃったりしたら捨てちゃうからね? 私に言われたことは全部必死でやるんだよ? ふふっ、今回はうまくできたからご褒美あげるね ご褒美にたっぷり虐めてあげる 可愛い声でないてね? いくよ? (キーンとした音) これ好きなんでしょ? 今からこの音で君を泣かせてあげる 泣きそうになる 切なさともどかしさで君を本当に泣かせてあげるね? 女の子に虐められてアンアン泣き出しちゃう気持ちよさを教えてあげる ほら、もっとよがりなよ? もっと悶えて? 私を楽しませて? 負け犬は負け犬らしく無様な姿をさらすの ほら、ほーら 君は今から女の子に虐められて子供みたいに泣かされちゃうの アハハハッ、最高にみじめでしょ? ほら、だんだんと涙がこみあげてくる もう子供じゃないのに 大の男だったはずなのに女の子に虐められてアンアン泣いちゃう だって君は大の男じゃなくて負け犬、マゾ犬だから ほら、ほら!泣いちゃいなよ 君は今から女の子に虐められて泣いちゃうの 女の子に泣かされちゃうの 恥ずかしいね 一度体験したら癖になっちゃうよ もうどうせ君のちんぽは泣き出しちゃってるんでしょ? 透明な液体を次から次へとあふれさせてるんでしょ? 無駄な抵抗はやめて、さっさと大声で泣いちゃおうね もうべそかいてるの丸わかりでちゅよー ほら、泣けよ さっさと泣けよ、泣けよ! 女に虐められて泣いちまえよ! あはははっなんて無様な顔 ここには私と君しかいないんだからもっと無様な姿になっていいんだよ? ほら、もっと泣いて? もっともっと君の泣き顔が見たいの ほら、泣けよ! もっともっと泣けよ!アハハハッ うーん?やめてほしい? 虐めるのやめてほしい? やーだ、うふふっ しかし改めてみてみるとほんと惨めだねー いい年して女の子に虐められて泣かされちゃうんだから もうプライドなんてぐちゃぐちゃになっちゃいまちたねー ほーら、ほーら! やめてほしいでちゅかー? そうでちゅねー、やめてほしいでちゅよねー うまくお姉ちゃんにお願いできたらやめてあげまちゅよー? 今から私がいいっていうまでごめんなちゃいって言い続けて? 気持ちがこもってて可愛くないとやめてあげないからね さぁ、スタート うふふっ、ほーら、ほーら! これがいいんでしょ?こーれ もっと悶えろよ、ほら! おっかしいー、ほーら、ほれ これがいいんでちゅよねー? なんで君は謝らされてるか分かる? 別に悪いことしたわけじゃないよ 単に私が面白いから謝らせてるだけ んふふっ、君はそういうものなの 私の気分次第でどんな恥ずかしいこともさせられちゃう私のおもちゃ よーく、体で覚えてね? んふふっ、見れば見るほどみじめで仕方ないよ マゾってほんと最低だね いい年して恥ずかしくないの? 情けないよね? 恥ずかしいね? でもやめられないんだよね? なんて無様 女の足元で媚び媚びの声で懇願しちゃって 本当に負け犬になっちゃったんだね もう男のプライドなんて粉々になっちゃった? かわいそー よーし、もうごめんなちゃいって言わなくていいよ あんまりみじめだから許してあげる 感謝してね? でも、まだまだ調教は終わらないよ ここからが本番 今からもっともっと情けない姿にしてあげる もっともっと恥ずかしいマゾ性癖を植え付けてあげる しっかし、ほんとすっかり女々しくなっちゃったね まるで女の子みたいだよ? あ、違った メス犬みたいだよ? もう男らしい部分なんて残ってないんじゃない? 君の男らしいとこ全部ぶっ壊すつもりで嬲ったんだから当然かもね もう君は男じゃないよ? オスですらない 男らしさをすべて壊された哀れなメス犬 ちんぽとたまたまぶら下がってるくせにメスみたいにイっちゃうマゾ犬 うふふっ、なんてみじめ 君みたいなのはどこに行っても受け入れてもらえないよ? 私以外の人には気持ち悪いって言われて避けられてそれで終わり でも、私だけは違う 君を虐めはするけど、ちゃんと君を可愛がってあげる もう君は私のペット以外に生きる道がないんだよ 君は私に快楽で屈服させられ 快楽で壊され 快楽で飼いならされるの 薬物中毒の人が薬のためならなんでもするように 君は私のためならなんでもする 私が与えてくれる快楽の虜になる 今から、ペットの生き方を教えてあげるね? ちんぽいじってもいないのに音だけで悶絶してアンアンいっちゃう君の生き方 この音とこの音で最後まで追い詰められたら その先はどうなると思う?んふふっ いくらおバカさんの君でもわかるよね? そう、イっちゃうの 女の子みたいに体中でビクンビクン痙攣しながらイっちゃうの 一回だけでも脳がしびれて体中の力が入らなくなるぐらい強烈だよ でも射精は絶対にできない だから終わりが来ないし、何度でもイける そのたまたまと棒、もう役に立たなくなっちゃったね 君はこれから一生、その惨めな棒と玉をぶら下げて生きていくんだよ 先走り汁と小便をお漏らしするだけのみじめな汚い肉の塊を それはもう、君が男性であることを証明するものじゃないよ? 私に屈服させられた負け犬である証明 うふふっ、リボンでもつけてあげようか?あははっ これからはそれ見るたびに、今日のことを思い出してね? 思い出すたびにイっちゃうくらいたっぷりイかせてあげるから 一回だけでもめちゃくちゃ強烈なのに 何度も何度もイったら、どうなっちゃうんだろうね? 簡単なことだよ 壊れちゃうの 強すぎる快感は、人を壊しちゃうんだよ あははっ、怖い? 今更後悔しても、もう遅いよ? 君は今から私に快楽で壊されちゃうの 後腐れがないように思いっきりぶっ壊してあげるから 悶絶しまくってイきまくって壊れてバカになっちゃってね? さぁ、いくよ? ほーら、イメージして? 女の子が少しずつ少しずつ突き上げられるように追い詰められて 最後は全身をそり返させてビクンビクン痙攣しながらイくイメージ 君も今からそうなっちゃうんだよ? 少しずつ、少しずつ追い詰められて 股間のあたりにとろけるような溶けてしまうような熱い快感がジワジワとたまっていって 急に宙にふわっと浮いたような ものすごい激痛が走る直前のような 意識が飛ぶような感覚のあとの 体中がはじけ飛ぶような 脳天を貫かれるような快感が襲ってきて イっちゃうの 全身をビクンビクン痙攣させて、しぼりだすような喘ぎ声をあげながら、ねぇ? うふふっ、もう軽くイっちゃったんじゃない? イメージするだけでも気持ちいいのに 実際に味わったらどうなっちゃうんだろうね? 今から味わえるんだよ? 嫌というほど、壊れちゃうほど、ねぇ? 嬉しいでしょ? 音が鳴るたびに股間にジワジワととろけてしまうような快感が溜まっていって 腰のあたり全体がとろんとろんになっちゃって 頭にも体にも、力が入らなくなっていく ジワジワと追い詰められていく 爆発するような絶頂間が近づいていく うふふっ、息が荒くなってくるね 心臓もバクバクいってるんじゃない? 意識がだんだんと崩れていくのがわかる? 少しずつ少しずつ君の精神がもろくなっていってるんだよ? 怖い? 気持ちいい? 両方かな? だってこれ以上追い詰められたらどうなっちゃうのかもう薄々わかってきてるもんね? 君が想像してたよりもずっとすごいことになりそうでしょ? アハハッ、逃がさないよ 快感だけに集中できるようにもう少し後押ししてあげる 君の目の前にとってもいいものをぶらさげてあげるね 揮発性の媚薬がたっぷり染み込んだ、私のパンティーを君の鼻先にもっていってあげる 頭がバカになっちゃう 快感に数倍敏感になるお薬と男のメス化を促進する効果がある私の愛液たっぷり染み込んだパンティー 甘酸っぱい香り メスの香りを感じるでしょ? 最後の仕上げだよ これをたっぷり吸いこんでどうしようもないバカなメス犬になったら 快楽地獄に突き落としてあげる 怖くっても嫌でもそんなの関係ないよ、君は私に逆らえないから ほーら、いい子いい子 吸ってー、吐いてー 脳がとろけてアヘっちゃう 吸ってー、吐いてー 白目向いて、舌付きだして、アヘっちゃう 吸ってー、吐いてー 頭おかしくなっちゃっていいんだよ 吸ってー、吐いてー 君がメスのようにイクのは自然なこと 吸ってー、吐いてー カウントが0になったら君はイク さあ、行くよ? 10...股間にジワジワとたまった快楽が少しずつグラグラと沸騰していく 9...うねるようなうごめくような狂おしい感覚に心も体も侵されていく 8...快感の渦の中に落ちていく 7...収縮し爆発しようとしている 6...呼吸が荒くなってくる、もう戻れない 5...4...3...2...1...0 アッハハハハ、ついにいっちゃったね いいお顔になってまちゅよー? 君はもう戻れないところまで来てしまった 私が支配する音の快楽の世界に あとはもう、さらなる深みへ落ちていくだけ 何度も何度も絶頂させて、たっぷり可愛がってあげる 今から少しずつカウントを短くしていくね 私の思い通りに悶えて絶頂する、可愛い体にしてあげる 私の愛を・・・感じて? 私の愛に・・・答えて? 7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0 ほーら、もっともっと感じて? もっともっと悶えて? 君を解放してあげる 想像もできないような快楽を教えてあげる 5...4...3...2...1...0 んふふっ、もう君は私の犬 それ以外としては生きていけない 先走り汁と小便をお漏らしするしか駄目ちんぽぶらさげて、一体どこへ行けるっていうんでちゅかー? 5...4...3...2...1...0 よーしよし、いい子いい子 その調子でどんどんメスアクメして完全にぶっ壊れちゃおう? どうせもう元には戻れないし、何より逆らえないよね? 壊れれば壊れるほど、イけばイくほど快感が強く激しくなっていく 5...4...3...2...1...0 あははっ、どんどん自分が滅茶苦茶になっていくのに止められないね? 情けない、恥ずかしい、惨めで惨めでたまらない この気持ちだけは忘れちゃだめだよ? 惨めに、無様に、快楽におぼれるの 3...2...1...0 君は情けなくって恥ずかしい、負け犬 快楽に屈服して人間以下に落とされた、負け犬 ほらほら、もっといい声で鳴かないと捨てちゃうよ?このマゾ犬 もっともっと大きな声で女の子みたいに高い声で鳴くの 3...2...1...0 もう君の常識や価値観になんて、何の価値もないんだよ? もっともっと滅茶苦茶に感じなさい 股間だけにとらわれないで全身で絶頂するの 私の命令なんだから、できるでしょ? 3...2...1...0 そうそう!やればできるじゃない! 偉い偉い、もっと激しく、もっと強烈に発狂するまで絶頂しなさい 君は今から私の命令で完全に壊れるまで絶頂するの 今から、12回連続でイかせてあげる 終わった後には私に忠実に従う心と体、それしか君には残らない さあ、行くよ? 3...2...1...0 3...2...1...0 3...2...1...0 3...2...1...0 2...1...0 2...1...0 2...1...0 2...1...0 1...0 1...0 0 0 あははっ、いいお顔になってるよ? いい感じに壊れられたみたいだね さあ、次が最後の絶頂だよ? 13回目の仕上げの絶頂 今までで一番熱くて、強烈な快感をあげるね もうグズグズ、グチャグチャになってる君の精子、後腐れがないようにきっちり焼き尽くして真っ白な灰にしてあげる。 13って死刑台の階段の数と同じなんだって だからわざとこの回数で仕上げになるようにしたんだー ロマンチックでしょ? 焼き尽くした後は、私のかわいいマゾ犬として再生してあげる、んふふっ マゾ全開の負け犬モードが君の普通になるんだよ どう?嬉しい?アッハハハ さあ、今までで一番強烈で幸せな快感は、もう目の前 思いっきりやってあげるから思いっきりイってね? うまくいけたら、頭撫でたげる さあ、行くよ? 5...4...3...2...1...0 んふふっ、君は私の可愛い犬 愛してるよ


Now, it's time to teach you some manners. I am going to teach you strict and proper etiquette, to turn your body and heart into an appropriate pet of mine. First, your legs. Just lightly bend your knees and to the outside. Ufufu, now you're one step closer to become my rightful pet. Great, very well done. Next, your arms. That ashamed, girly pose of yours won't do. ??You have to writhe and pant to the sound even with released hands. So do as I tell you, and release your hands bit by bit. Now, concentrate on the sound. Release them bit by bit. A state where you're barely touching yourself. Hang in there, just a bit more. Strongly become aware how sound and pleasure play together. Slowly let go... Stay like this, and focus on the pleasure sound. That's right, very good. Well done. Now we're ready. We're all set to take you to my barn. I'll now invite you to the lowest layer of this world. I will now take you to your cattle barn. To the playroom for my adorable little pets. And there, I will make you feel very good. I'm going to play the first sound again. The sound that takes you into your subconscious. Even though you're in an unreal place already, you must descend even deeper right now. Because we can't put on the finishing touches unless you're completely unconscious. Not just for my sake, but also for yours. It's alright, you can do it. When you're completely unconscious, you can properly accept my words. And then, when you become conscious again, you'll be in my room, in a place far away from the real world. Of course you can't open your eyes, alright? You can't open your eyes without my permission. Because opening them will reduce the pleasure by half. You don't want that, right? You don't have to do anything difficult. You just need to do what I tell you, as always. That's really easy for you now, right? Here we go, then. 3... 2... 1... 0 You are mine. I am your absolute master. You are an animal, a pet. You are under my absolute obedience. My will takes absolute priority over your will. My comprehension takes absolute priority over your comprehension. Everything I say is truth to you. You are my prisoner, a captive of my pleasure. You have lost to me. You have lost to the pleasure by a girl. When you become conscious again, you will be a dog. But, you can't walk around on all fours. Because you are an underdog, worse than a pet dog. There's only one pose you can make. The pose of an underdog, where you expose your defenseless belly. You are an underdog, yes, a loser dog. I'll now take you to my torture chamber for underdogs. The training room where I torture underdogs. You are an underdog, with a perverted, abnormal disposition. The place where I'll burn, etch, burn and etch you. So you can never ever escape me anymore. Because I will never ever let you go. This place is meant to etch the discipline into you. When you come to yourself again, you'll be a dog. A pathetic, sad underdog. A masochist dog who is turned on by bullying. If you give me some of your cutest moans, maybe I'll give you back some affection. When you do well, I'll reward you. I'll throw you to your knees so many times, until your spirit is completely broken. I'll teach you defeat by a girl for so long, until you get addicted to it. Your final destination is your place as my pet dog. Ahahah, isn't that most miserable, nfufu? Only someone like me can love a loser like you. Now, make sure to appreciate me. When you come to yourself again, you will lie in my torture chamber. I'll count down for you to become conscious. But you can't open your eyes. You must suffer in the world of darkness. Now, let's go. 3, 2, 1...0 How do you feel? As a little underdog. Isn't it the best? I have completely made you mine. This here is the cattle barn, my torture chamber. The perfect place where I can properly mold and train you into my pet. Now, first of all, give your mistress a greeting. Speak after me, with all your heart. "I Must yield to master's pleasure. For that, I've been degraded to a pathetic underdog. For me, the one who has been stripped of everything, My whole existence belongs to the Mistress. I can no longer live Without the pleasure that Mistress gives me. Please, treat this pathetic, sad dog With love and affection, in any way. And please train this dog, In any way Mistress finds appropriate." Nfufu, very very good. You shaid that sho good. Let me pet your head. Ishn't that riight? You'll carefully remember it. You are my pet dog. You can no longer live without me. Because I'll throw you away when you're no longer adorable, or when I lose interest. Hearing me say that makes you completely desperate, right? But because you did so well just now, you deserve a reward. Your reward is plenty of teasing and bullying. Cry with a cute voice now. Here we go. (*kiiin* sound) You like this, don't you? That sound just now makes you cry. You will cry. Of course you're going to cry when it feels so bitter and frustrating. I'll teach you how good bullying by a girl can feel, so you'll cry tears and moan "ahn! ahn!" There, let it fulfil you. Feel the agony. Entertain me. Let the underdog expose his pathetic appearance. There, theeeere! Right now, you look like a crying child who gets bullied by a girl. Ahahah, isn't that the best and most pathetic thing ever? Now, let the tears gradually bubble up. You're not a child anymore. Even though you're a grown man, you're bawling by a bullying girl. But after all, you're not a man. You're a pathetic, masochist underdog. Yeah, YEAH! Weep for me! You are now crying victim tears to a girl. A girl made you cry. How embarrassing. Once you've had your first experience, you're hooked. In any case, your dick is bursting out in tears already. It just keeps overflowing with clear juices again and again. Resistance is useless, just let it go and cry as loud as you can. Your cheeks are red and swollen like a child already. Go on, cry. Hurry up and cry already. Cry, will you! Cry damnit, a girl bullies you here! Ahahahah, look at that unshapely face. There's no one else here but you and me, so show me more of that uncouth shape. Go on, cry harder. I want to see your tear-stained face. Do it, cry! Cry more and more! Ahahaha Hmm? Do you want to stop? You want me to stop bullying you? Ohh noo, ufufu But now that I look at it again, this is truly pathetic. You should know better than crying because a girl bullies you. Your pride is already a messy pulp. There, theeere! You wanna shtoop? Ish that shoo? You wanna make it shtop? But onee-chan wont shtop until you ashk her nishely. So you better shay "I'm sho shorry" from now on until I make it shtop. Until you give me your most adorable behavior, I won't make it stop. Now, start. Ufufu, yes, yees! This is good, right? Riight thiis. Writhe in agony, more! Go craaazyyy, do it, doo iit Ishn't this goood? Do you know why I make you apologize? It's not because you did anything bad. It's just because it amuses me. Ufufu, this is what you are now. You're my plaything, who will do any shameful thing according to my mood. Let your body remember this good and well. Nfufu, the more I look at you, the more miserable you look. Even for a masochist, you look horrible. Aren't you old enough to feel any shame? So pathetic, right? So embarrassing, right? But I won't let you stop. You're so uncouth. Begging and pleading to a girl with a flirty voice. You've really become an underdog. What's left of your male pride has shattered to pieces already. You poor thing. Very well, that'sh enough "I'm shorry" for now. This is too pathetic, so I'll forgive you already. You should be grateful. But, I'm still not done disciplining you. So, here's where the real show starts. Now you'll show me your even more pathetic shape. I'm going to harvest more of your shameful masochistic nature. You've already become honestly and properly effeminate. Just like a girl, right? Ah, no wait. You're just like a bitch. There's no trace of masculinity left in you, right? Of course not, it was my plan all along to bully all masculinity out of you. You are no longer a man. You're not even male. Your masculinity is completely broken. You're just a sad bitch. Although you swing your dick and balls around, you're just a masochist female underdog bitch. Ufufu, how very pathetic. Anywhere you'd go, nobody would accept something like you. Except me, anybody would say "Disgusting!" and break up contact with you. But I'm different. I might be the one bullying you, but I'll also give you plenty of love. There's no other way to live for you anymore, except as my pet. You are yielding to my pleasure. Destructive pleasure. Domesticating pleasure. You'd do anything for it, just like a drug addict. You would do anything for me. You're a captive of my pleasure. So, I'll show you now how to live as my pet. The way of life where you'll moan in agony to the sound, without even touching your dick. This and this sound is going to chase you into absolute desperation. And then what happens? Nfufu. I believe, even an idiot like you knows. Yes, you'll cum. You will cum like a girl, as you twitch and jerk your body around. Just one time is intense enough for your brain to go numb and your body to lose all strength. But you can definitely not ejaculate. That's why it's not over with one time. You will come many many times. Your balls and wiener are no longer good for anything. For the rest of your life, you will have to live with these pathetic, dangling balls and wiener. A filthy bundle of meat, only for the sake of leaking piss and uncouth juices. This doesn't prove that you're still a man though. It's the proof that you're an underdog, succumbed to me. Ufufu, can furnish it with a ribbon? Ahaha. With that, you'll remember this day every time you look at it. Every time you remember, you'll feel like cumming. And for that, I'll make you cum a plenty now- Just once is enough to completely mess you up. But if you cum over and over again, what might happen to you? That's easy. You will break. Too intense pleasure breaks any man. Ahahah, you scared? It's much too late for regrets now. I will now break you with pleasure. It will absolutely demolish you, with no regards for your future well-being. You will cum and faint so much until you're nothing but a drooling, broken fool. Now, shall we go? Theeere, image it. Imagine being pushed and cornered into desperation by a girl, bit by bit by bit. Imagine the end, how your whole body bends over and twitches and jerks as you cum. This is about to happen to you. Cornered, bit by bit by bit. That place around your groin is slowly tingling, and heating up as it melts with hot pleasure. All of a sudden, it's like you're floating softly in the air. And it's like you're at the brink of incredible pain. Your awareness is soaring away. Your body is about to burst and snap. Flashes of pleasure are attacking your crown. You're gonna orgasm. Your whole body twerks and twitches, and you moan as if something was squeezing out your breath. Ufufu, are you cumming a bit already? Just imagining it feels good, right? What will happen when you actually feel it for real? I'll give you a taste now. You might not want to break, but... You're really happy, right? Every time the sound plays, your groin is saving up the tingling, melting pleasure. Your entire hip is oozing away. There's not an unce of power left in your body and head. Every wave drives you more desperate. You're getting ever closer to an explosive climax. Ufufu, your moans are getting crude. Your heart is thumping like a jackhammer. Your consciousness is slowly about to collapse. Slowly but steadily, your soul is becoming brittle. Are you scared? Or do you feel good? I guess both? I mean if you're being cornered this much, you might not have the slightest idea what's going to happen anymore. Maybe something incredible, beyond your imagination will happen? Ahahah, there's no escape. I'll give you a little boost, so you can concentrate just on the pleasure. There's something really nice dangling in front of your eyes. I'll put something fully soaked in volatile aphrodisiac right on the tip of your nose. My panties. This is gonna make you stupid. My panties, soaked in the same drug that made you a hundred times sensitive to pleasure, and made a male bitch out of you. My own love juices. A sweet and sour flavor. Feel the female scent. This is the final touch. Once you take a deep breath in, you'll completely end up as a foolish bitch. The push downwards pleasure-hell. I doesn't matter if you're scared or don't want it, because you won't defy me. Theere, good girl, good girl. Inhale, exhale. Let your brain melt way and give me a silly face. Inhale, exhale White eyes and twitching tongue. A nice ahe-face. Inhale, exhale It's alright if you go crazy. Inhale, exhale It's only natural to cum like a bitch. Inhale, exhale I'll count down now, and at 0, you cum. Shall we go then? 10... The accumulated tingling pleasure in your groin is slowly starting to boil. 9. A wavy, wriggling, maddening sensation is assaulting your mind and body. 8. You're drowning in the vortex of pleasure. 7. It's about to inflate and explode. 6. Once your breathing gets out of control, you can't turn back anymore. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! Ahahahah, at last you're here! That'sh a very nishe fache there... Now you can't go back from where you cam from. This is the world of sound pleasure under my control. After this, there's nothing more but to drop deeper. I'll give you plenty of love and make you climax again and again. I'll make the countdown a bit shorter now. Then I can give you a cute body, writhing in climax as I like it. Can you feel... my love? Can you answer... my love? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0! Theere, feel it more and more. With more and more agony. I'm unleashing you. I'm teaching you pleasure beyond your imagination. 5 4 3 2 1 0! Nfufu, you're my dog already. You can't live without it anymore. I mean, where would you even go, with that dangling dick of yours that can only shpew lewd juishes and pissh? 5 4 3 2 1 0! There there, good girl, good girl. That's the spirit, this is how slutty bitch-orgasms can completely break you down. It's too late to go back anyway, so you don't have to fighting back, right? The more you get broken, the more you cum, the stronger and more violent the pleasure gets. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ahahah, even though you're becoming such a mess, you just can't stop. You just can't resist, you pathetic, embarrassing, sad sad thing. Don't you ever forget this feeling. This miserable, uncouth indulgence in pleasure. 3 2 1 0 You are a pathetic, shameful underdog. A less than human loser dog who succumbed to pleasure. Hey, if you don't sing a lovely song for me, I'll throw you away, you maso doggie. Give me your loudest, highest, girly voice. 3 2 1 0 You've lost all common sense and values already, right? Feel it messing you up, more and more. It doesn't stay in your groin, you're having full body climaxes. you can do it, because that's my order. 3 2 1 0 Yes, yes! You can do it! That's great! Have even bigger, harder, more intense climaxes until you go insane! Under my command, you will climax now until you're completely broken. I will now give you 12 serial orgasms. And when we're finished, all that will be left of you are your absolutely loyal heart and body. Now, here we go. 3... 2... 1... 0! 3... 2... 1... 0! 3... 2... 1... 0! 3... 2... 1... 0! 2... 1... 0! 2... 1... 0! 2... 1... 0! 2... 1... 0! 1... 0! 1... 0! 0 0 Ahahah, now that is a nice face. It looks like you're nicely broken now. Now, the next climax is going to be the last. The 13th final orgasm. This one will give you the hottest and most intense pleasure ever. This way, your make your tardily, pulpy sperm won't bother you anymore. It will all completely burn up to ashes in a white hot flame. 13, the same number like the stairs that lead to the burning stake. I deliberately picked that number to finish you off. Isn't it romantic? And after you go out in flames, you will resurrect from the ashes and my adorable little maso dog. Then your unlimited masochist underdog-mode will become all normal to you. Well? Are you happy? Ahahaha Now, the most intense and blissful pleasure is right in front of you. I'll push you in with all my strength, so you cum with all you can. And when it goes well, I'll pet your head. Here we go. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ufufu, my cute little doggie. I love you.

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