Track 4

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もう君はすっかり私の犬になった 音に反応して 面白おかしく やらしい反応をする あさましいペット 快楽で屈服させて人間をやめさせた元人間のペット うふふっ、とーってもかわいいよ? 君は私の愛しいペット ねぇ?君も私を愛してくれる? これからも私のペットでいたい? これからもペットでいてくれるなら今からいうルールを守ってね? まず一つ目はオナニーしないことと、射精しないこと 日常生活で手が少しあたっちゃうぐらいは仕方ないけど シコシコしちゃだめだからね? 射精しちゃったら、オスは冷めてしまうようにできてるの だから射精しちゃったら、この気持ちいい夢も終わっちゃうよ? いうなれば、精液は君と私を繋ぐ鎖と首輪 そして、二つ目は 私に会いに来るのは多くても二日に一回にしてね? ほかのペットをかわいがってあげないといけないし 君の熟成期間もかけてるから 男の子らしくオナニーしたり、射精したりできないことで 君のメス化が進むようになってるからね ただ、あんまり長い期間私に買われ続けるのもおすすめできないかも なんでかは、わかるでしょ? よく考えて節度を守って遊びに来てね? そうしないと・・・捨てちゃうよ? このルールを守るかどうかは、別に強制しないよ? 君がどうしようと結局最後は私の足元に戻ってくるって分かってるから 理由は簡単なこと 私に音でいじめられないと満足できないやらしい体と 先走り汁と、小便をお漏らしするしか能のない恥ずかしいおちんちん そんな体とおちんちんじゃ、もうどこにも行けないよね? ふふ、繰り返せば繰り返すほど もっともっと私にはまっちゃうよ 逃がさないからね?うふふふふっ じゃあまたね? いい子にしてるんだよ?

Master's words

You are now my proper dog. You respond to sound. Isn't it amusing? You react lewdly. Such a despicable pet. You've succumbed to pleasure and have been rejected from humanity. You're the first human pet. Ufufu, isn't that adorable? My dear, beloved pet. Hey? Do you love me as well? Do you want to be my pet now? If so, you have to follow a few rules. Rule #1 is about masturbation and ejaculation. It can't be helped if you hold it in your hands a bit every day, but you can't stroke it. Because if you ejaculate, your male instinct cools down. Therefor, if you ejaculate, this wonderful dream will end. In other words, your sperm is the collar and chain that binds you to me. And the second rule is: You can come and see me again, but not earlier than two days. Because I also have other pets to love. So you need to take an aging period. You can't masturbate or ejaculate like a normal boy anymore. That's part of the feminization process. However, I can't recommend that you wait too long to come pay me a visit. You know exactly why, don't you? Think carefully about visiting me every few days. Because if you don't... I'll abandon you. It's up to you if you want to obey this rule. I'm not forcing you to anything. Because no matter what happens, eventually you'll want to come back and throw yourself at my feet again. There's a very simple reason for it. You have a lewd body now who can't be satisfied anymore without my sound and my teasing. And your shameful dick which serves no other function than to spew lewd juices and piss. Tell me, where will you go with such a body and dick? Fufu, the more we repeat this cycle, The more and more addicted you get to me. There is no escape. Ufufufufu Well, see you soon? Until then, be a good girl.

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