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こんばんは 調子はどうかしら? といっても、こんな状態で調子もなにもないかしら? ふふ、いいわ 今貴方が置かれている状況を教えてあげる 貴方には反乱分子である疑いがかかっているの 反乱分子というのは、我々に楯突き国家の転覆を狙う反逆者のことね そんな存在は当然野放しにできないということで、私が貴方の捕獲を命令し監禁した ああ、まだ私の職業を知らないのだったわね 私は軍人なの 自分で言うのもおかしいけれど、若くして指揮官に抜擢されたエリートなの この地区の治安維持に関しての権限は全て私が有しているのよ さて、私が誰なのか分かったところで、何か申し開きはあるかしら? ええ、そうね あなたを反乱分子と決定づける証拠はないわね それどころか、貴方は生まれや育ちも良好で素行もなんら問題ないわ どこをどう見ても一般的な市民 いいえ、むしろ善良な市民といってもいいわね ふふふふ、ならなぜ?と 言ったでしょう? この地区の治安維持に関しては私が最高権力者 私が黒だと言えば、本当に黒になるの 面白いでしょう? この国では強いものの言った事が真実となるの 私が貴方を反乱分子だと決めた だから貴方は反乱分子、我々が捕獲し処罰する対象になった 冤罪? そういう言い方もできるかしら でも、貴方は証明できるの? 自分はそうでないと 悪魔の証明ね そんなことは誰にもできないし、私がさせない ふふ、なぜ私がこんなことをしたか教えてほしい? いいわ 答えは単純 貴方を気に入ったの 貴方、とても私の好みなの だから手に入れることにしたの 私の物になりなさい そう、私だけの物に エリートというのは楽じゃないの 責任は重いし、妬みや嫉みを受ける どこかにはけ口が必要なの といっても、別に貴方を殴ったり蹴ったりしてストレスを発散させる、というわけではないのよ 女が男を捕まえて飼う これがどういうことか分かるわよね? ふふふ、貴方は私の性欲のはけ口になるの あら、反抗的な目ね へぇ、拒否するのかしら? ふふふふふ、そういうところも嫌いではないの 打ち崩して従順なペットにしたいわ そうそう、貴方を落とす算段はもうついているのよ 知りたいかしら? まず、貴方が涙目になるまでペニスを責めぬくの じっくりたっぷり拷問みたいに容赦なく そこからさらに追い込んで、許しを乞うまで泣かせるわ そして、苦しみと恐怖に染まった貴方を私が優しく慰めるの 『大丈夫、私の物になるなら辛い目に遭わなくて済むわ』 『よく頑張ったわね』 『もう頑張らなくていいのよ』 『私の物になりなさい』 そうするとね 貴方は嬉しさを胸いっぱいにして、落ちるの ふふふふ、そうはならないって? ならがんばってちょうだい きっと無駄だけど ああ、それと振る舞いだけでも私に従った方がいいわね 私が1つ指示するだけで貴方を収容所送りにできるの そこは反逆者の処刑場 貴方の未来はたった一つ、死だけ 自白するまで延々と続く拷問 どんなに精神力が強い人間もいずれは自白してしまう 自白すればもちろん処刑 仮に耐えたとしても、拷問の末に死んでしまう ふふふふ、気をつけることね ただ、あくまでもこれは振る舞いや態度を従順にしなさいということ 心は反抗し続けなさい それはこれからじっくり貰ってあげるから さぁ、今日はもう休みなさい 貴方をペットに落とす調教は明日から 楽しみにしていなさい

Meeting the graceful soldier

Good evening How are you holding up? I wonder, can you even hold up in this state you're in? Fufu, okay. I'll tell you about the place you're locked in. You are being held under suspicion to be a member of the rebellion. Rebellion means, traitors who aim to overthrow our proud nation. Of course, we won't let that happen, so I was given instructions to capture you. Ah, you don't know my field of work yet. I am a military soldier. This might sound strange coming from me, but I'm an elite to be promoted to commander at a young age. I own all the authority to maintain the security of this district. Well, now that you know who I am, I wonder. Is there anything you have to say for yourself? Yeah, that's right. There is no clear evidence that you're a rebel member. In fact, it's quite the contrary, given your birth place, upbringing and favorable behavior. No matter how you look at it, you're just a typical citizen. No, in fact you're even an honorable citizen. Fufufu, "then why did you...?" Is that what you ask? When it comes to district security, I reign supreme power here. When I say "wrong", it really becomes "wrong". Interesting, ins't it? In this country, the words of the strong become the truth. I have declared you as a rebel myself. Therefore, you are a rebel and have been targeted for apprehension and punishment. False charge? Well, I guess you could say it that way. But, can you prove it? Not by yourself. It's a probatio diabolica. (Impossible proof) There is no one who can do such a thing, and I won't let them. Fufu, do you want to know why I'm doing all this? Alright. The answer is very simple. You please me. You are just my type. That's why I had to get you. I want to own you. Yes, an object just for me. Being elite just isn't very fun. You have heavy responsibilities, and everybody's jealous of you. So I need to vent somehow. However, that doesn't mean I just want to punch and kick you for stress relief. A woman has to raise the man she catches. Do you know what I mean by that? Fufufu, you'll be my sexual relief. Oh, what defiant eyes you make. Hee, you think you can refuse me? Fufufufufu, actually that isn't so bad either. I want to break and make an obedient pet out of you. Oh yes, there's even more to my plan to degrade you. Do you want to know? First, you'll tease your penis until you get teary eyes. Like plenty of careful and merciless torture. And further down, you'll get so desperate that you'll cry for forgiveness. And then, when you're drenched in fear and terror, I'll give you gentle comfort. "It's alright. If you become mine, you don't have to hurt anymore." "You did really good" "Now you don't have to resist anymore" "Please, become mine" And when that happens, Once you are filled to the brim with joy, you will fall. Fufufu, "that'll never happen" you say? Well then, good luck with that. It will be for naught though. Yeah, even if you behave like that, you better follow my rules. Because with just one snip of a finger, I could send you off to an asylum. That's where they execute traitors. There is only one future for you, death. They'll torture you forever until you confess. They can break any man, even with the strongest willpower to confess. And once you confess, they execute you. And even if you withstand it, the torture itself would be your ultimate death. Fufufufu, so you better be careful. ??This means that to the bitter end, you'll have to show your best and most obedient behavior. Do keep that rebellious mind. ??Because you'll properly give it to me from now on. Now, please rest for today. Tomorrow starts your training to make you my pet. Please look forward to it.

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