Track 2

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こんばんは いい子にして待っていたかしら? そう、大人しくしていたのね ふふふ、じゃあ、これはなにかしら? ほら、窓の鉄格子に切断しようとした跡がある これは貴方がつけたのよね? 本当にあきらめの悪い人 この窓から逃げようとした? 牢屋から逃げ出したところで看守に見つかって連れ戻されるだけなのに それで、どんな道具で鉄格子に傷をつけたのかしら? 見せてちょうだい ほら、その後ろ手で隠しているものを見せなさい ふふ、ガラス片ね どこでそんなもの手に入れたのかしら? まあいいわ 危ないから渡しなさい あら、そんなものこちらに向けてどうしようというの? 私を脅して人質にでもするつもり? それとも私を刺すのかしら? 貴方、反抗的ね 少しお仕置きをしないといけないわ 後悔してもらいましょうか (ここからささやき) ふふふ、何が起こったか分からなかったかしら? 貴方の右手を弾いてガラス片をはたき落とした それと同時に背後に回り込みながら右腕の関節をきめたの 分かる? 貴方の後ろに私がぴったりと張り付いているの 動きが取れないようにしっかりと拘束しながらね そして耳元で話しかけている ねぇ あまり軍人をなめてはダメよ 素人が勝てると思ったのかしら? ふふふふふふふふふ、かわいいわ 考えなしで行動するからすぐ失敗する そしてお仕置きを受けることになる ダメよ 今左手を動かそうとしたでしょ? そういうことをすると、こうするわ ほら ふふふ、痛い? ねぇ、痛いかしら? そうよね、だって関節が有りえない方向に曲がろうとしているのだから このまま力を加え続けて限界を超えたら関節が外れちゃうわね コキッ、ってね ふふ、体が震えだしたわ 小刻みにびくびくって あら、刃向っておきながら負けたら怖くなったの? かわいいわ 私が次にどうするか、怯えながら待っているのよね? でも、それよりもこっちにも集中してほしいかしら 貴方の右腕 私に関節を決められている右腕 柔らかな感触があるでしょう? ふふ、これは私の胸 ほら集中して 痛みの中に少しの気持ちよさ 柔らかい私の乳房の感覚 ふふ、このままお仕置きしてあげるわ このみじめな体勢で勃起させてあげるの 私も両手が使えないけれど、方法はあるのよ 直接ペニスを触らなくても、カウパーでべちょべちょにする方法がね 答えはこれよ ん、ちゅううう、ちゅうう、ちゅぱ、ちゅうう、ちゅ、ちゅ、んん、ちゅううう ふふふ、どうかしら 耳を舐められるのは 舐められている間、また震えていたわよ? 今度はくすぐったさで 気持ちいいのよね? 女に屈伏させられて耳を犯されて たまらないのでしょう? ほら ん、ちゅ、ちゅうう、ちゅぱ、ん、ちゅうう、ちゅ、ちゅ、ちゅううう ちゅぱ、ちゅうううう、ちゅ、ちゅうう 舌が耳の中に入って舐めしゃぶっているのよ 唾液でヌラヌラ光っている舌が蠢いて んん、ちゅ、ちゅうう、ん、ちゅ、ちゅ、ちゅ、ちゅぱ、ちゅ、ちゅ、ちゅううう あら、体をよじってどうしたのかしら? 動いてはいけないわ より関節が決まってしまう でも、体がいうことをきかないのよね? 気持ちよくて動いてしまう? じゃあ、これはどうなのかしら ふぅーーーーーーーーー ふふふふ、息を吹きかけられるのもすごいでしょ? 体がぴくぴくってなってしまうわね その分、貴方はどんどんと追い込まれていく 逃がさないわ ふぅーーーーーーーーー ふぅーーーーーーーーー 耳を犯されるのは、とても気持ちいいこと 囁かれ、舐められ、息を吹きかけられる 勃起してしまうのも仕方のないこと ん、ちゅ、ちゅうう、ちゅぱ、ちゅうう、ちゅ、ちゅ、ちゅううう ちゅぱ、ちゅうううう、んんん、ちゅ、ちゅうう ふふ ふぅーーーーーーーーー 何かしら? あまーい声が聞こえてきているのだけど? 私のペットになりたくないって言ったのはだぁれ? ご主人さまに与えられる快楽であえいでいいのはペットだけ もしかして、ペットになってくれるのかしら? ふふふ、まだ抵抗するの? じゃあ、これはなに? 貴方の股間がこんなに膨らんでいるのだけど 何かの病気なのかしら? ふふふふふふふ、ねぇ教えてちょうだい これはどうしたの? 答えないのね じゃあ、答えたくしてあげるわね ふぅーーーーーーーーー ん、ちゅ、ちゅうう、ちゅぱ、ちゅうう、ちゅ、ちゅ、んん、ちゅううう ちゅぱ、ちゅうううう、んんん、ちゅ、ちゅうう ちゅぱちゅぱ、ちゅうううう ふふふ、股間から汁が染み出してきているわね? これはどうしたの? 貴方のペニスはどうなってしまったの? ねぇ、どうなったの? 答えなさい そう、まだ答えないのね ふふふふ、そうなの 病気なら、膿が出てきているのかもしれないわ 体に悪いからもっと出した方がいいのかしら? んんん、ちゅぱ、ちゅうううう、んんん、ちゅ、ちゅうう ちゅぱちゅぱ、ちゅうううう、ちゅぱちゅぱ、ちゅうううう ふぅーーーーーーーーー ふぅーーーーーーーーー ふふ、また出てきた どんどん溢れてくるわね 貴方も股間をもぞもぞさせて苦しそう これはもっと頑張らないといけないのかしら? ねぇ、どう思う? ん?病気じゃないの? じゃあ、これはなぁに? ふふ、ふふふふふ、あははははははは そう、そうね 勃起ね あはははははは 言わされてしまったわね 女に強要されて『勃起』なんて恥ずかしい言葉を ねぇ、私はまだペニスに触れてもいないのよ? 貴方は耳だけでペニスをカウパーまみれにさせられたの ふふふふふ、貴方、変態なのかしら こんな状況でペニスがちがちのべちゃべちゃにするなんて変態以外考えられないわ ねぇ、そうでしょう? じゃあ、私がいくつか質問をするわ 私の問いに『変態だから』と返しなさい いいかしら? どうしてペニスが大きくなったの? どうしてカウパーでシミを作っているの? どうしてあれだけ反抗していたのに、快楽でとろとろになっているの? (ここまで) ふふふふふふ、あははははは よくできました これで芸を1つ覚えたわね 気が付いているかしら 貴方は今、ペットととして調教されているのよ? こうして芸を仕込まれてね くくく、あはははははははは いまさら気付いたのかしら でも、もう遅いわ 貴方は私に躾けられた この事実は変わらないの さて、今度はその勃起したペニスを躾けてあげようかしら ほら左手も私に預けなさい 縛って動けなくしてあげるから くくく、嫌なら両手とも関節を外してもいいのよ? おりこうさんね そういう素直な貴方もいいわ じゃあ、後ろ手で拘束するわね はい ふふ、手錠の冷たい感じもいいでしょう? 本当の罪人みたいで興奮するのではないかしら? じゃあ、股を開いてそこの壁の前に跪きなさい ふふふ、やっと従う気になったようね でも、不服そうな目 心までは屈していないのね 嬉しいわ ペットに落とされてトロトロになったときの楽しみがまた増えた さて、私は貴方の目の前にある椅子に腰かけさせてもらうわね ふふふふ、これで貴方を見下す形になったわ いい眺めよ ほら、目を逸らさないの 私を見なさい ふふふ、これから貴方のペニスから精液を絞ってあげるわ ペットの世話も主人の務めだから よかったわね ペニスから白いおしっこを強制的に吐き出させられるのよ 私の足でね ふふふふふふふ、屈辱かしら? そうよね 跪かされて、しかも足でなんて最低な射精だもの 嫌よね? ふふ、なら射精しないわよね? だって、そうでしょう? 嫌なことをされているのに、だらしなく喘いで、体びくびくさせて、ペニスからお汁出すなんてありえないわ ふふふふふふふふ 抵抗する意思があるのなら、我慢することね じゃあ、いきましょうか ブーツを脱いで・・・ふふふ 私、靴下ははかない主義なの だから、いつもブーツの中は汗でムレムレ 今日はまだ洗ってないの 貴方のためよ? あははははははは どうするか分かったかしら? ええ、こうするの 左足を貴方の鼻へ くくくくく、逃げても無駄 後ろは壁よ ほら、召し上がれ あははははははははは どうかしら私の足の匂いは? あら、息を止めているの? じゃあ、口で息ができないように足でふさいであげる ほら 強く押し付けてあげるわ ふふふふ、息が続かなくなったときどうなるのかしら? 足と壁に頭を挟まれて逃げられない なら、鼻でめいいっぱい息をするしかないわよね? 足の芳しいにおいを嗅ぎながら、その匂いを肺いっぱいに満たしなさい くくく、どこまで我慢できるのかしら ふふふふ、ダメよ逃がさない くくくく、ふふふふふふ(我慢している姿を見物しながら) あはははははははは はーい、召し上がれ あははははははははは どうかしら? 足のにおいを無理やりかがされている気分は? ほら、もっと嗅ぎなさい 貴方はペットなのだから私の匂い、忘れてはいけないわ あら? ねぇ、どうしてペニス大きいままなの? ねぇ? こういう時どういえばいいのだったかしら? 『変態だから』でしょう? ほらもう一度 どうしてペニス大きいままなの? どうして足の匂いで興奮しているの? あはははははははははは じゃあ、こっちもかわいがってあげましょうね 右足でズボンの上からペニスをぐりぐり ん?かわいい声が聞こえたわよ? 貴方のペニス、素足で踏まれているのよ? これがいいの? こんな屈辱的なペニス虐めがいいのかしら? あは、体は正直よ ふふふふ、だって私の足がカウパーでべとべと ほら、こうやって足を動かすたびに卑猥な音が出ているわ ぬちゃぬちゃ、ぐちゅぐちゅ あら、匂いをクンクンするのも続けないとダメよ? あは、でもその匂いを嗅ぎすぎると興奮して・・・射精してしまう? そうなってはいけないわ 屈服してことになってしまう 早く匂いから逃げないと でも、逃がさない あはは、ずっと私の足を嗅いでいてちょうだい そして、最低の射精、しましょうね? ほぉら、足全体で踏んづけて くくく、いい声ね このまま上下にさすってあげる ごしごし、ごしごし あはははは あえぎ声が足の隙間から洩れてきているのが分かる ねぇ、これは屈辱なのでしょう? 跪かされて、素足のにおいを嗅がされて、ペニス踏まれて 射精なんてしたら笑いものよ? いいのかしら? あはははははは もう濃厚な匂いで頭溶かされて考えられないわよね じゃあ、もう射精してしまいましょう? このむれた足でね きっととても気持ちよくて、とても恥ずかしいわよ? ほら、右足でペニス強くさすっていじめてあげる 踏みつけながら上下にごしごし このまま射精したら、貴方はパンツを汚してしまうわね その年でおもらしするのかしら? あらら、情けないわね くくくくく、でも、もっとみじめにするわよ 左足を口に入れてあげるの ほら、見てちょうだい ご主人様のおみ足よ 味が染み付いたとてもおいしい私の足 ふふ、口にねじ込んであげる はい、どうぞ あはははは、ちゃんとご奉仕しなさい 唾液を絡めてこの汗で蒸れた足を綺麗にしなさい 舌で丁寧に指の間まで舐めるの じゃあ、右足も親指と人差し指でペニス挟んで強くしごいてあげる まるで足でつまんでいるみたいね あはは、貴方にはお似合いの扱いね あら、ペニスがふるえだしたのだけど? まさか、屈辱の射精をしてしまうの? 両足で口とペニス犯されて、みじめに果てるのね? ねぇ? どうしてこんなことをされて射精してしまうの? あははははははは そう、そうね あはははは、変態だものね もう限界かしら? からかわれて射精が我慢できなくなったの? いいわ いきなさい 許可するわ 私の足に支配されてパンツの中で射精しなさい ほらぁ ふふふふふふふ 足の下でペニスが跳ねまわってるわ どくんどくんって おもらし完了ね ずぼんから精液が染み出して、私の足が精液でドロドロ ほら、見なさい これ、貴方がしたのよ? ああ、恥ずかしいわね とても恥ずかしい あれだけ嫌がっていたのにこんなにしてしまうなんて もう人間以下になり下がったの? ふふふふ、それで、いつまで足をしゃぶっているのかしら? そんなに私の足が愛おしいの? あはははは、あわてて口から吐き出して 自主的に舐めていたことを否定したいの? 無駄よ 私、ずっと観察していたもの 貴方の表情がどんどんとろけて、メロメロになっていく様を かわいかったわ ペニスと口をいじめるられて切なげになって もう私に飼われる気があるとしかみえなかったのだけど? あら、否定するの? ふふふふ、じゃあ、もう一度溶かしてあげる どういう意味か教えてあげる 両足でズボンとパンツを脱がせるわ ふふふ、器用でしょう? ほら、チャックもおろして あは、中身、大惨事よ 貴方の精液でもうぐちゃぐちゃ それにもわっと立ち込めるこの匂い すんすん あは、濃くて生臭い ふふ、ペニスはまだ硬いままね まだいじめてほしいにぴくぴく震えているわ この変態ペニスは期待しているようね いいわ 今からこの精液にまみれたドロドロペニスを生足でしごいてあげる 今度は両足でね ふふふ、両足でペニスをじっくり囲い込んで ほら、ぴったりと挟み込まれてしまったわ これで上下にごしごしって動かすの きっとたまらない快楽よ さぁ、ピストン開始しましょうね あははははは いい声で鳴くのね? さっきまでは足で塞がれていたおかげで声を殺せていたのにね 口が自由になった代わりにその声、聞かれているわよ? くくく、もっと足の裏の感触を楽しみなさい 素足で直に触ってあげているのだから 感謝しなさい ふふ、精液で汚れているから滑りがいいわね 足で穴を作ってぐちゅぐちゅって上下運動 まるでセックスしているみたい? そうよ、貴方は私の足とセックスしているの 強制的セックスさせられているの ふふふふふふ、これ、レイプっていうの 知っているわよね 力でねじ伏せて無理やり犯すことよ 女にレイプされるってどんな気持ちなのかしら? しかもこうやって足で あははははははは 変態ペニスが跳ねたわ 自覚したら気持ち良くなってしまったかしら? ほら、貴方は足でレイプされているの レイプよ、レイプ あははははははは 声も大きく切なげになったわ いいわ もっと醜態をさらしなさい 観察していてあげる あははははははは 顔真っ赤にして涙目ね もっとひどくしてあげる 左足を裏筋、右足をカリ首にセット 親指と人差し指で挟み込んで くくくく、何が始まるのかしらね? 教えてあげる 今から指で挟んだまま、きゅっきゅってかき回してあげるのよ 裏筋とカリ首を集中攻撃するってこと とくにカリ首はすごいわよ? くくくくくくく、敏感な溝にそって足の指がぐるぐる、ぐるぐる スパナでねじを締めたり緩めたりするみたいに執拗に責めてあげる あは、その顔は何かしら? ふやけ切って 期待しているのでしょう? 人間以下のペットは お望み通りにペニスむちゃくちゃにいじめるわ ほら、回転回転 あはははははははは ペニスが足に弄ばれて喜んでいるわ こんな最低ないじめ方されて感じているのよね? 跪いたまま私のなすがまま 貴方のペニスはいじめられるための物なの 今後一切普通の女の子とセックスするなんて考えてはいけないわ これは私の物 私の所有物 そうよね? あはははははははははは はーい、私の物って認めた このペニスどう扱ってもいいってことよね? 分かったわ もっときつく挟み込んで締めあげながら磨いてあげる ほら、きゅっきゅっ、きゅっきゅっ 何よ もうこのペニスは私の物なの 貴方がどうなっても知らないわ あは、涙目になっているの? かわいい顔に仕上がっているわよ? ずっと見られている いいのかしら? これはとても恥ずかしいことなのよ? それをずっと観察されているの へぇ、いいのね? じゃあ、目でも犯してあげる もっと変態な貴方を見せてちょうだい あら、ペニスもう限界かしら? 私の足にレイプされているのだから当然ね いいわ もう一度射精しなさい でも、貴方の精液がかかるのは嫌よ 制服が汚れてしまうもの マーキングしていいのはご主人様だけ だから、左足を裏筋に沿ってしこしこ そして右足は亀頭の上 あははははは 足の裏で精液受け止めてあげると言っているの 嬉しいでしょう? 私の足を妊娠させられるかもしれないわよ? くくくくくく 射精するまで右足で亀頭すりつぶしてあげる ほら、ぐりぐり あは、すごい声ね ここはとても敏感なの? ええ、知っているわ 踏みにじられるときついのよね こうやって、ね あははははははは 左足でピストンしてあげるからこの刺激の中でいきなさい あは、しこしこぐりぐり、しこしこぐりぐり 玉から精液が上がってくるわ 亀頭磨かれながら射精するのね? 苦しみながら白いお汁をまた漏らすのね あははははは ほら、私の足に出していいわよ 女に足蹴にされて射精しなさい この変態ペニス ふふふふふふふふ 足の裏に熱い精液が当たっているわ また足でいかされてしまったわね? 恥ずかしい、恥ずかしい あはははははははははははは どうしたの? 目がうつろよ? 気持ち良すぎて飛んでしまったかしら? 感度抜群ね これからも楽しめそう ああ、そうだった 今日はよく頑張ったわね よしよし かわいかったわ あら、どうしたのかしら 涙をポロポロこぼして ああ、怖かったの? 気持ち良すぎて怖かったのね? よしよし もう大丈夫よ 今日はこれくらいにしておいてあげるから もう終わりよ でも、その前に後始末しないといけないわ ふふ、私の足を見てちょうだい 貴方の汚い精液でドロドロ ・・・舐めとりなさい あははははは ・・・また終わったら褒めてあげる

Trained by the graceful soldier

Good evening Have you been waiting like a good boy? I see, how obedient of you. Fufufu, well then, what is that I wonder? Look to the window, there are cutting marks on the iron bars, as if someone wanted to break them. You did that, right? You really don't know when to give up, do you? Did you plan to escape from the window? Even though the guards would catch and retrieve any one who tried to escape from prison. I wonder, what tools did you use to cut them? Please show me. Go on, show me what you've hidden behind your back. Fufu, I see. A glass shard. Now where did you get ahold of that? No matter. Please give them to me, those are dangerous. Oh, what are you doing? Why are you turning it towards me? Are you going to threaten me and make me a hostage? Or do you even plan to stab me? You little rebel, you. I think I ought to punish you a bit. You're going to regret this. (Whisper from here) Fufufu, do you know what just happened? I just slapped your right hand and made you drop the glass shard. Simultaneously, I wrapped behind your back and hold your right arm by the joint. Get it? I'm snuggly clinging behind your back. You can't move an inch as I firmly restrain you. And now I speak closely in your ear. Say... You shouldn't underestimate a soldier. Did you think an amateur could win against me? Fufufufufufufufufu, so cute. When you act without thinking, you suddenly lose. And now you'll be punished. Oh no. Did your left hand just move? When you do this, I'll do that. Here. Fufufu, does that hurt? Hey, it hurts, right? Because I don't believe your joints are supposed to bend that way. If I keep bending it like that to the limit, your arm will get dislocated. Did you just gulp? Fufu. My, you're trembling. And twitching bit by bit. Oh, are you scared because you lost your blade? How cute. Now you're waiting in panic about what I'll do next. But maybe you'd rather want to focus over here instead. Your right arm. Your seized right arm. Can you feel something soft touching it? Fufu, it's my breasts. There, concentrate. Among the pain, it feels a little bit good. The touch of my soft nipples. Fufu, this is how I punish you. I'm making you get hard in this miserable posture. This is a certain method without using any of my hands. A method to make you get soaked with precum, without directly touching your penis. And here's your answer. N, chuuuu, Chuu, Chupa, Chuu, Ju, Ju, N I, Chu uhh Hehehe, how is this? I'm licking your ear. As I licked it, you trembled even more. You're being ticklish now. Feels good, right? A woman is raping your ear to make you yield. It's intolerable. Here. N, Ju, Chuu, Chupa, I, Chuu, Ju, Ju, Chu uhh Chupa, chuuuuu uhh, Ju, Chuu I'm sucking your ear and put my tongue inside. My wriggling tongue makes it all slimy and shiny with spit. I N, Ju, Chuu, do, Ju, Ju, Ju, Chupa, Ju, Ju, Chu uhh Oh, what are you squirming around for? You shouldn't move. Or you'll twist your joints even more. But you body doesn't follow you when I do this. When it feels good, you want to move. Now, how is this then? Fuuuu~ Fufufufu, even my breath feels amazing, right? Your body doesn't stop jerking. And this is how I slowly drive you desperate. There is no escape. Fuuu~ Fuuu~ Getting ear raped feels incredibly good Whispering, licking and blowing There's no way you won't get hard from this. N, Ju, Chuu, Chupa, Chuu, Ju, Ju, Chu uhh Chupa, chuuuuh, N'n'n, Ju, Chuu Fufu... Fuuu~ What is it? Did I just hear some very sweeet moans? Say, who was the one who didn't want to be my pet? Only a pet who moans nicely when his mistress gives him pleasure. Perhaps, do you want to become my pet? Fufufu, so you're still resisting? Well, what is this then? There is something big and hard between your crotch. Is that some kind of disease? Fufufufufufufu, heeey, please tell meee. What is that thing? You won't tell me? Then I'll make you tell me. Fuuu~ N, Ju, Chuu, Chupa, Chuu, Ju, Ju, N I, Chu uhh Chupa, chuuuuh, N'n'n, Ju, Chuu Chupa Chupa, intends Chu uhh Fufufu, there's something dripping out from your crotch. What is that? What ever happened to your penis? Hey, what happened? Answer me. Still not answering, huh? Fufufufu, is that so? If it's a disease, maybe it's pus leaking out. That's bad for the body, so we better drench it out. N'n'n, Chupa, chuuuuh, N'n'n, Ju, Chuu Chupa Chupa, chuuuuh, Chupa Chupa, intends Chu uhh Fuuu~ Fuuu~ Hehe, it's still flowing out. It keeps overflowing. And your crotch is squirming as if you're in pain. Looks like you can't stand this anymore. Or what do you think? Hm? So it's not a disease? Well then, whaaaat iiiis iiit? Hehe, Fufufufufu, Ahahahahahaha Ah, I see. It's an hard-on. Ahahahahaha I made you say it. A woman forced you to say something embarrassing as "hard on" Hey, I'm still not touching your penis. I just made you ooze with precum by licking your ear. Fufufufufu, are you maybe a pervert? If your penis gets rock hard and drenched in a situation like this, then you can't be considered anything else than a pervert. Hey, isn't that right? Well then, I have a few questions for you. When I ask you a question, you answer "Cause I'm a pervert" Understood? Say, why is your penis so big? Say, why are you making precum stains? Say, why have you been so rebellious and now you're drowning in pleasure? (Whisper ends) Fufufufufufu, Ahahahahaha Very well done. Remember this as trick number one. Have you ever noticed? I'm already training you to make you my pet. And this is one training trick. Kukuku, Ahahahahaha Did you notice only now? You're already too late. I've disciplined you. There's nothing to change this fact. And next, I wonder how I should discipline this hard penis. There, give me your left hand already. I'm going to tie them together so you can't move. Kukuku, if you don't like that, I can also dislocate both your joints. Aren't I clever? So you better be nice and docile. Okay, tying them behind your back and... There. Fufu, that handcuffs feel nice and cold, right? I wonder, does it turn you on for looking like a real criminal? Now, open your crotch and kneel against this wall. Hehehe, finally you start to behave. But your eyes are protesting. You haven't surrendered your heart yet. That makes me happy. That will make the moment when you drool and degrade into my pet much more enjoyable. Well, I guess I'll sit in front of you in this chair here. Fufufufu, now I can look down on your miserable shape. Nice view. Hey, don't avert your eyes. Look at me. Hehehe, I'm going to squeeze out your semen now. Because taking care of pets is the duty of a master. Isn't that great? I'm going to make your penis forcibly spit out its white pee. With my feet. Fufufufufufufu, isn't that humiliating? Right. You're not only kneeling, but you'll also cum on my feet. That's the worst. You hate it? Fufu, in that case just don't cum. Isn't that right? I mean, if you hate this, then you can't possibly moan like a slut, twitch your body and overflow with precum, right? Fufufufufufufufu If you have the will to resist, then do your best. Now, shall we proceed? Taking off my boots... fufufu I don't wear socks on principle. That's why my boots always stink of muffy sweat. I still haven't washed them today. For your sake, you know. Ahahahahahahaha You know what I just did? Yes, like this. My left foot is on your nose. Kukukukuku, you can't run away. There's a wall behind you. Hey, dig in. Ahahahahahahaha I wonder how my feet smell. Oh, holding your breath, huh? Well then, I better block your mouth so you can't breathe. Here. Pressing really hard on it. Fufufufu, I wonder what happens when you run out of breath? Your head's blocked between a foot and a hard place. There's no escape. So you have no choice but to take a really good breath with your nose. And as you sniff the fragrant smell of my foot, let it fill up your lungs. Kukuku, I wonder how long you'll last. Fufufufu, nope, you can't escape. Kukukuku, Fufufufufufu (Enjoying the sight of enduring it) Ahahahahahahaha And nooow, dig in! Ahahahahahahaha How is it? How does it feel to forcibly smell my foot? Go on, breathe harder. If you're my pet, then you better not forget my smell. Huh? Hey, why's your penis so big? Do say. You know what to say at a time like this. "Cause I'm a pervert", right? Listen, I'll ask again. Say, how come your penis is so big? Why dooes my stinking foot turn you on? Ahahahahahahaha Well then, let's be affectionate, hm? I'm circling my right foot over your pants. Hm? Did I just heat a cute voice? But I'm stepping on your penis with my bare foot. Is that alright? Are you alright with such humiliating penis torment? Ahah, your body is honest. Fufufu, because my foot is getting smeared with precum. Look, every time I move my foot, you let out an obscene moan. Squirl squirl, guchuguchu. Ah, don't stop sniffing me, okay? Ahah, but if sniffing my smell turns you on so much... are you gonna cum? That won't happen. Because then you've surrendered. So you better get away from this smell, fast. But you can't get away. Ahahah, you're smelling my foot just right, for a long time. And lastly, you'll end up cumming, right? Heere, my feet trample your whole body. Kukuku, what a nice voice. I'll rub it up and down, like this. Scrubby scrubby. Ahahaha Your moans are trying to leak out from the gabs between my foot. Hey, isn't this humiliating? Kneeling down, smelling my bare foor and your penis trampled. It'd be hilarious if you orgasmed. Isn't it nice? Ahahahaha I believe the dense and rich smell has already melted your head. Now, shall we make you cum? With my stuffy feet. Suerly, it'll feel incredibly good and embarrassing. There, rubbing your penis even stronger with my foot. Scrubbing and tramping up and down all over. If you came like this, you'll make your pants all dirty. You're peeing yourself at that age? Oh oh oh, isn't that shameful. Kukukukuku, but, but it will get even more shameful. Let's put my left foot in your mouth. There, look at it. Your master's foot. My very tasty foot, ingrained with flavor. Hehe, let's shove it down your mouth. Here. Ahahahaha, please service me properly. Make my spit and sweat stained foot sparkly clean. Politely lick all around the spaces between my toes. Now I'll give you a strong toejob with my big and second toes. As if I was pinching it with my toes. Ahahah, that's the treatment you deserve. Ah, is your penis beginning to tremble? No way, are you going to disgracefully ejaculate? As my feet ape your mouth and penis, you'll perish in misery. Say? Why does this make you cum? Ahahahahahahaha Yes, that's right. Ahahahaha, cause you're a pervert. Is this your limit? You can't hold back your ridiculous orgasm? Alright. Come. You have my permission. Come inside your pants by my dominating feet. Heeere Fufufufufufufu Your penis under my foot is pumping. Pump pump. Your completely wetting yourself. Semen is oozing out from your pants and seeps on my feet. There, have a look. Look. You did this. Ahh, how embarrassing. How very shameful. To think that you'd do such an unpleasant thing. Your now lower than subhuman. Fufufufu, but I wonder, how long are you going to suck my foot? Do you love it that much? Ahahahaha, you confusedly spit it out. You want to deny that you independently licked it? Spare it. I've been observing you all this time. Because your face seemed like it was melting and falling in love, bit my bit. That was very cute. Bullying your penis and mouth made you lick like a puppy. Now does it look like you feel like being raised by no one but me? Ah, you deny it? Fufufufu, well, then let's make you melt once again- Should I tell you what I mean? I'm taking off your pants with my feet. Hehehe, look how skillful I am. See? pulling down your zipper. Oh dear, what a horrible mess inside. It's all sloppy with cum. And it smells up to here. *sniff sniff* Ahh, what a strong fishy smell. fufu, but your penis stays hard. It twitches and trembles, and wants to be teased again. As if your pervert penis is anticipating it. Alright. Now I'm going to stroke this cum smeared penis with my bare feet. This time, with both feet. Fufufu, carefully engulfing it. Look, it fits snugly inbetween. And now I'm going to stroke you off by moving up and down. Surely, the pleasure will be unbearable. Now, piston starting. Ahahahaha Very nice moans. Before, your voice was blocked because you had my foot in your mouth. And now that its free, I can clearly hear your moans, you know. Kukuku, please enjoy the touch of my footsoles. Because there's direct contact to my bare feet. Do can thank me for it. Hehe, it's nice and slipper because it's soiled with cum. Moving it up and down guchuiguchu in my foot hole. Doesn't it almost looks like sex? Yes, you're having sex with my feet. I'm forcing you to sex. Fufufufufufu, this is called rape, you know. You know that, don't you? It's when you hold someone down and fuck them against their will. How does it feel to be raped by a woman? And by the feet, of all things. Ahahahahahahaha Your pervert penis jumped. I wonder if it feels good on it's own. Look, I'm raping you here. This is rape. Rape! Ahahahahahahaha Now you're making really big and sad moans. Good. Show me more of of your shameful sight. I'll observe it all. Ahahahahahahaha Your face is bright red and in tears. I can be even more cruel. I'm setting my left foot on your frenulum and my right foot on your corona. It's sandwiched between my big and index thumbs. Kukukuku, I wonder what happens next. Shall I tell you? It squeeze and stir you up, interposed between my toes. It's a concentrated assault against your frenulum and corona. Especially your corona feels incredible, right? Kukukuku Kukuku, going round and round with my toes against this sensitive spot. Persistent bulling, as if I wanted to tighten a screw with a wrench. Ah, what's with your face? You're welling up. Are you anticipating something? You subhuman pet. As you wish, I'll tease and make a mess out of your penis. Here, turning turning. Ahahahahahahaha Your penis is delighted by my foot fiddling. Are turned on that much by this awful bullying? You're at my mercy as you kneel to me. Your penis is a bully object. From now on and forever, it's impossible for you to have normal sex with a girl. Because this belongs to me. It's my possession. Right? Ahahahahahahaha Yees, you admit that it's mine. So I can treat this penis however I want, right? Understood. Let's grab it even stronger and polish it up nicely. Here, tighty tighty. What? This penis is mine now. You shouldn't care what happens to it. Aha, are those tears? Did you end up with such a precious face? I'll take a good long look. Is this fine? This is awfully embarrassing. And i'm constantly observing you. Huh, is it really fine? Well, then let's rape your eyes as well. Show me how perverted you can be. Ah, is this your limit? Naturally, when my feet are raping you. Okay. Cum again. But I don't want your cum to touch me. You'll ruin my nice uniform. It'd be like marking your own master. So my left foot strokes you off in parallel. And my right foot at the top of your glans. Ahahahaha I'm saying that I'll catch your cum with my footsoles. Aren't you happy? Perhaps you'll even make my feet pregnant? Kukukukukuku Pulverizing your glans right until you cum. Here, gree gree. Ahah, a terriffic moan. You're incredibly sensitive here, right? Yeah, I know. Trampling it is so tight, right? Like this. Ahahahahahahaha Please come as I stimulate you with a foot piston. Ahah, fap fap, gree gree Semen's rising from your balls. You're gonna cum as I polish your glans? Leaking your white sauce as you suffer. Ahahahaha Here, just cum in my feet. Come by a woman kicking you. You pervert penis. Fufufufufufufufu The hot cum is hitting my footsoles. You got used again by my feet. So very embarassing. Ahahahahahahahawahahawa is What's wrong? Your eyes are blank. Did it feel so good you passed out? You have excellent sensibility. That way, it's much more fun. Ah, that's right. You did very good today. There there. That was very cute. Ah, what is the matter? You're spilling with tears. Ahh, were you scared? Did it feel so good it was scary? Aw, c'mere. It's all good now. You've had enough for today. It's over now. But before that, you have to clean up this mess. Hehe, look at my feet. They're dripping with your smelly cum. ...lick them good. Ahahahaha ...when you're finished, I'll praise you again.

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