Track 3

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こんにちは あなたもここに連れてこられてもう10日よ そろそろ私の物になってもいいと思うけど? ふふ、つれないわね 夜は私のいいなりにできても、貴方の全てはまだ手に入っていない なかなか難しいわね 変態なことさせられないと素直にならないの? ねぇ、覚えているかしら? 初めての夜、貴方は足で責められて抵抗もできなくなったのよ? それ以来、ずっと夜は私に従順に見えるのにね でも、まだ心は折れていない 完全にはひれ伏していない 毎日、私に頭をなでられて泣いて喜んでいるのにね? あはははははははは 顔が真っ赤よ 恥ずかしいの? いいのよ? 私には全てを見せても あら、反抗的な態度ね でも、心の奥ではもう私を求めている 飼い主の私をね そうでしょう? ふふふふふ、顔も見たくないなんて酷いわ 貴方、それでも本当にいいの? 後悔しないかしら? そう、なら丁度よかったわ 私、これから本部で会議があってしばらくは戻ってこられないの だから、その間に貸してあげることにしたの ええ、貸してあげるの 貴方のペニスを ふふふふふふふふふ、確かに貴方自身は貴方の物よ でも、そのペニスの所有権はすでに私にくれたわよね? だからそのペニスを貸し出すの 私の部下に その子達は貴方に興味があるらしいの ふふふふふふふふ 正しくは貴方のペニスに、だけど 遊びたいのだそうよ 残酷な子たちだから、たっぷり辱められるといいわ 一応、壊さないように言ってあるけど、あまり彼女たちの機嫌を損ねないようにしなさい 私には責任が取れないから あはははははは 何かしらその顔は? 飼い主に捨てられたペットの顔をしているわ ふふふ、大丈夫 私は貴方を捨てはしないわ 絶対にね

The graceful soldier says farewell for a while

Hello. You have been locked up in here for 10 days now. I believe it's about time that you belong to me, right? Heheh, how heartless. Every night you do exactly what I tell you, but you're still not completely in my hands yet. You're pretty difficult. Don't you want to obediently accept the perverted things I do to you? Say, do you even remember? The first night, when you couldn't resist my feet anymore? Since then, I've seen you get ever more obedient to me, night for night. But, I haven't broken your heart yet. You're not completely falling to my feet yet. Even though you overflow with tears of joy, every day when I pet your head. Ahahahahahahaha That blushed face. How shameful. Splendid. Show it all to me. Oho, playing the rebel again? But, deep in your heart, you really need me. You are my pet, I own you. Isn't that right? Fufufufufu, don't you want to show me your face? How cruel of you. Say, are you really alright with that? Don't you regret it? I see, then I'm just right in time. You see, I'm heading to an HQ meeting, which means I'll be gone for a while. But in the meantime, I've decided to lend you out. Yes, lending out. Your penis. Fufufufufufufufufu, certainly, you still belong to yourself. However, this penis is already in my possession. That's why I'm lending out this penis. To my subordinates. Those girls seem to be really interested in you. Fufufufufufufufu. Correction. Just your penis, that is. So they want to play with it. But these girls are really mean, and can be really humiliating. For now, I've told them not to break you, but you better be careful not to spoil their mood. I'm not responsible for what happens. Ahahahaha. What's with that face? You look like a pet who got abandoned by it's owner. Fufufu, don't worry. I'm not throwing you away. I'd never do that.

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