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応用編 足蹴コース わかってると思うけど、このコースは女性に足で責められるってものだから 屈辱的な扱いで興奮してしまうマゾペニスを治療するってこと まぁ、所詮足だし耐えられるよね? まずは、踏みにじり 素足でペニスを踏みつけて、足の裏でペニス全体を押し付け圧迫するの 男性の大切な部分を女性に踏みにじられる治療 すりすりと上下左右にこすりながらの刺激になるから、屈辱的な快楽に耐えてもらわないといけないね と言っても、ただ踏んで足を動かすだけのものだし、射精に繋がる快楽は感じにくいと思うけど 次に、足しごき 足の親指と人差し指でペニスを挟み込み上下にしごくの 手のシゴキとは違った感触でぎこちないような刺激を味わうことになるから 足で摘まれて扱かれているってあまり意識しないでちょうだい マゾの人はそういうふうにペニスを扱われると金玉から精液が上がってきちゃうんだよね? でもそれは許さないから 最後に、足ホール 素足で輪っかを作り、そのホールにペニスを挿入 左右から足の裏で挟まれながらしごくことになるから、ペニス全体を激しい刺激が襲うことになるね 後、足は手のように器用には動かせないから、かなり強引で乱暴な上下運動になると思うけど、耐えてちょうだい 説明は以上 このコース、選んだんだ へぇー 別に? なんでもない 早速始めるから まず、ペニスにローションを垂らすね はい、これで準備完了 じゃあ、この足で ・・・ねぇ、聞いて良い? なんで私の素足を見て勃起してるの? 早く踏まれたい、なんて考えてないよね? 何考えてるの? 忘れてた これ、マゾペニスだったっけ? でもね、足を見ただけで期待して勃起なんてありえないと思うよ 重症だね まぁいいよ、治療で治すから 踏みにじり、いくね ほら、こうやってペニスを踏みつける 右足全体で、ぎゅううううって このまま体重かけていくね どんどんペニスが圧迫されていくね はい、これで完全に踏みつけた形になったよ 早速ペニスがピクピクってなってるのが分かるんだけど? これ、興奮してるんだよね? 興奮するのはだめ これ、治療だから 素足の感触を楽しむのも、踏まれてるって意識するのもやめて 早くペニスを萎えさせて 頑張って このくらいで屈するなんて恥ずかしいよ? ほら、ペニスフニャフニャにして ・・・全然萎えないんだけど? 仕方ないから、このまま治療を続けるけど、頑張って耐えて 体重を乗せたまま、踏みにじるね ぐりぐりぐり 少し乱暴に足の裏に圧迫されてると思うけど、大丈夫? 足の裏がペニス全体に覆いかぶさって、押し付けながらぐりぐりぐり 根元からカリ首まで素足で覆って刺激し続けるから 強引で乱暴な刺激 足首のスナップを利かせてそれを何度も何度も ドロドロだから楽に踏みにじることができるね ペニスにもローションまみれになった足の感触が伝わってくる? でも、それに流されないで だって、踏まれてるだけなんだから 乱暴に体重を乗せて足でこねくり回してるだけ 全然問題ないよね? あのさ 全然ペニスが萎えてこないんだけど? マゾの快楽に頭が蕩けてきてるの? それはダメって言ったでしょ? 何聞いてたの? これは、ペニスを治療しているだけなんだから ほら、この乱暴な足責めに耐えて ぬちゃぬちゃっていうこのいやらしい音にも惑わされないで ああ、これはダメだね ペニスがどんどん張りつめてきて しかもこんなに熱い 馬鹿なの? 私が萎えさせてって言ってるの 患者さんも頑張らないと意味ないよ? じゃあ、快楽を感じないようにもっと強く踏んであげる ごみを踏みつけるみたいに ほら、ほら 相手がペニスでも手加減しないから どう? ・・・感じてるね 甘い声がだだもれ いじめられてペニス気持ちよくなった? ねぇ、私を不機嫌にさせたいの? 馬鹿にしてるの? いい? 足でペニス踏まれて勃起なんて最低なの そんなマゾペニス、女の人に相手にされないから それがいやで治療に来たんだよね? へぇ、こんなに叱られも萎えないんだ? このまま踏んでても変わらないみたいだね それどころか射精しちゃうかもね じゃあ踏みにじりはここまで その残念そうな顔は何? 踏みつけられたまま射精、したかった? 足の下で惨めにペニスひくつかせて精液垂れ流しになるのがお望み? 私を怒らせたいの? ダメって言ってるの 馬鹿なんだ? 患者さんも一緒に頑張らないとマゾペニス、治らないよ? 次こそは頑張って耐えて さっきよりも性感帯を刺激することになると思うけど、絶対に流されないで 足しごき、いくね まず、足の親指と人差し指でペニスのくびれを挟み込んで はい、指の股にがっちり挟み込まれたね 挟み込んだ瞬間、びくってなった これも気持ちいいの? ここはペニスの中でも特に感じやすいところだからね でも、患者さんはこれに耐えないといけないの わかるよね? くびれを摘まんだまま・・・ピストン開始 ほら、上下にシコシコしてるよ? 歯を食いしばって我慢しないとあっという間だよ? ペニスのクビレにぴたってひっつてる足指に負けるよ? 指の股の柔らかい感触がたまらない? 乱暴な踏みにじりとは違って的確に性感帯を刺激してるの だから、気持ちいいのは当たり前 カリ首はペニスの弱点だよ ここをロックされて小刻みにピストンすると男性は耐えられない でも、それは手でしごいてる場合の話 足でされる屈辱を考えれば射精どころか萎えるはずだよ いくら執拗に弱点を責め上げられたとしても、ね じゃあ、勃起したままのペニスはどういうこと? だから患者さんのペニスはマゾペニスなの 自覚して 後、ペニスに寄り添ってる足の裏にも要注意だから 患者さんは足裏に興奮するんだから、ぴったり張り付かれて刺激されてるって考えると危険 だから、意識しないでって言ったよね? どうして、ペニス反り返ってるの? これ、治療だからセラピストの言うこと聞かないとダメだよね? 話聞いてないの? 足で興奮しないで 足指で鳴ってるちゅくちゅくって音も無視して このままじゃ、足に負かされるよ? 恥ずかしいよ? そんなのでいいと思ってる? 早漏の上にマゾなんて、女の人、どう思うんだろうね? あのさ、お説教されたら普通はしょんぼりするものだと思うけど なのに、ペニスはギンギン 足でシゴかれながらのお説教、気持ちいいの? 馬鹿なんだね 患者さんが馬鹿ならペニスも馬鹿 叱られても反省しないのはバカの証拠 ねぇ?違う? 違わないよね? なら、バカなりに我慢しないと ペニスの根元に力入れて精液漏らさないようにしてちょうだい ・・・だめっぽいね 睾丸がせり上がってきた 足で射精の準備してるんだ? 恥ずかしいことだって言ったよね? ああ、恥ずかしい、恥ずかしい まだ足シゴキだよ? これからもっと刺激の強い足ホールが待ってる 耐えられる? 耐えられないよね? もうこのペニスには期待してないから 射精したいんだよね? どうなの? ・・・言っちゃうんだ、射精したいって 馬鹿だね 早漏治療だって何回も言ってるのに もういい とりあえず、射精してちょうだい そうすれば、後は射精しないだろうから これ、妥協されてるって理解してね あんまりにもマゾなペニスだから仕方なしに射精させられるの それを頭に焼き付けながら絶頂を迎えて 本当なら、屈辱ものだよ? 仕方なしでいかされるなんて 喘ぎ声、大きくなったね どうせ射精我慢できなんでしょ ほら、射精して 足の指でカリ首ちゅくちゅくされておもらし、どうぞ はい、とどめ ん、噴水みたいに吹き出してる ちょっと、私を汚す気? マゾのくせにマーキングなんて生意気 これで打ち止め? たっぷり出たね さぞ満足なんだろうね あー、まだ勃起してる まぁ、そのほうが挟みやすくて助かるけど 一応言っておくと、一回射精したんだから次はないからね 足ホール、いくね 両方の足の裏でペニスを挟み込んで う、精液でベトベトだね 患者さんが我慢しなかったせいだからね 足に精液のえぐみのある匂いが感染ったら責任とってくれるの? 全く はい、挟み込んだよ ペニスを包み込む感触に耐えてちょうだい 一回射精したんだから、余裕だと思うけど じゃあ、このままピストンしていくから ほら、足の裏に挟まれて乱暴に上下されてるね シコシコ、シコシコって 足の裏のシワがペニスを擦り上げながら何度も何度も ペニスを強く圧迫しながらの刺激に耐えて 患者さんのペニスは足でいじめられるのが大好きな変態ペニスだから、気持ちよくなっちゃうかもしれないけど、がまん あの、どこ見てるの? 両足で挟むために私、ガニ股になってるけど、これ別に患者さんにパンツ見せてるわけじゃないから まさか、私のパンツで興奮してる? バカじゃないの? 快楽に負けないでって言ってるの 患者さんもこれ以上恥かくたくないよね? 射精直後の敏感ペニスを足で追い討ちかけられて快楽に感じるとか、すごく情けないから しかも私のパンツをおかずにしながら あのね、私の言ってること無視? 喘ぎ声、すごいのわかってる? 足がピストンするたびに、あん、あんって漏れてる しかもペニス、どんどん張り詰めっていってるし また叱られたい? ダメなペニスにお説教されたいの? 呆れる 患者さんは早漏治療を受けに来たんだよね? 叱られながら射精しに来たんじゃないよね? へぇ、口だけなら何とでも言えるよね ペニスが足に挟まれて喜んでるのバレバレだから 足で蹂躙されて興奮が止まらないってもう病気だよ? それでもいいって感じだね だって、もう射精来そうなんだよね? 足にペニスがぴくぴくしてるの伝わってくる 素足で万力みたいに締め上げられておもらしが抑えられないなんて 情けなさ過ぎて、腹が立ってくる シコシコのスピードは緩めないから マゾペニスは甘やかすと簡単につけ上がる この刺激に自分で耐えてちょうだい 射精はだめ、射精はだめ 頭に焼き付けてちょうだい ほら、自分で連呼して 射精はだめ、射精はだめ、射精はだめ あーあ、逆効果だった ペニスが射精体制に入った 射精を禁止されて、盛り上がっちゃった? サイテーだね もういいよ 私、知らないから 好きに出して もうこんなペニス相手にしたくない ほら、女性に足で激しくいたぶられるの楽しいよね? じゅぽじゅぽって乱雑にしごかれて、頭トロトロ 私のパンツ見ながら、射精しようね? ・・・なにが、うんうんなの? 言い返しもせずにいいなり? バカすぎ もういい さっさと射精させる ほら、ほら、ほら もう限界? マゾペニス、足に負けて恥ずかしい射精、どうぞ あーあ、出してる しかもこんなにいっぱい ちょっと、太ももにかかってるんだけど 熱いし臭いし、最悪 聞いてる? 顔、トロトロになってる 出すだけ出したら、ぐったりなの? もういい じゃあ、今回の早漏治療は失敗ってことで 失敗どころか負けグセが付いた? 素足を見るだけで、反応するペニスに落ちたかも まぁどうせそのペニスどうしようもないからいいよね?

Kicking Course

Explaining the kicking course: You might know this already, but this course is all about female foot teasing It's a treatment to cure your maso penis with humiliating arousal. Well, basically you have to endure cumming over my feet. First, the step. I'm stepping with my foot on your penis and put some good pressure on it with my footsoles. A cure where a woman tramples all over a man's most important part. Because I'm scrubbing you up and down and left and right, you have no choice but to endure this humiliating pleasure. That said, it's hard to believe that just by stepping and moving my feet would lead to orgasmic pleasure. Next, a footjob. I'll be stroking your dick with my big and index toe up and down. This way, you can experience a different, much clumsier stimulus than a usual handjob. But you better not concentrate on how I pinch you with my toes. After all, stroking like that is only going to make the semen of a maso like you boil, right? But I won't allow that. Lastly, the foot-hole. I'll make a ring with my bare feet and put your dick inside the hole. As I sandwich your dick with my footsoles, you'll be hit with violent stimulus all over. Afterwards, because my feet aren't as dexterity as my hands, the up/down movements should feel quite aggressive and harsh. Please bear with it. Explanations following. So, you chose this course, huh? Hee. What? No, it's nothing. Let's start right away. First, let's lube up your dick. Good, now everything's ready. Now, with my feet ...hey, listen up. Why do you get hard from staring at my feet? Do you want to get stepped on right away, is that what you think? What are you even thinking? Oh, I forgot. This is a maso dick, isn't it? But you know, it should be impossible to get hard from just staring at someone's feet. You have a serious illness. Anyway, that's what we want to cure here. Right, let's step on it. See, I'm stepping on your penis like this. Squeeezing it all down with my right foot. With my full body weight. Gradually, your penis is being pressed down. Good, this is the complete trampled shape. But I can still feel that your penis is twitching already. Does this make you horny? Don't do that. This is treatment, you know. Stop enjoying my bare feet and how I'm trampling you down. Make your penis flaccid right now. Do your best. Aren't you embarrassed that this alone makes you succumb? Go on, make your penis soft and flubby.'s not getting flaccid at all. Well, can't be helped then. We'll have to continue the treatment in this state. Good luck. Stepping on you with my body weight. Rubrubrub. The footsole pressure might feel a bit rough. Are you alright? My soles are fully covering your penis, rubbing it with pressure. And when I continue stimulating you from root to glans with bare feet... Rough and pushy stimulus. And twisting my ankles over and over. Because it's nice and slippery, I can step on you with ease. Lubed up, the penis can feel the touch of my feet even better. But, don't let it wash you away. After all, this is just foot stepping. I'm only kneading with feet on my weight. Is there any problem? You know... Your penis still isn't getting flaccid at all. Is the maso pleasure melting your head? I told you not to do that. Didn't you listen? This is nothing but a medical treatment for your penis. Come on, withstand the rough foot teasing. Don't let the slurpy, lewd sounds perplex you. Hah, it's useless. Your penis is getting more and more stiff. And also very hot. Are you stupid or what? I told you do make it flaccid. That didn't mean that you can just let down your guard. Right, then I have to step on it even harder, so you won't feel the pleasure. Like I'm stomping down garbage. Here, here I'm not holding down even for a penis. How is it? ...still feeling it? You're making sweet moans. Does teasing your penis feel good? Hey, do you want to make me angry? Are you stupid? Listen. Getting a hard on from foot steps is the worst there is. There's no woman that would like such a maso penis. Didn't you come here to get treatment for that? Hee, so you don't even get flaccid from getting scolded? Looks like nothing's gonna change when I keep trampling you down. You'll rather cum instead. Okay, enough with the trampling then. What's with that regretful face? Did you want to cum from being stepped on? Did you wish to soil my footsoles with your pathetic cum? Do you really want to make me angry? I told you, you can't. You're such an idiot. We both have to work hard for your maso penis to be cured, Mr. Patient. So, good luck with the next one. I think this is going to stimulate your erogenous zones even stronger than before, but don't you ever let your guard down. Let's do the footjob. First I'll sandwich your penis between my big and index-toes. Good, they're firmly grabbing it. It bulged just as I squeezed it. Does this also feel good? I guess because this is a very sensitive spot even for your penis. But, you still have to endure this, okay? Understood? And now with a tight and firm grip... we'll piston. Look, jerking it up and down. Now clench your teeth, or it will all be over in a second. Don't lose to a tight little toejob. The soft groin of my toes feels irresistible, right? Compared to the rough trampling, this feels more like precise erogenous stimulus. So it's just natural that it feels good. Your corona is your weak spot. No man could withstand the teeny tiny lock on piston right here. But, such is only the case when using the hand. Just thinking about ejaculating from such a disgrace should make you go flaccid right away, right? Even when I persistently tease your weak spot for how long. So, why is your penis still staying hard? Because Mr Patient has a maso penis, that's why. Come to grips with it. Take care that afterwards my footsoles will closely snuggly your penis. But since my soles make you horny, it's dangerous thinking about the sharp clinging stimulus. So, I'm telling you to stop focusing. Why is your penis bending backwards? Don't you even listen to what your therapist tells you? Are you deaf or what? Stop getting horny from feet. Ignore the slurpy toe sounds. Or else, you'll get defeated by feet. Isn't that embarrassing? Do you think that's alright? What would women think of you as a maso fast shooter? You know, a normal person'd feel intimidated by such a preaching. However, your penis is iron hard. Does a preaching to a footjob feel that good? You fool. You're a foolish Mr. Patient with a foolish penis. Since you don't feel remorse, that's evidence of your stupidity. Right? Am I wrong? I guess not. So, because a fool can't hold back, I better squeeze on your shaft so you don't leak any semen. good, eh? Your balls are still rising. You're getting ready to cum on my feet. Even though I just said something so embarrassing. Ah, the shame, the shame. But I'm still foot-fapping, you know. After this, there's an even more intense foot hole waiting for you. Endure it. Can't endure it? Because this penis can't await it anymore. You want to cum, right? Right? ...there he said it, he wants to cum. You fool. How often do I have to say this is a medical treatment? Forget it. Just cum for now. At least then you won't cum afterwards. Just know that this is a mere compromise. Because this is such a maso penis, we have no choice but to let it cum. Let this climax fry your head. If so, that's a real disgrace. To cum without a choice. Your moans are getting loud. You really can't hold back anymore. Go on, cum. Go ahead and leak on my toes. Final clincher. Nh, it's spewing out like a water fountain. Wait a sec, do you want to stain me? You're a maso, and you're still so brazen to mark me? Are you done? That was a lot. That must've been satisfying, I bet. Ahh, and you're still hard. ??Well, this way you can better survive the scissoring. I said it already, but now that you've come once, you won't cum next. Let's do the foot hole. I'm putting your penis between both my foot soles. Ugh, it's sticky with cum. This is all your fault, because you couldn't hold back. When I can't get out the nasty cum smell from my feet, I will hold you responsible, understood? For everything. Okay, inserting it. Just endure the touch of me wrapping you up. But you already came once, so you should be fine now. Now let's piston this way. Look, my feet are crudely stroking up and down. Shikoshiko, shikoshiko. The wrinkles of my foot soles are grinding over and over agian. While your penis endures my strong pressure. Since mr patient's hentai penis dearly loves being bullied by feet, this might feel really good, but hang in there. Uhm, where are you looking at? Sure I'm bending my legs so I can sandwich your penis, but that doesn't mean that I'm showing you my panties. Don't tell me, do my panties turn you on? Are you an idiot? I'm telling you, don't give in to the pleasure. Not even you would want to steep so low, right? To feel pleasure from a direct attack to your sensitive penis right after orgasm, that's incredibly pathetic. Moreover, you're oogling my panties as well. Excuse me. Do you understand what I'm saying? No, I can take a hard guess from your moaning. Every time my feet piston you, you mean like a girl. And your penis is also getting stiffer and harder. Do you want another scolding? You want me to preach to your no good penis? I'm baffled. You specifically came here to get a treatment against premature ejaculation, right? And not to orgasm from a scolding, right? I guess the proof is in the pudding... The penis between my foot soles joyfully tells me all I want to know. Do you have another disease, since you can't stop getting aroused from foot trampling? Feels like "whatever". Still, you're about to come again, right? My feet can feel your penis twitching inside. That you can't hold back leaking while you're being screwed by a barefoot-like vise. This is more than pathetic. It's starting to piss me off. But I won't slow down. Pamper a maso penis too much, and it gets all high and mighty. You have to bear this stimulus by yourself. Do not cum, do not cum. Even if your head burns up. Go on, say it yourself, over and over. I can't cum, I can't cum, I can't cum. Oh dear, that backfired. Your penis has entered the orgasm setup. The taboo of orgasm is getting it all roused up. You're the worst. Alright. I don't care anymore. Just do what you want. I don't want to treat this penis anymore. Go on, have fun with rude female foot torment. This sloppy random fapping is melting your head. Just cum as you peek at my panties. ...what do you mean "yeah yeah"? I didn't ask you to reply! You idiot. Enough. Just cum already. Come on, come on, come on. This is the limit? Go ahead and cum, you shameful loser maso penis. Ahh, it's coming. And how much. Hey wait, you're getting it on my thighs. It's so hot and it stinks like hell. Are you listening? Your face is all drowsy, Did cumming get you all exhausted? Fine. Well then, this medical treatment against premature ejaculation is a failure. Are you a born loser or what? Perhaps just looking at feet makes your penis react and lose. Well that's just fine, cause there's nothing that can help this penis.

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