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応用編 装着品コース このコースでは、私が装着したものを使ってペニスを刺激するの 女性の持ち物で興奮する変態ペニスの治療が目的 直にペニスに触ったりしないから、普通の人なら余裕だと思うけど まずは、ゴム手袋 医療現場とかにある薄手のものを使ってペニスをしごくことになるの 事前にしばらく私が装着したゴム手袋を裏返して使うから 多分汗もかいたと思うし、ほどよくなってるね でも、あくまでゴム手袋、これで興奮はしないよね? 次に、パンツ 今私が履いているパンツでペニスを包み込んでしごきあげる 変態にはたまらないかもしれないけど、あくまでただの布 しかも、人が履いたものなんて普通なら嫌がるはず それなのに勃起して喜ぶのはいけない わかるよね? 最後に、ストッキング これは私のお気に入りのストッキングを使うから 私が履きつぶしたザラザラの繊維でペニスの先端を磨き上げるね ペニスに被せたまま左右に動かして敏感な亀頭を容赦なく治療するけど、歯を食いしばって我慢して ペニスは両足で挟み込んで固定して逃がさないから 因みに、これは直前まで履いてたものだから、少し生暖かいかも 説明は以上 そうなんだ 患者さんのペニスは変態なんだ へぇー これは根が深そうだね でも、治療すれば真っ当なペニスになれるから じゃあ、まずはローションでペニスを垂らすから これで準備完了 じゃあ、このゴム手袋でしごいていくね もう勃起してるみたいだし 治療のためにわざと勃起させてくれたの? それとも、ゴム手袋を付けてるところ見て興奮したの? まぁ、それもこれからわかるね ゴム手袋、いくね ペニスを握りこむから ペニスのちょうど真ん中くらい、カリ首も巻き込むくらいの位置をぎゅっと ん、ペニスがぴくってなったけど、気持ちいいの? これ、素手じゃないんだよ? ゴム手袋した私の手 ゴム手袋って汚いものを触るときにつけたりするんだけど そういう扱いを想像して興奮してる? やっぱり変態ペニスだね おもいっきり治療しないと じゃあ、しごいていくから 絶対に快楽に流されないで ほら ゴムの特殊な触り心地にも要注意だからね いままでで味わったことのない感触が興奮へ導こうとするけど、そんなのに負けないで 後、ゴム手袋私の汗が染み込んでるっていうのにも耐えて そのためにわざわざ、汗かいた後のものを裏返してるんだから このじっとりとした汗がローションと混ざってペニスに塗り広げられていくけど、自分をしっかり持って シコシコって手で上下されてもがまん 皮を巻き込みながら、性感帯を刺激されて気持ちいいのがこみ上げてくる? それはだめって言ってるよね? もっと追い込むから 患者さん、こことか弱いんだよね? やっぱり 皮が余ってるペニスはこうやって皮でカリ首をくちゅくちゅって上下されると出来上がっちゃうんだよね? これ、続けるから 当たり前 これは治療だから甘やかさない 甘やかしてきたから、早漏の変態ペニスに堕落したんだよね? ペニス、完全に勃起した がまんって言ってるよね? 患者さんが我慢してくれないと意味ないよ? ほら、同じゴムだけどオナホールとは違うんだよ? 快楽をあたえるために作られてないから 汚いものを素手で触らないために使われるものだから 患者さんのペニス、汚いって言われてるんだよ? 悔しくないの? プライドとかない? あー、ペニス反り返ってるね ゴムの感触とこの状況に心が快楽に染まってるんだね 違うって? 違わないよね? だって、甘い声聞こえてきてる 治療中に嘘つくなんて、どういうつもりなの? 私が一生懸命してるのを馬鹿にして、一人で気持ちよくなってるんだ? そう、私、馬鹿にさせてるのかな? イライラする、そういうことされると 申し訳ないとか思うんだったら、ペニス萎えさせて ほら、早くふにゃふにゃペニスにしてよ 反抗的 これだけ言われても、顔トロトロ、ペニスギンギン 反省の色なし ゴム手袋でしごかれただけで、ここまで落ちちゃうなんて え、なに? もしかしてだけど、射精の準備とか始めてないよね? ペニスのさきっぽから透明なお汁が垂れてきてゴム手袋を汚してるんだけど これ、素手じゃなくて良かった 手が汚れて臭くなっちゃうから て言ってる間にも射精までのカウントダウン始まってるね 射精したい? バカじゃないの? それは、ダメって言ってるよね? はい、ストップ 何その顔 これは早漏治療だから 射精させるわけないよね? なのに、射精したい?って聞いた時の顔 そんな情けない顔、女の人に見せるんだ? しっかり反省してね 次、もっと激しいのが待ってるから じゃ、ゴム手袋を外して パンツ、いくね まず、今履いてるの脱いじゃうからちょっと待って まず、ストッキングから あ、脱ぐとこみててもいいけど、治療に耐えられる自信はあるんだよね? もし、射精おもらしするくせに脱ぐとこ見てるとかだったら怒るから それは覚悟しててちょうだい じゃあ、パンツも・・・ ん、はい、じゃあ、この脱ぎたてのパンツでしごいていくね 私、普段はもっと布地の少ないパンツはいてるんだけど、今日は治療だから できるだけ、興奮させないように子供っぽいしましまのパンツにしておいたから 感謝してね で、パンツ脱ぐとこ、ずっと見てたってことは自信あるんだよね? バレてないとでも思った? 視線が私の股間に突き刺さってるのまるわかりだった じゃあ、患者さんの頑張ってくれるみたいだし、ペニスに被せるね はい、私の股間に当たってたとこが亀頭に覆いかぶさった このままシコシコ開始 何、いきなり声上げてるの? パンツの生暖かさに興奮した? それ、やめてちょうだい 変態ペニスが耐えられなくなっちゃうから ただの布だよ? こんなので興奮するなんてありえないから 手で直にしごいてる時より刺激は少なくなってるはず それなのに、さっきより興奮してる 馬鹿なの? 変態なの? ごめんね 馬鹿で変態なんだよね? でも、約束は守ってもらうから パンツ脱ぐとこ見てたんだから、耐えられるんだよね? じゃあ、わざとちょっと煽ってあげる だけど、私の言葉に骨抜きにされて射精が近づくとかはなしだからね しっかり我慢して できたらペニス萎えさせて 煽り、いくね 私がさっきまではいてたパンツの感触はどう? 生暖かくてたまらないよね? 今日ずっと履いてたから汗とかも吸ってるかも 患者さんは汗、好きだもんね? ゴム手袋でシコシコしてるときも、私の手汗を意識して興奮してたし 女の人の体液で興奮する変態だってバレバレだよ? あ、ペニスヒクヒクってなってる 煽られて負けそう? というより、勝つ気あるの? そういう快楽に流されるとこ、イライラするからやめて でもね、煽るのは止めない 甘やかしは厳禁 もっと煽るから 実は今日、2回もトイレにいっておしっこしたの もしかしたら、パンツについてるかも なにがってわかってるよね? おしっこの拭き残し それ、患者さんのペニスにこすれてるんだよ? 亀頭の部分 私の秘部を包んでた布でシコシコ、シコシコ こんなの精液が睾丸から上がってきちゃうよね? って、ホントに上がってきてる 患者さんのペニス、ホントに弱いね ちょっと言葉で妄想させただけで射精しそうになってる あのさ、言ったよね? 射精したら怒るって へぇ、いい度胸だね 我慢しようって態度が全然見えないんだけど いいよ 変態ペニス、たっぷり怒ってあげる 怒られながら射精してよ 患者さんに我慢なんか期待してないから トラウマになるくらい叱りつけるから そうしたら、もう女の人とそういうことしようって思わなくなるでしょ? 誰にも迷惑かけなくて済むね だって、そんな変態早漏ペニスに抱かれるとか、迷惑以外の何者でもないから 正常位で男らしく挿入しても、途中であんあん女の人より大きい声で喘ぎ出して、速攻でおもらし 相手の女性はまだ全然気持ちよくなってないのに、勝手に射精するの きっと呆れられて相手にされなくなるね きっとっていうか絶対だよね 私だってお断りだから あー、こんなに言われてるに萎えない それどころかバカペニスがおもらししそう ほら、射精してダメペニスだって認めてちょうだい 私の一番大切なとこをつつんでた布の部分が受け止めてくれるよ? この子供っぽい色気のない縞々パンツがね ほら、汚しちゃってよ あ、もう限界だね 残念なペニス 役立たずペニスから白いお汁出してよ とどめ、ほら あーあ、ホントに出してる 布ごしに精液がジワって染み出してる もう治療できないくらい末期だね 私の縞々パンツを汚せて良かった? バカだよね? バカにはお仕置きしないとだから 患者さんにもすぐわかるよ ストッキング、いくね パンツを横において、さっき脱いだストッキングをペニスにセット ペニスが動かないように両足で挟み込んで・・・ 勃起したままだから磨きやすそう なに?私の股間が見えそうって? そんなことすぐに気にならなくなるからいい じゃあ、亀頭こすってくね きっとすごいことになると思うけど、自業自得だから覚悟して ほら あー、すごい声 亀頭って一番敏感な場所だから こうやって、ザラザラのストッキングで左右にこすられると頭おかしくなるくらいの刺激が襲いかかるの しかも、射精直後 あーあ、患者さんが射精してなかったら、もう少し感度は低かったはずなのに 射精しちゃったから、敏感すぎて辛いよね でも、自業自得 パンツに射精できたんだから本望でしょ? ほら、逃げないで 逃げるなって言ってるの 両足に体重かけて逃げられなくするから 私を怒らせた罰 セラピストにペニス預けてるのに、怒らせるなんてホントにバカ いつもより過酷な治療されるってなんでわからないかな? ほら、逃げられない状態で亀頭磨かれてピカピカにされてよ 憂さ晴らしも兼ねてるけど、一応しっかりした治療だから ここを強化しておかないと、敏感なペニスは弱いまま だからこうやってストッキングを右に、左に すーーーー、すーーーー 大した力も入れてないのに、摩擦でペニスがびくびくびく でも変態ペニスは嬉しいんだよね? 私が履きつぶすくらいくり返し履いてるストッキングだから 私の足に馴染みきったこれでペニス、責め立てられようね? そんなうめき声上げても無駄だってわかってるよね? 治療は絶対中断しないから 徹底的に磨き回してあげる あーあ、私が怒ってなかったら、休憩挟んであげたのに 誰だろうね? 私を怒らせたおばかさんは、さ? ほら ザラザラの生地が右にすーーー、左にすーーー どうしたの? 亀頭熱くなってる? 私の足をつつんでた布で泣かされてるの? 泣いて許してもらえるって思わないで もっと泣くまで追い詰めるから 両足でペニスを締め上げながらしてるから、萎えさせることも不可能 もうじきペニスから大量の涙が溢れるね 潮吹きだよ 亀頭の部分を執拗に磨かれると男性は潮吹きしちゃうの 苦しみの中で本当におもらしができるよ? 変態ペニスにはいい治療 快楽より辛さで学習させる ほら、ペニスに何かこみ上げてくるよね? それが潮だから ストッキングに打ち当てていいよ 摩擦であつあつになったペニス、おもらし、どうぞ 3・2・1・ほら すごい 潮でストッキングが持ち上がって ちょっと、出しすぎ 馬鹿なの? 私を汚してどうする気? 最後の最後まで叱らせるなんて ホントにダメなペニス これにこりたら、自分のペニスの弱さを自覚することだね 何恍惚とした顔してるの? あー、治療は失敗だね これ、絶対こりてないから

Wearables course

Explaining the wearable goods course. In this course, I'm going to stimulate your penis with various wearable good. The purpose is the treatment is to arouse perverted penises with female belongings. Any normal person should withstand this, because I won't touch your penis directly. First, the rubber gloves. I'm going to rub your penis with thin gloves, as used in medicine and on crime scenes. After wearing them for a while, so I'm going to use them inside out. Perhaps they're going to be a bit sweaty, but only moderately so. However, don't get too excited. They're only rubber gloves you know. Next, panties. I'm going to rub your penis with the panties I'm wearing right now. This might be unbearable for any pervert, but in the end, it's just a piece of clothes. Also, any normal person should dislike a stranger's underwear. So don't go all erect with joy. Understood? Finally, stockings. For this, I'm going to use my favorite stockings. With this smelly footwear with the rough texture, I'm going to polish the tip of your penis. As it covers your penis and stimulating your glans from both sides is very ruthless treatment, but do your best and clench your teeth. I'll pin down your penis so you can't run away. By the way, I've just been wearing them, so they might still be warm. As described above. I see? Mr. patient is such a pervert? Hee~ So your roots go that deep, huh? But, with my treatment, we'll turn a proper and respectable penis out of this. First, let's apply lotion to it. All set and ready. Now, I'm going to stroke it with these rubber gloves. Looks like you're already hard. Are you getting hard on purpose for the treatment? Or rather, do it excite you seeing me wearing rubber gloves? Well, I guess we'll find out now. Here we go with rubber gloves. Grabbing your penis. Right in the middle of it, where I can also nicely grab your corona. Hm, your penis is twitching. Does this feel good? These aren't my bare hands, you know. They're glove wearing hands. Simple rubber gloves that prevent you from touching unclean things. Are you getting horny from imagining such a treatment? This is a pervy penis after all. We have to treat this right away. So, let's stroke it now. Don't drown in pleasure. Here. Please note the unique touch of the rubber. This never felt before touch might lead you to arousal, but don't give in to it. You'll have to endure my sweat on the gloves. I specifically wore them for to get them nice and sweaty, to turn them inside out now. This might make your penis mix up with lotion and damp sweat, but please stand firm. Endure the up and down strokes with my hands. With the foreskin rolled down, you're welling up from stimulation to your erogenous zone? I told you you can't didn't I? There's still a long way to go. Mr Patient, is that here your weak spot? I knew it. ??An uncut penis with so much foreskin is finished when schlurping over the corona. We'll keep doing this. Obviously. You can't take a medical treatment lightly. When I spoil you, it will degrade into a fast shooter hentai penis. Your penis is fully erect now. I just told you to hang in there. Mr. Patient, don't you understand the meaning of the word patience? Look, they might be made of rubber, but that doesn't make them an onahole. They're not made to pleasure you. They are just tools one uses for filthy things you can't touch with your bare hands. I'm saying that your penis is filthy. Aren't you mortified? Where is your pride? Ahh, your penis is reacting. The feel of rubber and this situation made your heart well up with pleasure. Am I right? Right... Because you're making sweet moans. What are you trying to do, lying during treatment? I'm doing my best to make a fool out of you, and you just lie there and feel good by yourself? That's right, I'm calling you a fool. I'm doing that to get you nervous. If you feel sorry in any form, you'll get flaccid right now. Go on, hurry up and get your penis floppy and soft. You little rebel. Just with those words, your face goes drowsy and your penis feels rock hard. You show no sign of regret at all. This is how far you've fallen, from simple rubber glove stroking. Eh, what? Perhaps, are you preparing to ejaculate already? Because drops of clear fluid from the tip are dirtying my rubber gloves. Thank God those aren't my bare hands. I'd hate getting my hands smelly and dirty. And while I said that, the countdown to your orgasm has begun. Do you want to come? You're such a fool. I told you that you can't. Okay, stop. What's with that face? This is premature treatment. There's no way I'd let you cum. And yet you want to cum? is what your face says. Do you want a woman to see that pathetic face? Think about what you've done. Next, something even tougher is waiting. Now, let's take off the gloves. Now with my panties. Fisrt, I have to undress, so wait just a bit. First of all my stockings. Ah, I don't mind you watching me undress, as long as you have the confidence to withstand the treatment. But if you oogle at me just to leak your cum, then I'll get mad. So you better be prepared. Now, my panties... Nh, okay, now I can stroke you with my freshly worn panties. You know, usually I'd wear even skimpier panties than this, but today I'm treating you. I specifically picked such childish, striped shima-panties, in order to arouse you the least. You owe me one. So, you certainly looked at me taking them off, so you must have lots of confidence, right? Or did you think I didn't notice? I know exactly that you pierced my groin with your eyes. Now, since Mr Patient seems to be so steadfast, let's cover his penis. Yes, my crotch is indirectly touching your glans now. And now let's stroke it. What, what's with that sudden moan? Do my lukewarm panties turn you on? Please stop that. Or you will turn into an unfit hentai penis. This is just a piece of cloth. So it can't be that it arouses you so much. This should feel even less stimulating than when touching it directly. And still, you're getting hornier than ever. Are you stupid or what? What a perv. Sorry. But you are a stupid pervert, right? But you must keep your promise. You saw me undress, so you must withstand this. So, let's stir you up a bit. However, if you have a spine, my words shouldn't drive you to orgasm. Do your best. Make sure to go flaccid. So let's stir you up. I've just been wearing these panties. How do they feel? Irresistibly warm? I've been wearing them the whole day, so they're probably soaked with sweat and stuff. You love sweat, right? Because when I stroked you with the rubber gloves, focusing on my hand sweat made you horny. Getting horny from female bodily fluids tells that you're a pervert. Ah, your penis just jerked. Are you gonna lose from stirring up? Or rather, do you even feel like winning? Drowning in such pleasure irritates me, so stop that. However, I won't stop stirring you up. You're on a strict spoiling ban. Let's agitate you even more. Actually, I went to the toilet twice today, for peeing. Maybe some of it is even stuck on the panties? Do you know what that means? I'm wiping my left over pee on you. This is how I'm rubbing your penis. Your glans parts. Shikoshiko, wrapped in the cloth that hides my secret place. This is making the semen in your testicles rise, right? ...wait, is it really coming up? Mr patient, you really have a weak penis. Just a few words and ideas are making you cum? Didn't I tell you? If you cum, I'll get angry. Heh, now that's some courage. Where's that attitude of yours from before? Fine. I'll make you feel my wrath. So if you want to make me angry, go ahead and cum. I'm not expecting any patience from you. I'll chew you out so hard, you'll end up traumatized. When that happens, you'll never think of doing such a thing to another woman again. I'll make sure you'll never bother anyone anymore. Because what kind of person would want to embrace an annoying, perverted fast-shooter penis? You'll insert it in the manly missionary position, moan harder than a girl on the way and leak it with a swift attack. You just cum on your own, without making your female partner feel good for just a bit. Surely your partner will feel nothing but baffled. I know that's exactly what will happen. Because that's what I'd do. Ahh, I said so much and it still doesn't go flaccid. Instead, you're ready to blow like an idiot. Come on, understand already that your penis can't cum. It's going to hit my the cloth that was wrapping up my most treasured place. These childish, unsexy, striped panties. Go on and pollute them. Ah, this is your limit. This sad penis. Let out your white sauce, you blockhead penis. Here it goes. Ahh, it really came out. Cum is seeping through the fabric. This is the end stage, which is incurable. Are you glad you could pollute my shima-pantsu? You idiot. And idiots deserve a punishment. You'll know what I mean in a moment. Now the stockings. Putting the panties aside, and setting the stockings I've just been wearing to your penis. I'm sandwiching your penis with both feet, so it can't escape. It's still hard, so I can easily polish it. What? You can see my crotch? In a moment, you won't mind that a bit. And now, rubbing the glans. I believe this will blow your mind, but you reap what you sow after all. Here. Ahh, great voice. You're most sensitive on the glans after all. When I brush you up with the rough stockings from both sides, it's enough to make you go crazy. And right after you orgasmed. Ho dear, if you only didn't cum, then you'd be a little bit less sensitive. But because you ejaculated, it's so sensitive that it hurts, right? But this is your own fault. Cumming on my panties was your great wish after all. Hey, stop moving. I told you there's no escape. I'm holding you down the the weight of my legs, so you can't run away. This is the punishment for making me angry. You gave your penis into therapistic care, and you made her angry. You are a real fool. I don't understand why you'd want the harsher treatment than usual. See, now that you can't escape, I can polish your glans sparkly clean. ??While it serves as a distraction, it's also a steadfast treatment for once. If you don't train yourself here, this penis stays sensitive and weak. So, with these stockings here, going right, and left... Swiiish, swiiiish. Even without great strength, the friction is enough to make your penis jumpy. But this delights your maso penis. Because these are the stockings I wear quite often. It's like my own legs are torturing your penis. You know, it's useless to groan like that. I'm not going to interrupt the treatment. I'll give you a complete and utter polishing. Ho dear, if only you hadn't made me angry, I could've given you a break. Who was it? Who was the idiot who made me angry? Well? Look. The gritty texture goes right, swiish, and left, swiish. What is it? Are your glans burning up? Is my legwear making you cry? Don't think that crying will get you off the hook. I'll keep pushing you until you cry a river. And because it's tight in my feet it's impossible for it to go flaccid as well. Very soon, your penis is going to cry like a waterfall. It's gonna squirt. Men can squirt, when you relentlessly keep polishing the glans part. It hurts like hell and you can truly leak. This is an excellent treatment for pervert penises. You'll learn more pain than pleasure. See, something's welling up in your penis. That's the squirt. Just let it out to the stockings. Let your piping hot friction penis pee one out, please. 3 2 1, here Woah. You're squirting all over the stockings. Wait, this is too much. Are you stupid or what? Do you want to make me dirty? You won't hear the end of me. You truly and honestly have a good for nothing penis. When you learn from experience, you'll know how weak your penis really is. What's with that ecstatic face? Ahh, this treatment was a failure. You definitely didn't learn anything from this.

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