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一緒:せーっの 一緒:こんにちはお兄様 一緒:ようこそ、私たちのおもちゃ箱へ 詩亜:にひひ、お兄様びっくりしてる 璃亜:んふふ、そうね、いきなりだもの 詩亜:ねぇ、璃亜ちゃん 詩亜:これ好きにしていいんだよね? 璃亜:当然よ、詩亜ちゃん 璃亜:だってもうコレ、私たちのものだもの 詩亜:にひひひひ、たっぷり遊ぼうね 詩亜:今回はあんまり乱暴なことしなようにしないとね 璃亜:詩亜ちゃんはそう言っていつもすぐ壊すのだから 璃亜:んふふ、私だって壊したいのに 詩亜:うわ、璃亜ちゃんこわーい 璃亜:詩亜ちゃんがそれを言うのかしら? 詩亜:でもでも人間の男のプレゼントは初めてだよね 詩亜:いろいろと楽しめそう 璃亜:んふふ、詩亜ちゃん、また悪巧みしてる 璃亜:お兄様も幸せね 詩亜:ほんとにそうだよ 詩亜:よりによって私たちに貰われるんだから 璃亜:ん?どうしたのかしら? 璃亜:じたばたしても逃げられないわよ? 詩亜:勝手に逃げるなんてだーめ 詩亜:私たちはそんなこと許可してないよ? 璃亜:あ、そういえば詩亜ちゃん、私たちまだ自己紹介していないわ 詩亜:そうだね、璃亜ちゃん 璃亜:礼儀は守らないとね 詩亜:お兄様、私が詩亜 璃亜:お兄様、私が璃亜 一緒:よろしくね 詩亜:それで、お兄様は私たちのおもちゃになったわけだけど 璃亜:ん?どういうことかって? 詩亜:ねぇ、璃亜ちゃん、このおもちゃ馬鹿なんじゃない? 璃亜:絶対そうね、何度もおもちゃって言ってるのにね 詩亜:いい?お兄様は私たちにただ弄ばれるだけの可哀想な存在なの 璃亜:私たちがじっくりいじって使い潰してあげるわね 詩亜:にひ、なになに?嫌がってるの? 璃亜:無駄なのに、本当に馬鹿 詩亜:私たちがおもちゃにしてあげるって言ってんの 詩亜:それが嫌なんだ? 璃亜:従ったほうがいいよ、お兄様 璃亜:詩亜ちゃん怒ると怖いから 詩亜:いい加減にしなよ? 詩亜:おもちゃの分際で調子に乗んないで 詩亜:泣くまでいじめてぐちゃぐちゃにするよ? 璃亜:あーあ、詩亜ちゃんを怒らせたわね 璃亜:このままじゃ本当にお兄様頭おかしくなるまでめちゃくちゃにいじめられるわよ? 璃亜:許してもらわないと大変なことになるわね?お兄様 詩亜:にっひ、そうやって最初から従順にしてたらいいんだよ 詩亜:そうしたら可愛がってあげるからさ 璃亜:ついでに私たち二人に絶対に逆らわないって誓いなさい 璃亜:何をされても喜々として命令に従うおもちゃになるって 詩亜:私たちにお兄様の全部を捧げてよ 詩亜:これからは私たちのきまぐれで扱いが変わるの 璃亜:いいかしら?お兄様 璃亜:例えどんな目に合わされても私たちの言うことには従う 璃亜:お兄様、私がここまで言ってあげているのにその態度? 詩亜:あーー 詩亜:今度は璃亜ちゃんに怒られたいの? 詩亜:にひひ、もう遅いみたいだけど 璃亜:使えないおもちゃね 璃亜:ねぇ?死んでしまうくらい辛い目にあわせてあげましょうか? 詩亜:そんなこと言って、璃亜ちゃんほんとに死んじゃうまでやめてあげないくせに 詩亜:お兄様、もういい加減諦めたら? 詩亜:もうどうあがいても助からないんだからさ 璃亜:んふふ、全て捧げたわね 璃亜:私、少しむきになってしまったわ 璃亜:お兄様は私を怒らせるのが上手ね 詩亜:さて、これでお兄様は私たちのもの 璃亜:んふふ、念の為にいってもらおうかしら 詩亜:にひひ 璃亜:んふふ 詩亜:詩亜様と 璃亜:璃亜様の 一緒:おもちゃになります 詩亜:ほら、いいなよ 璃亜:はやく聞きたいわ 一緒:ほら、ほら、ほら 一緒:にひひひひひ 一緒:(んふふふふふふ) 詩亜:ねぇねぇ、聞いた?璃亜ちゃん 璃亜:ええ、聞いたわ詩亜ちゃん 詩亜:詩亜様、だって 璃亜:璃亜様、いい響きね 詩亜:年下の女の子に様付しておもちゃになりさがたった 詩亜:もうこれ、自由にしてもいいんだよね? 璃亜:追い詰められていいようにされるなんて情けないわ 璃亜:でも、お兄様のそういうところ好きよ? 詩亜:じゃあ、さっそく遊ばせてもらおっかな 璃亜:せっかく男の人がおもちゃなのだから、んふふ 詩亜:作戦タイムだね 璃亜:面白いゲーム、考えましょう 一緒:こんばんは、お兄様 詩亜:ねぇねぇ、待ち遠しかった? 璃亜:私たちに使ってもらえるのだから当然ね 詩亜:男の人ってえっちな遊び、好きなんだよね? 璃亜:おちんちんついてる生き物はみんなえっち大好き 詩亜:じゃあ、発表してあげる 璃亜:どんな遊びかしらね 一緒:せーっの 一緒:射精我慢ゲーム 詩亜:ゲームの内容はすごく簡単 璃亜:馬鹿なお兄様もすぐに理解できるから安心しなさい 詩亜:私たちの片方がお兄様のおちんちんを苛めて 璃亜:もう片方がお兄様に我慢をさせるの 詩亜:もし射精したら、射精させる側の勝ち 璃亜:もし我慢できたら、我慢させる側の勝ち 一緒:とっても簡単 詩亜:射精させる側は、お兄様の射精を促せる 詩亜:おちんちんはもちろん、他の部分も責め放題 璃亜:我慢させる側は、射精させないように言葉でお兄様に言い聞かせることができる 詩亜:それと、射精させる側のおちんちんいじめを好きなタイミングで少しだけ止めることができるの 璃亜:おちんちんだけ、だけど 詩亜:え?それじゃ我慢させる側が勝つんじゃないかって? 詩亜:へぇ、お兄様そう思うんだ 璃亜:んふふふ、いつだって射精しそうになったら止められるのだから、そう思うわよね 詩亜:でも、そうならないんだよね 璃亜:そこがこのゲームの面白いところなのよ 詩亜:にひひ 璃亜:んふふ 詩亜:どうしてなのか、知りたい?ねぇ知りたい? 璃亜:詩亜ちゃん、どうする?教えてあげる? 詩亜:璃亜ちゃん、教えてあげる気ないくせに 璃亜:詩亜ちゃんこそ 一緒:くすくすくすくすくすくすくす 詩亜:それとね、大切なことが一個あるの 詩亜:あのね、私たち負けることってすごく嫌い 璃亜:そう、大嫌い 璃亜:私たちは筋金入りの負けず嫌い 詩亜:しかも、お兄様で遊んで負けるとか許せない 璃亜:でも、私たちは仲良しの双子だからいがみ合ったりはしないわ 璃亜:だから、そのいらだちは全部お兄様に 詩亜:私たちの怒り、独り占めだね、お兄様 璃亜:だから、我慢させる側は罰ゲームを設定できるようにするわ 詩亜:負けても憂さ晴らしできるように、ね 璃亜:射精させる側の罰ゲーム? 詩亜:にひひひひひ、いらないいらない 璃亜:だって、射精させる側が負けるなんてありえないもの 詩亜:えー、どうしてってかって? 璃亜:気になるのね?でも 一緒:教える気ないって言ったの 一緒:おもちゃは黙って従え 詩亜:にひひ 璃亜:んふふ 詩亜:璃亜ちゃんを怒らせないように頑張ってね 璃亜:詩亜ちゃんは、怒ると見境ないから気をつけてちょうだい 一緒:怒らせるのはだめ 詩亜:じゃあ、射精させる側と 璃亜:我慢させる側を発表するわ

Prologue and rules of the game

  Heere we go!   Hello there, oniisama.   Welcome to the sister's toy box. Nhihi, oniisama sure looks surprised.  Nfufu, sure is. This must've been a surprise. Say, Ria-chan We can do with this anything we want?  Of course, Shia-chan  I told you, this belongs to us now. Nhihihi, then let's play lots with it. But let's not be as rough to it like the last one.  That's what you always say, Shia-chan. And then you break them right away.  Nfufu, even if I want to break it myself. Oh noo, ria-chan is scary.  That's what you say, shia-chan. Anyway anyway, and it's the first time we had a human for a present. We can have so much fun with this.  Nfufu, Shia-chan and her intrigues again.  Oniisama will also be quite happy. Really seems like it. Of all things, that's what you'll get from us.  Hmm?What's going on with you?  Don't struggle that much. You can't run away. Nope, you can't just run away as you please. We'd never allow such a thing.  Ah, speaking of, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. Oh, you're right ria-chan  Where are our manners? Oniisama, I'm shia.  Oniisama, I'm ria.   Nice to meet you. You see, oniisama has become our toy.  Hmm? What do we mean by that? Hey, Ria chan, you sure this toy isn't an idiot?  Absolutely he is, how many times did we say "toy" now? You hear? Oniisama's now a pitiful creature, meant to be played by us.  So we'll be carefully mess around with you until you break. Nihi, what's that? You don't want that?  This is hopeless. He's a real idiot. We just said you are our toy! You don't want that?  You better obey us, oniisama.  Shia-chan can be quite scary when she gets angry. That's right, better cut it out. We should bringe some sense into this lowly toy. For example, teae it until it cries a fountain.  Ahh, now you made Shia-chan angry.  Keep this going, she'll tease oniisama until his head gets completely messed up and insane.  It can be dangerous when we don't forgive. Oniisama. Nhi, that's right, you should've been obedient from the get go. In that case, we could've tenderly loved you.  So there, you must swear absolute obedience to us two.  You must follow all our orders, like a good toy should do. Oniisama must devote himself to us completely. Or we'll change how we treat you in a whim.  Allright? Oniisama.  You have to do what we say, or else I'll mess you up.  Oniisama, you better watch out what we tell you next time. Aaah. This time Ria-chan is the scary one. Nihihi, that took a while.  You useless toy.  Hey? You want me to mess you up until you die? If she says sucha thing, Ria-chan definitely won't stop until you're dead. Oniisama, you better get your act together. Strunggling like that won't help you anymore.  Nfufufu, you're devoted to us now.  I got a bit carried away.  Because oniisama's good ant making me angry. Now then, with this, oniisama is our's  Nfufu, but let's make sure just in case. Nihihi.  Nfufu. Shia-sama  And Ria-sama   I have become your toy! Go on, say it.  Quickly, we wanna hear it.   Go on, do it!   Nhihihi   (NFufufufufufu) Hey hey, did you hear that? Ria-chan?  Yeah, sure did, Shia-chan. He said, Shia-sama.  And Ria-sama. Sounds nice. This toy just called his juniors "sama"! With this, we can finally do whatever we want with it.  Sure nice how we made him so desperate, but also pretty pathetic.  But oniisama said it himself, so maybe he likes it? Now then, let's play with him right away.  After all, this is our first male toy. It's strategy time.  Let's come up with an interesting game.   Good evening, Oniisama. Hey heey, have you been waiting for us?  Obviously. After all, WE're going to use him. All men like pervy playtime, don't they?  Every linging creature who has a dick would love it. Well, then let's annoucne:  What we're going to play.   Heeere we go!   The ejcaulation patience game! The subject of the game is very simple.  Even an idiot like oniisama can understand it, so no worries there. From this side, I will bully oniisan's dick.  From the other side, I will make oniisan hang on. If you cum, the cumming side wins.  If you hang on, the patience side wins.   That's super easy, right? The cumming side will touch oniisama 's dick and urge him to cum. The other side of course can also tease your dick if she feels like it.  The patience side will speak words to him that urge him not to cum. Also, the cumming side can made to stop teasing it just a bit, according to her favorite timing.  But only the dick. Eh? Well, and when does the patience side win? Is that what oniisama thinks?  Eheheheh, every time he likely to cum, I can tell you to stop. But not like you think.  That's where the game gets interesting in the first place. Nihihi.  Nfufu. What is it, you wanna know more? Hey, you wanna knoow?  Shia-chan, now what? Should we tell him? I don't think we should, Ria-chan.  For sure, Shia-chan.   Giggle giggle. However, we forgot something very important. Y'know, we both really hate losing.  Yeah, we totally hate it.  We're hardcore sore losers. That's because, if one of us loses, we'll never forgive you.  Still, we're such intimate twins, so we never fight between each others.  Instead, we'll let out our frustation on oniisama. Our anger will go all to you, oniisama.  For that, the patience side thought up a nice punishment game. It's a good diversion when shenloses.  Does the cumming side have its own punishment game? Nhihihi, nah she really doesn't.  I mean, it's impossible for the cumming side to lose. Ehh, do you want me to win?  That's on your mind? Nah.   I said don't worry about it.   Just be quiet like a good toy. Nihihi.  Nfufu. Well, good luck not making Ria-chan angry.  You hear what shia-chan said, so do be careful.   Don't make us angry. And now, the cumming side,  and the patience side, announce the game!

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